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  • quest_template

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    Description of the 'quest_template' table for MaNGOSZero

    Contains all basic definitions of quests available.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI '0'   The unique identifier of the quest template entry.
    Method tinyint(3) unsigned NO '2'   This flag decides how a quest will be handled.
    ZoneOrSort smallint(6) NO '0'   Defines the category under which a quest will be listed.
    MinLevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The lowest level allowed to accept the quest.
    QuestLevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The quest's level.
    Type smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Quest's difficulty.
    RequiredClasses smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Required classes mask.
    RequiredRaces smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Required races mask.
    RequiredSkill smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Required skill type.
    RequiredSkillValue smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Required skill value.
    RepObjectiveFaction smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Faction [See Faction.dbc].
    RepObjectiveValue mediumint(9) NO '0'   Reputation value.
    RequiredMinRepFaction smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Faction [See Faction.dbc].
    RequiredMinRepValue mediumint(9) NO '0'   Reputation value.
    RequiredMaxRepFaction smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Faction ID of required faction to have max rep with.
    RequiredMaxRepValue mediumint(9) NO '0'   The highest reputation value allowed for obtaining the quest.
    SuggestedPlayers tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Recommended number of players to complete quest.
    LimitTime int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The time limit to complete the quest.
    QuestFlags smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The quest flags give additional details on the quest type.
    SpecialFlags tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Flags used to define special behaviour.
    PrevQuestId mediumint(9) NO '0'   Quest ID of the preceding or an exisiting quest.
    NextQuestId mediumint(9) NO '0'   Quest ID of the follow-up quest [See description for more information]
    ExclusiveGroup mediumint(9) NO '0'   This allows the grouping of multiple quests [See description].
    NextQuestInChain mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Quest ID of next quest in chain.
    SrcItemId mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Item ID of an item that the charcter starts the quest with.
    SrcItemCount tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Total number of items (SrcItemId) the character starts off with
    SrcSpell mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of the spell cast on the character on acceptance of the quest.
    Title text YES 'NULL'   The title of the quest.
    Details text YES 'NULL'   The quest text.
    Objectives text YES 'NULL'   The quest's objective in text form.
    OfferRewardText text YES 'NULL'   The text sent to a character when talking to the quest giver.
    RequestItemsText text YES 'NULL'   The text sent to a character when talking to a quest giver.
    EndText text YES 'NULL'   See description in the lower half of the page.
    ObjectiveText1 text YES 'NULL'   Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.
    ObjectiveText2 text YES 'NULL'   Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.
    ObjectiveText3 text YES 'NULL'   Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.
    ObjectiveText4 text YES 'NULL'   Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.
    ReqItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of an item required for quest completion.
    ReqItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of an item required for quest completion.
    ReqItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of an item required for quest completion.
    ReqItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of an item required for quest completion.
    ReqItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Amount of items (ReqItemId1) needed to complete the quest.
    ReqItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Amount of items (ReqItemId2) needed to complete the quest.
    ReqItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Amount of items (ReqItemId3) needed to complete the quest
    ReqItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Amount of items (ReqItemId4) needed to complete the quest.
    ReqSourceId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of the item required for making quest items
    ReqSourceId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of the item required for making quest items
    ReqSourceId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of the item required for making quest items
    ReqSourceId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template ID of the item required for making quest items
    ReqSourceCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   If ReqSourceId1 is set, set this to the amount of required items.
    ReqSourceCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   If ReqSourceId2 is set, set this to the amount of required items.
    ReqSourceCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   If ReqSourceId3 is set, set this to the amount of required items.
    ReqSourceCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   If ReqSourceId4 is set, set this to the amount of required items.
    ReqCreatureOrGOId1 mediumint(9) NO '0'   ID of required creature or game object.
    ReqCreatureOrGOId2 mediumint(9) NO '0'   ID of required creature or game object.
    ReqCreatureOrGOId3 mediumint(9) NO '0'   ID of required creature or game object.
    ReqCreatureOrGOId4 mediumint(9) NO '0'   ID of required creature or game object.
    ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.
    ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.
    ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.
    ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.
    ReqSpellCast1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of the spell that must be cast for the quest.
    ReqSpellCast2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of the spell that must be cast for the quest.
    ReqSpellCast3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of the spell that must be cast for the quest.
    ReqSpellCast4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of the spell that must be cast for the quest.
    RewChoiceItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemId5 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemId6 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of one possible reward.
    RewChoiceItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewChoiceItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewChoiceItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewChoiceItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewChoiceItemCount5 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewChoiceItemCount6 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.
    RewItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of the reward.
    RewItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of the reward.
    RewItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of the reward.
    RewItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   item_template Entry ID of the reward.
    RewItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the amount if items to be rewarded.
    RewItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the amount if items to be rewarded.
    RewItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the amount if items to be rewarded.
    RewItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the amount if items to be rewarded.
    RewRepFaction1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This is the faction ID of the faction whose rep is to be a reward.
    RewRepFaction2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This is the faction ID of the faction whose rep is to be a reward.
    RewRepFaction3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This is the faction ID of the faction whose rep is to be a reward.
    RewRepFaction4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This is the faction ID of the faction whose rep is to be a reward.
    RewRepFaction5 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This is the faction ID of the faction whose rep is to be a reward.
    RewRepValue1 mediumint(9) NO '0'   This defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.
    RewRepValue2 mediumint(9) NO '0'   This defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.
    RewRepValue3 mediumint(9) NO '0'   This defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.
    RewRepValue4 mediumint(9) NO '0'   This defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.
    RewRepValue5 mediumint(9) NO '0'   This defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.
    RewOrReqMoney int(11) NO '0'   Required money for starting the quest, or award money for completing the quest.
    RewMoneyMaxLevel int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The amount of experience or money to be rewarded.
    RewSpell mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of spell to be cast as a reward.
    RewSpellCast mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Spell ID of additional spell to be cast, different to RewSpell.
    RewMailTemplateId mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   mail_loot_template Entry ID of mail to be sent as a reward.
    RewMailDelaySecs int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to wait before sending the reward mail.
    PointMapId smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   A location (POI) to be highlighted on the map while the quest is active.
    PointX float NO '0'   X coordinate of quest POI.
    PointY float NO '0'   Y coordinate of quest POI.
    PointOpt mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'    
    DetailsEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emote to be shown upon displaying quest details.
    DetailsEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emote to be shown upon displaying quest details.
    DetailsEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emote to be shown upon displaying quest details.
    DetailsEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emote to be shown upon displaying quest details.
    DetailsEmoteDelay1 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay the emote.
    DetailsEmoteDelay2 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay the emote.
    DetailsEmoteDelay3 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay the emote.
    DetailsEmoteDelay4 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay the emote.
    IncompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.
    CompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.
    OfferRewardEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Emotes.dbc ID of emote to be shown on quest completion.
    OfferRewardEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Emotes.dbc ID of emote to be shown on quest completion.
    OfferRewardEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Emotes.dbc ID of emote to be shown on quest completion.
    OfferRewardEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   Emotes.dbc ID of emote to be shown on quest completion.
    OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned.
    OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned.
    OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned.
    OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned.
    StartScript mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   dbscripts_on_quest_start Entry ID of the script to be run at quest start.
    CompleteScript mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   dbscripts_on_quest_start Entry ID of the script to be run at quest end.

    Description of the fields

    entry mediumint(8) unsigned

    The unique identifier of the quest template entry.

    Method tinyint(3) unsigned

    This flag decides how a quest will be handled.
    Allowed values: 0 autocompleted, 1 disabled, 2 usual handling.

    ZoneOrSort smallint(6)

    Defines the category under which a quest will be listed in the in-game quest log. Depending on the sign of the value different category sources will be used. * If the value is > 0, the value references an entry from AreaTable.dbc. * If the value is < 0, the value references an entry from QuestSort.dbc. This is usually the case for class or skill related quests.

    MinLevel tinyint(3) unsigned

    The lowest level allowed to accept the quest.

    QuestLevel tinyint(3) unsigned

    The quest's level. Depending on the quest's level, the experience rewarded for the quest will be awarded. *If a character's level is <= QuestLevel+5, full experience will be given. *If QuestLevel is set to -1, the character's level will be used as QuestLevel.

    Type smallint(5) unsigned

    Classifies a quest's difficulty. This references an entry from QuestInfo.dbc [See QuestInfo.dbc]. The following table lists allowed values:

    Type Value Meaning
    QUEST_TYPE_ELITE 1 Killing an elite mob.
    QUEST_TYPE_LIFE 21 Character should not die during the quest.
    QUEST_TYPE_PVP 41 Killing other characters or PvP flagged NPCs.
    QUEST_TYPE_RAID 62 Completable in raid only.
    QUEST_TYPE_DUNGEON 81 Dungeon-related.
    QUEST_TYPE_WORLD_EVENT 82 Calendar event related.
    QUEST_TYPE_LEGENDARY 83 Unique and complex.
    QUEST_TYPE_ESCORT 84 (Escort quest is not listed in QuestInfo.dbc.)

    RequiredClasses smallint(5) unsigned

    Bitmask of the classes which may obtain the quest (any if 0).

    Class Value (hex) Value (dec)
    CLASS_HUNTER 0x4 4
    CLASS_ROGUE 0x8 8
    CLASS_PRIEST 0x10 16
    CLASS_SHAMAN 0x40 64
    CLASS_MAGE 0x80 128
    CLASS_WARLOCK 0x100 256
    CLASS_DRUID 0x400 1024

    RequiredRaces smallint(5) unsigned

    Mask of the races which may obtain the quest (any if 0).

    Race Mask Value (hex) Mask Value (dec) First Expansion Available
    Human 0x1 1 Classic
    Orc 0x2 2 Classic
    Dwarf 0x4 4 Classic
    Night Elf 0x8 8 Classic
    Undead 0x10 16 Classic
    Tauren 0x20 32 Classic
    Gnome 0x40 64 Classic
    Troll 0x80 128 Classic
    Goblin 0x100 256 Classic
    Blood Elf 0x200 512 TBC
    Dranei 0x400 1024 TBC
    Fel Orc 0x800 2048 TBC
    Naga 0x1000 4096 TBC
    Broken 0x2000 8192 TBC
    Skeleton 0x4000 16384 TBC
    Vrykul 0x8000 32768 WotLK
    Turkarr 0x10000 65536 WotLK
    Forest Troll 0x20000 131072 WotLK
    Taunka 0x40000 262144 WotLK
    Northrend Skeleton 0x80000 524288 WotLK
    Ice Troll 0x100000 1048576 WotLK
    Worgen 0x200000 2097152 Cata

    RequiredSkill smallint(5) unsigned

    Skill type required from character to obtain the quest.

    Skill name Value
    SKILL_2H_MACES 160
    SKILL_2H_AXES 172
    SKILL_FURY 256
    SKILL_MAIL 413
    SKILL_HOLY2 594

    RequiredSkillValue smallint(5) unsigned

    Required value of the skill allowing character to obtain the quest.

    RepObjectiveFaction smallint(5) unsigned

    Faction [See Faction.dbc] to which the character should have a given reputation for completing the quest.

    RepObjectiveValue mediumint(9)

    The value of the reputation the character should have to a given faction for completing the quest.

    RequiredMinRepFaction smallint(5) unsigned

    The faction [See Faction.dbc] to which the character should have a given reputation value (not below) for obtaining the quest.

    RequiredMinRepValue mediumint(9)

    The reputation value that should not be above the character standing in order to obtain teh quest.

    RequiredMaxRepFaction smallint(5) unsigned

    If a quest is obtainable if the character has a specific maximum reputation with a faction, this value is set to a faction identifier, referencing an entry from the Faction.dbc table.

    RequiredMaxRepValue mediumint(9)

    If RequiredManRepFaction is defined, this value specifies the highest reputation value allowed for obtaining the quest.

    SuggestedPlayers tinyint(3) unsigned

    If a quest would require more characters to cooperate for completing the quest - when the characters are in a valid level range - this value may be set to the amount of characters recommended to group up for completing the quest.

    LimitTime int(10) unsigned

    Setting this to a value in seconds will put a time limit on a quest, ticking from the moment a quest was accepted.

    QuestFlags smallint(5) unsigned

    The quest flags give additional details on the quest type. Flags set here will determine mostly grouping behaviour. Multiple flags may be combined.

    The following table list known flags.

    Value Name Description
    0 QUEST_FLAGS_NONE Nothing special going on.
    1 QUEST_FLAGS_STAY_ALIVE If the character dies, the quest will fail
    2 QUEST_FLAGS_PARTY_ACCEPT If the character is grouped, all players that can accept this quest will receive confirmation box to accept quest
    4 QUEST_FLAGS_EXPLORATION Quest requires the character to explore a zone
    8 QUEST_FLAGS_SHARABLE Quest may be shared with other characters
    16 QUEST_FLAGS_UNUSED1 Not used by any quest.
    32 QUEST_FLAGS_EPIC Epic class quests?
    64 QUEST_FLAGS_RAID Raid quests.
    128 QUEST_FLAGS_UNUSED2 Not used by any quest.
    256 QUEST_FLAGS_UNK2 Not used currently: DELIVERMORE Quest needs more than normal q-item drops from mobs
    1024 QUEST_FLAGS_AUTO_REWARDED These quests are automatically rewarded on quest complete and they will never appear in quest log client side.

    Not all quest flags are currently supported by the core.

    SpecialFlags tinyint(3) unsigned

    If quests need any special behaviour, these flags can be used to allow for it. Multiple special flags may be combined.

    Currently the following special cases are available.

    Value Description
    0 Nothing special going on.
    1 The quest is repeatable.
    2 Quest requires exploration or an event, handled by the script library.

    PrevQuestId mediumint(9)

    This points to a "quest_template" table being a previous requirement. Depending on the signedness of the value, different requirements are set.

    If the value is > 0, the given quest needs to be completed prior to getting this quest.
    If the value is < 0, the given quest has to be active in the quest log to get this quest.

    NextQuestId mediumint(9)

    This points to a "quest_template" table being a follow-up. Depending on the signedness of the value, different requirements are set.

    If the value is > 0, this contains the quest identifier of the next quest, if setting the previous quest identifier on it is not sufficient.
    If the value is < 0, this contains a quest identifier for quests where multiple follow-ups are possible. Previous quest identifier can be set to this quest identifier, too.

    ExclusiveGroup mediumint(9)

    Allows to group multiple quests into a group, where only one quest can be completed from, or all quests need to be completed.

    If the value is > 0, all quests having this value set, will be put into a group of which only one quest may be completed to get this quest.
    If the value is < 0, all quests having this value set, will be put into a group of which all quests have to be completed to get this quest.

    NextQuestInChain mediumint(8) unsigned

    If ending a quest should immediately start a new quest set this to a quest identifier referencing the "quest_template" table.

    SrcItemId mediumint(8) unsigned

    If starting a quest should give items to the character, set this field to an item identifier referencing the "item_template" table.

    SrcItemCount tinyint(3) unsigned

    If SrcItemId is set, this can be set to the amount of item copies to give to the character.

    SrcSpell mediumint(8) unsigned

    If a spell should be casted on a character upon starting the quest, set this to a spell identifier referencing the Spell.dbc table.

    Title text

    The title of the quest.

    Details text

    The quest text, supporting a few variables to insert character related data into the quest's text.

    Value Description
    %S Creature Name
    $A Achievement
    $B Carriage Return
    $C Character Class
    $GmaleText:FemaleText; Gender Text - See Below
    $N Character Name
    $R Character Race
    $T Character Title (Wotlk and above)
    $G Example:
    Such a generous $G man:woman;, you will go far
    The order male:female needs to be kept

    Objectives text

    The quest's objective in text form. If the quest should auto-complete, leave this empty.

    OfferRewardText text

    The text sent to a character when talking to the quest giver, and having completed the quest. Variables are supported.

    Varible Placeholders:

    Value Description
    $B Line break
    $N Character name
    $R Character race
    $C Character class
    $G m:f Inserts string based on character gender. Example: Such a generous $G man:woman. The order male:female needs to be kept.

    RequestItemsText text

    The text sent to a character when talking to a quest giver, and not missing to fulfill the quest's requirements. Variables are supported.

    Value Description
    $B Line break
    $N Character name
    $R Character race
    $C Character class
    $G m:f Inserts string based on character gender. Example: Such a generous $G man:woman. The order male:female needs to be kept.

    EndText text

    If the quest's SpecialFlag requires an action validated by the script library this text will be sent to the character.

    ObjectiveText1 text

    Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.

    ObjectiveText2 text

    Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.

    ObjectiveText3 text

    Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.

    ObjectiveText4 text

    Set to a text string, to show up as requirement in the quest log entry.

    ReqItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If set to an item identifier, this references an entry in the "item_template" table which is required to complete the quest.

    ReqItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If set to an item identifier, this references an entry in the "item_template" table which is required to complete the quest.

    ReqItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If set to an item identifier, this references an entry in the "item_template" table which is required to complete the quest.

    ReqItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If set to an item identifier, this references an entry in the "item_template" table which is required to complete the quest.

    ReqItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqItemId1 is set, this defines the amount of items needed to complete the quest.

    ReqItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqItemId2 is set, this defines the amount of items needed to complete the quest.

    ReqItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqItemId3 is set, this defines the amount of items needed to complete the quest.

    ReqItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqItemId4 is set, this defines the amount of items needed to complete the quest.

    ReqSourceId1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest requires items created by using another item, set this to an item identifier, referencing the creating items entry in the "item_template" table.

    This is required to decide if these items should be included in loot or not.

    ReqSourceId2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest requires items created by using another item, set this to an item identifier, referencing the creating items entry in the "item_template" table.

    This is required to decide if these items should be included in loot or not.

    ReqSourceId3 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest requires items created by using another item, set this to an item identifier, referencing the creating items entry in the "item_template" table.

    This is required to decide if these items should be included in loot or not.

    ReqSourceId4 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest requires items created by using another item, set this to an item identifier, referencing the creating items entry in the "item_template" table.

    This is required to decide if these items should be included in loot or not.

    ReqSourceCount1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqSourceId1 is set, set this to the amount of required items.

    ReqSourceCount2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqSourceId2 is set, set this to the amount of required items.

    ReqSourceCount3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqSourceId3 is set, set this to the amount of required items.

    ReqSourceCount4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If ReqSourceId4 is set, set this to the amount of required items.

    ReqCreatureOrGOId1 mediumint(9)

    If the quest targets creatures or game objects, this references their unique identifier.

    If the value is > 0, this references an entry in the "creature_template" table.
    If the value is < 0, this references an entry in the "gameobject_template" table.

    ReqCreatureOrGOId2 mediumint(9)

    If the quest targets creatures or game objects, this references their unique identifier.

    If the value is > 0, this references an entry in the "creature_template" table.
    If the value is < 0, this references an entry in the "gameobject_template" table.

    ReqCreatureOrGOId3 mediumint(9)

    If the quest targets creatures or game objects, this references their unique identifier.

    If the value is > 0, this references an entry in the "creature_template" table.
    If the value is < 0, this references an entry in the "gameobject_template" table.

    ReqCreatureOrGOId4 mediumint(9)

    If the quest targets creatures or game objects, this references their unique identifier.

    If the value is > 0, this references an entry in the "creature_template" table.
    If the value is < 0, this references an entry in the "gameobject_template" table.

    ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 smallint(5) unsigned

    The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.

    ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 smallint(5) unsigned

    The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.

    ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 smallint(5) unsigned

    The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.

    ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 smallint(5) unsigned

    The amount of creatures or game objects required for the quest.

    ReqSpellCast1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Set to an entry referencing an entry from Spell.dbc table to require a spell to be cast. Spells usually need a target identifier set in the ReqCreatureOrGOId1.

    If a spell has an effect to send and event or signal quest completion, targets do not have to be set.

    ReqSpellCast2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Set to an entry referencing an entry from Spell.dbc table to require a spell to be cast. Spells usually need a target identifier set in the ReqCreatureOrGOId2.

    If a spell has an effect to send and event or signal quest completion, targets do not have to be set.

    ReqSpellCast3 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Set to an entry referencing an entry from Spell.dbc table to require a spell to be cast. Spells usually need a target identifier set in the ReqCreatureOrGOId3.

    If a spell has an effect to send and event or signal quest completion, targets do not have to be set.

    ReqSpellCast4 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Set to an entry referencing an entry from Spell.dbc table to require a spell to be cast. Spells usually need a target identifier set in the ReqCreatureOrGOId4.

    If a spell has an effect to send and event or signal quest completion, targets do not have to be set.

    RewChoiceItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemId5 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemId6 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest allows to choose between multiple items as a reward, this field contains an item identifier of one of the possible rewards, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewChoiceItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId1 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewChoiceItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId2 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewChoiceItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId3 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewChoiceItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId4 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewChoiceItemCount5 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId5 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewChoiceItemCount6 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewChoiceItemId6 contains an item identifier, this defines the number of charges available for the rewarded item.

    RewItemId1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest rewards items without any choice, this contains an item identifier, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewItemId2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest rewards items without any choice, this contains an item identifier, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewItemId3 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest rewards items without any choice, this contains an item identifier, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewItemId4 mediumint(8) unsigned

    If the quest rewards items without any choice, this contains an item identifier, referencing the item's entry in the "item_template" table.

    RewItemCount1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewItemId1 contains an item identifier, this defines the amount if items to be rewarded.

    RewItemCount2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewItemId2 contains an item identifier, this defines the amount if items to be rewarded.

    RewItemCount3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewItemId3 contains an item identifier, this defines the amount if items to be rewarded.

    RewItemCount4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If RewItemId4 contains an item identifier, this defines the amount if items to be rewarded.

    RewRepFaction1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If the quest should reward reputation towards a faction, this references a faction identifier from the Faction.dbc table.

    This is intended to reward extra reputation. Normal reputation is awarded automatically by the server.

    RewRepFaction2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If the quest should reward reputation towards a faction, this references a faction identifier from the Faction.dbc table.

    This is intended to reward extra reputation. Normal reputation is awarded automatically by the server.

    RewRepFaction3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If the quest should reward reputation towards a faction, this references a faction identifier from the Faction.dbc table.

    This is intended to reward extra reputation. Normal reputation is awarded automatically by the server.

    RewRepFaction4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If the quest should reward reputation towards a faction, this references a faction identifier from the Faction.dbc table.

    This is intended to reward extra reputation. Normal reputation is awarded automatically by the server.

    RewRepFaction5 smallint(5) unsigned

    If the quest should reward reputation towards a faction, this references a faction identifier from the Faction.dbc table.

    This is intended to reward extra reputation. Normal reputation is awarded automatically by the server.

    RewRepValue1 mediumint(9)

    If RewRepFaction1 references a faction, this defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.

    RewRepValue2 mediumint(9)

    If RewRepFaction2 references a faction, this defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.

    RewRepValue3 mediumint(9)

    If RewRepFaction3 references a faction, this defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.

    RewRepValue4 mediumint(9)

    If RewRepFaction4 references a faction, this defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.

    RewRepValue5 mediumint(9)

    If RewRepFaction5 references a faction, this defines the amount of reputation gain or loss for the referenced faction.

    RewOrReqMoney int(11)

    This field can be used to either require money for starting the quest, or award money for completing the quest.

    If set to a value > 0, the quest will reward money upon completion
    If set to a value < 0, the quest will require money to accept it.

    RewMoneyMaxLevel int(10) unsigned

    The value of this field decides how much experience or money (at level 60) a quest will reward.

    Experience is calculated as follows: RewMoneyMaxLevel / 0.6

    RewSpell mediumint(8) unsigned

    If a spell should be shown as being casted as quest reward, set this to a spell identifier referencing the Spell.dbc table.

    If RewSpellCast is set, this spell will only be shown, but not cast.

    RewSpellCast mediumint(8) unsigned

    If a spell should be cast as a quest reward different from the spell shown as quest reward, set this to a spell identifier referencing the Spell.dbc table.

    RewMailTemplateId mediumint(8) unsigned

    If upon completion a quest should send out mail, this can be set to reference a mail template identifier in the MailTemplate.dbc table.

    RewMailDelaySecs int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to wait before sending the reward mail.

    PointMapId smallint(5) unsigned

    References an entry in the points_of_interest (POI) table, if it should be shown while the quest is active.

    PointX float

    If a point of interest should be shown while the quest is active, this will contain the X coordinate.

    PointY float

    If a point of interest should be shown while the quest is active, this will contain the Y coordinate.

    PointOpt mediumint(8) unsigned

    DetailsEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying quest details, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    DetailsEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying quest details, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    DetailsEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying quest details, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    DetailsEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying quest details, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    DetailsEmoteDelay1 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay the emote, if one is referenced in the DetailsEmote1 column.

    DetailsEmoteDelay2 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay the emote, if one is referenced in the DetailsEmote2 column.

    DetailsEmoteDelay3 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay the emote, if one is referenced in the DetailsEmote3 column.

    DetailsEmoteDelay4 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay the emote, if one is referenced in the DetailsEmote4 column.

    IncompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying the incomplete quest text, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    CompleteEmote smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying the quest completion text, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    OfferRewardEmote1 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying rewarding the quest, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    OfferRewardEmote2 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying rewarding the quest, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    OfferRewardEmote3 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying rewarding the quest, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    OfferRewardEmote4 smallint(5) unsigned

    If an emote should be shown upon displaying rewarding the quest, this references the emotes identifier in the Emotes.dbc table.

    OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned, if one is referenced in the OfferRewardEmote1 column.

    OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned, if one is referenced in the OfferRewardEmote2 column.

    OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned, if one is referenced in the OfferRewardEmote3 column.

    OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 int(11) unsigned

    The number of seconds to delay before the emote is actioned, if one is referenced in the OfferRewardEmote4 column.

    StartScript mediumint(8) unsigned

    If a script should be executed on quest start, this references an entry in the "db_scripts" table with a type of 0 to form a unique key.

    CompleteScript mediumint(8) unsigned

    If a script should be executed on quest end, this references an entry in the "db_scripts" table with a type of 1 to form a unique key.

    Table Contents

      2  247  30  Sharptalon's Claw
      5  0  20  Jitters' Growling Gut
      6  0  5  Bounty on Garrick Padfoot
      7  0  2  Kobold Camp Cleanup
      8  0  5  A Rogue's Deal
      9  0  15  The Killing Fields
      10  0  48  The Scrimshank Redemption
      11  0  10  Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty
      12  0  12  The People's Militia
      13  0  14  The People's Militia
      14  0  17  The People's Militia
      15  0  3  Investigate Echo Ridge
      16  0  1  Give Gerard a Drink
      17  0  42  Uldaman Reagent Run
      18  0  4  Brotherhood of Thieves
      19  0  25  Tharil'zun
      20  0  21  Blackrock Menace
      21  0  5  Skirmish at Echo Ridge
      22  0  12  Goretusk Liver Pie
      23  247  24  Ursangous's Paw
      24  247  27  Shadumbra's Head
      25  0  25  Stonetalon Standstill
      26  0  16  A Lesson to Learn
      27  0  16  A Lesson to Learn
      28  0  16  Trial of the Lake
      29  0  16  Trial of the Lake
      30  0  16  Trial of the Sea Lion
      31  0  16  Aquatic Form
      32  0  48  Rise of the Silithid
      33  0  2  Wolves Across the Border
      34  0  24  An Unwelcome Guest
      35  0  10  Further Concerns
      36  0  10  Westfall Stew
      37  0  10  Find the Lost Guards
      38  0  13  Westfall Stew
      39  0  10  Deliver Thomas' Report
      40  0  10  A Fishy Peril
      45  0  10  Discover Rolf's Fate
      46  0  10  Bounty on Murlocs
      47  0  7  Gold Dust Exchange
      48  0  44  Sweet Amber
      49  0  44  Sweet Amber
      50  0  44  Sweet Amber
      51  0  44  Sweet Amber
      52  0  10  Protect the Frontier
      53  0  44  Sweet Amber
      54  0  5  Report to Goldshire
      55  0  32  Morbent Fel
      56  0  24  The Night Watch
      57  0  26  The Night Watch
      58  0  30  The Night Watch
      59  0  10  Cloth and Leather Armor
      60  0  7  Kobold Candles
      61  0  7  Shipment to Stormwind
      62  0  7  The Fargodeep Mine
      63  0  23  Call of Water
      64  0  12  The Forgotten Heirloom
      65  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      66  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      67  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      68  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      69  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      70  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      71  0  10  Report to Thomas
      72  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      74  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      75  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      76  0  10  The Jasperlode Mine
      77  0  48  A Sticky Situation
      78  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      79  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      80  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      81  0  48  Ripple Delivery
      82  0  47  Noxious Lair Investigation
      83  0  9  Red Linen Goods
      84  0  6  Back to Billy
      85  0  6  Lost Necklace
      86  0  6  Pie for Billy
      87  0  8  Goldtooth
      88  0  9  Princess Must Die!
      89  0  20  The Everstill Bridge
      90  0  25  Seasoned Wolf Kabobs
      91  0  23  Solomon's Law
      92  0  18  Redridge Goulash
      93  0  20  Dusky Crab Cakes
      94  0  21  A Watchful Eye
      95  0  25  Sven's Revenge
      96  0  23  Call of Water
      97  0  28  The Legend of Stalvan
      98  0  35  The Legend of Stalvan
      99  0  15  Arugal's Folly
      100  0  23  Call of Water
      101  0  25  The Totem of Infliction
      102  0  14  Patrolling Westfall
      103  0  16  Keeper of the Flame
      104  0  20  The Coastal Menace
      105  0  60  Alas, Andorhal
      106  0  6  Young Lovers
      107  0  6  Note to William
      109  0  10  Report to Gryan Stoutmantle
      110  0  48  Insect Part Analysis
      111  0  6  Speak with Gramma
      112  114  7  Collecting Kelp
      113  0  48  Insect Part Analysis
      114  0  7  The Escape
      115  0  23  Shadow Magic
      116  0  15  Dry Times
      117  0  15  Thunderbrew Lager
      118  0  18  The Price of Shoes
      119  0  18  Return to Verner
      120  0  14  Messenger to Stormwind
      121  0  14  Messenger to Stormwind
      122  0  18  Underbelly Scales
      123  0  10  The Collector
      124  0  20  A Baying of Gnolls
      125  0  16  The Lost Tools
      126  0  25  Howling in the Hills
      127  0  21  Selling Fish
      128  0  25  Blackrock Bounty
      129  0  15  A Free Lunch
      130  0  15  Visit the Herbalist
      131  0  15  Delivering Daffodils
      132  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      133  0  27  Ghoulish Effigy
      134  0  30  Ogre Thieves
      135  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      136  0  16  Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure
      138  0  16  Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure
      139  0  16  Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure
      140  0  16  Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure
      141  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      142  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      143  0  14  Messenger to Westfall
      144  0  14  Messenger to Westfall
      145  0  18  Messenger to Darkshire
      146  0  18  Messenger to Darkshire
      147  0  10  Manhunt
      148  0  24  Supplies from Darkshire
      149  0  24  Ghost Hair Thread
      150  0  20  Murloc Poachers
      151  0  14  Poor Old Blanchy
      152  0  19  The Coast Isn't Clear
      153  0  15  Red Leather Bandanas
      154  0  24  Return the Comb
      155  0  18  The Defias Brotherhood
      156  0  24  Gather Rot Blossoms
      157  0  24  Deliver the Thread
      158  0  24  Zombie Juice
      159  0  24  Juice Delivery
      160  0  30  Note to the Mayor
      161  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      162  0  49  Rise of the Silithid
      163  0  20  Raven Hill
      164  0  23  Deliveries to Sven
      165  0  25  The Hermit
      166  0  22  The Defias Brotherhood
      167  0  20  Oh Brother. . .
      168  0  18  Collecting Memories
      169  0  26  Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg
      170  0  2  A New Threat
      171  0  60  A Warden of the Alliance
      172  0  60  Children's Week
      173  0  28  Worgen in the Woods
      174  0  25  Look To The Stars
      175  0  25  Look To The Stars
      176  0  11  Wanted: "Hogger"
      177  0  25  Look To The Stars
      178  0  23  Theocritus' Retrieval
      179  0  1  Dwarven Outfitters
      180  0  26  Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore
      181  0  30  Look To The Stars
      182  0  4  The Troll Cave
      183  0  3  The Boar Hunter
      184  0  9  Furlbrow's Deed
      185  0  31  Tiger Mastery
      186  0  33  Tiger Mastery
      187  0  35  Tiger Mastery
      188  208  37  Tiger Mastery
      189  0  35  Bloodscalp Ears
      190  0  31  Panther Mastery
      191  0  33  Panther Mastery
      192  0  38  Panther Mastery
      193  208  40  Panther Mastery
      194  0  34  Raptor Mastery
      195  0  36  Raptor Mastery
      196  0  41  Raptor Mastery
      197  208  43  Raptor Mastery
      198  0  32  Supplies to Private Thorsen
      199  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      200  0  35  Bookie Herod
      201  0  32  Investigate the Camp
      202  0  40  Colonel Kurzen
      203  574  33  The Second Rebellion
      204  574  34  Bad Medicine
      205  0  40  Troll Witchery
      206  0  46  Mai'Zoth
      207  0  38  Kurzen's Mystery
      208  0  43  Big Game Hunter
      209  0  42  Skullsplitter Tusks
      210  0  37  Krazek's Cookery
      211  0  60  Alas, Andorhal
      212  0  40  A Meal Served Cold
      213  0  36  Hostile Takeover
      214  0  17  Red Silk Bandanas
      215  0  33  Jungle Secrets
      216  0  24  Between a Rock and a Thistlefur
      217  0  17  In Defense of the King's Lands
      218  0  5  The Stolen Journal
      219  0  25  Missing In Action
      220  0  23  Call of Water
      221  0  29  Worgen in the Woods
      222  0  31  Worgen in the Woods
      223  0  31  Worgen in the Woods
      224  0  12  In Defense of the King's Lands
      225  0  35  The Weathered Grave
      226  0  21  Wolves at Our Heels
      227  0  35  Morgan Ladimore
      228  0  35  Mor'Ladim
      229  0  35  The Daughter Who Lived
      230  0  25  Sven's Camp
      231  0  35  A Daughter's Love
      232  0  45  Errand for Apothecary Zinge
      233  0  3  Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
      234  0  4  Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
      235  6383  20  The Ashenvale Hunt
      236  0  60  Watcher Callahan
      237  0  15  In Defense of the King's Lands
      238  0  45  Errand for Apothecary Zinge
      239  0  10  Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!
      240  0  20  Return to Jitters
      243  0  46  Into the Field
      244  0  16  Encroaching Gnolls
      245  0  21  Eight-Legged Menaces
      246  0  17  Assessing the Threat
      247  0  30  The Hunt Completed
      248  0  22  Looking Further
      249  0  27  Morganth
      250  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      251  0  30  Translate Abercrombie's Note
      252  0  30  Translation to Ello
      253  0  30  Bride of the Embalmer
      254  0  35  Digging Through the Dirt
      255  0  19  Mercenaries
      256  0  22  WANTED: Chok'sul
      257  0  16  A Hunter's Boast
      258  0  17  A Hunter's Challenge
      261  0  39  Down the Scarlet Path
      262  0  25  The Shadowy Figure
      263  0  15  In Defense of the King's Lands
      264  0  15  Until Death Do Us Part
      265  0  25  The Shadowy Search Continues
      266  0  25  Inquire at the Inn
      267  0  12  The Trogg Threat
      268  0  25  Return to Sven
      269  0  29  Seeking Wisdom
      270  0  29  The Doomed Fleet
      271  0  20  Vyrin's Revenge
      272  0  16  Trial of the Sea Lion
      273  0  15  Resupplying the Excavation
      274  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      275  0  26  Blisters on The Land
      276  0  21  Tramping Paws
      277  0  23  Fire Taboo
      278  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      279  0  22  Claws from the Deep
      280  0  18  A Dark Threat Looms
      281  0  25  Reclaiming Goods
      282  0  5  Senir's Observations
      283  0  20  A Dark Threat Looms
      284  0  25  The Search Continues
      285  0  25  Search More Hovels
      286  0  25  Return the Statuette
      287  0  9  Frostmane Hold
      288  0  27  The Third Fleet
      289  0  29  The Cursed Crew
      290  0  30  Lifting the Curse
      291  0  10  The Reports
      292  0  30  The Eye of Paleth
      293  0  30  Cleansing the Eye
      294  0  24  Ormer's Revenge
      295  0  27  Ormer's Revenge
      296  0  29  Ormer's Revenge
      297  0  18  Gathering Idols
      298  0  15  Excavation Progress Report
      299  0  28  Uncovering the Past
      301  0  15  Report to Ironforge
      302  0  15  Powder to Ironband
      303  0  30  The Dark Iron War
      304  0  34  A Grim Task
      305  0  24  In Search of The Excavation Team
      306  0  24  In Search of The Excavation Team
      307  0  15  Filthy Paws
      308  0  7  Distracting Jarven
      309  0  15  Protecting the Shipment
      310  0  6  Bitter Rivals
      311  0  7  Return to Marleth
      312  0  12  Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash
      313  0  7  The Grizzled Den
      314  0  12  Protecting the Herd
      315  0  9  The Perfect Stout
      317  0  6  Stocking Jetsteam
      318  0  7  Evershine
      319  0  8  A Favor for Evershine
      320  0  8  Return to Bellowfiz
      321  0  29  Lightforge Iron
      322  0  29  Blessed Arm
      323  0  28  Proving Your Worth
      324  0  29  The Lost Ingots
      325  0  29  Armed and Ready
      328  0  37  The Hidden Key
      329  0  37  The Spy Revealed!
      330  0  37  Patrol Schedules
      331  0  37  Report to Doren
      332  0  2  Wine Shop Advert
      333  0  2  Harlan Needs a Resupply
      334  0  2  Package for Thurman
      335  0  30  A Noble Brew
      336  0  30  A Noble Brew
      337  0  25  An Old History Book
      338  0  40  The Green Hills of Stranglethorn
      339  0  40  Chapter I
      340  0  40  Chapter II
      341  0  40  Chapter III
      342  0  40  Chapter IV
      343  0  24  Speaking of Fortitude
      344  0  24  Brother Paxton
      345  0  24  Ink Supplies
      346  0  24  Return to Kristoff
      347  0  24  Rethban Ore
      348  0  45  Stranglethorn Fever
      349  0  45  Stranglethorn Fever
      350  0  31  Look to an Old Friend
      351  0  48  Find OOX-17/TN!
      353  0  15  Stormpike's Delivery
      354  0  11  Deaths in the Family
      355  0  10  Speak with Sevren
      356  0  11  Rear Guard Patrol
      357  0  8  The Lich's Identity
      358  0  8  Graverobbers
      359  0  9  Forsaken Duties
      360  0  9  Return to the Magistrate
      361  0  7  A Letter Undelivered
      362  0  10  The Haunted Mills
      363  0  1  Rude Awakening
      364  0  2  The Mindless Ones
      365  0  7  Fields of Grief
      366  0  8  Return the Book
      367  0  6  A New Plague
      368  0  9  A New Plague
      369  0  11  A New Plague
      370  0  9  At War With The Scarlet Crusade
      371  0  10  At War With The Scarlet Crusade
      372  0  12  At War With The Scarlet Crusade
      373  0  22  The Unsent Letter
      374  0  7  Proof of Demise
      375  0  8  The Chill of Death
      376  0  2  The Damned
      377  0  26  Crime and Punishment
      378  0  27  The Fury Runs Deep
      379  0  46  Slake That Thirst
      380  0  4  Night Web's Hollow
      381  0  4  The Scarlet Crusade
      382  0  5  The Red Messenger
      383  0  5  Vital Intelligence
      384  0  7  Beer Basted Boar Ribs
      385  0  15  Crocolisk Hunting
      386  0  25  What Comes Around...
      387  0  26  Quell The Uprising
      388  0  26  The Color of Blood
      389  0  22  Bazil Thredd
      391  0  29  The Stockade Riots
      392  0  29  The Curious Visitor
      393  0  29  Shadow of the Past
      394  0  31  The Head of the Beast
      395  0  31  Brotherhood's End
      396  0  31  An Audience with the King
      397  0  30  You Have Served Us Well
      398  0  10  Wanted: Maggot Eye
      399  0  15  Humble Beginnings
      400  0  5  Tools for Steelgrill
      401  0  30  Wait for Sirra to Finish
      403  0  1  Guarded Thunderbrew Barrel
      404  0  6  A Putrid Task
      405  0  8  The Prodigal Lich
      407  0  7  Fields of Grief
      408  0  13  The Family Crypt
      409  0  12  Proving Allegiance
      410  0  10  The Dormant Shade
      411  0  12  The Prodigal Lich Returns
      412  0  10  Operation Recombobulation
      413  0  10  Shimmer Stout
      414  0  10  Stout to Kadrell
      415  0  10  Rejold's New Brew
      416  0  11  Rat Catching
      417  0  11  A Pilot's Revenge
      418  0  11  Thelsamar Blood Sausages
      419  0  10  The Lost Pilot
      420  0  5  Senir's Observations
      421  0  10  Prove Your Worth
      422  0  11  Arugal's Folly
      423  0  14  Arugal's Folly
      424  0  15  Arugal's Folly
      425  0  12  Ivar the Foul
      426  0  8  The Mills Overrun
      427  0  8  At War With The Scarlet Crusade
      428  0  12  Lost Deathstalkers
      429  0  11  Wild Hearts
      430  0  11  Return to Quinn
      431  0  10  Candles of Beckoning
      432  0  9  Those Blasted Troggs!
      433  0  11  The Public Servant
      434  0  31  The Attack!
      435  0  11  Escorting Erland
      436  0  18  Ironband's Excavation
      437  0  14  The Dead Fields
      438  0  16  The Decrepit Ferry
      439  0  16  Rot Hide Clues
      440  0  16  The Engraved Ring
      441  0  16  Raleigh and the Undercity
      442  0  24  Assault on Fenris Isle
      443  0  17  Rot Hide Ichor
      444  0  17  Rot Hide Origins
      445  0  10  Delivery to Silverpine Forest
      446  0  16  Thule Ravenclaw
      447  0  12  A Recipe For Death
      448  0  16  Report to Hadrec
      449  0  11  The Deathstalkers' Report
      450  0  15  A Recipe For Death
      451  0  18  A Recipe For Death
      452  0  15  Pyrewood Ambush
      453  0  25  Finding the Shadowy Figure
      454  0  15  After the Ambush
      455  0  21  The Algaz Gauntlet
      456  457  2  The Balance of Nature
      457  0  3  The Balance of Nature
      458  0  2  The Woodland Protector
      459  0  3  The Woodland Protector
      460  0  17  Resting in Pieces
      461  0  18  The Hidden Niche
      463  0  21  The Greenwarden
      464  0  28  War Banners
      465  0  31  Nek'rosh's Gambit
      466  0  22  Search for Incendicite
      467  0  23  Stonegear's Search
      468  0  21  Report to Mountaineer Rockgar
      469  0  21  Daily Delivery
      470  0  24  Digging Through the Ooze
      471  0  26  Apprentice's Duties
      472  0  25  Fall of Dun Modr
      473  0  28  Report to Captain Stoutfist
      474  0  32  Defeat Nek'rosh
      475  0  6  A Troubling Breeze
      476  0  6  Gnarlpine Corruption
      477  0  14  Border Crossings
      478  0  14  Maps and Runes
      479  0  16  Ambermill Investigations
      480  0  22  The Weaver
      481  0  14  Dalar's Analysis
      482  0  14  Dalaran's Intentions
      483  0  9  The Relics of Wakening
      484  0  22  Young Crocolisk Skins
      485  0  48  Find OOX-09/HL!
      486  0  12  Ursal the Mauler
      487  0  8  The Road to Darnassus
      488  0  5  Zenn's Bidding
      489  0  7  Seek Redemption!
      491  0  18  Wand to Bethor
      492  0  11  A New Plague
      493  0  20  Journey to Hillsbrad Foothills
      494  0  20  Time To Strike
      495  0  39  The Crown of Will
      496  0  22  Elixir of Suffering
      498  0  22  The Rescue
      499  0  22  Elixir of Suffering
      500  0  36  Crushridge Bounty
      501  0  24  Elixir of Pain
      502  0  24  Elixir of Pain
      503  0  36  Gol'dir
      504  0  40  Crushridge Warmongers
      505  0  33  Syndicate Assassins
      506  0  36  Blackmoore's Legacy
      507  0  42  Lord Aliden Perenolde
      508  0  40  Taretha's Gift
      509  0  28  Elixir of Agony
      510  0  34  Foreboding Plans
      511  0  34  Encrypted Letter
      512  0  36  Noble Deaths
      513  0  28  Elixir of Agony
      514  0  34  Letter to Stormpike
      515  0  30  Elixir of Agony
      516  0  21  Beren's Peril
      517  0  30  Elixir of Agony
      518  0  39  The Crown of Will
      519  0  41  The Crown of Will
      520  0  43  The Crown of Will
      521  0  43  The Crown of Will
      522  0  38  Assassin's Contract
      523  0  40  Baron's Demise
      524  0  30  Elixir of Agony
      525  0  34  Further Mysteries
      526  0  29  Lightforge Ingots
      527  0  24  Battle of Hillsbrad
      528  0  25  Battle of Hillsbrad
      529  0  26  Battle of Hillsbrad
      530  0  20  A Husband's Revenge
      531  0  20  Vyrin's Revenge
      532  0  26  Battle of Hillsbrad
      533  0  34  Infiltration
      535  0  34  Valik
      536  0  30  Down the Coast
      537  0  40  Dark Council
      538  0  38  Southshore
      539  0  28  Battle of Hillsbrad
      540  0  38  Preserving Knowledge
      541  0  30  Battle of Hillsbrad
      542  0  38  Return to Milton
      543  0  40  The Perenolde Tiara
      544  0  34  Prison Break In
      545  0  35  Dalaran Patrols
      546  0  25  Souvenirs of Death
      547  0  30  Humbert's Sword
      549  0  22  WANTED: Syndicate Personnel
      550  0  32  Battle of Hillsbrad
      551  0  40  The Ensorcelled Parchment
      552  0  33  Helcular's Revenge
      553  0  33  Helcular's Revenge
      554  0  40  Stormpike's Deciphering
      555  0  31  Soothing Turtle Bisque
      556  0  32  Stone Tokens
      557  0  34  Bracers of Binding
      558  0  60  Jaina's Autograph
      559  0  32  Farren's Proof
      560  0  32  Farren's Proof
      561  0  32  Farren's Proof
      562  0  32  Stormwind Ho!
      563  0  32  Reassignment
      564  0  34  Costly Menace
      565  0  34  Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak
      566  0  40  WANTED: Baron Vardus
      567  0  28  Dangerous!
      568  0  36  The Defense of Grom'gol
      569  0  37  The Defense of Grom'gol
      570  0  38  Mok'thardin's Enchantment
      571  0  41  Mok'thardin's Enchantment
      572  0  41  Mok'thardin's Enchantment
      573  0  44  Mok'thardin's Enchantment
      574  0  38  Special Forces
      575  0  31  Supply and Demand
      576  0  42  Keep An Eye Out
      577  0  36  Some Assembly Required
      578  0  37  The Stone of the Tides
      579  0  1  Stormwind Library
      580  0  50  Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog
      581  0  34  Hunt for Yenniku
      582  0  37  Headhunting
      583  0  30  Welcome to the Jungle
      584  0  41  Bloodscalp Clan Heads
      585  588  40  Speaking with Nezzliok
      586  588  46  Speaking with Gan'zulah
      587  0  41  Up to Snuff
      588  0  45  The Fate of Yenniku
      589  0  45  The Singing Crystals
      590  0  5  A Rogue's Deal
      591  0  46  The Mind's Eye
      592  0  46  Saving Yenniku
      593  0  46  Filling the Soul Gem
      594  0  45  Message in a Bottle
      595  0  41  The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      596  0  37  Bloody Bone Necklaces
      597  0  41  The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      598  0  42  Split Bone Necklace
      599  0  41  The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      600  0  41  Venture Company Mining
      601  0  37  Water Elementals
      602  0  37  Magical Analysis
      603  0  37  Ansirem's Key
      604  0  43  The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      605  0  35  Singing Blue Shards
      606  0  41  Scaring Shaky
      607  0  41  Return to MacKinley
      608  0  45  The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      609  0  44  Voodoo Dues
      610  0  39  "Pretty Boy" Duncan
      611  0  40  The Curse of the Tides
      613  0  44  Cracking Maury's Foot
      614  0  51  The Captain's Chest
      615  0  51  The Captain's Cutlass
      616  0  37  The Haunted Isle
      617  0  43  Akiris by the Bundle
      618  -619  50  Facing Negolash
      619  0  52  Enticing Negolash
      621  1119  44  Zanzil's Secret
      622  0  37  Return to Corporal Kaleb
      623  0  43  Akiris by the Bundle
      624  0  43  Cortello's Riddle
      625  0  43  Cortello's Riddle
      626  0  51  Cortello's Riddle
      627  0  37  Favor for Krazek
      628  0  38  Excelsior
      629  0  37  The Vile Reef
      630  0  51  Message in a Bottle
      631  0  31  The Thandol Span
      632  0  31  The Thandol Span
      633  0  31  The Thandol Span
      634  0  31  Plea To The Alliance
      635  0  35  Crystal in the Mountains
      636  0  35  Legends of the Earth
      637  0  30  Sully Balloo's Letter
      638  0  37  Trollbane
      639  0  37  Sigil of Strom
      640  0  40  The Broken Sigil
      641  0  40  Sigil of Thoradin
      642  0  37  The Princess Trapped
      643  0  41  Sigil of Arathor
      644  0  42  Sigil of Trollbane
      645  0  42  Trol'kalar
      646  0  42  Trol'kalar
      647  0  30  MacKreel's Moonshine
      648  3721  48  Rescue OOX-17/TN!
      649  0  48  Ripple Recovery
      650  0  48  Ripple Recovery
      651  0  38  Stones of Binding
      652  0  42  Breaking the Keystone
      653  687  40  Myzrael's Allies
      654  0  46  Tanaris Field Sampling
      655  0  34  Hammerfall
      656  0  50  Summoning the Princess
      657  0  36  Hints of a New Plague?
      658  0  36  Hints of a New Plague?
      659  0  33  Hints of a New Plague?
      660  0  37  Hints of a New Plague?
      661  0  37  Hints of a New Plague?
      662  0  40  Deep Sea Salvage
      663  0  35  Land Ho!
      664  0  40  Drowned Sorrows
      665  0  40  Sunken Treasure
      666  0  40  Sunken Treasure
      667  0  44  Death From Below
      668  0  40  Sunken Treasure
      669  0  40  Sunken Treasure
      670  0  40  Sunken Treasure
      671  0  33  Foul Magics
      672  0  34  Raising Spirits
      673  0  40  Foul Magics
      674  0  34  Raising Spirits
      675  0  34  Raising Spirits
      676  0  32  The Hammer May Fall
      677  0  32  Call to Arms
      678  0  38  Call to Arms
      679  0  40  Call to Arms
      680  0  40  The Real Threat
      681  0  31  Northfold Manor
      682  0  37  Stromgarde Badges
      683  0  30  Sara Balloo's Plea
      684  0  39  Wanted! Marez Cowl
      685  0  40  Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest
      686  0  30  A King's Tribute
      687  0  40  Theldurin the Lost
      688  687  40  Myzrael's Allies
      689  0  31  A King's Tribute
      690  0  32  Malin's Request
      691  0  36  Worth Its Weight in Gold
      692  0  41  The Lost Fragments
      693  0  39  Wand over Fist
      694  0  39  Trelane's Defenses
      695  0  39  An Apprentice's Enchantment
      696  0  39  Attack on the Tower
      697  0  39  Malin's Request
      698  0  40  Lack of Surplus
      699  0  42  Lack of Surplus
      700  0  31  A King's Tribute
      701  0  37  Guile of the Raptor
      702  0  37  Guile of the Raptor
      703  0  40  Barbecued Buzzard Wings
      704  0  38  Agmond's Fate
      705  0  37  Pearl Diving
      706  0  45  Fiery Blaze Enchantments
      707  0  37  Ironband Wants You!
      708  0  40  The Black Box
      709  0  40  Solution to Doom
      710  0  37  Study of the Elements: Rock
      711  0  39  Study of the Elements: Rock
      712  734  42  Study of the Elements: Rock
      713  0  37  Coolant Heads Prevail
      714  734  37  Gyro... What?
      715  0  37  Liquid Stone
      716  0  42  Stone Is Better than Cloth
      717  0  50  Tremors of the Earth
      718  0  38  Mirages
      719  0  35  A Dwarf and His Tools
      720  0  35  A Sign of Hope
      721  0  35  A Sign of Hope
      722  0  40  Amulet of Secrets
      723  0  40  Prospect of Faith
      724  0  40  Prospect of Faith
      725  0  40  Passing Word of a Threat
      726  0  40  Passing Word of a Threat
      727  0  40  To Ironforge for Yagyin's Digest
      728  0  40  To the Undercity for Yagyin's Digest
      729  0  20  The Absent Minded Prospector
      730  0  14  Trouble In Darkshore?
      731  0  20  The Absent Minded Prospector
      732  0  43  Tremors of the Earth
      733  0  40  Scrounging
      734  0  42  This Is Going to Be Hard
      735  737  44  The Star, the Hand and the Heart
      736  737  44  The Star, the Hand and the Heart
      737  0  40  Forbidden Knowledge
      738  0  38  Find Agmond
      739  0  42  Murdaloc
      741  0  20  The Absent Minded Prospector
      742  6383  20  The Ashenvale Hunt
      743  0  8  Dangers of the Windfury
      744  0  11  Preparation for Ceremony
      745  0  6  Sharing the Land
      746  0  8  Dwarven Digging
      747  0  2  The Hunt Begins
      748  0  5  Poison Water
      749  0  8  The Ravaged Caravan
      750  0  3  The Hunt Continues
      751  0  8  The Ravaged Caravan
      752  0  2  A Humble Task
      753  0  3  A Humble Task
      754  0  6  Winterhoof Cleansing
      755  0  3  Rites of the Earthmother
      756  0  7  Thunderhorn Totem
      757  0  4  Rite of Strength
      758  0  8  Thunderhorn Cleansing
      759  0  10  Wildmane Totem
      760  0  10  Wildmane Cleansing
      761  0  6  Swoop Hunting
      762  0  44  An Ambassador of Evil
      763  0  5  Rites of the Earthmother
      764  0  10  The Venture Co.
      765  0  12  Supervisor Fizsprocket
      766  0  8  Mazzranache
      767  0  6  Rite of Vision
      768  0  8  Gathering Leather
      769  0  11  Kodo Hide Bag
      770  0  12  The Demon Scarred Cloak
      771  772  7  Rite of Vision
      772  0  7  Rite of Vision
      773  0  10  Rite of Wisdom
      775  0  10  Journey into Thunder Bluff
      776  0  14  Rites of the Earthmother
      777  0  42  This Is Going to Be Hard
      778  0  45  This Is Going to Be Hard
      779  0  50  Seal of the Earth
      780  0  4  The Battleboars
      781  0  4  Attack on Camp Narache
      782  0  43  Broken Alliances
      783  0  1  A Threat Within
      784  0  7  Vanquish the Betrayers
      786  0  8  Thwarting Kolkar Aggression
      787  0  1  The New Horde
      788  0  2  Cutting Teeth
      789  0  3  Sting of the Scorpid
      790  0  5  Sarkoth
      791  0  7  Carry Your Weight
      792  794  4  Vile Familiars
      793  0  50  Broken Alliances
      794  0  5  Burning Blade Medallion
      795  0  55  Seal of the Earth
      804  0  5  Sarkoth
      805  0  5  Report to Sen'jin Village
      806  0  12  Dark Storms
      808  0  9  Minshina's Skull
      809  0  13  Ak'Zeloth
      812  0  9  Need for a Cure
      813  0  9  Finding the Antidote
      815  0  8  Break a Few Eggs
      816  0  11  Lost But Not Forgotten
      817  0  8  Practical Prey
      818  0  7  A Solvent Spirit
      819  0  15  Chen's Empty Keg
      821  0  15  Chen's Empty Keg
      822  0  24  Chen's Empty Keg
      823  0  7  Report to Orgnil
      824  0  27  Je'neu of the Earthen Ring
      825  0  8  From The Wreckage....
      826  0  10  Zalazane
      827  0  12  Skull Rock
      828  0  12  Margoz
      829  0  12  Neeru Fireblade
      830  0  7  The Admiral's Orders
      831  0  7  The Admiral's Orders
      832  0  12  Burning Shadows
      833  0  10  A Sacred Burial
      834  0  9  Winds in the Desert
      835  0  11  Securing the Lines
      836  3721  48  Rescue OOX-09/HL!
      837  0  10  Encroachment
      838  0  55  Scholomance
      840  0  12  Conscript of the Horde
      841  0  46  Another Power Source?
      842  0  12  Crossroads Conscription
      843  0  23  Gann's Reclamation
      844  0  12  Plainstrider Menace
      845  0  13  The Zhevra
      846  0  26  Revenge of Gann
      847  0  37  Guile of the Raptor
      848  0  15  Fungal Spores
      849  0  26  Revenge of Gann
      850  0  16  Kolkar Leaders
      851  0  18  Verog the Dervish
      852  0  19  Hezrul Bloodmark
      853  0  15  Apothecary Zamah
      854  0  12  Journey to the Crossroads
      855  0  14  Centaur Bracers
      857  0  30  The Tear of the Moons
      858  0  18  Ignition
      860  0  10  Sergra Darkthorn
      861  0  10  The Hunter's Way
      862  0  23  Dig Rat Stew
      863  0  18  The Escape
      864  0  46  Return to Apothecary Zinge
      865  0  18  Raptor Horns
      866  0  16  Root Samples
      867  0  15  Harpy Raiders
      868  0  22  Egg Hunt
      869  0  13  Raptor Thieves
      870  0  13  The Forgotten Pools
      871  0  12  Disrupt the Attacks
      872  0  15  The Disruption Ends
      873  0  27  Isha Awak
      874  0  27  Mahren Skyseer
      875  0  16  Harpy Lieutenants
      876  0  20  Serena Bloodfeather
      877  0  16  The Stagnant Oasis
      878  0  21  Tribes at War
      879  0  25  Betrayal from Within
      880  0  16  Altered Beings
      881  0  16  Echeyakee
      882  0  19  Ishamuhale
      883  0  22  Lakota'mani
      884  0  24  Owatanka
      885  0  25  Washte Pawne
      886  0  10  The Barrens Oases
      887  0  14  Southsea Freebooters
      888  0  16  Stolen Booty
      889  0  20  Spirit of the Wind
      890  0  14  The Missing Shipment
      891  0  20  The Guns of Northwatch
      892  0  14  The Missing Shipment
      893  0  24  Weapons of Choice
      894  0  14  Samophlange
      895  0  16  WANTED: Baron Longshore
      896  0  18  Miner's Fortune
      897  0  24  The Harvester
      898  0  20  Free From the Hold
      899  0  20  Consumed by Hatred
      900  0  14  Samophlange
      901  0  14  Samophlange
      902  0  16  Samophlange
      903  0  15  Prowlers of the Barrens
      905  0  17  The Angry Scytheclaws
      906  0  25  Betrayal from Within
      907  0  18  Enraged Thunder Lizards
      910  0  60  Down at the Docks
      911  0  60  Gateway to the Frontier
      913  0  20  Cry of the Thunderhawk
      914  0  22  Leaders of the Fang
      915  0  60  You Scream, I Scream...
      916  0  4  Webwood Venom
      917  920  5  Webwood Egg
      918  0  7  Timberling Seeds
      919  0  7  Timberling Sprouts
      920  0  5  Tenaron's Summons
      921  0  5  Crown of the Earth
      922  0  7  Rellian Greenspyre
      923  2498  9  Tumors
      924  0  14  The Demon Seed
      925  0  60  Cairne's Hoofprint
      926  0  14  Flawed Power Stone
      927  0  12  The Moss-twined Heart
      928  0  5  Crown of the Earth
      929  0  5  Crown of the Earth
      930  0  10  The Glowing Fruit
      931  0  10  The Shimmering Frond
      932  0  7  Twisted Hatred
      933  0  9  Crown of the Earth
      934  0  11  Crown of the Earth
      935  0  11  Crown of the Earth
      936  0  50  Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem
      937  940  11  The Enchanted Glade
      938  0  12  Mist
      939  0  54  Flute of Xavaric
      940  0  11  Teldrassil
      941  0  12  Planting the Heart
      942  0  20  The Absent Minded Prospector
      943  0  24  The Absent Minded Prospector
      944  0  17  The Master's Glaive
      945  0  18  Therylune's Escape
      947  0  17  Cave Mushrooms
      948  0  17  Onu
      949  0  17  The Twilight Camp
      950  0  17  Return to Onu
      951  0  20  Mathystra Relics
      952  0  11  Grove of the Ancients
      953  0  12  The Fall of Ameth'Aran
      954  0  12  Bashal'Aran
      955  0  12  Bashal'Aran
      956  0  13  Bashal'Aran
      957  0  13  Bashal'Aran
      958  0  12  Tools of the Highborne
      959  0  18  Trouble at the Docks
      961  0  1  Onu is meditating
      962  0  18  Serpentbloom
      963  0  16  For Love Eternal
      964  0  57  Skeletal Fragments
      965  0  18  The Tower of Althalaxx
      966  0  18  The Tower of Althalaxx
      967  0  18  The Tower of Althalaxx
      968  0  20  The Powers Below
      969  0  60  Luck Be With You
      970  0  21  The Tower of Althalaxx
      971  0  23  Knowledge in the Deeps
      972  0  0  Water Sapta
      973  0  24  The Tower of Althalaxx
      974  0  55  Finding the Source
      975  0  60  Cache of Mau'ari
      976  0  24  Supplies to Auberdine
      977  0  58  Are We There, Yeti?
      978  0  55  Moontouched Wildkin
      979  0  57  Find Ranshalla
      980  0  55  The New Springs
      981  0  31  The Tower of Althalaxx
      982  0  17  Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
      983  0  10  Buzzbox 827
      984  0  14  How Big a Threat?
      985  0  14  How Big a Threat?
      986  0  20  A Lost Master
      990  0  19  Trek to Ashenvale
      991  0  19  Raene's Cleansing
      992  0  46  Gadgetzan Water Survey
      993  0  20  A Lost Master
      994  990  22  Escape Through Force
      995  990  20  Escape Through Stealth
      996  0  55  Corrupted Windblossom
      997  0  5  Denalan's Earth
      998  0  55  Corrupted Windblossom
      1000  0  55  The New Frontier
      1001  0  12  Buzzbox 411
      1002  0  14  Buzzbox 323
      1003  0  16  Buzzbox 525
      1004  0  55  The New Frontier
      1007  0  20  The Ancient Statuette
      1008  0  19  The Zoram Strand
      1009  0  25  Ruuzel
      1010  0  20  Bathran's Hair
      1011  0  29  Forsaken Diseases
      1012  0  32  Insane Druids
      1013  0  26  The Book of Ur
      1014  0  27  Arugal Must Die
      1015  0  55  The New Frontier
      1016  0  24  Elemental Bracers
      1017  0  25  Mage Summoner
      1018  0  55  The New Frontier
      1019  0  55  The New Frontier
      1020  0  20  Orendil's Cure
      1021  0  32  Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger!
      1022  0  30  The Howling Vale
      1023  0  21  Raene's Cleansing
      1024  0  21  Raene's Cleansing
      1025  0  24  An Aggressive Defense
      1026  0  27  Raene's Cleansing
      1027  0  28  Raene's Cleansing
      1028  0  28  Raene's Cleansing
      1029  0  28  Raene's Cleansing
      1030  0  28  Raene's Cleansing
      1031  0  32  The Branch of Cenarius
      1032  0  32  Satyr Slaying!
      1033  0  22  Elune's Tear
      1034  0  23  The Ruins of Stardust
      1035  0  30  Fallen Sky Lake
      1036  0  60  Avast Ye, Scallywag
      1037  0  30  Velinde Starsong
      1038  0  30  Velinde's Effects
      1039  0  30  The Barrens Port
      1040  0  30  Passage to Booty Bay
      1041  0  30  The Caravan Road
      1042  0  30  The Carevin Family
      1043  0  30  The Scythe of Elune
      1044  0  30  Answered Questions
      1045  0  30  Raene's Cleansing
      1046  0  30  Raene's Cleansing
      1047  0  55  The New Frontier
      1048  0  42  Into The Scarlet Monastery
      1049  0  38  Compendium of the Fallen
      1050  0  38  Mythology of the Titans
      1051  0  33  Vorrel's Revenge
      1052  0  40  Down the Scarlet Path
      1053  0  40  In the Name of the Light
      1054  0  25  Culling the Threat
      1055  0  28  Raene's Cleansing
      1056  0  18  Journey to Stonetalon Peak
      1057  0  27  Reclaiming the Charred Vale
      1058  0  26  Jin'Zil's Forest Magic
      1059  0  27  Reclaiming the Charred Vale
      1060  0  20  Letter to Jin'Zil
      1061  0  17  The Spirits of Stonetalon
      1062  0  19  Goblin Invaders
      1063  0  18  The Elder Crone
      1064  0  18  Forsaken Aid
      1065  0  18  Journey to Tarren Mill
      1066  0  23  Blood of Innocents
      1067  0  23  Return to Thunder Bluff
      1068  0  23  Shredding Machines
      1069  0  20  Deepmoss Spider Eggs
      1070  0  21  On Guard in Stonetalon
      1071  0  21  A Gnome's Respite
      1072  0  21  An Old Colleague
      1073  0  21  Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun
      1074  1080  21  Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun
      1075  0  21  A Scroll from Mauren
      1076  0  21  Devils in Westfall
      1077  1079  21  Special Delivery for Gaxim
      1078  0  26  Retrieval for Mauren
      1079  1091  22  Covert Ops - Alpha
      1080  1091  22  Covert Ops - Beta
      1081  0  28  Reception from Tyrande
      1082  0  22  Update for Sentinel Thenysil
      1083  1082  26  Enraged Spirits
      1084  1082  28  Wounded Ancients
      1085  0  21  On Guard in Stonetalon
      1086  0  23  The Flying Machine Airport
      1087  0  25  Cenarius' Legacy
      1088  0  29  Ordanus
      1089  0  29  The Den
      1090  0  22  Gerenzo's Orders
      1091  0  22  Kaela's Update
      1092  0  22  Gerenzo's Orders
      1093  0  21  Super Reaper 6000
      1094  0  21  Further Instructions
      1095  0  27  Further Instructions
      1096  0  27  Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle
      1097  0  15  Elmore's Task
      1098  0  25  Deathstalkers in Shadowfang
      1100  0  34  Lonebrow's Journal
      1101  0  34  The Crone of the Kraul
      1102  0  34  A Vengeful Fate
      1103  0  23  Call of Water
      1104  0  30  Salt Flat Venom
      1105  0  30  Hardened Shells
      1106  0  35  Martek the Exiled
      1107  0  35  Encrusted Tail Fins
      1108  0  39  Indurium
      1109  0  33  Going, Going, Guano!
      1110  0  31  Rocket Car Parts
      1111  0  36  Wharfmaster Dizzywig
      1112  0  36  Parts for Kravel
      1113  0  33  Hearts of Zeal
      1114  0  36  Delivery to the Gnomes
      1115  0  36  The Rumormonger
      1116  0  36  Dream Dust in the Swamp
      1117  0  36  Rumors for Kravel
      1118  1119  43  Back to Booty Bay
      1119  0  44  Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout
      1120  1122  44  Get the Gnomes Drunk
      1121  1122  44  Get the Goblins Drunk
      1122  0  44  Report Back to Fizzlebub
      1123  1124  55  Rabine Saturna
      1124  0  55  Wasteland
      1125  0  55  The Spirits of Southwind
      1126  0  57  Hive in the Tower
      1127  0  44  Fool's Stout
      1130  0  30  Melor Sends Word
      1131  0  30  Steelsnap
      1132  0  20  Fiora Longears
      1133  0  20  Journey to Astranaar
      1134  0  21  Pridewings of Stonetalon
      1135  0  30  Highperch Venom
      1136  0  37  Frostmaw
      1137  0  38  News for Fizzle
      1138  0  17  Fruit of the Sea
      1139  0  45  The Lost Tablets of Will
      1140  0  28  The Tower of Althalaxx
      1141  0  14  The Family and the Fishing Pole
      1142  0  30  Mortality Wanes
      1143  0  31  The Tower of Althalaxx
      1144  0  30  Willix the Importer
      1145  0  33  The Swarm Grows
      1146  0  33  The Swarm Grows
      1147  0  35  The Swarm Grows
      1148  0  35  Parts of the Swarm
      1149  0  26  Test of Faith
      1150  0  30  Test of Endurance
      1151  0  30  Test of Strength
      1152  0  30  Test of Lore
      1153  0  29  A New Ore Sample
      1154  0  30  Test of Lore
      1159  0  30  Test of Lore
      1160  0  36  Test of Lore
      1164  0  36  To Steal From Thieves
      1166  0  43  Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern
      1167  0  28  The Tower of Althalaxx
      1168  0  43  Army of the Black Dragon
      1169  0  43  Identifying the Brood
      1170  0  43  The Brood of Onyxia
      1171  0  43  The Brood of Onyxia
      1172  0  45  The Brood of Onyxia
      1173  0  45  Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk
      1175  0  33  A Bump in the Road
      1176  0  30  Load Lightening
      1177  0  36  Hungry!
      1178  0  37  Goblin Sponsorship
      1179  0  30  The Brassbolts Brothers
      1180  0  37  Goblin Sponsorship
      1181  0  37  Goblin Sponsorship
      1182  0  37  Goblin Sponsorship
      1183  0  37  Goblin Sponsorship
      1184  0  35  Parts of the Swarm
      1185  0  57  Under the Chitin Was...
      1186  0  37  The Eighteenth Pilot
      1187  0  41  Razzeric's Tweaking
      1188  0  41  Safety First
      1189  0  41  Safety First
      1190  0  41  Keeping Pace
      1191  0  41  Zamek's Distraction
      1192  0  42  Indurium Ore
      1193  0  60  A Broken Trap
      1194  0  41  Rizzle's Schematics
      1195  0  25  The Sacred Flame
      1196  0  29  The Sacred Flame
      1197  0  29  The Sacred Flame
      1198  0  24  In Search of Thaelrid
      1199  0  25  Twilight Falls
      1200  0  27  Blackfathom Villainy
      1201  0  35  Theramore Spies
      1202  0  35  The Theramore Docks
      1203  0  35  Jarl Needs a Blade
      1204  0  38  Mudrock Soup and Bugs
      1205  0  45  Deadmire
      1206  0  35  Jarl Needs Eyes
      1218  1206  35  Soothing Spices
      1219  0  35  The Orc Report
      1220  0  35  Captain Vimes
      1221  0  26  Blueleaf Tubers
      1222  1271  37  Stinky's Escape
      1238  0  35  The Lost Report
      1239  0  35  The Severed Head
      1240  0  35  The Troll Witchdoctor
      1241  0  28  The Missing Diplomat
      1242  0  28  The Missing Diplomat
      1243  0  28  The Missing Diplomat
      1244  0  30  The Missing Diplomat
      1245  0  30  The Missing Diplomat
      1246  0  31  The Missing Diplomat
      1247  0  31  The Missing Diplomat
      1248  0  33  The Missing Diplomat
      1249  0  33  The Missing Diplomat
      1250  0  33  The Missing Diplomat
      1251  0  35  The Black Shield
      1252  0  40  Lieutenant Paval Reethe
      1253  0  35  The Black Shield
      1258  1271  40  ... and Bugs
      1259  0  40  Lieutenant Paval Reethe
      1260  0  38  Morgan Stern
      1261  0  40  Marg Speaks
      1262  0  40  Report to Zor
      1264  0  33  The Missing Diplomat
      1265  0  35  The Missing Diplomat
      1266  0  36  The Missing Diplomat
      1267  0  38  The Missing Diplomat
      1268  0  35  Suspicious Hoofprints
      1269  0  37  Lieutenant Paval Reethe
      1270  0  37  Stinky's Escape
      1271  0  37  Feast at the Blue Recluse
      1273  0  37  Questioning Reethe
      1274  0  28  The Missing Diplomat
      1275  0  24  Researching the Corruption
      1276  0  37  The Black Shield
      1282  0  35  They Call Him Smiling Jim
      1284  0  35  Suspicious Hoofprints
      1285  0  38  Daelin's Men
      1286  0  38  The Deserters
      1287  0  38  The Deserters
      1301  0  35  James Hyal
      1302  0  35  James Hyal
      1318  0  60  Unfinished Gordok Business
      1319  0  35  The Black Shield
      1320  0  35  The Black Shield
      1321  0  35  The Black Shield
      1322  0  37  The Black Shield
      1323  0  37  The Black Shield
      1324  0  38  The Missing Diplomat
      1338  0  14  Stormpike's Order
      1339  0  15  Mountaineer Stormpike's Task
      1358  0  15  Sample for Helbrim
      1359  0  15  Zinge's Delivery
      1360  0  43  Reclaimed Treasures
      1361  0  32  Regthar Deathgate
      1362  0  32  The Kolkar of Desolace
      1363  0  41  Mazen's Behest
      1364  0  41  Mazen's Behest
      1365  0  35  Khan Dez'hepah
      1366  0  31  Centaur Bounty
      1367  1369  33  Magram Alliance
      1368  1370  33  Gelkis Alliance
      1369  0  33  Broken Tears
      1370  0  35  Stealing Supplies
      1371  0  35  Gizmo for Warug
      1372  0  42  Nothing But The Truth
      1373  0  37  Ongeku
      1374  0  37  Khan Jehn
      1375  0  37  Khan Shaka
      1380  0  42  Khan Hratha
      1381  0  42  Khan Hratha
      1382  0  35  Strange Alliance
      1383  0  42  Nothing But The Truth
      1384  1370  32  Raid on the Kolkar
      1385  0  35  Brutal Politics
      1386  1369  32  Assault on the Kolkar
      1387  0  31  Centaur Bounty
      1388  0  42  Nothing But The Truth
      1389  0  35  Draenethyst Crystals
      1391  0  42  Nothing But The Truth
      1392  0  39  Noboru the Cudgel
      1393  0  38  Galen's Escape
      1394  0  36  Final Passage
      1395  0  45  Supplies for Nethergarde
      1396  0  37  Encroaching Wildlife
      1398  0  42  Driftwood
      1418  0  35  Neeka Bloodscar
      1419  0  40  Coyote Thieves
      1420  0  40  Report to Helgrum
      1421  0  35  The Lost Caravan
      1422  0  45  Threat From the Sea
      1423  0  40  The Lost Supplies
      1424  0  43  Pool of Tears
      1425  0  42  Deliver the Shipment
      1426  0  43  Threat From the Sea
      1427  0  43  Threat From the Sea
      1428  0  45  Continued Threat
      1429  0  44  The Atal'ai Exile
      1430  0  44  Fresh Meat
      1431  0  30  Alliance Relations
      1432  0  30  Alliance Relations
      1433  0  33  Alliance Relations
      1434  0  33  Befouled by Satyr
      1435  0  33  The Burning of Spirits
      1436  0  33  Alliance Relations
      1437  0  33  Vahlarriel's Search
      1438  0  33  Vahlarriel's Search
      1439  0  33  Search for Tyranis
      1440  0  33  Return to Vahlarriel
      1442  0  22  Seeking the Kor Gem
      1444  0  44  Return to Fel'Zerul
      1445  0  50  The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
      1446  0  53  Jammal'an the Prophet
      1447  0  31  The Missing Diplomat
      1448  0  43  In Search of The Temple
      1449  0  43  To The Hinterlands
      1450  0  43  Gryphon Master Talonaxe
      1451  0  43  Rhapsody Shindigger
      1452  0  43  Rhapsody's Kalimdor Kocktail
      1453  0  33  Reclaimers' Business in Desolace
      1454  0  39  The Karnitol Shipwreck
      1455  0  39  The Karnitol Shipwreck
      1456  0  39  The Karnitol Shipwreck
      1457  0  39  The Karnitol Shipwreck
      1458  0  33  Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
      1459  0  35  Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
      1462  0  4  Earth Sapta
      1463  0  4  Earth Sapta
      1464  0  13  Fire Sapta
      1465  0  33  Vahlarriel's Search
      1466  0  40  Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
      1467  0  40  Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
      1468  0  60  Children's Week
      1469  0  43  Rhapsody's Tale
      1470  0  3  Piercing the Veil
      1471  0  10  The Binding
      1472  0  20  Devourer of Souls
      1473  0  10  Creature of the Void
      1474  0  20  The Binding
      1475  0  50  Into The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
      1476  0  20  Hearts of the Pure
      1477  0  45  Vital Supplies
      1478  1473  10  Halgar's Summons
      1479  0  60  The Bough of the Eternals
      1480  0  33  The Corrupter
      1481  0  33  The Corrupter
      1482  0  35  The Corrupter
      1483  0  21  Ziz Fizziks
      1484  0  35  The Corrupter
      1485  0  4  Vile Familiars
      1486  0  17  Deviate Hides
      1487  0  21  Deviate Eradication
      1488  0  40  The Corrupter
      1489  0  16  Hamuul Runetotem
      1490  0  16  Nara Wildmane
      1491  0  18  Smart Drinks
      1492  0  11  Wharfmaster Dizzywig
      1498  0  10  Path of Defense
      1499  794  4  Vile Familiars
      1501  0  11  Creature of the Void
      1502  0  10  Thun'grim Firegaze
      1503  0  10  Forged Steel
      1504  0  11  The Binding
      1505  0  10  Veteran Uzzek
      1506  1501  10  Gan'rul's Summons
      1507  0  20  Devourer of Souls
      1508  0  20  Blind Cazul
      1509  0  20  News of Dogran
      1510  0  20  News of Dogran
      1511  0  20  Ken'zigla's Draught
      1512  0  20  Love's Gift
      1513  0  20  The Binding
      1514  0  55  Corrupted Windblossom
      1515  0  20  Dogran's Captivity
      1516  0  4  Call of Earth
      1517  0  4  Call of Earth
      1518  0  4  Call of Earth
      1519  0  4  Call of Earth
      1520  0  4  Call of Earth
      1521  0  4  Call of Earth
      1522  1524  10  Call of Fire
      1523  1524  10  Call of Fire
      1524  0  11  Call of Fire
      1525  0  12  Call of Fire
      1526  0  13  Call of Fire
      1527  0  13  Call of Fire
      1528  1530  20  Call of Water
      1529  1530  20  Call of Water
      1530  0  22  Call of Water
      1531  0  30  Call of Air
      1532  0  30  Call of Air
      1534  0  23  Call of Water
      1535  0  22  Call of Water
      1536  0  22  Call of Water
      1558  0  60  The Stonewrought Dam
      1559  0  37  Flash Bomb Recipe
      1560  0  50  Tooga's Quest
      1578  0  12  Supplying the Front
      1579  0  12  Gaffer Jacks
      1580  0  12  Electropellers
      1581  0  8  Elixirs for the Bladeleafs
      1582  0  18  Moonglow Vest
      1598  0  4  The Stolen Tome
      1599  0  4  Beginnings
      1618  0  16  Gearing Redridge
      1638  0  10  A Warrior's Training
      1639  0  10  Bartleby the Drunk
      1640  0  10  Beat Bartleby
      1641  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1642  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1643  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1644  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1645  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1646  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1647  0  12  The Tome of Divinity
      1648  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1649  0  20  The Tome of Valor
      1650  0  23  The Tome of Valor
      1651  0  25  The Tome of Valor
      1652  0  25  The Tome of Valor
      1653  0  21  The Test of Righteousness
      1654  0  22  The Test of Righteousness
      1655  0  22  Bailor's Ore Shipment
      1656  0  5  A Task Unfinished
      1657  0  0  Stinking Up Southshore
      1658  0  60  Crashing the Wickerman Festival (PvP)
      1661  0  40  The Tome of Nobility
      1665  0  10  Bartleby's Mug
      1666  0  10  Marshal Haggard
      1667  0  10  Dead-tooth Jack
      1678  0  10  Vejrek
      1679  0  10  Muren Stormpike
      1680  0  11  Tormus Deepforge
      1681  0  11  Ironband's Compound
      1682  0  10  Grey Iron Weapons
      1683  0  10  Vorlus Vilehoof
      1684  0  10  Elanaria
      1685  0  10  Gakin's Summons
      1686  0  10  The Shade of Elura
      1687  0  60  Spooky Lighthouse
      1688  0  10  Surena Caledon
      1689  0  10  The Binding
      1690  0  43  Wastewander Justice
      1691  0  44  More Wastewander Justice
      1692  0  10  Smith Mathiel
      1693  0  10  Weapons of Elunite
      1698  0  20  Yorus Barleybrew
      1699  0  22  The Rethban Gauntlet
      1700  0  28  Grimand Elmore
      1701  0  28  Fire Hardened Mail
      1702  0  22  The Shieldsmith
      1703  0  28  Mathiel
      1704  0  28  Klockmort Spannerspan
      1705  0  28  Burning Blood
      1706  0  30  Grimand's Armor
      1707  0  44  Water Pouch Bounty
      1708  0  29  Iron Coral
      1709  0  30  Klockmort's Creation
      1710  0  30  Sunscorched Shells
      1711  0  30  Mathiel's Armor
      1712  0  40  Cyclonian
      1713  0  40  The Summoning
      1714  0  37  Essence of the Exile
      1715  0  10  The Slaughtered Lamb
      1716  0  20  Devourer of Souls
      1717  0  20  Gakin's Summons
      1718  0  30  The Islander
      1719  0  30  The Affray
      1738  0  20  Heartswood
      1739  0  20  The Binding
      1740  0  25  The Orb of Soran'ruk
      1758  0  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1778  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1779  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1780  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1781  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1782  0  28  Furen's Armor
      1783  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1784  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1785  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1786  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1787  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1788  0  13  The Tome of Divinity
      1789  0  12  The Symbol of Life
      1790  0  12  The Symbol of Life
      1791  0  30  The Windwatcher
      1792  0  40  Whirlwind Weapon
      1793  0  20  The Tome of Valor
      1794  0  20  The Tome of Valor
      1795  0  30  The Binding
      1796  0  31  Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
      1798  0  30  Seeking Strahad
      1799  0  40  Fragments of the Orb of Orahil
      1800  0  60  Lordaeron Throne Room
      1801  0  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1802  0  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1803  0  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1804  1795  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1805  0  30  Tome of the Cabal
      1806  0  22  The Test of Righteousness
      1818  0  10  Speak with Dillinger
      1819  0  10  Ulag the Cleaver
      1820  0  10  Speak with Coleman
      1821  0  11  Agamand Heirlooms
      1822  0  11  Heirloom Weapon
      1823  0  20  Speak with Ruga
      1824  0  20  Trial at the Field of Giants
      1825  0  20  Speak with Thun'grim
      1838  0  30  Brutal Armor
      1839  0  30  Ula'elek and the Brutal Gauntlets
      1840  0  30  Orm Stonehoof and the Brutal Helm
      1841  0  30  Velora Nitely and the Brutal Legguards
      1842  0  30  Satyr Hooves
      1843  0  30  Brutal Gauntlets
      1844  0  30  Chimaeric Horn
      1845  0  30  Brutal Helm
      1846  0  30  Dragonmaw Shinbones
      1847  0  30  Brutal Legguards
      1848  0  30  Brutal Hauberk
      1858  0  13  The Shattered Hand
      1859  0  10  Therzok
      1860  0  10  Speak with Jennea
      1861  0  10  Mirror Lake
      1878  0  44  Water Pouch Bounty
      1879  0  10  Speak with Bink
      1880  0  10  Mage-tastic Gizmonitor
      1881  0  10  Speak with Anastasia
      1882  0  10  The Balnir Farmstead
      1883  0  10  Speak with Un'thuwa
      1884  0  10  Ju-Ju Heaps
      1885  0  10  Mennet Carkad
      1886  0  13  The Deathstalkers
      1898  0  13  The Deathstalkers
      1899  0  13  The Deathstalkers
      1918  0  27  The Befouled Element
      1919  0  15  Report to Jennea
      1920  0  16  Investigate the Blue Recluse
      1921  0  16  Gathering Materials
      1938  0  28  Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic
      1939  0  26  High Sorcerer Andromath
      1940  1942  26  Pristine Spider Silk
      1941  0  16  Manaweave Robe
      1942  0  28  Astral Knot Garment
      1943  0  26  Speak with Deino
      1944  0  26  Waters of Xavian
      1945  0  26  Laughing Sisters
      1946  0  26  Nether-lace Garment
      1947  0  38  Journey to the Marsh
      1948  0  40  Items of Power
      1949  0  38  Hidden Secrets
      1950  0  30  Get the Scoop
      1951  0  40  Rituals of Power
      1952  0  40  Mage's Wand
      1953  0  40  Return to the Marsh
      1954  0  40  The Infernal Orb
      1955  0  40  The Exorcism
      1956  0  40  Power in Uldaman
      1957  0  40  Mana Surges
      1958  0  40  Celestial Power
      1959  0  15  Report to Anastasia
      1960  0  16  Investigate the Alchemist Shop
      1961  0  15  Gathering Materials
      1962  0  16  Spellfire Robes
      1963  0  13  The Shattered Hand
      1978  0  13  The Deathstalkers
      1998  0  16  Fenwick Thatros
      1999  0  20  Tools of the Trade
      2038  0  15  Bingles' Missing Supplies
      2039  0  15  Find Bingles
      2040  0  20  Underground Assault
      2041  0  15  Speak with Shoni
      2078  0  20  Gyromast's Revenge
      2098  0  20  Gyromast's Retrieval
      2118  0  14  Plagued Lands
      2138  0  16  Cleansing of the Infected
      2139  0  18  Tharnariun's Hope
      2158  0  5  Rest and Relaxation
      2159  0  5  Dolanaar Delivery
      2160  0  5  Supplies to Tannok
      2161  0  5  A Peon's Burden
      2178  0  12  Easy Strider Living
      2198  0  41  The Shattered Necklace
      2199  0  41  Lore for a Price
      2200  0  42  Back to Uldaman
      2201  0  43  Find the Gems
      2202  0  42  Uldaman Reagent Run
      2203  0  44  Badlands Reagent Run II
      2204  0  44  Restoring the Necklace
      2205  2206  10  Seek out SI: 7
      2206  0  10  Snatch and Grab
      2218  0  10  Road to Salvation
      2238  0  10  Simple Subterfugin'
      2239  0  10  Onin's Report
      2240  0  40  The Hidden Chamber
      2241  2242  10  The Apple Falls
      2242  0  10  Destiny Calls
      2258  0  39  Badlands Reagent Run
      2259  0  16  Erion Shadewhisper
      2260  0  16  Erion's Behest
      2278  0  47  The Platinum Discs
      2279  2439  47  The Platinum Discs
      2280  2439  47  The Platinum Discs
      2281  0  16  Redridge Rendezvous
      2282  0  20  Alther's Mill
      2283  0  41  Necklace Recovery
      2284  0  41  Necklace Recovery, Take 2
      2298  0  16  Kingly Shakedown
      2299  0  16  To Hulfdan!
      2300  0  16  SI:7
      2318  0  42  Translating the Journal
      2338  0  42  Translating the Journal
      2339  0  44  Find the Gems and Power Source
      2340  0  44  Deliver the Gems
      2341  0  44  Necklace Recovery, Take 3
      2342  0  43  Reclaimed Treasures
      2358  0  22  Horns of Nez'ra
      2359  0  24  Klaven's Tower
      2360  0  20  Mathias and the Defias
      2361  0  44  Restoring the Necklace
      2378  2379  16  Find the Shattered Hand
      2379  0  16  Zando'zan
      2380  2379  16  To Orgrimmar!
      2381  0  18  Plundering the Plunderers
      2382  0  16  Wrenix of Ratchet
      2383  0  1  Simple Parchment
      2398  0  40  The Lost Dwarves
      2399  0  10  The Sprouted Fronds
      2418  0  36  Power Stones
      2438  0  6  The Emerald Dreamcatcher
      2439  0  47  The Platinum Discs
      2440  0  47  The Platinum Discs
      2458  0  20  Deep Cover
      2459  0  8  Ferocitas the Dream Eater
      2460  0  20  The Shattered Salute
      2478  0  24  Mission: Possible But Not Probable
      2479  0  26  Hinott's Assistance
      2480  0  20  Hinott's Assistance
      2498  0  9  Return to Denalan
      2499  0  9  Oakenscowl
      2500  0  39  Badlands Reagent Run
      2501  0  44  Badlands Reagent Run II
      2518  0  12  Tears of the Moon
      2519  0  10  The Temple of the Moon
      2520  0  12  Sathrah's Sacrifice
      2521  0  55  To Serve Kum'isha
      2522  0  55  Kum'isha's Endeavors
      2523  0  50  Corrupted Songflower
      2541  0  8  The Sleeping Druid
      2561  0  10  Druid of the Claw
      2581  0  50  Snickerfang Jowls
      2582  0  50  Rage of Ages
      2583  0  50  A Boar's Vitality
      2584  0  50  Spirit of the Boar
      2585  0  50  The Decisive Striker
      2586  0  50  Salt of the Scorpok
      2601  0  50  The Basilisk's Bite
      2602  0  50  Infallible Mind
      2603  0  50  Vulture's Vigor
      2604  0  50  Spiritual Domination
      2605  0  49  The Thirsty Goblin
      2606  0  49  In Good Taste
      2607  2608  20  The Touch of Zanzil
      2608  2609  20  The Touch of Zanzil
      2609  0  20  The Touch of Zanzil
      2621  0  50  The Disgraced One
      2622  0  50  The Missing Orders
      2623  2801  55  The Swamp Talker
      2641  0  49  Sprinkle's Secret Ingredient
      2661  0  49  Delivery for Marin
      2662  0  49  Noggenfogger Elixir
      2681  0  57  The Stones That Bind Us
      2701  0  57  Heroes of Old
      2702  0  57  Heroes of Old
      2721  0  58  Kirith
      2741  0  60  The Super Egg-O-Matic
      2742  0  47  Rin'ji is Trapped!
      2743  0  60  The Cover of Darkness
      2744  0  60  The Demon Hunter
      2745  0  31  Infiltrating the Castle
      2746  0  31  Items of Some Consequence
      2747  0  60  An Extraordinary Egg
      2748  0  60  A Fine Egg
      2749  0  60  An Ordinary Egg
      2750  0  47  A Bad Egg
      2751  0  32  Barbaric Battlements
      2752  0  32  On Iron Pauldrons
      2753  0  36  Trampled Under Foot
      2754  0  36  Horns of Frenzy
      2755  0  36  Joys of Omosh
      2756  0  40  The Old Ways
      2757  2760  40  Booty Bay or Bust!
      2758  0  40  The Origins of Smithing
      2759  2760  40  In Search of Galvan
      2760  0  40  The Mithril Order
      2761  2765  45  Smelt On, Smelt Off
      2762  2765  45  The Great Silver Deceiver
      2763  2765  45  The Art of the Imbue
      2764  0  45  Galvan's Finest Pupil
      2765  0  45  Expert Blacksmith!
      2766  0  45  Find OOX-22/FE!
      2767  3721  45  Rescue OOX-22/FE!
      2768  0  47  Divino-matic Rod
      2769  0  46  The Brassbolts Brothers
      2770  0  50  Gahz'rilla
      2771  3321  45  A Good Head On Your Shoulders
      2772  3321  45  The World At Your Feet
      2773  3321  45  The Mithril Kid
      2781  0  46  WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
      2782  0  47  Rin'ji's Secret
      2783  2801  57  Petty Squabbles
      2784  0  50  Fall From Grace
      2801  0  57  A Tale of Sorrow
      2821  0  46  The Mark of Quality
      2822  0  46  The Mark of Quality
      2841  0  35  Rig Wars
      2842  0  35  Chief Engineer Scooty
      2843  0  35  Gnomer-gooooone!
      2844  0  49  The Giant Guardian
      2845  0  49  Wandering Shay
      2846  0  46  Tiara of the Deep
      2847  0  45  Wild Leather Armor
      2848  2853  45  Wild Leather Shoulders
      2849  2853  45  Wild Leather Vest
      2850  2853  45  Wild Leather Helmet
      2851  2853  45  Wild Leather Boots
      2852  2853  45  Wild Leather Leggings
      2853  0  45  Master of the Wild Leather
      2854  0  45  Wild Leather Armor
      2855  2860  45  Wild Leather Shoulders
      2856  2860  45  Wild Leather Vest
      2857  2860  45  Wild Leather Helmet
      2858  2860  48  Wild Leather Boots
      2859  2860  45  Wild Leather Leggings
      2860  0  45  Master of the Wild Leather
      2861  0  46  Tabetha's Task
      2862  0  42  War on the Woodpaw
      2863  0  43  Alpha Strike
      2864  0  45  Tran'rek
      2865  0  45  Scarab Shells
      2866  0  43  The Ruins of Solarsal
      2867  0  43  Return to Feathermoon Stronghold
      2869  0  43  Against the Hatecrest
      2870  0  45  Against Lord Shalzaru
      2871  0  45  Delivering the Relic
      2872  0  45  Stoley's Debt
      2873  0  45  Stoley's Shipment
      2874  0  45  Deliver to MacKinley
      2875  0  45  WANTED: Andre Firebeard
      2876  0  45  Ship Schedules
      2877  0  48  Skulk Rock Clean-up
      2878  0  50  Corrupted Songflower
      2879  0  50  The Stave of Equinex
      2880  0  45  Troll Necklace Bounty
      2881  0  45  Troll Necklace Bounty
      2882  0  45  Cuergo's Gold
      2902  0  43  Woodpaw Investigation
      2903  0  43  The Battle Plans
      2904  0  30  A Fine Mess
      2922  0  26  Save Techbot's Brain!
      2923  0  26  Tinkmaster Overspark
      2924  0  30  Essential Artificials
      2925  0  30  Klockmort's Essentials
      2926  0  27  Gnogaine
      2927  0  27  The Day After
      2928  0  30  Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators
      2929  0  35  The Grand Betrayal
      2930  0  30  Data Rescue
      2931  0  28  Castpipe's Task
      2932  0  42  Grim Message
      2933  0  43  Venom Bottles
      2934  0  45  Undamaged Venom Sac
      2935  0  45  Consult Master Gadrin
      2936  0  45  The Spider God
      2937  0  55  Summoning Shadra
      2938  0  55  Venom to the Undercity
      2939  0  49  In Search of Knowledge
      2940  0  47  Feralas: A History
      2941  0  48  The Borrower
      2942  0  50  The Morrow Stone
      2943  0  48  Return to Troyas
      2944  0  48  The Super Snapper FX
      2945  0  34  Grime-Encrusted Ring
      2946  2954  50  Seeing What Happens
      2947  0  34  Return of the Ring
      2948  0  35  Gnome Improvement
      2949  0  34  Return of the Ring
      2950  0  60  Nogg's Ring Redo
      2951  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      2952  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      2953  0  30  More Sparklematic Action
      2954  0  50  The Stone Watcher
      2962  0  30  The Only Cure is More Green Glow
      2963  0  50  Portents of Uldum
      2964  0  50  A Future Task
      2965  0  50  Portents of Uldum
      2966  2954  50  Seeing What Happens
      2967  0  50  Return to Thunder Bluff
      2968  0  50  A Future Task
      2969  0  47  Freedom for All Creatures
      2970  0  47  Doling Justice
      2972  0  47  Doling Justice
      2973  0  45  A New Cloak's Sheen
      2974  0  45  A Grim Discovery
      2975  0  43  The Ogres of Feralas
      2976  0  45  A Grim Discovery
      2977  0  50  Return to Ironforge
      2978  0  43  The Gordunni Scroll
      2979  0  46  Dark Ceremony
      2980  0  44  The Ogres of Feralas
      2981  0  43  A Threat in Feralas
      2982  0  44  The High Wilderness
      2983  1524  10  Call of Fire
      2984  1524  10  Call of Fire
      2985  1530  60  Call of Water
      2986  1530  60  Call of Water
      2987  0  43  Gordunni Cobalt
      2988  0  45  Witherbark Cages
      2989  0  48  The Altar of Zul
      2990  0  47  Thadius Grimshade
      2991  0  47  Nekrum's Medallion
      2992  0  47  The Divination
      2993  0  47  Return to the Hinterlands
      2994  0  53  Saving Sharpbeak
      2995  0  47  Lines of Communication
      2996  0  30  Seeking Strahad
      2997  0  12  Tome of Divinity
      2998  0  12  Tome of Divinity
      2999  0  12  Tome of Divinity
      3000  0  12  Tome of Divinity
      3001  0  30  Seeking Strahad
      3002  0  47  The Gordunni Orb
      3022  0  47  Handle With Care
      3042  0  45  Troll Temper
      3062  0  50  Dark Heart
      3063  0  50  Vengeance on the Northspring
      3065  0  1  Simple Tablet
      3082  0  1  Etched Tablet
      3083  0  1  Encrypted Tablet
      3084  0  1  Rune-Inscribed Tablet
      3085  0  1  Hallowed Tablet
      3086  0  1  Glyphic Tablet
      3087  0  1  Etched Parchment
      3088  0  1  Encrypted Parchment
      3089  0  1  Rune-Inscribed Parchment
      3090  0  1  Tainted Parchment
      3091  0  1  Simple Note
      3092  0  1  Etched Note
      3093  0  1  Rune-Inscribed Note
      3094  0  1  Verdant Note
      3095  0  1  Simple Scroll
      3096  0  1  Encrypted Scroll
      3097  0  1  Hallowed Scroll
      3098  0  1  Glyphic Scroll
      3099  0  1  Tainted Scroll
      3100  0  1  Simple Letter
      3101  0  1  Consecrated Letter
      3102  0  1  Encrypted Letter
      3103  0  1  Hallowed Letter
      3104  0  1  Glyphic Letter
      3105  0  1  Tainted Letter
      3106  0  1  Simple Rune
      3107  0  1  Consecrated Rune
      3108  0  1  Etched Rune
      3109  0  1  Encrypted Rune
      3110  0  1  Hallowed Rune
      3112  0  1  Simple Memorandum
      3113  0  1  Encrypted Memorandum
      3114  0  1  Glyphic Memorandum
      3115  0  1  Tainted Memorandum
      3116  0  1  Simple Sigil
      3117  0  1  Etched Sigil
      3118  0  1  Encrypted Sigil
      3119  0  1  Hallowed Sigil
      3120  0  1  Verdant Sigil
      3121  0  45  A Strange Request
      3122  0  45  Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i
      3123  0  47  Testing the Vessel
      3124  0  47  Hippogryph Muisek
      3125  0  45  Faerie Dragon Muisek
      3126  0  50  Treant Muisek
      3127  3129  50  Mountain Giant Muisek
      3128  3129  50  Natural Materials
      3129  0  50  Weapons of Spirit
      3130  0  43  Against the Hatecrest
      3141  0  57  Loramus
      3161  0  48  Gahz'ridian
      3181  0  48  The Horn of the Beast
      3182  0  48  Proof of Deed
      3201  0  48  At Last!
      3221  0  12  Speak with Renferrel
      3261  0  18  Jorn Skyseer
      3281  0  18  Stolen Silver
      3301  0  15  Mura Runetotem
      3321  0  50  Did You Lose This?
      3341  0  42  Bring the End
      3361  0  3  A Refugee's Quandary
      3362  0  50  Thistleshrub Valley
      3363  0  50  Corrupted Songflower
      3364  0  5  Scalding Mornbrew Delivery
      3365  0  5  Bring Back the Mug
      3367  0  48  Suntara Stones
      3368  0  48  Suntara Stones
      3369  0  25  In Nightmares
      3370  0  25  In Nightmares
      3371  0  55  Dwarven Justice
      3372  0  52  Release Them
      3373  0  55  The Essence of Eranikus
      3374  0  55  The Essence of Eranikus
      3375  0  42  Replacement Phial
      3376  0  5  Break Sharptusk!
      3377  0  50  Prayer to Elune
      3378  0  50  Prayer to Elune
      3379  0  50  Shadoweaver
      3380  3444  51  The Sunken Temple
      3382  0  57  A Crew Under Fire
      3385  0  50  The Undermarket
      3402  0  50  The Undermarket
      3421  0  55  Return Trip
      3441  0  48  Divine Retribution
      3442  0  48  The Flawless Flame
      3443  0  48  Forging the Shaft
      3444  0  51  The Stone Circle
      3445  3444  51  The Sunken Temple
      3446  0  51  Into the Depths
      3447  0  51  Secret of the Circle
      3448  0  52  Passing the Burden
      3449  0  52  Arcane Runes
      3450  0  52  An Easy Pickup
      3451  0  52  Signal for Pickup
      3452  0  50  The Flame's Casing
      3453  0  50  The Torch of Retribution
      3454  0  50  The Torch of Retribution
      3461  0  52  Return to Tymor
      3462  0  50  Squire Maltrake
      3463  0  52  Set Them Ablaze!
      3481  0  50  Trinkets...
      3483  0  52  Signal for Pickup
      3501  0  55  Everything Counts In Large Amounts
      3502  0  55  One Draenei's Junk...
      3503  0  55  Meeting with the Master
      3504  0  53  Betrayed
      3505  0  53  Betrayed
      3506  0  56  Betrayed
      3507  0  56  Betrayed
      3508  0  58  Breaking the Ward
      3509  0  58  The Name of the Beast
      3510  0  58  The Name of the Beast
      3511  0  58  The Name of the Beast
      3512  0  55  In Eranikus' Own Words
      3513  0  25  The Runed Scroll
      3514  0  29  Horde Presence
      3517  0  52  Stealing Knowledge
      3518  0  52  Delivery to Magatha
      3519  0  4  A Friend in Need
      3520  0  44  Screecher Spirits
      3521  0  4  Iverron's Antidote
      3522  0  4  Iverron's Antidote
      3523  0  37  Scourge of the Downs
      3524  0  13  Washed Ashore
      3525  0  37  Extinguishing the Idol
      3526  3638  47  Goblin Engineering
      3527  0  47  The Prophecy of Mosh'aru
      3528  0  53  The God Hakkar
      3541  0  52  Delivery to Jes'rimon
      3542  0  52  Delivery to Andron Gant
      3561  0  52  Delivery to Archmage Xylem
      3562  0  52  Magatha's Payment to Jediga
      3563  0  52  Jes'rimon's Payment to Jediga
      3564  0  52  Andron's Payment to Jediga
      3565  0  52  Xylem's Payment to Jediga
      3566  0  52  Rise, Obsidion!
      3567  0  25  To the Top
      3568  0  52  Seeping Corruption
      3569  0  52  Seeping Corruption
      3570  0  52  Seeping Corruption
      3601  0  53  Kim'jael Indeed!
      3602  0  58  Azsharite
      3621  0  58  The Formation of Felbane
      3625  0  60  Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
      3626  0  58  Return to the Blasted Lands
      3627  0  60  Uniting the Shattered Amulet
      3628  0  60  You Are Rakh'likh, Demon
      3629  3638  60  Goblin Engineering
      3630  3640  60  Gnome Engineering
      3631  0  40  Summon Felsteed
      3632  3640  47  Gnome Engineering
      3633  3638  47  Goblin Engineering
      3634  3640  60  Gnome Engineering
      3635  3642  60  Gnome Engineering
      3636  0  42  Bring the Light
      3637  3642  47  Gnome Engineering
      3638  0  47  The Pledge of Secrecy
      3639  0  47  Show Your Work
      3640  0  47  The Pledge of Secrecy
      3641  0  47  Show Your Work
      3642  0  47  The Pledge of Secrecy
      3643  0  47  Show Your Work
      3644  0  47  Membership Card Renewal
      3645  0  47  Membership Card Renewal
      3646  0  47  Membership Card Renewal
      3647  0  47  Membership Card Renewal
      3661  0  47  Favored of Elune?
      3681  0  12  Tome of Divinity
      3701  0  54  The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
      3702  0  54  The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
      3721  0  50  An OOX of Your Own
      3741  0  15  Hilary's Necklace
      3761  0  50  Un'Goro Soil
      3762  0  50  Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem
      3763  0  60  Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm
      3764  0  50  Un'Goro Soil
      3765  0  24  The Corruption Abroad
      3781  0  50  Morrowgrain Research
      3782  0  50  Morrowgrain Research
      3783  0  56  Are We There, Yeti?
      3784  0  50  Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem
      3785  3803  50  Morrowgrain Research
      3786  3804  50  Morrowgrain Research
      3787  0  50  Jonespyre's Request
      3788  0  50  Jonespyre's Request
      3789  0  50  Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm
      3790  0  50  Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm
      3791  0  50  The Mystery of Morrowgrain
      3792  0  60  Morrowgrain to Feathermoon Stronghold
      3801  0  52  Dark Iron Legacy
      3802  0  52  Dark Iron Legacy
      3803  0  55  Morrowgrain to Darnassus
      3804  0  50  Morrowgrain to Thunder Bluff
      3821  0  52  Dreadmaul Rock
      3822  0  53  Krom'Grul
      3823  0  52  Extinguish the Firegut
      3824  0  53  Gor'tesh the Brute Lord
      3825  0  53  Ogre Head On A Stick = Party
      3841  0  47  An Orphan Looking For a Home
      3842  0  47  A Short Incubation
      3843  0  47  The Newest Member of the Family
      3844  0  52  It's a Secret to Everybody
      3845  0  52  It's a Secret to Everybody
      3861  0  1  CLUCK!
      3881  0  53  Expedition Salvation
      3882  0  51  Roll the Bones
      3883  0  52  Alien Ecology
      3884  0  50  Williden's Journal
      3901  0  3  Rattling the Rattlecages
      3902  0  3  Scavenging Deathknell
      3903  0  4  Milly Osworth
      3904  0  4  Milly's Harvest
      3905  0  4  Grape Manifest
      3906  0  52  Disharmony of Flame
      3907  0  56  Disharmony of Fire
      3908  0  52  It's a Secret to Everybody
      3909  0  52  The Videre Elixir
      3912  0  52  Meet at the Grave
      3913  0  52  A Grave Situation
      3914  0  52  Linken's Sword
      3921  0  14  Wenikee Boltbucket
      3922  0  15  Nugget Slugs
      3923  0  18  Rilli Greasygob
      3924  0  19  Samophlange Manual
      3941  0  52  A Gnome's Assistance
      3942  0  54  Linken's Memory
      3961  0  54  Linken's Adventure
      3962  0  56  It's Dangerous to Go Alone
      3981  0  52  Commander Gor'shak
      3982  0  54  What Is Going On?
      4001  0  54  What Is Going On?
      4002  0  54  The Eastern Kingdom
      4003  0  59  The Royal Rescue
      4004  0  60  The Princess Saved?
      4005  0  54  Aquementas
      4021  0  20  Counterattack!
      4022  4024  54  A Taste of Flame
      4023  0  54  A Taste of Flame
      4024  0  58  A Taste of Flame
      4041  0  52  The Videre Elixir
      4061  0  54  The Rise of the Machines
      4062  0  54  The Rise of the Machines
      4063  0  58  The Rise of the Machines
      4081  0  52  KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves
      4082  0  54  KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials
      4083  0  55  The Spectral Chalice
      4084  0  55  Silver Heart
      4101  0  55  Cleansing Felwood
      4102  0  55  Cleansing Felwood
      4103  0  55  Salve via Hunting
      4104  0  60  Salve via Mining
      4105  0  60  Salve via Gathering
      4106  0  60  Salve via Skinning
      4107  0  55  Salve via Disenchanting
      4108  0  55  Salve via Hunting
      4109  0  55  Salve via Mining
      4110  0  60  Salve via Gathering
      4111  0  55  Salve via Skinning
      4112  0  60  Salve via Disenchanting
      4113  0  50  Corrupted Songflower
      4114  0  50  Corrupted Songflower
      4115  0  55  Corrupted Windblossom
      4116  0  55  Corrupted Songflower
      4117  0  60  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4118  0  55  Corrupted Songflower
      4119  0  60  Corrupted Night Dragon
      4120  0  52  The Strength of Corruption
      4121  0  58  Precarious Predicament
      4122  0  58  Grark Lorkrub
      4123  0  55  The Heart of the Mountain
      4124  0  43  The Missing Courier
      4125  0  43  The Missing Courier
      4126  0  55  Hurley Blackbreath
      4127  0  44  Boat Wreckage
      4128  0  55  Ragnar Thunderbrew
      4129  0  44  The Knife Revealed
      4130  0  44  Psychometric Reading
      4131  0  44  The Woodpaw Gnolls
      4132  0  58  Operation: Death to Angerforge
      4133  0  55  Vivian Lagrave
      4134  0  55  Lost Thunderbrew Recipe
      4135  0  46  The Writhing Deep
      4136  0  53  Ribbly Screwspigot
      4141  0  52  Muigin and Larion
      4142  0  52  A Visit to Gregan
      4143  0  52  Haze of Evil
      4144  0  60  Bloodpetal Sprouts
      4145  0  52  Larion and Muigin
      4146  0  52  Zapper Fuel
      4147  0  52  Marvon's Workshop
      4148  0  53  Bloodpetal Zapper
      4161  0  7  Recipe of the Kaldorei
      4181  3638  47  Goblin Engineering
      4182  0  54  Dragonkin Menace
      4183  0  54  The True Masters
      4184  0  54  The True Masters
      4185  0  54  The True Masters
      4186  0  54  The True Masters
      4201  0  54  The Love Potion
      4221  0  55  Corrupted Windblossom
      4222  0  60  Corrupted Windblossom
      4223  0  54  The True Masters
      4224  0  54  The True Masters
      4241  0  54  Marshal Windsor
      4242  0  54  Abandoned Hope
      4243  0  53  Chasing A-Me 01
      4244  0  53  Chasing A-Me 01
      4245  0  53  Chasing A-Me 01
      4261  0  56  Ancient Spirit
      4262  0  52  Overmaster Pyron
      4263  0  56  Incendius!
      4264  0  58  A Crumpled Up Note
      4265  0  46  Freed from the Hive
      4266  0  46  A Hero's Welcome
      4267  0  46  Rise of the Silithid
      4281  0  44  Thalanaar Delivery
      4282  0  58  A Shred of Hope
      4283  0  56  FIFTY! YEP!
      4284  0  53  Crystals of Power
      4285  4321  53  The Northern Pylon
      4286  0  56  The Good Stuff
      4287  4321  53  The Eastern Pylon
      4288  4321  53  The Western Pylon
      4289  0  55  The Apes of Un'Goro
      4290  0  53  The Fare of Lar'korwi
      4291  0  53  The Scent of Lar'korwi
      4292  0  56  The Bait for Lar'korwi
      4293  4642  52  A Sample of Slime...
      4294  4642  56  ... and a Batch of Ooze
      4295  0  1  Rocknot's Ale
      4296  0  50  Tablet of the Seven
      4297  0  47  Food for Baby
      4298  0  48  Becoming a Parent
      4300  0  52  Bone-Bladed Weapons
      4301  0  55  The Mighty U'cha
      4321  0  53  Making Sense of It
      4322  0  58  Jail Break!
      4324  0  53  Yuka Screwspigot
      4341  0  59  Kharan Mighthammer
      4342  0  59  Kharan's Tale
      4343  0  60  Corrupted Windblossom
      4361  0  59  The Bearer of Bad News
      4362  0  59  The Fate of the Kingdom
      4363  0  59  The Princess's Surprise
      4381  0  53  Crystal Restore
      4382  0  53  Crystal Force
      4383  0  53  Crystal Ward
      4384  0  53  Crystal Yield
      4385  0  53  Crystal Charge
      4386  0  53  Crystal Spire
      4401  0  55  Corrupted Songflower
      4402  0  3  Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise
      4403  0  60  Corrupted Windblossom
      4421  0  54  The Corruption of the Jadefire
      4441  0  54  Felbound Ancients
      4442  0  54  Purified!
      4443  0  60  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4444  0  60  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4445  0  60  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4446  0  60  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4447  0  60  Corrupted Night Dragon
      4448  0  60  Corrupted Night Dragon
      4449  0  45  Caught!
      4450  0  46  Ledger from Tanaris
      4451  0  47  The Key to Freedom
      4461  0  55  Corrupted Whipper Root
      4462  0  55  Corrupted Night Dragon
      4463  0  55  Libram of Rumination
      4464  0  55  Corrupted Songflower
      4465  0  55  Corrupted Songflower
      4466  0  60  Corrupted Windblossom
      4467  0  60  Corrupted Windblossom
      4481  0  55  Libram of Constitution
      4482  0  55  Libram of Tenacity
      4483  0  55  Libram of Resilience
      4484  0  55  Libram of Voracity
      4485  0  40  The Tome of Nobility
      4486  0  40  The Tome of Nobility
      4487  0  40  Summon Felsteed
      4488  0  40  Summon Felsteed
      4489  0  40  Summon Felsteed
      4490  0  40  Summon Felsteed
      4491  0  55  A Little Help From My Friends
      4492  0  55  Lost!
      4493  0  53  March of the Silithid
      4494  0  53  March of the Silithid
      4495  3519  2  A Good Friend
      4496  0  53  Bungle in the Jungle
      4501  0  55  Beware of Pterrordax
      4502  0  55  Volcanic Activity
      4503  0  51  Shizzle's Flyer
      4504  0  54  Super Sticky
      4505  0  54  Well of Corruption
      4506  0  54  Corrupted Sabers
      4507  0  54  Pawn Captures Queen
      4508  0  54  Calm Before the Storm
      4509  0  54  Calm Before the Storm
      4510  0  54  Calm Before the Storm
      4511  0  54  Calm Before the Storm
      4512  0  52  A Little Slime Goes a Long Way
      4513  0  54  A Little Slime Goes a Long Way
      4521  0  56  Wild Guardians
      4542  0  25  Message to Freewind Post
      4561  0  52  Testing for Impurities - Un'Goro Crater
      4581  0  29  Kayneth Stillwind
      4601  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      4602  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      4603  0  30  More Sparklematic Action
      4604  0  30  More Sparklematic Action
      4605  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      4606  0  30  The Sparklematic 5200!
      4621  0  60  Avast Ye, Admiral!
      4641  0  1  Your Place In The World
      4642  0  55  Melding of Influences
      4661  0  52  Testing for Corruption - Felwood
      4681  0  14  Washed Ashore
      4701  0  59  Put Her Down
      4721  0  59  Wild Guardians
      4722  0  13  Beached Sea Turtle
      4723  0  13  Beached Sea Creature
      4724  0  59  The Pack Mistress
      4725  0  15  Beached Sea Turtle
      4726  0  52  Broodling Essence
      4727  0  15  Beached Sea Turtle
      4728  0  14  Beached Sea Creature
      4729  0  59  Kibler's Exotic Pets
      4730  0  16  Beached Sea Creature
      4731  0  19  Beached Sea Turtle
      4732  0  19  Beached Sea Turtle
      4733  0  19  Beached Sea Creature
      4734  0  60  Egg Freezing
      4735  0  60  Egg Collection
      4736  0  31  In Search of Menara Voidrender
      4737  0  31  In Search of Menara Voidrender
      4738  0  31  In Search of Menara Voidrender
      4739  0  31  In Search of Menara Voidrender
      4740  0  18  WANTED: Murkdeep!
      4741  0  58  Wild Guardians
      4742  0  60  Seal of Ascension
      4743  0  60  Seal of Ascension
      4761  0  15  Thundris Windweaver
      4762  0  15  The Cliffspring River
      4763  0  18  The Blackwood Corrupted
      4764  0  60  Doomrigger's Clasp
      4765  0  60  Delivery to Ridgewell
      4766  0  60  Mayara Brightwing
      4767  0  29  Wind Rider
      4768  0  60  The Darkstone Tablet
      4769  0  60  Vivian Lagrave and the Darkstone Tablet
      4770  0  29  Homeward Bound
      4771  0  60  Dawn's Gambit
      4781  0  34  Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
      4782  0  34  Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
      4783  0  37  Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
      4784  0  37  Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
      4785  0  37  Fine Gold Thread
      4786  0  38  The Completed Robe
      4787  0  50  The Ancient Egg
      4788  0  58  The Final Tablets
      4801  0  60  Frostsaber E'ko
      4802  0  60  Winterfall E'ko
      4803  0  60  Shardtooth E'ko
      4804  0  60  Chillwind E'ko
      4805  0  60  Ice Thistle E'ko
      4806  0  60  Frostmaul E'ko
      4807  0  60  Wildkin E'ko
      4808  0  54  Felnok Steelspring
      4809  0  54  Chillwind Horns
      4810  0  54  Return to Tinkee
      4811  0  14  The Red Crystal
      4812  0  14  As Water Cascades
      4813  0  14  The Fragments Within
      4821  0  26  Alien Egg
      4822  0  60  You Scream, I Scream...
      4841  0  25  Pacify the Centaur
      4842  0  56  Strange Sources
      4861  0  59  Enraged Wildkin
      4862  0  59  En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why
      4863  0  59  Enraged Wildkin
      4864  0  59  Enraged Wildkin
      4865  0  26  Serpent Wild
      4866  0  60  Mother's Milk
      4867  0  60  Urok Doomhowl
      4881  0  28  Assassination Plot
      4882  0  59  Guarding Secrets
      4883  0  59  Guarding Secrets
      4901  0  59  Guardians of the Altar
      4902  0  57  Wildkin of Elune
      4903  0  60  Warlord's Command
      4904  0  29  Free at Last
      4906  0  54  Further Corruption
      4907  0  60  Tinkee Steamboil
      4921  0  20  Lost in Battle
      4941  0  60  Eitrigg's Wisdom
      4961  0  40  Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil
      4962  0  40  Shard of a Felhound
      4963  0  40  Shard of an Infernal
      4964  0  40  The Completed Orb of Dar'Orahil
      4965  0  35  Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil
      4966  0  28  Protect Kanati Greycloud
      4967  0  35  Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil
      4968  0  35  Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil
      4969  0  35  Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil
      4970  0  60  Frostsaber Provisions
      4971  0  56  A Matter of Time
      4972  0  56  Counting Out Time
      4973  0  56  Counting Out Time
      4974  0  60  For The Horde!
      4975  0  40  The Completed Orb of Noh'Orahil
      4976  0  40  Returning the Cleansed Orb
      4981  0  59  Operative Bijou
      4982  0  59  Bijou's Belongings
      4983  0  59  Bijou's Reconnaissance Report
      4984  0  54  The Wildlife Suffers Too
      4985  0  56  The Wildlife Suffers Too
      4986  0  56  Glyphed Oaken Branch
      4987  0  56  Glyphed Oaken Branch
      5001  0  59  Bijou's Belongings
      5002  0  59  Message to Maxwell
      5021  0  52  Better Late Than Never
      5022  0  52  Better Late Than Never
      5023  0  52  Better Late Than Never
      5041  0  14  Supplies for the Crossroads
      5042  0  20  Agamaggan's Strength
      5043  0  20  Agamaggan's Agility
      5044  0  20  Wisdom of Agamaggan
      5045  0  20  Rising Spirit
      5046  0  20  Razorhide
      5047  0  60  Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
      5048  5050  52  Good Natured Emma
      5049  5050  52  The Jeremiah Blues
      5050  0  52  Good Luck Charm
      5051  0  54  Two Halves Become One
      5052  0  21  Blood Shards of Agamaggan
      5054  0  56  Ursius of the Shardtooth
      5055  0  58  Brumeran of the Chillwind
      5056  0  60  Shy-Rotam
      5057  0  60  Past Endeavors
      5058  0  55  Mrs. Dalson's Diary
      5059  0  55  Locked Away
      5060  0  55  Locked Away
      5061  0  16  Aquatic Form
      5062  0  27  Sacred Fire
      5063  0  60  Cap of the Scarlet Savant
      5064  0  28  Grimtotem Spying
      5065  0  58  The Lost Tablets of Mosh'aru
      5066  5092  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5067  0  62  Leggings of Arcana
      5068  0  60  Breastplate of Bloodthirst
      5081  0  60  Maxwell's Mission
      5082  0  56  Threat of the Winterfall
      5083  0  56  Winterfall Firewater
      5084  0  56  Falling to Corruption
      5085  0  56  Mystery Goo
      5086  0  56  Toxic Horrors
      5087  0  57  Winterfall Runners
      5088  0  28  Arikara
      5089  0  60  General Drakkisath's Command
      5090  5092  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5091  5092  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5092  0  52  Clear the Way
      5093  5096  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5094  5096  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5095  5096  50  A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
      5096  0  53  Scarlet Diversions
      5097  0  56  All Along the Watchtowers
      5098  0  56  All Along the Watchtowers
      5102  0  60  General Drakkisath's Demise
      5103  0  60  Hot Fiery Death
      5121  0  59  High Chief Winterfall
      5122  5125  60  The Medallion of Faith
      5123  0  59  The Final Piece
      5124  0  60  Fiery Plate Gauntlets
      5125  0  60  Aurius' Reckoning
      5126  0  60  Lorax's Tale
      5127  0  60  The Demon Forge
      5128  0  59  Words of the High Chief
      5141  0  55  Dragonscale Leatherworking
      5142  5149  55  Little Pamela
      5143  0  55  Tribal Leatherworking
      5144  0  55  Elemental Leatherworking
      5145  0  55  Dragonscale Leatherworking
      5146  0  55  Elemental Leatherworking
      5147  0  29  Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem
      5148  0  55  Tribal Leatherworking
      5149  0  55  Pamela's Doll
      5150  0  55  Dadanga is Hungry!
      5151  0  30  Hypercapacitor Gizmo
      5152  0  56  Auntie Marlene
      5153  0  56  A Strange Historian
      5154  5210  56  The Annals of Darrowshire
      5155  0  51  Forces of Jaedenar
      5156  0  54  Verifying the Corruption
      5157  0  52  Collection of the Corrupt Water
      5158  0  52  Seeking Spiritual Aid
      5159  0  54  Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood
      5160  0  60  The Matron Protectorate
      5161  0  62  Wrath of the Blue Flight
      5162  0  60  Wrath of the Blue Flight
      5163  0  58  Are We There, Yeti?
      5164  0  60  Catalogue of the Wayward
      5165  0  55  Dousing the Flames of Protection
      5166  0  60  Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight
      5167  0  60  Legplates of the Chromatic Defier
      5168  5206  56  Heroes of Darrowshire
      5181  5206  57  Villains of Darrowshire
      5201  0  60  Winterfall Intrusion
      5202  0  55  A Strange Red Key
      5203  0  55  Rescue From Jaedenar
      5204  0  57  Retribution of the Light
      5206  0  60  Marauders of Darrowshire
      5209  0  49  Loremaster of Kalimdor
      5210  0  56  Brother Carlin
      5211  0  55  Defenders of Darrowshire
      5212  0  60  The Flesh Does Not Lie
      5213  0  60  The Active Agent
      5214  0  60  The Great Fras Siabi
      5215  0  53  The Scourge Cauldrons
      5216  5218  53  Target: Felstone Field
      5217  0  53  Return to Chillwind Camp
      5218  0  53  Felstone Field Cauldron
      5219  5221  55  Target: Dalson's Tears
      5220  0  55  Return to Chillwind Camp
      5221  0  55  Dalson's Tears Cauldron
      5222  5224  55  Target: Writhing Haunt
      5223  0  55  Return to Chillwind Camp
      5224  0  55  Writhing Haunt Cauldron
      5225  5227  58  Target: Gahrron's Withering
      5226  0  58  Return to Chillwind Point
      5227  0  58  Gahrron's Withering Cauldron
      5228  0  53  The Scourge Cauldrons
      5229  5218  53  Target: Felstone Field
      5230  0  53  Return to the Bulwark
      5231  5221  55  Target: Dalson's Tears
      5232  0  55  Return to the Bulwark
      5233  5224  55  Target: Writhing Haunt
      5234  0  55  Return to the Bulwark
      5235  5227  58  Target: Gahrron's Withering
      5236  0  58  Return to the Bulwark
      5237  0  58  Mission Accomplished!
      5238  0  58  Mission Accomplished!
      5241  0  56  Uncle Carlin
      5242  0  58  A Final Blow
      5243  0  60  Houses of the Holy
      5244  0  56  The Ruins of Kel'Theril
      5245  0  56  Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril
      5246  0  56  Fragments of the Past
      5247  0  57  Fragments of the Past
      5248  0  58  Tormented By the Past
      5249  0  56  To Winterspring!
      5250  0  56  Starfall
      5251  0  60  The Archivist
      5252  0  60  Remorseful Highborne
      5253  0  58  The Crystal of Zin-Malor
      5261  0  2  Eagan Peltskinner
      5262  0  60  The Truth Comes Crashing Down
      5263  0  60  Above and Beyond
      5264  0  60  Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
      5265  0  60  The Argent Hold
      5281  0  60  The Restless Souls
      5282  0  60  The Restless Souls
      5283  0  40  The Art of the Armorsmith
      5284  0  40  The Way of the Weaponsmith
      5301  0  40  The Art of the Armorsmith
      5302  0  40  The Way of the Weaponsmith
      5305  0  60  Sweet Serenity
      5306  0  60  Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress
      5307  0  60  Corruption
      5321  0  20  The Sleeper Has Awakened
      5341  0  60  Barov Family Fortune
      5342  0  60  The Last Barov
      5343  0  60  Barov Family Fortune
      5344  0  60  The Last Barov
      5361  0  35  Family Tree
      5381  0  38  Hand of Iruxos
      5382  0  60  Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
      5384  0  60  Kirtonos the Herald
      5385  0  57  The Remains of Trey Lightforge
      5386  0  37  Catch of the Day
      5401  0  55  Argent Dawn Commission
      5402  0  55  Minion's Scourgestones
      5403  0  55  Invader's Scourgestones
      5404  0  55  Corruptor's Scourgestones
      5405  0  55  Argent Dawn Commission
      5406  0  55  Corruptor's Scourgestones
      5407  0  55  Invader's Scourgestones
      5408  0  55  Minion's Scourgestones
      5421  0  25  Fish in a Bucket
      5441  0  4  Lazy Peons
      5461  0  60  The Human, Ras Frostwhisper
      5462  0  60  The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper
      5463  0  60  Menethil's Gift
      5464  0  60  Menethil's Gift
      5465  0  60  Soulbound Keepsake
      5466  0  60  The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper
      5481  0  5  Gordo's Task
      5482  0  6  Doom Weed
      5501  0  39  Bone Collector
      5502  0  60  A Warden of the Horde
      5503  0  55  Argent Dawn Commission
      5504  0  60  Mantles of the Dawn
      5505  0  60  The Key to Scholomance
      5507  0  60  Mantles of the Dawn
      5508  0  55  Corruptor's Scourgestones
      5509  0  55  Invader's Scourgestones
      5510  0  55  Minion's Scourgestones
      5511  0  60  The Key to Scholomance
      5513  0  60  Mantles of the Dawn
      5514  0  57  Mold Rhymes With...
      5515  0  60  Krastinov's Bag of Horrors
      5517  0  60  Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
      5518  0  60  The Gordok Ogre Suit
      5519  0  60  The Gordok Ogre Suit
      5521  0  60  Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
      5522  0  60  Leonid Barthalomew
      5524  0  60  Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
      5525  0  60  Free Knot!
      5526  0  60  Shards of the Felvine
      5527  0  60  A Reliquary of Purity
      5528  0  60  The Gordok Taste Test
      5529  0  58  Plagued Hatchlings
      5531  0  60  Betina Bigglezink
      5533  0  55  Scholomance
      5534  0  53  Kim'jael's "Missing" Equipment
      5535  0  47  Spiritual Unrest
      5536  0  47  A Land Filled with Hatred
      5537  0  57  Skeletal Fragments
      5538  0  57  Mold Rhymes With...
      5541  0  6  Ammo for Rumbleshot
      5542  0  56  Demon Dogs
      5543  0  56  Blood Tinged Skies
      5544  0  56  Carrion Grubbage
      5545  0  9  A Bundle of Trouble
      5561  0  34  Kodo Roundup
      5581  0  38  Portals of the Legion
      5582  0  58  Healthy Dragon Scale
      5601  5149  55  Sister Pamela
      5621  0  4  Garments of the Moon
      5622  0  4  In Favor of Elune
      5623  0  4  In Favor of the Light
      5624  0  4  Garments of the Light
      5625  0  4  Garments of the Light
      5626  0  4  In Favor of the Light
      5627  0  10  Stars of Elune
      5628  5627  10  Returning Home
      5629  5627  10  Returning Home
      5630  5627  10  Returning Home
      5631  5627  10  Returning Home
      5632  5627  10  Returning Home
      5633  5627  10  Returning Home
      5634  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5635  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5636  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5637  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5638  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5639  0  10  Desperate Prayer
      5641  0  20  A Lack of Fear
      5642  0  20  Shadowguard
      5643  0  20  Shadowguard
      5644  0  20  Devouring Plague
      5645  0  20  A Lack of Fear
      5646  0  20  Devouring Plague
      5647  0  20  A Lack of Fear
      5648  0  4  Garments of Spirituality
      5649  0  4  In Favor of Spirituality
      5650  0  4  Garments of Darkness
      5651  0  4  In Favor of Darkness
      5652  0  10  Hex of Weakness
      5654  0  10  Hex of Weakness
      5655  0  10  Hex of Weakness
      5656  0  59  Hex of Weakness
      5657  0  59  Hex of Weakness
      5658  0  10  Touch of Weakness
      5659  0  60  Touch of Weakness
      5660  0  10  Touch of Weakness
      5661  0  10  Touch of Weakness
      5662  0  10  Touch of Weakness
      5663  0  10  Touch of Weakness
      5672  0  20  Elune's Grace
      5673  0  20  Elune's Grace
      5674  0  20  Elune's Grace
      5675  0  20  Elune's Grace
      5676  0  20  Arcane Feedback
      5677  0  20  Arcane Feedback
      5679  0  20  Devouring Plague
      5680  0  20  Shadowguard
      5713  0  15  One Shot. One Kill.
      5721  0  60  The Battle of Darrowshire
      5722  0  16  Searching for the Lost Satchel
      5723  0  15  Testing an Enemy's Strength
      5724  0  16  Returning the Lost Satchel
      5725  0  16  The Power to Destroy...
      5726  0  12  Hidden Enemies
      5727  0  12  Hidden Enemies
      5728  0  16  Hidden Enemies
      5729  0  15  Hidden Enemies
      5730  0  16  Hidden Enemies
      5741  0  33  Sceptre of Light
      5742  0  56  Redemption
      5761  0  16  Slaying the Beast
      5762  0  31  Hemet Nesingwary
      5763  0  31  Hunting in Stranglethorn
      5781  0  57  Of Forgotten Memories
      5801  0  57  Fire Plume Forged
      5802  0  57  Fire Plume Forged
      5803  0  60  Araj's Scarab
      5804  0  60  Araj's Scarab
      5805  0  1  Welcome!
      5821  0  35  Bodyguard for Hire
      5841  0  1  Welcome!
      5842  0  1  Welcome!
      5843  0  1  Welcome!
      5844  0  1  Welcome!
      5845  0  58  Of Lost Honor
      5846  0  58  Of Love and Family
      5847  0  1  Welcome!
      5848  0  60  Of Love and Family
      5861  0  60  Find Myranda
      5862  0  60  Scarlet Subterfuge
      5863  0  49  The Dunemaul Compound
      5881  0  28  Calling in the Reserves
      5882  0  55  Salve via Hunting
      5883  0  60  Salve via Mining
      5884  0  60  Salve via Gathering
      5885  0  60  Salve via Skinning
      5886  0  55  Salve via Disenchanting
      5887  0  55  Salve via Hunting
      5888  0  55  Salve via Mining
      5889  0  60  Salve via Gathering
      5890  0  55  Salve via Skinning
      5891  0  55  Salve via Disenchanting
      5892  0  60  Irondeep Supplies
      5893  0  60  Coldtooth Supplies
      5901  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      5902  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      5903  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      5904  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      5921  5929  10  Moonglade
      5922  5930  10  Moonglade
      5923  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5924  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5925  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5926  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5927  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5928  0  10  Heeding the Call
      5929  5931  10  Great Bear Spirit
      5930  5932  10  Great Bear Spirit
      5931  6001  10  Back to Darnassus
      5932  6002  10  Back to Thunder Bluff
      5941  0  60  Return to Chromie
      5942  0  60  Hidden Treasures
      5943  0  38  Gizelton Caravan
      5944  0  60  In Dreams
      5961  0  56  The Champion of the Banshee Queen
      5981  0  60  Rampaging Giants
      6001  0  10  Body and Heart
      6002  0  10  Body and Heart
      6004  0  56  Unfinished Business
      6021  0  55  Zaeldarr the Outcast
      6022  0  58  To Kill With Purpose
      6023  0  57  Unfinished Business
      6024  0  60  Hameya's Plea
      6025  0  58  Unfinished Business
      6026  0  58  That's Asking A Lot
      6027  0  38  Book of the Ancients
      6028  0  52  The Everlook Report
      6029  0  52  The Everlook Report
      6030  0  52  Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff
      6031  0  55  Runecloth
      6032  0  55  Sacred Cloth
      6041  0  58  When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent
      6042  0  58  Un-Life's Little Annoyances
      6061  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6062  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6063  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6064  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6065  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6066  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6067  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6068  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6069  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6070  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6071  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6072  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6073  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6074  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6075  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6076  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6081  0  10  Training the Beast
      6082  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6083  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6084  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6085  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6086  0  10  Training the Beast
      6087  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6088  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6089  0  10  Training the Beast
      6101  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6102  0  10  Taming the Beast
      6103  0  10  Training the Beast
      6121  0  14  Lessons Anew
      6122  0  14  The Principal Source
      6123  0  14  Gathering the Cure
      6124  0  14  Curing the Sick
      6125  0  14  Power over Poison
      6126  0  16  Lessons Anew
      6127  0  14  The Principal Source
      6128  0  14  Gathering the Cure
      6129  0  14  Curing the Sick
      6130  0  14  Power over Poison
      6132  0  39  Get Me Out of Here!
      6133  0  60  The Ranger Lord's Behest
      6134  0  39  Ghost-o-plasm Round Up
      6135  0  60  Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee...
      6136  0  60  The Corpulent One
      6141  0  39  Brother Anton
      6142  0  35  Clam Bait
      6143  0  36  Other Fish to Fry
      6144  0  60  The Call to Command
      6145  0  60  The Crimson Courier
      6146  0  60  Nathanos' Ruse
      6147  0  60  Return to Nathanos
      6148  0  60  The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria
      6161  0  36  Claim Rackmore's Treasure!
      6162  0  51  A Husband's Last Battle
      6163  0  60  Ramstein
      6164  0  55  Augustus' Receipt Book
      6181  0  10  A Swift Message
      6182  0  60  The First and the Last
      6183  0  60  Honor the Dead
      6184  0  60  Flint Shadowmore
      6185  0  60  The Eastern Plagues
      6186  0  60  The Blightcaller Cometh
      6187  0  60  Order Must Be Restored
      6261  0  10  Dungar Longdrink
      6281  0  10  Continue to Stormwind
      6282  0  26  Harpies Threaten
      6283  0  26  Bloodfury Bloodline
      6284  0  21  Arachnophobia
      6285  0  10  Return to Lewis
      6301  0  23  Cycle of Rebirth
      6321  0  10  Supplying the Sepulcher
      6322  0  10  Michael Garrett
      6323  0  10  Ride to the Undercity
      6324  0  10  Return to Podrig
      6341  0  10  The Bounty of Teldrassil
      6342  0  10  Flight to Auberdine
      6343  0  10  Return to Nessa
      6344  0  10  Nessa Shadowsong
      6361  0  10  A Bundle of Hides
      6362  0  10  Ride to Thunder Bluff
      6363  0  10  Tal the Wind Rider Master
      6364  0  10  Return to Jahan
      6365  0  10  Meats to Orgrimmar
      6381  0  25  New Life
      6382  6383  20  The Ashenvale Hunt
      6383  0  20  The Ashenvale Hunt
      6384  0  10  Ride to Orgrimmar
      6385  0  10  Doras the Wind Rider Master
      6386  0  10  Return to the Crossroads.
      6387  0  10  Honor Students
      6388  0  10  Gryth Thurden
      6389  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      6390  0  55  A Plague Upon Thee
      6391  0  10  Ride to Ironforge
      6392  0  10  Return to Brock
      6393  0  25  Elemental War
      6394  0  4  Thazz'ril's Pick
      6395  0  5  Marla's Last Wish
      6401  0  18  Kaya's Alive
      6402  0  60  Stormwind Rendezvous
      6403  0  60  The Great Masquerade
      6421  0  18  Boulderslide Ravine
      6441  0  26  Satyr Horns
      6442  0  19  Naga at the Zoram Strand
      6461  0  19  Blood Feeders
      6462  0  24  Troll Charm
      6481  0  20  Earthen Arise
      6482  0  24  Freedom to Ruul
      6501  0  60  The Dragon's Eye
      6502  0  60  Drakefire Amulet
      6503  0  24  Ashenvale Outrunners
      6504  0  30  The Lost Pages
      6521  0  36  An Unholy Alliance
      6522  0  36  An Unholy Alliance
      6523  0  18  Protect Kaya
      6541  0  19  Report to Kadrak
      6542  0  19  Report to Kadrak
      6543  0  19  The Warsong Reports
      6544  0  24  Torek's Assault
      6545  0  19  Warsong Runner Update
      6546  0  25  Warsong Outrider Update
      6547  0  21  Warsong Scout Update
      6548  0  18  Avenge My Village
      6561  0  27  Blackfathom Villainy
      6562  0  22  Trouble in the Deeps
      6563  0  22  The Essence of Aku'Mai
      6564  0  22  Allegiance to the Old Gods
      6565  0  26  Allegiance to the Old Gods
      6566  0  60  What the Wind Carries
      6567  0  60  The Champion of the Horde
      6568  0  60  The Testament of Rexxar
      6569  0  60  Oculus Illusions
      6570  0  60  Emberstrife
      6571  0  27  Warsong Supplies
      6581  0  27  Warsong Saw Blades
      6582  6585  60  The Test of Skulls, Scryer
      6583  6585  60  The Test of Skulls, Somnus
      6584  6585  60  The Test of Skulls, Chronalis
      6585  0  60  The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
      6601  0  60  Ascension...
      6602  0  60  Blood of the Black Dragon Champion
      6603  0  56  Trouble in Winterspring!
      6604  0  59  Enraged Wildkin
      6605  0  54  A Strange One
      6606  0  60  A Little Luck
      6607  0  45  Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme
      6608  0  45  You Too Good!
      6609  0  45  I Got Nothin' Left!
      6610  0  45  Clamlette Surprise
      6611  0  45  To Gadgetzan You Go!
      6612  0  45  I Know A Guy...
      6621  0  30  King of the Foulweald
      6622  0  45  Triage
      6623  0  45  Horde Trauma
      6624  0  45  Triage
      6625  0  45  Alliance Trauma
      6626  0  35  A Host of Evil
      6627  0  30  Test of Lore
      6628  0  30  Test of Lore
      6629  0  18  Kill Grundig Darkcloud
      6641  0  25  Vorsha the Lasher
      6642  0  60  Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron Ore
      6643  0  60  Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery Core
      6644  0  60  Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava Core
      6645  0  60  Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core Leather
      6646  0  60  Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mountain
      6661  0  12  Deeprun Rat Roundup
      6662  0  12  Me Brother, Nipsy
      6681  6701  24  The Manor, Ravenholdt
      6701  0  24  Syndicate Emblems
      6721  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6722  0  10  The Hunter's Path
      6741  0  60  More Booty!
      6761  0  55  The New Frontier
      6762  1124  55  Rabine Saturna
      6781  0  60  More Armor Scraps
      6801  0  60  Lokholar the Ice Lord
      6804  6821  56  Poisoned Water
      6805  6821  57  Stormers and Rumblers
      6821  0  60  Eye of the Emberseer
      6822  0  60  The Molten Core
      6823  0  60  Agent of Hydraxis
      6824  0  60  Hands of the Enemy
      6825  0  60  Call of Air - Guse's Fleet
      6826  0  60  Call of Air - Jeztor's Fleet
      6827  0  60  Call of Air - Mulverick's Fleet
      6844  0  57  Umber, Archivist
      6845  0  57  Uncovering Past Secrets
      6846  0  60  Begin the Attack!
      6847  0  60  Master Ryson's All Seeing Eye
      6848  0  60  Master Ryson's All Seeing Eye
      6861  0  60  Zinfizzlex's Portable Shredder Unit
      6862  0  60  Zinfizzlex's Portable Shredder Unit
      6881  0  60  Ivus the Forest Lord
      6901  0  60  Launch the Attack!
      6921  0  27  Amongst the Ruins
      6922  0  30  Baron Aquanis
      6941  0  60  Call of Air - Vipore's Fleet
      6942  0  60  Call of Air - Slidore's Fleet
      6943  0  60  Call of Air - Ichman's Fleet
      6961  0  60  Great-father Winter is Here!
      6962  0  15  Treats for Great-father Winter
      6963  0  35  Stolen Winter Veil Treats
      6964  0  60  The Reason for the Season
      6981  0  26  The Glowing Shard
      6982  0  60  Coldtooth Supplies
      6983  0  35  You're a Mean One...
      6984  0  35  A Smokywood Pastures' Thank You!
      6985  0  60  Irondeep Supplies
      7001  0  60  Empty Stables
      7002  0  60  Ram Hide Harnesses
      7003  0  48  Zapped Giants
      7021  0  69  Great-father Winter is Here!
      7022  0  69  Greatfather Winter is Here!
      7023  0  60  Greatfather Winter is Here!
      7024  0  60  Great-father Winter is Here!
      7025  0  60  Treats for Greatfather Winter
      7026  0  60  Ram Riding Harnesses
      7027  0  60  Empty Stables
      7028  0  47  Twisted Evils
      7029  0  47  Vyletongue Corruption
      7041  0  47  Vyletongue Corruption
      7042  0  1  Stolen Winter Veil Treats
      7043  0  35  You're a Mean One...
      7044  0  49  Legends of Maraudon
      7045  0  35  A Smokywood Pastures' Thank You!
      7046  0  49  The Scepter of Celebras
      7061  0  60  The Feast of Winter Veil
      7062  0  60  The Reason for the Season
      7063  0  60  The Feast of Winter Veil
      7064  0  51  Corruption of Earth and Seed
      7065  0  51  Corruption of Earth and Seed
      7066  0  51  Seed of Life
      7067  0  48  The Pariah's Instructions
      7068  0  42  Shadowshard Fragments
      7070  0  42  Shadowshard Fragments
      7081  0  60  Alterac Valley Graveyards
      7082  0  60  The Graveyards of Alterac
      7101  0  60  Towers and Bunkers
      7102  0  60  Towers and Bunkers
      7121  0  60  The Quartermaster
      7122  0  60  Capture a Mine
      7123  0  60  Speak with our Quartermaster
      7124  0  60  Capture a Mine
      7141  0  60  The Battle of Alterac
      7142  0  60  The Battle for Alterac
      7161  0  60  Proving Grounds
      7162  0  60  Proving Grounds
      7163  0  60  Rise and Be Recognized
      7164  0  60  Honored Amongst the Clan
      7165  0  60  Earned Reverence
      7166  0  60  Legendary Heroes
      7167  0  60  The Eye of Command
      7168  0  60  Rise and Be Recognized
      7169  0  60  Honored Amongst the Guard
      7170  0  60  Earned Reverence
      7171  0  60  Legendary Heroes
      7172  0  60  The Eye of Command
      7181  0  60  The Legend of Korrak
      7201  0  54  The Last Element
      7202  0  60  Korrak the Bloodrager
      7221  7141  60  Speak with Prospector Stonehewer
      7222  7142  60  Speak with Voggah Deathgrip
      7223  0  60  Armor Scraps
      7224  0  60  Enemy Booty
      7241  0  60  In Defense of Frostwolf
      7261  0  60  The Sovereign Imperative
      7281  0  60  Brotherly Love
      7282  0  60  Brotherly Love
      7301  0  60  Fallen Sky Lords
      7302  0  60  Fallen Sky Lords
      7321  0  31  Soothing Turtle Bisque
      7341  0  60  A Fair Trade
      7342  0  60  Arrows Are For Sissies
      7361  0  60  Favor Amongst the Darkspear
      7362  0  60  Ally of the Tauren
      7363  0  60  The Human Condition
      7364  0  60  Gnomeregan Bounty
      7365  0  60  Staghelm's Requiem
      7366  0  60  The Archbishop's Mercy
      7367  0  60  Defusing the Threat
      7368  0  60  Defusing the Threat
      7381  0  60  The Return of Korrak
      7382  0  60  Korrak the Everliving
      7383  0  11  Crown of the Earth
      7385  0  60  A Gallon of Blood
      7386  0  60  Crystal Cluster
      7401  0  60  Wanted: DWARVES!
      7402  0  60  Wanted: ORCS!
      7421  0  60  Darkspear Defense
      7422  0  60  Tuft it Out
      7423  0  60  I've Got A Fever For More Bone Chips
      7424  0  60  What the Hoof?
      7425  0  60  Staghelm's Mojo Jamboree
      7426  0  60  One Man's Love
      7427  0  60  Wanted: MORE DWARVES!
      7428  0  60  Wanted: MORE ORCS!
      7429  0  60  Free Knot!
      7441  0  58  Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin
      7461  0  60  The Madness Within
      7462  0  60  The Treasure of the Shen'dralar
      7463  0  60  Arcane Refreshment
      7481  0  60  Elven Legends
      7482  0  60  Elven Legends
      7483  0  60  Libram of Rapidity
      7484  0  60  Libram of Focus
      7485  0  60  Libram of Protection
      7486  0  60  A Hero's Reward
      7487  0  60  Attunement to the Core
      7488  0  57  Lethtendris's Web
      7489  0  57  Lethtendris's Web
      7490  0  60  Victory for the Horde
      7491  0  60  For All To See
      7492  0  57  Camp Mojache
      7493  0  60  The Journey Has Just Begun
      7494  0  57  Feathermoon Stronghold
      7495  0  60  Victory for the Alliance
      7496  0  60  Celebrating Good Times
      7497  0  60  The Journey Has Just Begun
      7498  0  60  Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery
      7499  0  60  Codex of Defense
      7500  0  60  The Arcanist's Cookbook
      7501  0  60  The Light and How To Swing It
      7502  0  60  Harnessing Shadows
      7503  0  60  The Greatest Race of Hunters
      7504  0  60  Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You
      7505  0  60  Frost Shock and You
      7506  0  60  The Emerald Dream...
      7507  0  60  Foror's Compendium
      7508  0  60  The Forging of Quel'Serrar
      7509  0  60  The Forging of Quel'Serrar
      7541  0  45  Service to the Horde
      7562  7563  58  Mor'zul Bloodbringer
      7563  7564  58  Rage of Blood
      7564  7629  58  Wildeyes
      7581  7583  60  The Prison's Bindings
      7582  7583  60  The Prison's Casing
      7583  0  60  Suppression
      7601  0  50  What Niby Commands
      7602  0  55  Flawless Fel Essence
      7603  0  55  Kroshius' Infernal Core
      7604  0  60  A Binding Contract
      7621  0  60  A Warning
      7622  0  60  The Balance of Light and Shadow
      7623  0  58  Lord Banehollow
      7624  7625  58  Ulathek the Traitor
      7625  7629  60  Xorothian Stardust
      7626  7630  60  Bell of Dethmoora
      7627  7630  60  Wheel of the Black March
      7628  7630  60  Doomsday Candle
      7629  7631  60  Imp Delivery
      7630  7631  60  Arcanite
      7631  0  60  Dreadsteed of Xoroth
      7632  0  60  The Ancient Leaf
      7633  0  60  An Introduction
      7634  0  60  Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
      7635  0  60  A Proper String
      7636  0  60  Stave of the Ancients
      7637  7639  60  Emphasis on Sacrifice
      7638  7637  60  Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
      7639  7640  60  To Show Due Judgment
      7640  7641  60  Exorcising Terrordale
      7641  7642  60  The Work of Grimand Elmore
      7642  7643  60  Collection of Goods
      7643  7644  60  Ancient Equine Spirit
      7644  7646  60  Blessed Arcanite Barding
      7645  0  60  Manna-Enriched Horse Feed
      7646  7647  60  The Divination Scryer
      7647  0  60  Judgment and Redemption
      7648  0  60  Grimand's Finest Work
      7649  0  60  Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I
      7650  0  60  Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II
      7651  0  60  Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III
      7652  0  60  A Blue Light Bargain
      7653  0  60  Imperial Plate Belt
      7654  0  60  Imperial Plate Boots
      7655  0  60  Imperial Plate Bracer
      7656  0  60  Imperial Plate Chest
      7657  0  60  Imperial Plate Helm
      7658  0  60  Imperial Plate Leggings
      7659  0  60  Imperial Plate Shoulders
      7660  0  1  Wolf Swapping - Arctic Wolf
      7661  0  1  Wolf Swapping - Red Wolf
      7662  0  1  New Kodo - Teal
      7663  0  1  New Kodo - Green
      7664  0  1  Ivory Raptor Replacement
      7665  0  1  Red Raptor Replacement
      7666  0  60  Again Into the Great Ossuary
      7667  0  60  Material Assistance
      7671  0  1  Frostsaber Replacement
      7672  0  1  Nightsaber Replacement
      7673  0  1  Frost Ram Exchange
      7674  0  1  Black Ram Exchange
      7675  0  1  Icy Blue Mechanostrider Replacement
      7676  0  1  White Mechanostrider Replacement
      7677  0  1  White Stallion Exchange
      7678  0  1  Palomino Exchange
      7701  0  50  WANTED: Overseer Maltorius
      7703  0  60  Unfinished Gordok Business
      7704  0  50  Look at the Size of It!
      7721  0  48  Fuel for the Zapping
      7722  0  50  What the Flux?
      7723  0  49  Curse These Fat Fingers
      7724  0  49  Fiery Menace!
      7725  0  55  Again With the Zapped Giants
      7726  0  60  Refuel for the Zapping
      7727  0  49  Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like It
      7728  0  48  STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout's Spyglass
      7729  0  48  JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition
      7730  7732  45  Zukk'ash Infestation
      7731  7732  47  Stinglasher
      7732  0  48  Zukk'ash Report
      7733  0  48  Improved Quality
      7734  0  48  Improved Quality
      7735  0  48  Pristine Yeti Hide
      7736  0  60  Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Kingsblood
      7737  0  60  Gaining Acceptance
      7738  0  48  Perfect Yeti Hide
      7761  0  60  Blackhand's Command
      7781  0  60  The Lord of Blackrock
      7782  0  60  The Lord of Blackrock
      7783  0  60  The Lord of Blackrock
      7784  0  60  The Lord of Blackrock
      7785  0  60  Examine the Vessel
      7786  0  60  Thunderaan the Windseeker
      7787  0  60  Rise, Thunderfury!
      7788  0  25  Vanquish the Invaders!
      7789  0  25  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      7791  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7792  0  60  A Donation of Wool
      7793  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7794  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7795  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7796  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7798  0  60  A Donation of Silk
      7799  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7800  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7801  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7802  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7803  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7804  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7805  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7806  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7807  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7808  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7809  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7810  7838  55  Arena Master
      7811  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7812  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7813  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7814  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7815  0  50  Snapjaws, Mon!
      7816  0  48  Gammerita, Mon!
      7817  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7818  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7819  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7820  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7821  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7822  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7823  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7824  7832  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7825  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7826  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7827  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7828  0  48  Stalking the Stalkers
      7829  0  48  Hunt the Savages
      7830  0  48  Avenging the Fallen
      7831  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7832  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7833  0  20  A Donation of Wool
      7834  0  30  A Donation of Silk
      7835  0  45  A Donation of Mageweave
      7836  0  55  A Donation of Runecloth
      7837  0  60  Additional Runecloth
      7838  0  55  Arena Grandmaster
      7839  0  48  Vilebranch Hooligans
      7840  0  49  Lard Lost His Lunch
      7841  0  48  Message to the Wildhammer
      7842  0  48  Another Message to the Wildhammer
      7843  0  50  The Final Message to the Wildhammer
      7844  0  48  Cannibalistic Cousins
      7845  0  51  Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!
      7846  0  51  Recover the Key!
      7847  0  51  Return to Primal Torntusk
      7848  0  60  Attunement to the Core
      7849  0  50  Separation Anxiety
      7850  0  50  Dark Vessels
      7861  0  51  Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions
      7862  0  51  Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village
      7863  0  34  Sentinel Basic Care Package
      7864  0  44  Sentinel Standard Care Package
      7865  0  60  Sentinel Advanced Care Package
      7866  0  34  Outrider Basic Care Package
      7867  0  44  Outrider Standard Care Package
      7868  0  60  Outrider Advanced Care Package
      7871  0  35  Vanquish the Invaders!
      7872  0  45  Vanquish the Invaders!
      7873  0  55  Vanquish the Invaders!
      7874  0  35  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      7875  0  45  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      7876  0  55  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      7877  0  60  The Treasure of the Shen'dralar
      7881  0  60  Carnival Boots
      7882  0  60  Carnival Jerkins
      7883  0  60  The World's Largest Gnome!
      7884  0  60  Crocolisk Boy and the Bearded Murloc
      7885  0  60  Armor Kits
      7886  0  55  Talismans of Merit
      7887  0  35  Talismans of Merit
      7888  0  45  Talismans of Merit
      7889  0  60  Coarse Weightstone
      7890  0  60  Heavy Grinding Stone
      7891  0  60  Green Iron Bracers
      7892  0  60  Big Black Mace
      7893  0  60  Rituals of Strength
      7894  0  60  Copper Modulator
      7895  0  60  Whirring Bronze Gizmo
      7896  0  60  Green Fireworks
      7897  0  60  Mechanical Repair Kits
      7898  0  60  Thorium Widget
      7899  0  60  Small Furry Paws
      7900  0  60  Torn Bear Pelts
      7901  0  60  Soft Bushy Tails
      7902  0  60  Vibrant Plumes
      7903  0  60  Evil Bat Eyes
      7905  0  60  The Darkmoon Faire
      7907  0  60  Darkmoon Beast Deck
      7921  0  25  Talismans of Merit
      7922  0  55  Mark of Honor
      7923  0  45  Mark of Honor
      7924  0  35  Mark of Honor
      7925  0  25  Mark of Honor
      7926  0  60  The Darkmoon Faire
      7927  0  55  Darkmoon Portals Deck
      7928  0  55  Darkmoon Warlords Deck
      7929  0  55  Darkmoon Elementals Deck
      7930  0  60  5 Tickets - Darkmoon Flower
      7931  0  60  5 Tickets - Minor Darkmoon Prize
      7932  0  60  12 Tickets - Lesser Darkmoon Prize
      7933  0  60  40 Tickets - Greater Darkmoon Prize
      7934  0  60  50 Tickets - Darkmoon Storage Box
      7935  0  60  10 Tickets - Last Month's Mutton
      7936  0  60  50 Tickets - Last Year's Mutton
      7937  0  60  Your Fortune Awaits You...
      7938  0  60  Your Fortune Awaits You...
      7939  0  60  More Dense Grinding Stones
      7940  0  60  1200 Tickets - Orb of the Darkmoon
      7941  0  60  More Armor Kits
      7942  0  60  More Thorium Widgets
      7943  0  60  More Bat Eyes
      7944  0  60  Your Fortune Awaits You...
      7945  0  60  Your Fortune Awaits You...
      7946  0  0  Spawn of Jubjub
      7981  0  60  1200 Tickets - Amulet of the Darkmoon
      8001  0  3  Zombie Cleansing
      8041  0  60  Strength of Mount Mugamba
      8042  0  60  Strength of Mount Mugamba
      8043  0  60  Strength of Mount Mugamba
      8044  0  60  The Rage of Mount Mugamba
      8045  0  60  The Heathen's Brand
      8046  0  60  The Heathen's Brand
      8047  0  60  The Heathen's Brand
      8048  0  60  The Hero's Brand
      8049  0  60  The Eye of Zuldazar
      8050  0  60  The Eye of Zuldazar
      8051  0  60  The Eye of Zuldazar
      8052  0  60  The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar
      8053  0  61  Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Armguards
      8054  0  61  Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Belt
      8055  0  61  Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Breastplate
      8056  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Augur's Bracers
      8057  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Bracers
      8058  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Vindicator's Armguards
      8059  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Demoniac's Wraps
      8060  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Illusionist's Wraps
      8061  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Wraps
      8062  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Predator's Bracers
      8063  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Madcap's Bracers
      8064  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Belt
      8065  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Tunic
      8066  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Predator's Belt
      8067  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Predator's Mantle
      8068  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Illusionist's Mantle
      8069  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Illusionist's Robes
      8070  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Bindings
      8071  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Mantle
      8072  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Madcap's Mantle
      8073  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Madcap's Tunic
      8074  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Augur's Belt
      8075  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Augur's Hauberk
      8076  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Demoniac's Mantle
      8077  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Demoniac's Robes
      8078  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Vindicator's Belt
      8079  0  60  Paragons of Power: The Vindicator's Breastplate
      8080  0  55  Arathi Basin Resources!
      8081  0  55  More Resource Crates
      8101  0  60  The Pebble of Kajaro
      8102  0  60  The Pebble of Kajaro
      8103  0  60  The Pebble of Kajaro
      8104  0  60  The Jewel of Kajaro
      8105  0  55  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8106  0  60  Kezan's Taint
      8107  0  60  Kezan's Taint
      8108  0  60  Kezan's Taint
      8109  0  60  Kezan's Unstoppable Taint
      8110  0  60  Enchanted South Seas Kelp
      8111  0  60  Enchanted South Seas Kelp
      8112  0  60  Enchanted South Seas Kelp
      8113  0  60  Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp
      8114  0  60  Control Four Bases
      8115  0  60  Control Five Bases
      8116  0  60  Vision of Voodress
      8117  0  60  Vision of Voodress
      8118  0  60  Vision of Voodress
      8119  0  60  The Unmarred Vision of Voodress
      8120  0  55  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8121  0  60  Take Four Bases
      8122  0  60  Take Five Bases
      8123  0  55  Cut Arathor Supply Lines
      8124  0  55  More Resource Crates
      8141  0  60  Zandalrian Shadow Talisman
      8142  0  60  Zandalrian Shadow Talisman
      8143  0  60  Zandalrian Shadow Talisman
      8144  0  60  Zandalrian Shadow Mastery Talisman
      8145  0  60  The Maelstrom's Tendril
      8146  0  60  The Maelstrom's Tendril
      8147  0  60  The Maelstrom's Tendril
      8148  0  60  The Maelstrom's Wrath
      8149  0  60  Honoring a Hero
      8150  0  60  Honoring a Hero
      8151  0  52  The Hunter's Charm
      8153  0  52  Courser Antlers
      8154  0  45  Arathi Basin Resources!
      8155  0  25  Arathi Basin Resources!
      8156  0  35  Arathi Basin Resources!
      8157  0  45  More Resource Crates
      8158  0  25  More Resource Crates
      8159  0  35  More Resource Crates
      8160  0  45  Cut Arathor Supply Lines
      8161  0  35  Cut Arathor Supply Lines
      8162  0  25  Cut Arathor Supply Lines
      8163  0  45  More Resource Crates
      8164  0  35  More Resource Crates
      8165  0  25  More Resource Crates
      8166  0  45  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8167  0  35  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8168  0  25  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8169  0  45  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8170  0  35  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8171  0  25  The Battle for Arathi Basin!
      8181  0  58  Confront Yeh'kinya
      8182  0  60  The Hand of Rastakhan
      8183  0  60  The Heart of Hakkar
      8184  0  60  Presence of Might
      8185  0  60  Syncretist's Sigil
      8186  0  60  Death's Embrace
      8187  0  60  Falcon's Call
      8188  0  60  Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace
      8189  0  60  Presence of Sight
      8190  0  60  Hoodoo Hex
      8191  0  60  Prophetic Aura
      8192  0  60  Animist's Caress
      8193  0  0  Master Angler
      8194  0  0  Apprentice Angler
      8195  0  60  Zulian, Razzashi, and Hakkari Coins
      8196  0  60  Essence Mangoes
      8201  0  60  A Collection of Heads
      8221  0  0  Rare Fish - Keefer's Angelfish
      8222  0  60  Glowing Scorpid Blood
      8223  0  60  More Glowing Scorpid Blood
      8224  0  0  Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish
      8225  0  0  Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Striped Racer
      8227  0  60  Nat's Measuring Tape
      8228  0  60  Could I get a Fishing Flier?
      8229  0  60  Could I get a Fishing Flier?
      8231  0  52  Wavethrashing
      8232  0  52  The Green Drake
      8233  0  52  A Simple Request
      8234  0  52  Sealed Azure Bag
      8235  0  52  Encoded Fragments
      8236  0  52  The Azure Key
      8238  0  60  Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins
      8239  0  60  Sandfury, Skullsplitter, and Bloodscalp Coins
      8240  0  60  A Bijou for Zanza
      8241  0  60  Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Iron
      8242  0  60  Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Heavy Leather
      8243  0  60  Zanza's Potent Potables
      8246  0  60  Signets of the Zandalar
      8249  0  60  Junkboxes Needed
      8250  0  52  Magecraft
      8251  0  52  Magic Dust
      8252  0  52  The Siren's Coral
      8253  0  52  Destroy Morphaz
      8254  0  52  Cenarion Aid
      8255  0  52  Of Coursers We Know
      8256  0  52  The Ichor of Undeath
      8257  0  52  Blood of Morphaz
      8258  0  60  The Darkreaver Menace
      8260  0  34  Arathor Basic Care Package
      8261  0  44  Arathor Standard Care Package
      8262  0  60  Arathor Advanced Care Package
      8263  0  34  Defiler's Basic Care Package
      8264  0  44  Defiler's Standard Care Package
      8265  0  60  Defiler's Advanced Care Package
      8266  0  39  Ribbons of Sacrifice
      8267  0  60  Ribbons of Sacrifice
      8268  0  39  Ribbons of Sacrifice
      8269  0  60  Ribbons of Sacrifice
      8271  0  0  Hero of the Stormpike
      8272  0  0  Hero of the Frostwolf
      8273  0  47  Oran's Gratitude
      8275  0  55  Taking Back Silithus
      8276  0  55  Taking Back Silithus
      8277  0  55  Deadly Desert Venom
      8278  0  57  Noggle's Last Hope
      8279  0  60  The Twilight Lexicon
      8280  8281  55  Securing the Supply Lines
      8281  0  57  Stepping Up Security
      8282  0  57  Noggle's Lost Satchel
      8283  0  59  Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands
      8284  0  58  The Twilight Mystery
      8285  0  59  The Deserter
      8286  0  60  What Tomorrow Brings
      8287  0  60  A Terrible Purpose
      8288  0  60  Only One May Rise
      8289  0  15  Talismans of Merit
      8290  0  15  Vanquish the Invaders
      8291  0  60  Vanquish the Invaders!
      8292  0  60  Talismans of Merit
      8293  0  60  Mark of Honor
      8294  0  60  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      8295  0  15  Quell the Silverwing Usurpers
      8296  0  15  Mark of Honor
      8297  0  60  Arathi Basin Resources!
      8298  0  60  More Resource Crates
      8299  0  60  Cut Arathor Supply Lines
      8300  0  60  More Resource Crates
      8301  0  60  The Path of the Righteous
      8302  0  60  The Hand of the Righteous
      8303  0  60  Anachronos
      8304  0  60  Dearest Natalia
      8305  0  60  Long Forgotten Memories
      8306  0  60  Into The Maw of Madness
      8307  0  57  Desert Recipe
      8308  0  60  Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter
      8309  8314  60  Glyph Chasing
      8310  8314  60  Breaking the Code
      8311  0  60  Hallow's End Treats for Jesper!
      8312  0  60  Hallow's End Treats for Spoops!
      8313  0  57  Sharing the Knowledge
      8314  0  60  Unraveling the Mystery
      8315  0  60  The Calling
      8316  0  60  Armaments of War
      8317  0  57  Kitchen Assistance
      8318  0  60  Secret Communication
      8319  0  60  Encrypted Twilight Texts
      8320  0  60  Twilight Geolords
      8321  0  60  Vyral the Vile
      8322  0  60  Rotten Eggs
      8323  0  59  True Believers
      8324  0  59  Still Believing
      8331  0  60  Aurel Goldleaf
      8332  0  60  Dukes of the Council
      8333  0  60  Medallion of Station
      8341  0  60  Lords of the Council
      8342  0  60  Twilight Ring of Lordship
      8343  0  60  Goldleaf's Discovery
      8348  0  60  Signet of the Dukes
      8349  0  60  Bor Wildmane
      8351  0  60  Bor Wishes to Speak
      8352  0  60  Scepter of the Council
      8353  0  0  Chicken Clucking for a Mint
      8354  0  0  Chicken Clucking for a Mint
      8355  0  0  Incoming Gumdrop
      8356  0  0  Flexing for Nougat
      8357  0  0  Dancing for Marzipan
      8358  0  0  Incoming Gumdrop
      8359  0  0  Flexing for Nougat
      8360  0  0  Dancing for Marzipan
      8361  0  60  Abyssal Contacts
      8362  0  60  Abyssal Crests
      8363  0  60  Abyssal Signets
      8364  0  60  Abyssal Scepters
      8365  0  45  Pirate Hats Ahoy!
      8366  0  45  Southsea Shakedown
      8367  0  60  For Great Honor
      8368  0  19  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8369  0  60  Invaders of Alterac Valley
      8370  0  29  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8371  0  60  Concerted Efforts
      8372  0  19  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8373  0  0  The Power of Pine
      8374  0  29  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8375  0  60  Remember Alterac Valley!
      8376  0  60  Armaments of War
      8377  0  60  Armaments of War
      8378  0  60  Armaments of War
      8379  0  60  Armaments of War
      8380  0  60  Armaments of War
      8381  0  60  Armaments of War
      8382  0  60  Armaments of War
      8383  0  60  Remember Alterac Valley!
      8384  0  29  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8385  0  60  Concerted Efforts
      8386  0  19  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8387  0  60  Invaders of Alterac Valley
      8388  0  60  For Great Honor
      8389  0  19  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8390  0  29  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8391  0  39  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8392  0  49  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8393  0  39  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8394  0  49  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8395  0  59  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8396  0  60  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8397  0  59  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8398  0  60  Claiming Arathi Basin
      8399  0  29  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8400  0  39  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8401  0  49  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8402  0  59  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8403  0  60  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8404  0  29  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8405  0  39  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8406  0  49  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8407  0  59  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8408  0  60  Fight for Warsong Gulch
      8409  0  60  Ruined Kegs
      8410  0  52  Elemental Mastery
      8411  0  52  Mastering the Elements
      8412  0  52  Spirit Totem
      8413  0  52  Da Voodoo
      8414  0  52  Dispelling Evil
      8415  0  52  Chillwind Point
      8416  0  52  Inert Scourgestones
      8417  0  52  A Troubled Spirit
      8418  0  52  Forging the Mightstone
      8419  8421  60  An Imp's Request
      8420  8421  60  Hot and Itchy
      8421  0  52  The Wrong Stuff
      8422  0  52  Trolls of a Feather
      8423  0  52  Warrior Kinship
      8424  0  52  War on the Shadowsworn
      8425  0  52  Voodoo Feathers
      8426  0  29  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8427  0  39  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8428  0  49  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8429  0  59  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8430  0  60  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8431  0  29  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8432  0  39  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8433  0  49  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8434  0  59  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8435  0  60  Battle of Warsong Gulch
      8436  0  39  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8437  0  49  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8438  0  59  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8439  0  60  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8440  0  39  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8441  0  49  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8442  0  59  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8443  0  60  Conquering Arathi Basin
      8446  0  60  Shrouded in Nightmare
      8447  0  60  Waking Legends
      8460  0  48  Timbermaw Ally
      8461  0  55  Deadwood of the North
      8462  0  55  Speak to Nafien
      8464  0  58  Winterfall Activity
      8465  0  55  Speak to Salfa
      8466  0  55  Feathers for Grazle
      8467  0  55  Feathers for Nafien
      8469  0  56  Beads for Salfa
      8470  0  55  Deadwood Ritual Totem
      8471  0  56  Winterfall Ritual Totem
      8481  0  60  The Root of All Evil
      8484  0  60  The Brokering of Peace
      8485  0  60  The Brokering of Peace
      8492  0  60  The Alliance Needs Copper Bars!
      8493  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Copper Bars!
      8494  0  60  The Alliance Needs Iron Bars!
      8495  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Iron Bars!
      8496  0  60  Bandages for the Field
      8497  0  60  Desert Survival Kits
      8498  0  60  Twilight Battle Orders
      8499  0  60  The Alliance Needs Thorium Bars!
      8500  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Thorium Bars!
      8501  0  60  Target: Hive'Ashi Stingers
      8502  0  60  Target: Hive'Ashi Workers
      8503  0  60  The Alliance Needs Stranglekelp!
      8504  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Stranglekelp!
      8505  0  60  The Alliance Needs Purple Lotus!
      8506  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Purple Lotus!
      8507  0  60  Field Duty
      8508  0  60  Field Duty Papers
      8509  0  60  The Alliance Needs Arthas' Tears!
      8510  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Arthas' Tears!
      8511  0  60  The Alliance Needs Light Leather!
      8512  0  60  The Alliance Needs Light Leather!
      8513  0  60  The Alliance Needs Medium Leather!
      8514  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Medium Leather!
      8515  0  60  The Alliance Needs Thick Leather!
      8516  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Thick Leather!
      8517  0  60  The Alliance Needs Linen Bandages!
      8518  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Linen Bandages!
      8519  0  60  A Pawn on the Eternal Board
      8520  0  60  The Alliance Needs Silk Bandages!
      8521  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Silk Bandages!
      8522  0  60  The Alliance Needs Runecloth Bandages!
      8523  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Runecloth Bandages!
      8524  0  60  The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore!
      8525  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Rainbow Fin Albacore!
      8526  0  60  The Alliance Needs Roast Raptor!
      8527  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Roast Raptor!
      8528  0  60  The Alliance Needs Spotted Yellowtail!
      8529  0  60  The Alliance Needs More Spotted Yellowtail!
      8532  0  60  The Horde Needs Copper Bars!
      8533  0  60  The Horde Needs More Copper Bars!
      8534  0  60  Hive'Zora Scout Report
      8535  0  60  Hoary Templar
      8536  0  60  Earthen Templar
      8537  0  60  Crimson Templar
      8538  0  60  The Four Dukes
      8539  0  60  Target: Hive'Zora Hive Sisters
      8540  0  60  Boots for the Guard
      8541  0  60  Grinding Stones for the Guard
      8542  0  60  The Horde Needs Tin Bars!
      8543  0  60  The Horde Needs More Tin Bars!
      8544  0  60  Conqueror's Spaulders
      8545  0  60  The Horde Needs Mithril Bars!
      8546  0  60  The Horde Needs More Mithril Bars!
      8548  0  60  Volunteer's Battlegear
      8549  0  60  The Horde Needs Peacebloom!
      8550  0  60  The Horde Needs Peacebloom!
      8551  0  47  The Captain's Chest
      8552  0  50  The Monogrammed Sash
      8553  0  51  The Captain's Cutlass
      8554  -619  52  Facing Negolash
      8555  0  60  The Charge of the Dragonflights
      8556  0  60  Signet of Unyielding Strength
      8557  0  60  Drape of Unyielding Strength
      8558  0  60  Sickle of Unyielding Strength
      8559  0  60  Conqueror's Greaves
      8560  0  60  Conqueror's Legguards
      8561  0  60  Conqueror's Crown
      8562  0  60  Conqueror's Breastplate
      8565  0  1  Past Victories in Arathi
      8566  0  1  Past Victories in Arathi
      8567  0  1  Past Victories in Warsong Gulch
      8568  0  1  Past Victories in Warsong Gulch
      8569  0  1  Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch
      8570  0  1  Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch
      8572  0  60  Veteran's Battlegear
      8573  0  60  Champion's Battlegear
      8574  0  60  Stalwart's Battlegear
      8575  0  60  Azuregos's Magical Ledger
      8576  0  60  Translating the Ledger
      8577  0  60  Stewvul, Ex-B.F.F.
      8578  0  60  Scrying Goggles? No Problem!
      8579  0  60  Mortal Champions
      8580  0  60  The Horde Needs Firebloom!
      8581  0  60  The Horde Needs More Firebloom!
      8582  0  60  The Horde Needs Purple Lotus!
      8583  0  60  The Horde Needs More Purple Lotus!
      8584  0  70  Never Ask Me About My Business
      8585  0  70  The Isle of Dread!
      8586  0  60  Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
      8587  0  60  Return to Narain
      8588  0  60  The Horde Needs Heavy Leather!
      8589  0  60  The Horde Needs More Heavy Leather!
      8590  0  60  The Horde Needs Thick Leather!
      8591  0  60  The Horde Needs More Thick Leather!
      8592  0  60  Tiara of the Oracle
      8593  0  60  Trousers of the Oracle
      8594  0  60  Mantle of the Oracle
      8595  0  60  Mortal Champions
      8596  0  60  Footwraps of the Oracle
      8597  0  60  Draconic for Dummies
      8598  0  60  rAnS0m
      8599  0  60  Love Song for Narain
      8600  0  60  The Horde Needs Rugged Leather!
      8601  0  60  The Horde Needs More Rugged Leather!
      8602  0  60  Stormcaller's Pauldrons
      8603  0  60  Vestments of the Oracle
      8604  0  60  The Horde Needs Wool Bandages!
      8605  0  60  The Horde Needs More Wool Bandages!
      8606  0  60  Decoy!
      8607  0  60  The Horde Needs Mageweave Bandages!
      8608  0  60  The Horde Needs More Mageweave Bandages!
      8609  0  60  The Horde Needs Runecloth Bandages!
      8610  0  60  The Horde Needs More Runecloth Bandages!
      8611  0  60  The Horde Needs Lean Wolf Steaks!
      8612  0  60  The Horde Needs More Lean Wolf Steaks!
      8613  0  60  The Horde Needs Spotted Yellowtail!
      8614  0  60  The Horde Needs More Spotted Yellowtail!
      8615  0  60  The Horde Needs Baked Salmon!
      8616  0  60  The Horde Needs More Baked Salmon!
      8619  0  0  Morndeep the Elder
      8620  0  60  The Only Prescription
      8621  0  60  Stormcaller's Footguards
      8622  0  60  Stormcaller's Hauberk
      8623  0  60  Stormcaller's Diadem
      8624  0  60  Stormcaller's Leggings
      8625  0  60  Enigma Shoulderpads
      8626  0  60  Striker's Footguards
      8627  0  60  Avenger's Breastplate
      8628  0  60  Avenger's Crown
      8629  0  60  Avenger's Legguards
      8630  0  60  Avenger's Pauldrons
      8631  0  60  Enigma Leggings
      8632  0  60  Enigma Circlet
      8633  0  60  Enigma Robes
      8634  0  60  Enigma Boots
      8635  0  0  Splitrock the Elder
      8636  0  0  Rumblerock the Elder
      8637  0  60  Deathdealer's Boots
      8638  0  60  Deathdealer's Vest
      8639  0  60  Deathdealer's Helm
      8640  0  60  Deathdealer's Leggings
      8641  0  60  Deathdealer's Spaulders
      8642  0  0  Silvervein the Elder
      8643  0  0  Highpeak the Elder
      8644  0  0  Stonefort the Elder
      8645  0  0  Obsidian the Elder
      8646  0  0  Hammershout the Elder
      8647  0  0  Bellowrage the Elder
      8648  0  0  Darkcore the Elder
      8649  0  0  Stormbrow the Elder
      8650  0  0  Snowcrown the Elder
      8651  0  0  Ironband the Elder
      8652  0  0  Graveborn the Elder
      8653  0  0  Goldwell the Elder
      8654  0  0  Primestone the Elder
      8655  0  60  Avenger's Greaves
      8656  0  60  Striker's Hauberk
      8657  0  60  Striker's Diadem
      8658  0  60  Striker's Leggings
      8659  0  60  Striker's Pauldrons
      8660  0  60  Doomcaller's Footwraps
      8661  0  60  Doomcaller's Robes
      8662  0  60  Doomcaller's Circlet
      8663  0  60  Doomcaller's Trousers
      8664  0  60  Doomcaller's Mantle
      8665  0  60  Genesis Boots
      8666  0  60  Genesis Vest
      8667  0  60  Genesis Helm
      8668  0  60  Genesis Trousers
      8669  0  60  Genesis Shoulderpads
      8670  0  0  Runetotem the Elder
      8671  0  0  Ragetotem the Elder
      8672  0  0  Stonespire the Elder
      8673  0  0  Bloodhoof the Elder
      8674  0  0  Winterhoof the Elder
      8675  0  0  Skychaser the Elder
      8676  0  0  Wildmane the Elder
      8677  0  0  Darkhorn the Elder
      8678  0  0  Proudhorn the Elder
      8679  0  0  Grimtotem the Elder
      8680  0  0  Windtotem the Elder
      8681  0  0  Thunderhorn the Elder
      8682  0  0  Skyseer the Elder
      8683  0  0  Dawnstrider the Elder
      8684  0  0  Dreamseer the Elder
      8685  0  0  Mistwalker the Elder
      8686  0  0  High Mountain the Elder
      8687  0  60  Target: Hive'Zora Tunnelers
      8688  0  0  Windrun the Elder
      8689  0  60  Shroud of Infinite Wisdom
      8690  0  60  Cloak of the Gathering Storm
      8691  0  60  Drape of Vaulted Secrets
      8692  0  60  Cloak of Unending Life
      8693  0  60  Cloak of Veiled Shadows
      8694  0  60  Shroud of Unspoken Names
      8695  0  60  Cape of Eternal Justice
      8696  0  60  Cloak of the Unseen Path
      8697  0  60  Ring of Infinite Wisdom
      8698  0  60  Ring of the Gathering Storm
      8699  0  60  Band of Vaulted Secrets
      8700  0  60  Band of Unending Life
      8701  0  60  Band of Veiled Shadows
      8702  0  60  Ring of Unspoken Names
      8703  0  60  Ring of Eternal Justice
      8704  0  60  Signet of the Unseen Path
      8705  0  60  Gavel of Infinite Wisdom
      8706  0  60  Hammer of the Gathering Storm
      8707  0  60  Blade of Vaulted Secrets
      8708  0  60  Mace of Unending Life
      8709  0  60  Dagger of Veiled Shadows
      8710  0  60  Kris of Unspoken Names
      8711  0  60  Blade of Eternal Justice
      8712  0  60  Scythe of the Unseen Path
      8713  0  0  Starsong the Elder
      8714  0  0  Moonstrike the Elder
      8715  0  0  Bladeleaf the Elder
      8716  0  0  Starglade the Elder
      8717  0  0  Moonwarden the Elder
      8718  0  0  Bladeswift the Elder
      8719  0  0  Bladesing the Elder
      8720  0  0  Skygleam the Elder
      8721  0  0  Starweave the Elder
      8722  0  0  Meadowrun the Elder
      8723  0  0  Nightwind the Elder
      8724  0  0  Morningdew the Elder
      8725  0  0  Riversong the Elder
      8726  0  0  Brightspear the Elder
      8727  0  0  Farwhisper the Elder
      8728  0  60  The Good News and The Bad News
      8729  8742  60  The Wrath of Neptulon
      8730  8742  60  Nefarius's Corruption
      8731  0  60  Field Duty
      8732  0  60  Field Duty Papers
      8733  0  60  Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream
      8734  0  60  Tyrande and Remulos
      8735  0  60  The Nightmare's Corruption
      8736  0  60  The Nightmare Manifests
      8737  0  60  Azure Templar
      8738  0  60  Hive'Regal Scout Report
      8739  0  60  Hive'Ashi Scout Report
      8740  0  60  Twilight Marauders
      8741  8742  60  The Champion Returns
      8742  0  60  The Might of Kalimdor
      8743  0  60  Bang a Gong!
      8744  0  1  A Carefully Wrapped Present
      8745  0  60  Treasure of the Timeless One
      8746  0  0  Metzen the Reindeer
      8747  0  60  The Path of the Protector
      8748  0  60  The Path of the Protector
      8749  0  60  The Path of the Protector
      8750  0  60  The Path of the Protector
      8751  0  60  The Protector of Kalimdor
      8752  0  60  The Path of the Conqueror
      8753  0  60  The Path of the Conqueror
      8754  0  60  The Path of the Conqueror
      8755  0  60  The Path of the Conqueror
      8756  0  60  The Qiraji Conqueror
      8757  0  60  The Path of the Invoker
      8758  0  60  The Path of the Invoker
      8759  0  60  The Path of the Invoker
      8760  0  60  The Path of the Invoker
      8761  0  60  The Grand Invoker
      8762  0  0  Metzen the Reindeer
      8763  0  0  The Hero of the Day
      8764  0  60  The Changing of Paths - Protector No More
      8765  0  60  The Changing of Paths - Invoker No More
      8766  0  60  The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More
      8767  0  0  A Gently Shaken Gift
      8768  0  0  A Gaily Wrapped Present
      8769  0  0  A Ticking Present
      8770  0  60  Target: Hive'Ashi Defenders
      8771  0  60  Target: Hive'Ashi Sandstalkers
      8772  0  60  Target: Hive'Zora Waywatchers
      8773  0  60  Target: Hive'Zora Reavers
      8774  0  60  Target: Hive'Regal Ambushers
      8775  0  60  Target: Hive'Regal Spitfires
      8776  0  60  Target: Hive'Regal Slavemakers
      8777  0  60  Target: Hive'Regal Burrowers
      8778  0  60  The Ironforge Brigade Needs Explosives!
      8779  0  60  Scrying Materials
      8780  0  60  Armor Kits for the Field
      8781  0  60  Arms for the Field
      8782  0  60  Uniform Supplies
      8783  0  60  Extraordinary Materials
      8784  0  60  Secrets of the Qiraji
      8785  0  60  The Orgrimmar Legion Needs Mojo!
      8786  0  60  Arms for the Field
      8787  0  60  Armor Kits for the Field
      8788  0  0  A Gently Shaken Gift
      8789  0  60  Imperial Qiraji Armaments
      8790  0  60  Imperial Qiraji Regalia
      8791  0  60  The Fall of Ossirian
      8792  0  60  The Horde Needs Your Help!
      8793  0  60  The Horde Needs Your Help!
      8794  0  60  The Horde Needs Your Help!
      8795  0  60  The Alliance Needs Your Help!
      8796  0  60  The Alliance Needs Your Help!
      8797  0  60  The Alliance Needs Your Help!
      8798  0  60  A Yeti of Your Own
      8799  0  0  The Hero of the Day
      8800  0  60  Cenarion Battlegear
      8801  0  60  C'Thun's Legacy
      8802  0  60  The Savior of Kalimdor
      8803  0  0  A Festive Gift
      8804  0  60  Desert Survival Kits
      8805  0  60  Boots for the Guard
      8806  0  60  Grinding Stones for the Guard
      8807  0  60  Scrying Materials
      8808  0  60  Uniform Supplies
      8809  0  60  Extraordinary Materials
      8810  0  60  Bandages for the Field
      8811  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8812  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8813  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8814  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8815  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8816  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8817  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8818  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8819  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8820  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8821  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8822  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8823  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8824  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8825  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8826  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8827  0  0  Winter's Presents
      8828  0  0  Winter's Presents
      8829  0  60  The Ultimate Deception
      8830  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8831  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8832  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8833  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8834  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8835  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8836  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8837  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8838  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8839  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8840  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8841  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8842  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8843  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8844  0  60  One Commendation Signet
      8845  0  60  Ten Commendation Signets
      8846  0  19  Five Signets for War Supplies
      8847  0  29  Ten Signets for War Supplies
      8848  0  39  Fifteen Signets for War Supplies
      8849  0  49  Twenty Signets for War Supplies
      8850  0  60  Thirty Signets for War Supplies
      8851  0  19  Five Signets for War Supplies
      8852  0  29  Ten Signets for War Supplies
      8853  0  39  Fifteen Signets for War Supplies
      8854  0  49  Twenty Signets for War Supplies
      8855  0  60  Thirty Signets for War Supplies
      8856  0  0  Desert Survival Kits
      8857  0  60  Secrets of the Colossus - Ashi
      8858  0  60  Secrets of the Colossus - Regal
      8859  0  60  Secrets of the Colossus - Zora
      8860  0  70  New Year Celebrations!
      8861  0  70  New Year Celebrations!
      8862  0  0  Elune's Candle
      8863  0  0  Festival Dumplings
      8864  0  0  Festive Lunar Dresses
      8865  0  0  Festive Lunar Pant Suits
      8866  0  0  Bronzebeard the Elder
      8867  0  0  Lunar Fireworks
      8868  0  60  Elune's Blessing
      8869  0  60  Sweet Serenity
      8870  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8871  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8872  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8873  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8874  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8875  0  0  The Lunar Festival
      8876  0  0  Small Rockets
      8877  0  0  Firework Launcher
      8878  0  0  Festive Recipes
      8879  0  0  Large Rockets
      8880  0  0  Cluster Rockets
      8881  0  0  Large Cluster Rockets
      8882  0  0  Cluster Launcher
      8883  0  0  Valadar Starsong
      8893  0  47  The Super Egg-O-Matic
      8897  0  60  Dearest Colara,
      8898  0  70  Dearest Colara,
      8899  0  70  Dearest Colara,
      8900  0  70  Dearest Elenia,
      8901  0  70  Dearest Elenia,
      8902  0  70  Dearest Elenia,
      8903  0  70  Dangerous Love
      8904  0  0  Dangerous Love
      8905  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8906  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8907  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8908  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8909  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8910  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8911  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8912  8922  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8913  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8914  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8915  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8916  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8917  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8918  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8919  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8920  8923  60  An Earnest Proposition
      8921  0  60  The Ectoplasmic Distiller
      8922  8921  60  A Supernatural Device
      8923  8921  60  A Supernatural Device
      8924  0  60  Hunting for Ectoplasm
      8925  0  60  A Portable Power Source
      8926  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8927  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8928  0  60  A Shifty Merchant
      8929  8945  60  In Search of Anthion
      8930  8945  60  In Search of Anthion
      8931  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8932  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8933  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8934  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8935  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8936  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8937  8929  60  Just Compensation
      8938  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8939  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8940  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8941  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8942  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8943  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8944  8930  60  Just Compensation
      8945  0  60  Dead Man's Plea
      8946  0  60  Proof of Life
      8947  0  60  Anthion's Strange Request
      8948  0  60  Anthion's Old Friend
      8949  0  60  Falrin's Vendetta
      8950  0  60  The Instigator's Enchantment
      8951  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8952  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8953  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8954  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8955  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8956  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8957  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8958  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8959  8960  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      8960  8961  60  Bodley's Unfortunate Fate
      8961  0  60  Three Kings of Flame
      8962  8987  60  Components of Importance
      8963  8988  60  Components of Importance
      8964  8985  60  Components of Importance
      8965  8986  60  Components of Importance
      8966  8970  60  The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8967  8970  60  The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8968  8970  60  The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8969  8970  60  The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8970  0  60  I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
      8977  0  60  Return to Deliana
      8978  0  60  Return to Mokvar
      8979  0  70  Fenstad's Hunch
      8980  0  0  Zinge's Assessment
      8981  0  0  Gift Giving
      8982  0  70  Tracing the Source
      8983  0  70  Tracing the Source
      8984  0  70  The Source Revealed
      8985  0  60  More Components of Importance
      8986  0  60  More Components of Importance
      8987  0  60  More Components of Importance
      8988  0  60  More Components of Importance
      8989  8994  60  The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8990  8994  60  The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8991  8994  60  The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8992  8994  60  The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
      8993  0  0  Gift Giving
      8994  0  60  Final Preparations
      8995  0  60  Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
      8996  0  60  Return to Bodley
      8997  0  60  Back to the Beginning
      8998  0  60  Back to the Beginning
      8999  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9000  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9001  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9002  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9003  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9004  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9005  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9006  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9007  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9008  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9009  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9010  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9011  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9012  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9013  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9014  0  60  Saving the Best for Last
      9015  0  60  The Challenge
      9016  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9017  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9018  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9019  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9020  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9021  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9022  9032  60  Anthion's Parting Words
      9023  0  60  The Perfect Poison
      9024  0  70  Aristan's Hunch
      9025  0  0  Morgan's Discovery
      9026  0  0  Tracing the Source
      9027  0  70  Tracing the Source
      9028  0  70  The Source Revealed
      9029  0  0  A Bubbling Cauldron
      9032  8961  60  Bodley's Unfortunate Fate
      9033  0  60  Echoes of War
      9034  0  60  Dreadnaught Breastplate
      9036  0  60  Dreadnaught Legplates
      9037  0  60  Dreadnaught Helmet
      9038  0  60  Dreadnaught Pauldrons
      9039  0  60  Dreadnaught Sabatons
      9040  0  60  Dreadnaught Gauntlets
      9041  0  60  Dreadnaught Waistguard
      9042  0  60  Dreadnaught Bracers
      9043  0  60  Redemption Tunic
      9044  0  60  Redemption Legguards
      9045  0  60  Redemption Headpiece
      9046  0  60  Redemption Spaulders
      9047  0  60  Redemption Boots
      9048  0  60  Redemption Handguards
      9049  0  60  Redemption Girdle
      9050  0  60  Redemption Wristguards
      9051  0  52  Toxic Test
      9052  0  52  Bloodpetal Poison
      9053  0  52  A Better Ingredient
      9054  0  60  Cryptstalker Tunic
      9055  0  60  Cryptstalker Legguards
      9056  0  60  Cryptstalker Headpiece
      9057  0  60  Cryptstalker Spaulders
      9058  0  60  Cryptstalker Boots
      9059  0  60  Cryptstalker Handguards
      9060  0  60  Cryptstalker Girdle
      9061  0  60  Cryptstalker Wristguards
      9063  0  52  Torwa Pathfinder
      9068  0  60  Earthshatter Tunic
      9069  0  60  Earthshatter Legguards
      9070  0  60  Earthshatter Headpiece
      9071  0  60  Earthshatter Spaulders
      9072  0  60  Earthshatter Boots
      9073  0  60  Earthshatter Handguards
      9074  0  60  Earthshatter Girdle
      9075  0  60  Earthshatter Wristguards
      9077  0  60  Bonescythe Breastplate
      9078  0  60  Bonescythe Legplates
      9079  0  60  Bonescythe Helmet
      9080  0  60  Bonescythe Pauldrons
      9081  0  60  Bonescythe Sabatons
      9082  0  60  Bonescythe Gauntlets
      9083  0  60  Bonescythe Waistguard
      9084  0  60  Bonescythe Bracers
      9085  0  60  Shadows of Doom
      9086  0  60  Dreamwalker Tunic
      9087  0  60  Dreamwalker Legguards
      9088  0  60  Dreamwalker Headpiece
      9089  0  60  Dreamwalker Spaulders
      9090  0  60  Dreamwalker Boots
      9091  0  60  Dreamwalker Handguards
      9092  0  60  Dreamwalker Girdle
      9093  0  60  Dreamwalker Wristguards
      9094  0  60  Argent Dawn Gloves
      9095  0  60  Frostfire Robe
      9096  0  60  Frostfire Leggings
      9097  0  60  Frostfire Circlet
      9098  0  60  Frostfire Shoulderpads
      9099  0  60  Frostfire Sandals
      9100  0  60  Frostfire Gloves
      9101  0  60  Frostfire Belt
      9102  0  60  Frostfire Bindings
      9103  0  60  Plagueheart Robe
      9104  0  60  Plagueheart Leggings
      9105  0  60  Plagueheart Circlet
      9106  0  60  Plagueheart Shoulderpads
      9107  0  60  Plagueheart Sandals
      9108  0  60  Plagueheart Gloves
      9109  0  60  Plagueheart Belt
      9110  0  60  Plagueheart Bindings
      9111  0  60  Robe of Faith
      9112  0  60  Leggings of Faith
      9113  0  60  Circlet of Faith
      9114  0  60  Shoulderpads of Faith
      9115  0  60  Sandals of Faith
      9116  0  60  Gloves of Faith
      9117  0  60  Belt of Faith
      9118  0  60  Bindings of Faith
      9120  0  60  The Fall of Kel'Thuzad
      9121  9033  60  The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas
      9122  9033  60  The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas
      9123  9033  60  The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas
      9124  0  60  Cryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself...
      9125  0  60  Crypt Fiend Parts
      9126  0  60  Bonescythe Digs
      9127  0  60  Bone Fragments
      9128  0  60  The Elemental Equation
      9129  0  60  Core of Elements
      9131  0  60  Binding the Dreadnaught
      9132  0  60  Dark Iron Scraps
      9136  0  60  Savage Flora
      9137  0  60  Savage Fronds
      9141  0  60  They Call Me "The Rooster"
      9142  0  60  Craftsman's Writ
      9153  0  60  Under the Shadow
      9154  0  0  Light's Hope Chapel
      9165  0  60  Writ of Safe Passage
      9178  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Dense Weightstone
      9179  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Imperial Plate Chest
      9181  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Volcanic Hammer
      9182  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Huge Thorium Battleaxe
      9183  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Radiant Circlet
      9184  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Wicked Leather Headband
      9185  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Rugged Armor Kit
      9186  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Wicked Leather Belt
      9187  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Runic Leather Pants
      9188  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Brightcloth Pants
      9190  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Runecloth Boots
      9191  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Runecloth Bag
      9194  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Runecloth Robe
      9195  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Goblin Sapper Charge
      9196  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Thorium Grenade
      9197  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken
      9198  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Thorium Tube
      9200  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Major Mana Potion
      9201  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Greater Arcane Protection Potion
      9202  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Major Healing Potion
      9203  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Flask of Petrification
      9204  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Stonescale Eel
      9205  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Plated Armorfish
      9206  0  60  Craftsman's Writ - Lightning Eel
      9208  0  60  The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Protection
      9209  0  60  The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Rapidity
      9210  0  60  The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Focus
      9211  0  60  The Ice Guard
      9213  0  60  The Shadow Guard
      9221  0  60  Superior Armaments of Battle - Friend of the Dawn
      9222  0  60  Epic Armaments of Battle - Friend of the Dawn
      9223  0  60  Superior Armaments of Battle - Honored Amongst the Dawn
      9224  0  60  Epic Armaments of Battle - Honored Amongst the Dawn
      9225  0  60  Epic Armaments of Battle - Revered Amongst the Dawn
      9226  0  60  Superior Armaments of Battle - Revered Amongst the Dawn
      9227  0  60  Superior Armaments of Battle - Exalted Amongst the Dawn
      9228  0  60  Epic Armaments of Battle - Exalted Amongst the Dawn
      9229  0  60  The Fate of Ramaladni
      9230  0  60  Ramaladni's Icy Grasp
      9232  0  60  The Only Song I Know...
      9233  0  60  Omarion's Handbook
      9234  0  60  Icebane Gauntlets
      9235  0  60  Icebane Bracers
      9236  0  60  Icebane Breastplate
      9237  0  60  Glacial Cloak
      9238  0  60  Glacial Wrists
      9239  0  60  Glacial Gloves
      9240  0  60  Glacial Vest
      9241  0  60  Polar Bracers
      9242  0  60  Polar Gloves
      9243  0  60  Polar Tunic
      9244  0  60  Icy Scale Bracers
      9245  0  60  Icy Scale Gauntlets
      9246  0  60  Icy Scale Breastplate
      9247  0  60  The Keeper's Call
      9248  0  60  A Humble Offering
      9250  0  60  Frame of Atiesh
      9251  0  60  Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff
      9257  0  60  Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
      9259  0  60  Traitor to the Bloodsail
      9260  0  6  Investigate the Scourge of Stormwind
      9261  0  10  Investigate the Scourge of Ironforge
      9262  0  10  Investigate the Scourge of Darnassus
      9263  0  10  Investigate the Scourge of Orgrimmar
      9264  0  10  Investigate the Scourge of Thunder Bluff
      9265  0  8  Investigate the Scourge of the Undercity
      9266  0  60  Making Amends
      9267  0  60  Mending Old Wounds
      9268  0  60  War at Sea
      9269  0  60  Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
      9270  0  60  Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
      9271  0  60  Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
      9272  0  55  Dressing the Part
      9292  0  60  Cracked Necrotic Crystal
      9295  0  60  Letter from the Front
      9299  0  60  Note from the Front
      9300  0  60  Page from the Front
      9301  0  60  Envelope from the Front
      9302  0  60  Missive from the Front
      9304  0  60  Document from the Front
      9310  0  60  Faint Necrotic Crystal
      9317  0  60  Consecrated Sharpening Stones
      9318  0  0  Blessed Wizard Oil
      9319  0  60  A Light in Dark Places
      9320  0  60  Major Mana Potion
      9322  0  60  Wild Fires in Kalimdor
      9323  0  60  Wild Fires in the Eastern Kingdoms
      9324  9365  60  Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame
      9325  9365  60  Stealing Thunder Bluff's Flame
      9326  9365  60  Stealing the Undercity's Flame
      9330  9339  60  Stealing Stormwind's Flame
      9331  9339  60  Stealing Ironforge's Flame
      9332  9339  60  Stealing Darnassus's Flame
      9333  0  0  Argent Dawn Gloves
      9334  0  0  Blessed Wizard Oil
      9335  0  0  Consecrated Sharpening Stones
      9336  0  0  Major Healing Potion
      9337  0  0  Major Mana Potion
      9338  0  60  Allegiance to Cenarion Circle
      9339  0  60  A Thief's Reward
      9341  0  0  Tabard of the Argent Dawn
      9343  0  0  Tabard of the Argent Dawn
      9362  0  60  Warlord Krellian
      9364  0  60  Fragmented Magic
      9365  0  60  A Thief's Reward
      9367  0  60  The Festival of Fire
      9368  0  60  The Festival of Fire
      9378  0  60  DND FLAG The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas
      9386  0  60  A Light in Dark Places
      9388  0  25  Flickering Flames in Kalimdor
      9389  0  25  Flickering Flames in the Eastern Kingdoms
      9415  0  60  Report to Marshal Bluewall
      9416  0  60  Report to General Kirika
      9419  0  60  Scouring the Desert
      9422  0  60  Scouring the Desert
      9664  0  60  Establishing New Outposts
      9665  0  60  Bolstering Our Defenses

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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