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Converting Lua to c++

Guest marx123

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oke so my question is is it possible to convert lua scripts to c++ for mangos example like we all know mangos is more complicated then arc or whatever else so mabye someone wanna join me and lets starting converting lua custom scripts to c++ (for mangos) that mangos users can have some fun.. im not that good in c++ but mabye anyone is intrested helping out

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you could write a metacompiler that converts lua to C++

Though I think this would probably be more difficult than just converting the scripts themselves.

The languages are also very different. And given the quality of most of these Lua scripts, I would really hate to see what they look like in C++. I took a badly written 591 line Lua script and converted it 102 lines of reasonable C++, an automatic generator would have probably given around 500-600 lines of equally redundant code.

If you must run bad Lua scripts, than a Lua engine is probably easier. Otherwise, just redo what you need and get away from Lua altogether.

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ofc im learning myself reading some books and some guides from net but im not that pro yet...



Instead, the second script you can use this.

/* ScriptData
SDName: item_levelplayer
SD%Complete: 100
SDComment: Used for Leveling characters Random
SDCategory: Items
EndScriptData */


bool ItemUse_item_levelplayer(Player* pPlayer, Item* pItem, const SpellCastTargets &pTargets)
if ((pPlayer->isInCombat()) || (pPlayer->isInFlight()) || (pPlayer->isDead()))
     pPlayer->SendEquipError(EQUIP_ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT, pItem, NULL);
       return false;

   outstring_log("player level %i",pPlayer->getLevel());
   if(((pPlayer->getLevel()) + 5) > 80)
       outstring_log("playerlevel+5 > 80 (%i+5=%i)",pPlayer->getLevel(),pPlayer->getLevel()+5);
       if((80 - (pPlayer->getLevel())) > 0)
           outstring_log("leveling for %i levels",(80-(pPlayer->getLevel())));
           pPlayer->GiveLevel(pPlayer->getLevel()+(80 - (pPlayer->getLevel())));  
           outstring_log("level would be 81+, exiting function");
           return true;
       outstring_log("leveling for 5 levels");
   return true;
void AddSC_item_levelplayer()
   Script *newscript;

     newscript = new Script;
   newscript->pItemUse = &ItemUse_item_levelplayer;
   outstring_log("SD2: item_levelplayer loaded");

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