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MMaps Redux

Guest auntieMangos

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small question out of the blue:

what is the performance impact vs clean mangos core? (in %, Mb/Gb) with say.. 1k players?

Depens on what your players are doing, if they all are running around in lowleven instances and pulling the entire instance, then jump down somewhere etc... then your server will burn in a second or 2 ;), but regular use would increase the load pretty much, i would not mmap continents etc... better just mmap the instances/arenas/bg's

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  • 3 weeks later...
small question out of the blue:

what is the performance impact vs clean mangos core? (in %, Mb/Gb) with say.. 1k players?

I'm asking the same question for quiet some time now :)

Take the initiative and gather this data. It will sure help the development.

bump? any news for this great feature?

bump? nay news for this great feature testing?

Sorry guys for not being too active recently, just bit busy lately.

Generally speaking, there aren't too much things that can be done without code review or bug reports, new ideas etc.

PS: I know there are some pretty esoteric problems wit some tiles on mangos zero, but I have no means debugging those at the moment.

So.. to sum it up:

1) We need some developer to review the code, general idea etc.

2) More tests and reports. Both positive and negative.

3) New idea can come in handy plus people who are willing to contribute to development process.

Without mentioned below, its just a matter of time till it dies out.

Best regards.

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Sorry guys for not being too active recently, just bit busy lately.

Generally speaking, there aren't too much things that can be done without code review or bug reports, new ideas etc.

So i can test active. More stress test's not only ingame process. But isome agressive test's in very hard for pathfind locations.

So at this moment mmaps work pretty good. Use mmaps + charge mmap patch.

Mobs work correctly. Not fail under terrain. Fing path find.

test on many hard places. As wholes on searing gore & work pretty good.

I have some bugs but it's only from zero mmap's part.


PS: I know there are some pretty esoteric problems wit some tiles on mangos zero, but I have no means debugging those at the moment.

Yep tiles loaded for few second only & after that unload. No debug info in console.(((


On zero exist problem with hoover. Tested on onyxia at fly phase. When ony stop in air at fly. She fail to terrain. Recalk Z coord. But i think it's only zero problem also. Hover on zero not work.


Need offmeshes base. Exist more places\\point's where need offmeshes. But at now we have only one.

on zero too small online to check all places for add all offmesh coordinats.

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So i can test active. More stress test's not only ingame process. But isome agressive test's in very hard for pathfind locations.


I'm looking forward for results :) Thanks.

Memory/cpu diff given online count (/w /wo multithreading) can sure be valuable info.



Need offmeshes base. Exist more places\\point's where need offmeshes. But at now we have only one.

on zero too small online to check all places for add all offmesh coordinats.

The one point provided is just syntax example :)

I do agree that we need some sort of database, even basic one.

Don't be shy people, post those. Don't forget to mention for which version those are generated (master, one, zero) since map vary.

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After switching mmaps use off -> no crashes anymore. This part in the beginning of another crashdump led me here: http://pastebin.com/HjCUjEse

Maybe some kind of path building for vehicles when player is entering it? Or maybe it is not related to mmaps...

I can't see any mmap related code at any thread stacks, yet you got exactly the same vehicle calls all over.

If I were you, I'd look for too large vector allocation somewhere around Player::VehicleSpellInitialize -> WorldPacket opcode=377 -> ByteBuffer -> reserve

If you say, allocate 2giga there... with mmaps you may not have that kind of memory - fail, while you may have 2 giga free w/o.

In any case, chances this issue related to mmaps are rather slim. Besides, nothing changed in mmap code in a while now.


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I don't know if this has been reported already, but...

If a flying monster is in the air - it evades when trying to chase some target on the ground. So there should be some check if creature can fly, has splineflag flying etc. then it shouldn't evade.

Can't confirm it using the revision in mmap master.

Tested with flying creatures with inhabit air and ground, or only one of them set.

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@tyrael: Still no reports how mmaps work with more than 5-100 users. These tests are mandatory else you end up with something like this [1] (yeah my favorite github commit).



I'm using mmaps with more than 3000+ ppl online since some months ago without problems. Also i have mtmaps (4 Threads) and 48 GB DDR3 ECC with MySQL in other server.

Waiting for merge with mangos due to changes made by SilverIce.

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@tyrael: Still no reports how mmaps work with more than 5-100 users. These tests are mandatory else you end up with something like this [1] (yeah my favorite github commit).



I'm using mmaps with more than 3000+ ppl online since some months ago without problems. Also i have mtmaps (4 Threads) and 48 GB DDR3 ECC with MySQL in other server.

Waiting for merge with mangos due to changes made by SilverIce.

That's pretty good news.

How about we make a deal?

I will merge with leatest mangos and all its changes, and you in return, will make a detailed report about mmap memory/cpu consumption as function of number of players. With mmaps and without.

How does that sound? :)

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