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MaNGOS supports 3.0.? Patches now?

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It doesn't officially support it yet and this topics really begin to spam now.

But what I can say is that it work with the correct patches quite fine with 3.0.2 (WoW/BC/Wotlk.B.).

Northrend, Barber, Achievement System... work good. The Patches are quite "Hacky" anyway so I guess they will be only applied or re-written so it need less resources or has a better stability. The Databases are better in that part, a lot of Northrend is spawned and DK Startzone etc has already working Quests.

I play on Wo[Censored]er.com , they use a Mangos as base for their Testserver. (Their .info is quite nice between even name all Devs etc.) and can say that really everything I tried worked fine.

So yes Mangos work fine with 3.0.2 but its not offically supported here yet till it get re-written and applied to SVN to be sure everything work fine. We speak here of Pre-Wotlk, Wotlk itself will be supported here officially when it has been released.


Well, 3.0.2 is official now, so time to start working on making the product compatible. Seems like only a few weeks ago my engine finally stabilized on 2.4.3. Oh wait, it was only a few weeks ago... OY...

so time to start working on making the product compatible
Thank you for allowing this :rolleyes:

1) Who say that team not work at this? :confused: Strange if you not see TOM_RUS patch for basic support some early beta of client addon

2) Who say that this most priority that all other changes fixes :confused:

This is just one from way improving mangos work not more not less.

You know: it will ready when ready ;)

Thank you for allowing this :rolleyes:

1) Who say that team not work at this? :confused: Strange if you not see TOM_RUS patch for basic support some early beta of client addon

2) Who say that this most priority that all other changes fixes :confused:

This is just one from way improving mangos work not more not less.

You know: it will ready when ready ;)

Wow, my first post to the board and I get a reply so quickly, and a reply with such enthusiasm for the task at hand.

The 24/7/365 development cycle is something I'm sure we all can completely understand. MaNGOS is, and probably always will be, a work in progress because of the nature of programmers and the open source community. Tinkering and code tweaking is what we do. We all get a chance to contribute if something we have created is worthwhile. No 'approval' or allowance was intented. We're all in this together. Some have contributed more than others, and to that we all give our thanks.

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