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  • Start Up Errors (from the log files)

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Creature
      Version: 1.1.0 Milestone: 20 Priority: High
      Implemented Version: 0.20

    Fixes for the logged errors at server start up

    I will build the list of fixes here for the errors that are currently appearing in the log files.

    [SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]1675[/COLOR] / [COLOR="#008000"]1675[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

    -- Corrections were made to the update scripts in World/Updates/Rel20

    -- scriptdev2-errors.log

    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = 'npc_onyxian_warder' WHERE Entry = 12129;
    UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = 'boss_netherspite' WHERE Entry IN (17367, 17368, 17369);[/COLOR]

    -- world-database.log

    Currently working on a a tool that can be used to populate the creature_template_classlevelstats table.

    Antz has a revert that may kill off a good number of these errors, so I will hold off from looking into any more of them until that has been applied, other than the above mentioned tool :D

    1186 errors killed by Antz

    Empty creature_item_template table


    UPDATE creature_template SET RegenerateStats=1 WHERE UnitClass IN (1, 4);
    UPDATE creature_template SET RegenerateStats=2 WHERE UnitClass IN (2, 8);

    UPDATE creature SET curhealth=8352 WHERE guid=45758;
    UPDATE creature SET curhealth=8613 WHERE guid IN (45760, 45812);
    UPDATE creature SET curhealth=2699 WHERE guid=45818;

    -- invalid level
    UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=23703;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=23808;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=24109;

    -- max level UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=69 WHERE Entry=21860;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=60 WHERE Entry=14302;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=25, MaxLevel=27 WHERE Entry=10760;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=73 WHERE Entry=15936;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=69 WHERE Entry=19799;
    UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=68 WHERE Entry=19821;

    -- change of spell IDs
    UPDATE dbscripts_on_creature_death SET datalong = 10072 WHERE id IN (15355, 15338, 15264);
    UPDATE dbscripts_on_creature_death SET datalong = 10061 WHERE id IN (15340, 15277);

    -- incorrect class
    UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 1 WHERE entry IN (17416, 17626, 17814, 23186, 25546);
    UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 2 WHERE entry IN (18327, 20319, 20537, 20691, 22166, 22300, 25545, 25565, 25576, 25579);
    UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 8 WHERE entry IN (18319, 18499, 18934, 18994, 18995, 20322, 20525, 20697, 20868, 21062, 21104, 21136, 21139, 21148, 22168, 21535, 21593, 23185);

    -- MoP introduced creature!
    DELETE FROM creature_template WHERE entry IN (17396);
    DELETE FROM creature_template_spells WHERE entry IN (17396);

    -- non existent zone
    DELETE FROM game_graveyard_zone WHERE id=969 AND ghost_zone=3459;

    -- not linked to correct loot entry
    UPDATE gameobject_template SET data1=3239 WHERE entry=3239;
    DELETE FROM gameobject_loot_template WHERE entry = 2483;

    UPDATE item_template SET displayid=7016, sheath=3 WHERE entry=17;

    -- unused entries - direct copy of Vanilla, but not used in TBC
    -- ======= Copied Rows ======= --
    -- '7278', '11', '2', '8', '21330', '27', '0'
    -- '7371', '11', '2', '8', '21322', '27', '0'
    -- '8217', '11', '2', '8', '21331', '27', '0'
    -- '11362', '11', '2', '8', '21329', '27', '0'
    -- '18714', '11', '2', '8', '31162', '27', '0'
    -- '19319', '11', '2', '8', '21712', '27', '0'
    -- '34100', '11', '2', '8', '21712', '27', '0'
    DELETE FROM creature_item_template WHERE entry IN (7278, 7371, 8217, 11362, 18714, 19319, 34100);

    [SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]More fixes

    -- Missing weapon entries for creatures
    DELETE FROM creature_item_template WHERE entry = 23051;
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23051, 2, 7, 1, 24925, 13, 0);
    UPDATE creature_equip_template SET equipentry1=23051, equipentry2=23051, equipentry3=0 WHERE entry=5029;

    -- entry unused as creatures are equipped via another means
    DELETE FROM creature_equip_template WHERE entry = 5030;
    UPDATE creature_template SET EquipmentTemplateId = 0 WHERE entry = 16679;

    DELETE FROM creature_equip_template WHERE entry IN (23889, 28023, 32826, 31083, 29626, 23907, 24038, 1219);
    -- missing entry for Flight Master's weapon
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23889, 2, 2, 2, 36600, 15, 0);
    -- missing entry for axe throwers at portal
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (28023, 2, 16, 1, 38576, 25, 0);
    -- missing weapon entry for Sanctum Defender
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (32826, 2, 2, 2, 43383, 15, 0);
    -- missing weapon entry for Val'zareq the Conqueror
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (31083, 2, 2, 2, 43386, 15, 0);
    UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Bow, Val\'zareq\'s' WHERE entry=31083;
    -- missing weapon entry for Netherstorm Agent
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (29626, 2, 3, 1, 44573, 26, 0);
    UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Gun, Draenei A01' WHERE entry=29626;
    -- missing weapon entry for Blade of Argus - [COLOR="#FF0000"]
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23907, 4, 6, 1, 36637, 14, 4);
    UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Shield, Draenei A02 Purple' WHERE entry=23907;
    -- missing weapon entry for Gatewatcher Aendor - [COLOR="#FF0000"]
    INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (24038, 4, 6, 1, 36726, 14, 4);
    UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Shield, Blood Elf A01' WHERE entry=24038;
    -- missing entry
    INSERT INTO creature_equip_template (entry, equipentry1, equipentry2, equipentry3) VALUES (1219, 13061, 0, 0);
    -- non existent entry was set for weapon ID
    UPDATE creature_template SET EquipmentTemplateId=5244 WHERE Entry=14733;

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    I have also activated "living world" on my server and will leave it running for a day to collect any world issues.



    /cries :(


    I'll probably split these between different threads. It all depends on how many lines of SQL script will be required.

    and again:




    Last of the start up errors has now been fixed, and merged by super fast Antz!!!

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