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Setting more Gm Levels

Guest Voldemmort

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I'm currently trying to set more accounts on my core and I'm having some problems configuring them.

Here is an example of what I have.

enum AccountTypes
   SEC_PLAYER         = 0,                                 // Jugador Normal
   SEC_VIP            = 1,                                 // VIP
   SEC_TRIALGM        = 2,                                 // Trial
   SEC_MODERATOR      = 3,                                 // GM's
   SEC_GAMEMASTER     = 4,                                 // GM's Especiales
   SEC_LEADGM         = 5,                                 // Lider de GM's
   SEC_ADMINISTRATOR  = 6,                                 // Admin
   SEC_CONSOLE        = 7                                  // must be always last in list, accounts must have less security level always also

And example of commands.

insert into `command` (`name`, `security`, `help`) values
('dismount','0','Sintaxis: .dismount\\r\\n\\r\\nTe desmonta, si te encuentras montado.'),
('save','0','Syntax: .save\\r\\n\\r\\nSaves your character.'),
('server motd','0','Syntax: .server motd\\r\\n\\r\\nShow server Message of the day.'),
('goname','1','Sintaxis: .goname [$nombrespersonaje]\\r\\n\\r\\nTe teletransporta al personaje nombrado. Puedes especificar el nombre del personaje o hacer click en el retrato del personaje, Ej. Cuando estás en un grupo. El personaje puede estar desconectado.'),
('revive','1','Syntax: .revive\\r\\n\\r\\nRevive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you.'),
('start','1','Syntax: .start\\r\\n\\r\\nTeleport you to the starting area of your character.'),
('namego','1','Syntax: .namego [$charactername]\\r\\n\\r\\nTeleport the given character to you. Character can be offline.'),
('gm ingame','2','Sintaxis: .gm ingame\\r\\n\\r\\nMuestra una lista de los maestros de juegos disponibles dentro del juego.'),
('gm','2','Sintaxis: .gm [on/off]\\r\\n\\r\\nHabilita o deshabilita dentro del juego el MODO MJ o muestra el estado actual si la variable on/off no es proveída.'),
('gm visible','2','Sintaxis: .gm visible on/off\\r\\n\\r\\nMuestra el estado actual de visibilidad o hace un MJ visible (on) en invisible (off) para los otros jugadores.'),
('whispers','2','Syntax: .whispers on|off\\r\\nEnable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.'),
('gm chat','2','Sintaxis: .gm chat [on/off]\\r\\n\\r\\nHabilita o deshabilita el chat MODO MJ (Muestra la banda de mj en los mensajes) o muestra el estado actual si la variable on/off no es proveída.');

The problem reside in that when I try to make a lvl 2 acc to wrote in chat, it doesnt matter if he has "gm on", "gm chat on", the Blizz Logo isnt appearing at all.

Someone know why is this and why can a lvl 2 use the Logo??

Thanks in advance.

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You only can make mod or higher with logo or not, so it is impossible , so you should have MOD as rank 2, just write SEC_MODERATOR = 2, // Trial and change the others , you dont need to name them correctly , no one can see it

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It's as ilija has said. You can add all the custom security levels you like, but there are certain limitations that are hard-coded into the client, such as only level 2 and higher being allowed the GM badge in chat.

Why even have a "TrialGM" level? Just start them as Moderators, then promote them to higher levels as they prove their skill and trustworthiness. I've tinkered with this before and found myself only needing one additional security level, "Privileged", for those players who could be entrusted with using the .goname command for getting to their friends more easily.

Sometimes, all those extra ranks are nothing more than over-thinking the situation. Perhaps your real issue is being able to trust your GMs. If there's any doubt about that, you probably shouldn't have them as a GM of any kind.

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Yes you only have to edit that file, and also change all "security" fields in the "mangos.commands" table and the "gmlevel" in "realmd.accounts" table in the DB

Have in count that every acc that u want to be GM have to be AFTER SEC_MODERATOR, and for example if you want one account with some privileges but without being GM, set them BEFORE SEC_MODERATOR, here an example of how I got it now.

enum AccountTypes
   SEC_PLAYER         = 0,
   SEC_VIP            = 1,
   SEC_MODERATOR      = 2,
   SEC_GAMEMASTER     = 3,
   SEC_SENIORGM       = 4,
   SEC_LEADGM         = 5,
   SEC_CONSOLE        = 7                                  // must be always last in list, accounts must have less security level always also

This config is in src\\shared\\Common.h

Hope this help.

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In additional to adding enums to enum list you need also checks sources for use enum name for std. gm level that go before or after you custom enum.

For example it can be SEC_MODERATOR < 0 check and then if you add your custom enum before SEC_MODERATOR then it will true for it. And maybe this you not expect.

So check affected cases in code.

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LE : This if my config

enum AccountTypes
   SEC_PLAYER         = 0,
   SEC_VIP            = 1,
   SEC_MODERATOR      = 2,
   SEC_GAMEMASTER     = 3,
   SEC_SENIORGM       = 4,
   SEC_LEADGM         = 5,
   SEC_CONSOLE        = 7                                  // must be always last in list, accounts must have less security level always also

I have Gm level 6 + .gm on. Why the Blizz icon doesn't appear next to the name ? :(

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I've read in other threads that the Blizz icon appearing next to your name is also limited by the client to GM levels 1 - 3. Custom levels above 3 (not including the security level for the MaNGOS CONSOLE) may not be able to display the icon.

As Diablox has said, using the .gm chat on command is the way you turn on the icon, to chat as a GM. Otherwise, even GM levels will chat the same as regular players.

If I had a dime for every bozo that did not read the manual/guide/tutorial/FAQ ......

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