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Custom weapons not working!

Auntie Mangos

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  • 40 years later...

Hi, I'm a level 3 GM on a private WoW server, trying to help out my admin and the regular players there.

Since we upgraded to MaNGOS core 3.3.0 custom weapons stopped working properly. The weapons still give stats, but all skills that requires a Melee weapon on Main hand doesnt work. My rogue has a set of dual custom swords and everytime i have it on my main hand, if i try casting hemorrhage, Ghostly strike, or any other skill that requires a melee weapon, it says I can't cast it cos I need a Melee weapon on my Main hand. But as soon as i replace the custom sword to a regular non custom weapon, all my melee skills works fine.

Also, going a bit off topic here, Throw only works on the target's back.

Any suggestions?

Thank you for reading.


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The weapons still give stats, but all skills that requires a Melee weapon on Main hand doesnt work.
This meaning that in 3.3.0 client start get weapon type from own DBC insteed sent DB data. I can make only one recommendation true for current and later clients forcustom items: find in items.dbc unused for normal accessable to players item id with _excatly_ item type, and use it. And strongly not recommend use item ids that not exist in items.dbc. Fromclient version to next it will more and more broken because from version toversion client startmore base own work at item.dbc instaed any sent DB data.
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ok thanks for the infos, but wasnt something like that also with horde and alliance groups? till a certain game version(i believe before wotlk) they always been allowed to group/trade/heal and so on just by changing the mangos.conf, then we needed to apply the "hacky" patch (if im correct FakeGenesys made it) to make groups work properly between factions.

So since the part of item checking is made by the game and not by the server anymore, maybe there is some sort of work arround to make the server believe the spell u have to cast doesnt require any weapon equipped if u have the correct one... sounds hard and i wont even know where to start from lol, but im trowing out ideas, hoping maybe to find someone more able than me to code.

I will eventually start a thread in the dev part of the forum since thats not really a bug but more like an improvment of the actual mangos functionality.

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I already found some IDS not used in DB with proper CLASS and SUBCLASS fields, to update the entry in the DB I know I should run something like:

UPDATE item_template SET entry = '1313' WHERE entry = '75000';

Now the question is, what should I run in order to update characters inventory? I dont feel like manually changing all the custom items ingame. I know I have to run a query to update characters.character_inventory and item_instance, I know it have to be something like

UPDATE character_inventory SET item_template = '1313' WHERE item_template = '75000';

The problem is that I dont know what should I run in order to update item_instance, hope someone could help us with any idea =)

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • 4 months later...
This meaning that in 3.3.0 client start get weapon type from own DBC insteed sent DB data. I can make only one recommendation true for current and later clients forcustom items: find in items.dbc unused for normal accessable to players item id with _excatly_ item type, and use it. And strongly not recommend use item ids that not exist in items.dbc. Fromclient version to next it will more and more broken because from version toversion client startmore base own work at item.dbc instaed any sent DB data.

Thanks vlad, this worked perfectly. Just 1 (minor) problem though, if i use a blizz item to be replaced by a custom item, like a sword, the stats, names and quotes are custom, but the seath and display ID are still the same as the original blizz item i used.... even though i coded the values to seath as a staff and a diferent display ID... is there anyway around that?


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