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Need help in packet decryption


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After success SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE client sends packet, after decryption it equals to b'\x00\x047\x00\x00\x00\x18\xb7\xce\xa7/Y\xff\xff\xff\xff',

What is the client packet structure ? First two bytes are opcode, aren't it ? But if so, I can't find this opcode in list. Maybe I'm doing something wrong ?

This is my enc/decrypt code:

    def encrypt(self, data):
        assert len(data) >= HeaderCrypt.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE
        encrypted_header = [0] * HeaderCrypt.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE

        for index in range(HeaderCrypt.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE):
            enc = (data[index] ^ self.crypt_key[self.send_i]) + self.send_j
            enc %= 0x100
            encrypted_header[index] = self.send_j = enc
            self.send_i = (self.send_i + 1) % len(self.crypt_key)

        return bytes(encrypted_header) + data[HeaderCrypt.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE:]

    def decrypt(self, data):
        assert len(data) >= HeaderCrypt.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE
        decrypted_header = [0] * HeaderCrypt.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE

        for index in range(self.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE):
            dec = (data[index] - self.recv_j) ^ self.crypt_key[self.recv_i]
            dec %= 0x100
            decrypted_header[index] = dec
            self.recv_j = data[index]
            self.recv_i = (self.recv_i + 1) % len(self.crypt_key)

        return bytes(decrypted_header) + data[HeaderCrypt.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE:]

Encryption works fine (because I can send SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE and go to Character list loading), but I'm not sure about decryption. So, the question - what is the CMSG_* packets structure and what packet client send under 0x047 opcode after SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, currently I getting another problem: my HeaderCrypt class decrypts only first packet correctly - next packets decrypts with incorrect opcodes.

My current HeaderCrypt implementation below:

class HeaderCrypt(object):


    def __init__(self, session_key: bytes):
        self.crypt_key = self._generate_key(session_key)
        self.send_i = 0
        self.send_j = 0
        self.recv_i = 0
        self.recv_j = 0

    def encrypt(self, data: bytes):
        assert len(data) >= self.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE
        encrypted_header = [0] * self.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE

        for index in range(self.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE):
            self.send_i %= len(self.crypt_key)
            enc = (data[index] ^ self.crypt_key[self.send_i]) + self.send_j
            enc %= 0x100
            self.send_i += 1
            encrypted_header[index] = self.send_j = enc

        return bytes(encrypted_header) + data[self.ENCRYPT_HEADER_SIZE:]

    def decrypt(self, data: bytes):
        assert len(data) >= self.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE
        decrypted_header = [0] * self.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE

        for index in range(self.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE):
            self.recv_i %= len(self.crypt_key)
            dec = (data[index] - self.recv_j) ^ self.crypt_key[self.recv_i]
            dec %= 0x100
            self.recv_i += 1
            self.recv_j = data[index]
            decrypted_header[index] = dec

        return bytes(decrypted_header) + data[self.DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE:]

    def _generate_key(self, session_key):
        seed = b'8\xa7\x83\x15\xf8\x92%0q\x98g\xb1\x8c\x04\xe2\xaa'
        hashed = hmac.new(seed, session_key, sha1)
        return hashed.digest()

After success SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE my server receives CMSG_CHAR_ENUM and decrypts it successfully. Next packets like CMSG_PING, CMSG_PLAYER_LOGIN etc decrypts incorrect. If I understands it correctly, the send_i, send_j, recv_i, recv_j values stores for the next decrypt operation. I got some experiments with this and some packets decrypting successfully only when I re-initialize HeaderCrypt, but this is wrong behavior, isn't it ?

Can anybody helps me with enc/decryption alg ? I don't asking for code, just explain me what should be implemented or what I have missed ?

Currently only first packet (CMSG_CHAR_ENUM) decrypts successfully. Also I tried to decrypt one packet for 10 times and only after that packet decrypts successfully. Something wrong with my current decryption alg, but I don't know what exactly. 

BTW, does opcode always in 3rd and 4th bytes ?

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Which client is it? If it's vanilla, you can have a look here how to decode. https://github.com/Warkdev/JaNGOSRealm/blob/master/src/main/java/eu/jangos/realm/network/decoder/RealmPacketDecoder.java

Crypt attribute is set for the session. And its implementation is https://github.com/Warkdev/JaNGOSRealm/blob/master/src/main/java/eu/jangos/realm/utils/VanillaCrypt.java

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Well... Currently I created the workaround for solving this problem. I hope this is temporary workaround.

I noticed some packets decrypts correctly only after calling decrypt method several times. So:

        def decrypt(packet: bytes):
            result = packet
            for index in range(20):
          	# I calls this method several time until packet will be decrypted successfully
                enc = session.header_crypt.decrypt(packet)
               	    # this code checks if packet decrypts successfully
                    opcode = WorldOpCode(int.from_bytes(enc[2:6], 'little')).value
                except ValueError:
                    result = enc

            return result

        packet = decrypt(packet)

Some packets like CMSG_CHAR_ENUM are always decrypts the first time. Some packets like CMSG_PING decrypts on 9th iteration.

When I entering the world, packets with next opcodes (CMSG_VOICE_SESSION_ENABLECMSG_VOICE_SESSION_ENABLE) always decrypts on 1st iteration.

Another packets like CMSG_OPT_OUT_OF_LOOTCMSG_CHAR_CREATE, CMSG_PLAYER_LOGIN decrypts the first time.

Maybe somebody understands why decryption works so weird in my case ?

I checked - session_key generates correctly, hash for checking if session_key same on client and server also generates correctly. And I'm sure decrypting algorithm also correct. Maybe exists some differences between Python and C++ which I didn't noticed ?

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Not being an expert on handling the packet at this level, I would still advise do not take a risk with this operation:

dec %= 0x100

The modulo op in Python is quite a thing. Use bitwise operation instead:

dec &= 0xFF

Unsure if it helps, but it is the only difference from the referenced Java code I've managed to spot.

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11 hours ago, Olion said:

Not being an expert on handling the packet at this level, I would still advise do not take a risk with this operation:

dec %= 0x100

The modulo op in Python is quite a thing. Use bitwise operation instead:

dec &= 0xFF

Unsure if it helps, but it is the only difference from the referenced Java code I've managed to spot.

Thanks for your answer. I tested, unfortunately this not helps. Btw, %= 0x100 and &= 0xFF returns same result.

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