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  • Goals for 2016

    For 2016 the following are what we would like to achieve:

    • Release Version 21 for Zero, One and Two containing all the recent updates and fixes we have.
    • Release Version 21 for Three and Four - which will involve a massive amount of work to get these cores up to date.
    • Redo the server commands to make them a bit more standard and obvious.
    • Break out AHBot into its own daemon process
    • Develop a mangos update daemon, which allows the ability to apply DB content and minor updates automatically
    • Create Editors for the other xxxdocs systems (we currently only have a dbDoc Editor)
    • Normalise the character DB and remove data blob fields
    • Continue to standardise the code across the cores where its appropriate to do so. Document where it differs and why.
    • Move some hardcoded values from the core into the DB, possibly some enums as well.
    • Implement Stormlib library for Zero, One and Two and remove mlib
    • Apply the Unified Extractor to Three and Four (requires stormlib)
    • Look at removing DBC usage from the Core and change the extraction process to include importing into a DB for use by the core. Including Multiple locale support. This would facilitate the removal of stormlib / mlib from the core and only be needed by the extraction tools.
    • Finish implementing the database localisation and allow localised db content to be loaded and edited. Including a localisation editor to allow localised translations to be created/edited by users.

    As well as some of the more obvious ones:

    • Clear down reported bugs on the Project Tracker.
    • Improve the World Database with updates and corrections.
    • Improve the Wiki Documentation.
    • Include some example Eluna scripts to assist those starting out learning to script with Eluna.
    • Include some custom Eluna scripts to help showcase it's abilities.

    Finally, we would like to get into a twice yearly Release cycle of more major releases.

    MangosVB (Formerly Spurious) RoadMap for 2016

    • Add RealmDB from c++ Mangos and modifying MangosVB to be compatible with it.
    • Work out how to get MangosVB to use the standard Mangos map format.
    • Finishing warden functionality (so it can use/read signatures from DB)
    • Merge all of the changes from Zero to One and Two
    • Investigate into voice functionality for One / Two
    • Doing spells.. implementing them like stealth and getting a proper DB script system in place
    • Getting it compiled and running under unix

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