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[BUG]Professions staking

Guest cristinel

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Mangos Version: 9788

Custom Patches: insiders42 branch

SD2 Version: 1670

Database Name and Version : YTDB 544

How it SHOULD work: If you have 2 professions and you enchant an armor or something else when you unlearn one of your profession the enchant must disappear from items.

How it DOES work: If you have 2 professions and you enchant an armor or something else when you unlearn one of your profession the enchant it's not disappearing from items. And you can stack like this more than two professions on items.

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One thing I know it's when you learn engineering and a second profession, then you unlearn engineering for another profession you can't use bonuses from your stuff (like Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket on gloves, Flexweave Underlay on cloak or Nitro Boosts on foot)) enchants become red.

But if it's a gem or another enchant from tailoring or something else, bonus is still taken into account.

Sorry for my english.

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  • 2 months later...

Perhaps Cristinel didnt express himself fine. But i do confirm at least the Title of the topic, the Profession Unique enhacementes, enchants, abilities,etc are staking. If you drop a profession and learn another the benefits applied to any item remain.

Pratical cases on my server under Mangos 10064 - UBD 391 - SD2 1713, the player has learned JC and BS, then he dropped BS to enchnat the additional sockets from BS did not become innactive, they remained on all items on which they were used.

Another case for a guy dropping engineering that has dropped it and remained with the Engineers only Mounts.

Also have seen JC that have kept JC unique gems on the item, dropped profession, and the item remained with the JC only gems active.

The same for Enchanters and Ring enchants.

I dont know while the same is happening with Tailoring, but as it is being seen in all other professions probably the bug applies as well.

How It Should be: Im not sure if the benefit effect should drop from the item toolip, but for sure once the profession is dropped it should become innactive with no bonus being granted.

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