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  • Quest 1532 missing text?

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Quests
      Sub-Category: Quest
      Version: 2.0.11 Milestone: 20 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: 0.20

    Quest 1532 missing text?

    Quest 1532, Call of Air, appears to be bugged. I am tasked with finding Prate Cloudseeker. I find her and there is no text, only the reward. Also, wasn't this a two-part quest? I do see a second Call of Air quest with ID 1531, but I did not get it. I'll look into 1531. For the time being, is there supposed to be any text upon turning in the quest?

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    Quick look and it appears that this is all there is, judging by the comments here: [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=1531#wh-comments[/url]

    I've not looks at the other quest you linked, but this Call To Air can be picked up in TB and Org, so that may explain the other quest:

    I could not see any other text, handing in point/quest completion or whatever. No doubt another one (text) lost to the void.

    We could make one up, perhaps?

    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]"Arn't you a clever cookie! Have a gift for your troubles"[/COLOR][/B]

    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]'Ere you go 'andsom[/COLOR][/B]

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    How about "Ah! I've been expecting you!". That wouldn't be played out.

    In all seriousness though, if you look at 1531 Prate says the following.
    For the time being. I shall give you what you need to focus your spells and to call upon the spirits of air. Take this totem, and when you are ready, train with me some more.
    If you change the 1531 in that link to 1532, there is no text. Perhaps this is an actual Blizzard bug that was never fixed in Vanilla. Perhaps we should use the same text on both?

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    In the alpha and first part of the beta there was a huge quest-chain planned for the air totem. it was buggy and got dumped. They promised to do it right, but I do not remember it happening, and when they went all "We're World of Daycare!" on us and simplified it for the kiddies, we lost all of our hard-earned totems. That made me sad. Oh, we were also promised, since the beta, a sham UI to control totems and such. They gave us a piece of crap in either TBC or WoTLK, I forget which. Many things were never completed though. I can show you loads of areas from the alpha and beta which still existed in Vanilla, but were difficult to reach. The most well-known areas were probably the airport by IF and the village below it.

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    [quote=Xenithar]How about "Ah! I've been expecting you!". That wouldn't be played out.

    In all seriousness though, if you look at 1531 Prate says the following.

    If you change the 1531 in that link to 1532, there is no text. Perhaps this is an actual Blizzard bug that was never fixed in Vanilla. Perhaps we should use the same text on both?[/quote]

    Okay, she should say that for both of those quests, one from TB and the other from Org.


    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET `OfferRewardText`='For the time being. I shall give you what you need to focus your spells and to call upon the spirits of air. Take this totem, and when you are ready, train with me some more.' WHERE `entry`='1532';[/COLOR]

    I'll create a Pull Request with that now.

    [B]EDIT:[/B] Pull Request made with this fix :D

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