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MSVS 2017 6 - ERROR


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13> AdhocStatement.cpp
16> VMapAssembler.cpp
14> System.cpp
15> IntermediateValues.cpp
17> adtfile.cpp
17> dbcfile.cpp
17> gameobject_extract.cpp
15> MapBuilder.cpp
15> PathGenerator.cpp
15> TerrainBuilder.cpp
14> adt.cpp
14> dbcfile.cpp
14> loadlib.cpp
14> mpq_libmpq.cpp
14> wdt.cpp
14> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
16> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
17> model.cpp
17> mpq_libmpq.cpp
17> vmapexport.cpp
17> wdtfile.cpp
17> wmo.cpp
15> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
15> D:\ WOW Server \ TrinityCore \ src \ tools \ mmaps_generator \ TerrainBuilder.cpp:警告C4819:檔案含有無法在目前字碼頁(950)中表示的字元。請以Unicode格式儲存檔案以防止資料遺失
17 > WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
16> LINK:致命錯誤LNK1181:無法開啟輸入檔'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'16
>專案“vmap4assembler.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失敗。

13> DatabaseEnv.cpp
13> DatabaseLoader.cpp
13> DatabaseWorker.cpp
13> DatabaseWorkerPool.cpp
13> Field.cpp
13> MySQLConnection.cpp
13> MySQLThreading.cpp
13> PreparedStatement.cpp
13> QueryCallback.cpp
13> QueryCallbackProcessor.cpp
13> QueryHolder.cpp
13> QueryResult.cpp
13> Transaction.cpp
13> CharacterDatabase.cpp
13> LoginDatabase.cpp
13> WorldDatabase.cpp
13> AppenderDB.cpp
13> DBUpdater.cpp
13> UpdateFetcher.cpp
15> LINK:致命錯誤LNK1181:無法開啟輸入檔'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'17
> LINK:致命错误LNK1181:無法開啟輸入檔'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'17
>專案“vmap4extractor.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失败。
15>專案“mmaps_generator.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失败
>專案“mapextractor.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失败。

19> CreatureAI.cpp
20> ScriptLoader.cpp
20> cs_account.cpp
20> cs_achievement.cpp
20> cs_ahbot.cpp
20> cs_arena.cpp
20> cs_ban.cpp
20> cs_bf.cpp
20> cs_cast.cpp
20> cs_character.cpp
20> cs_cheat.cpp
20> cs_debug.cpp
20> cs_deserter.cpp
20> cs_disable.cpp
20> cs_event.cpp
20> cs_gm.cpp
20> cs_go.cpp
20> cs_gobject.cpp
21> AuthCodes.cpp
21> AuthSession.cpp
21> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
21> ServiceWin32.cpp
20> cs_group.cpp
20> cs_guild.cpp
20> cs_honor.cpp
20> cs_instance.cpp
20> cs_learn.cpp
20> cs_lfg。cpp
19> CreatureAIRegistry.cpp
19> CreatureAISelector.cpp
19> CombatAI.cpp 19> GameObjectAI.cpp
19> PassiveAI.cpp
19> PetAI.cpp
20> cs_list.cpp
19> ReactorAI.cpp
19> TotemAI.cpp
19> UnitAI.cpp
19> PlayerAI.cpp
19> ScriptedCreature.cpp
19> ScriptedEscortAI.cpp
19> ScriptedFollowerAI.cpp
19> ScriptedGossip.cpp
19> SmartAI.cpp
19> SmartScript.cpp
19> SmartScriptMgr.cpp
19> AccountMgr.cpp
19> RBAC.cpp
19> AchievementMgr.cpp
19> AddonMgr.cpp
19> AuctionHouseMgr.cpp
19> AuctionHouseBot.cpp
19> AuctionHouseBotBuyer.cpp
19> AuctionHouseBotSeller。cpp
20> cs_lookup.cpp
19> Battlefield.cpp
20> cs_message.cpp
19> BattlefieldMgr.cpp
20> cs_misc.cpp
20> cs_mmaps.cpp
19> BattlefieldWG.cpp
20> cs_modify.cpp
19> Arena.cpp
19> ArenaTeam.cpp
19> ArenaTeamMgr.cpp
19> Battleground.cpp
20> cs_npc.cpp
19> BattlegroundMgr.cpp
20> cs_pet.cpp
19> BattlegroundQueue.cpp
19> BattlegroundAB.cpp
19> BattlegroundAV.cpp
20> cs_quest.cpp
19> BattlegroundBE.cpp
19> BattlegroundDS.cpp
19> BattlegroundEY.cpp
19> BattlegroundIC.cpp
19> BattlegroundNA.cpp
19> BattlegroundRL.cpp
20> cs_rbac.cpp
19> BattlegroundRV。cpp
20> cs_reload.cpp
20> cs_reset.cpp
20> cs_script_loader.cpp
19> BattlegroundSA.cpp
20> cs_send.cpp
20> cs_server.cpp
20> cs_tele.cpp
19> BattlegroundWS.cpp
20> cs_ticket.cpp
19> CharacterCache.cpp
20> cs_titles.cpp
19> CalendarMgr.cpp
20> cs_wp.cpp
21> LINK:致命錯誤LNK1181:無法開啟輸入檔'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'19
> Chat.cpp
21>專案“authserver.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失败。

22> Main.cpp的
22> CliRunnable.cpp
22> RASession.cpp
22> TCSoap.cpp
22> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
22> ServiceWin32.cpp
22> LINK:致命錯誤LNK1181:無法開啟輸入檔'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'
22 >專案“worldserver.vcxproj”建置完成 - 失败。


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不行它造成了我的電腦程式庫與目標電腦x86造成衝突 我該如何解決?



Edited by 劉顯毓
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