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[Bug] - Mount 'Black Qiraji Battle Tank' crashes server on teleport.

Guest Porsj

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Hello MaNGOS community,

Every time a user teleports while being mounted on the 'Black Qiraji Battle Tank' (ItemID 21176, SpellID 26656) the server crashes.

This is easy to recreate, mount any character on this specific mount and teleport into an instance or other map. The server will crash.

Next to that, normally the bug makes a 'shrieking sound' when used, the animation is still there, but the sound is gone.

My current test setup looks like this:

MaNGOS Rev. 10065

Custom Patches: Alliance/Horde Grouping, Auction House Bot, TeleportMaster (SD2)

SD2 Rev. 1713

Project Silvermoon DB Rev. 315

How it should work: People mounted on this specific mount should not crash the server on teleport, and the mount should create a 'shrieking sound' when pressing jump while standing still.

How it does work: People mounted on this specific mount always crash the server on teleport and the mount does not create the 'shrieking sound' when pressing jump while standing still.

Thanks for your time and effort in advance :)


PS. This is the first time I'm reporting something, I hope I did it correctly.

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I see, in that case, I run a second test realm with no patches whatsoever (except for SD2) which uses the same revisions as the first realm (info posted above) and it has the same bug.

My apologies for not putting this information in the first topic.


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I have run into this exact problem today. A warlock that had his Succubus out mounted the Black Qiraji and clicked a portal from Shattrath to Isle of Quel'danas and the server would crash every time. Once he dismounted it no longer crashed. I tested it myself on a test realm and can duplicate it 100% with MaNGOS rev 10091 on Linux server. I don't know why this specific mount is the only one with the issue...

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Solved the issue myself by commenting out this code in SpellEffects.cpp like so:

                /*case 26656:                                 // Summon Black Qiraji Battle Tank
                   if (!unitTarget)

                   // Prevent stacking of mounts

                   // Two separate mounts depending on area id (allows use both in and out of specific instance)
                   if (unitTarget->GetAreaId() == 3428)
                       unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, 25863, false);
                       unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, 26655, false);


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