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  • Updating existing database with latest updates


    If you are using one of the development branches of Mangos then you know there are often many database updates that can happen.

    You can apply each of them by hand should you choose.
    But you can use the InstallDatabases.bat script found in the database repo to do the work for you.

    Run the script and you will see a screen like:

        __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___
       |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|   Database Setup and
       | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \
       |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/  World Loader v0.07
             Website / Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu
       Character Database :   V   - Toggle Actually Create Character DB (YES)
                              C   - Toggle Create Character DB Structure (YES)
                              B   - Apply Character DB updates (YES)
           World Database :   E   - Toggle Actually Create World DB (YES)
                              W   - Toggle Create World DB Structure (YES)
                              D   - Toggle World Type (POPULATED)
                              U   - Apply World DB updates (YES)
           Realm Database :   T   - Toggle Actually Create Realm DB (YES)
                              R   - Toggle Create Realm Db Structure (YES)
                              Y   - Apply Realm DB updates (YES)
                              L   - Toggle Add RealmList Entry (YES)
                              N   - Next Step
                              X   - Exit
    . Please select an activity ? :

    We need to switch off the creation and initial load on each of the databases.

    1. Press V [ENTER]
    2. Press C [ENTER]
    3. Press E [ENTER]
    4. Press W [ENTER]
    5. Press T [ENTER]
    6. Press R [ENTER]
    7. Press L [ENTER]

    Your screen should now look like:

        __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___
       |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|   Database Setup and
       | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \
       |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/  World Loader v0.07
             Website / Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu
       Character Database :   V   - Toggle Actually Create Character DB (NO)
                              C   - Toggle Create Character DB Structure (NO)
                              B   - Apply Character DB updates (YES)
           World Database :   E   - Toggle Actually Create World DB (NO)
                              W   - Toggle Create World DB Structure (NO)
                              U   - Apply World DB updates (YES)
           Realm Database :   T   - Toggle Actually Create Realm DB (NO)
                              R   - Toggle Create Realm Db Structure (NO)
                              Y   - Apply Realm DB updates (YES)
                              L   - Toggle Add RealmList Entry (NO)
                              N   - Next Step
                              X   - Exit
    . Please select an activity ? :

    Now press N [ENTER] and proceed exactly as you would for a normal install

    This will only apply the required updates and skip any which are already installed.

    Edited by antz

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    in my Windows 10 simple chinese version, the batch file doesn't run properly, i finally found the solution : type "chcp 437" in cmd window first, then run the batch file, then every thing works fine. 

    the cmd "chcp 437" change the code page to USA...US-EN

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