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War MaNGOS ?

Guest Debian

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Hello everyone,

I creat this thread because i'm looking for an emulator mangos on Warhammer online.

I have search on web without success, it's little bit difficult to collect some informations about this :(

Sorry for inconvenience if this question is not alowed on this site, if a team already working on this project. Keep me informed !

Debian, the noobinoob.

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I don't know who started this "mangos is emulator / isn't emulator" thing, but the wikipedia states

An emulator duplicates (provides an emulation of) the functions of one system using a different system, so that the second system behaves like (and appears to be) the first system. This focus on exact reproduction of external behavior is in contrast to some other forms of computer simulation, which can concern an abstract model of the system being simulated.
so the question is whether MaNGOS tries to "emulate" some other <unspecified here> service or if it takes a completely independent way.
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I don't see why anyone would need to reply just to say that ages old thing that doesn't matter even.

I've only heard about 1 project for warhammer online, but that's completly underground and i don't know if it is even continued anymore..

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I don't know who started this "mangos is emulator / isn't emulator" thing, but the wikipedia states

so the question is whether MaNGOS tries to "emulate" some other <unspecified here> service or if it takes a completely independent way.

Well considering that definition fits Mangos to a T, I'd say Mangos is an emulator, as it tries to emulate a World of Warcraft Blizzard server.

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Considering you where asking about a WaR emu, rather then the question is MaNGOS an emulator or not, i might have some info.

As of today there are no public servers for WaR, your best bet is to follow the following blog: htp://warprivateserver.blogspot.com/ this guy seems to follow the scene quite a lot.

*edit* lol, my first post >.<

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Well considering that definition fits Mangos to a T, I'd say Mangos is an emulator, as it tries to emulate a World of Warcraft Blizzard server.

Mangos is a learning prodjet, a "funny way" to play wow with your friend, to lean c++, mysql and php/html if you do a website too.

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I don't know who started this "mangos is emulator / isn't emulator" thing, but the wikipedia states

so the question is whether MaNGOS tries to "emulate" some other <unspecified here> service or if it takes a completely independent way.

It's a legal thing, just play along.

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