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Melee attack while your opponent is at your back


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Well, the bug is:

You are a mele, for example a rogue. You have your target at your back and you can attack him with skills, no normal attack. Having your enemy at your back you can attack him with mutilat for instance. That in the oficial is not possible, so mangos has got this bug. It happens wit all the meles class; rogues, warriors, etc

Is there any fix to repair that?

We have the version 11.100.


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Confirmed with Shaman enh ability - Stormstrike. Couldnt do this with other abilities. I have custom fixes in my fork btw.

I have no custom fixes, but can also confirm this with the mentioned ability.

Edit: I find other abilities too, like Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Devastate, Rend (warrior) to mention a few. Since I'm pretty clueless how it should work, I only mention them. In a logical way, it sounds strange they can all be used when you have your back to the target.

All of the mentioned spells here and in the above posts have SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK9 0x00000200. Since I'm a noob with player abilities, I'm leaving it to others to figure out if it can be related or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

missing this check:

diff --git a/src/game/Spell.cpp b/src/game/Spell.cpp
index d1961ee..b19a05d 100644
--- a/src/game/Spell.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Spell.cpp
@@ -5862,6 +5862,10 @@ SpellCastResult Spell::CheckRange(bool strict)
                if (target == m_caster)
                    return SPELL_CAST_OK;

+                if (m_caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER &&
+                    (m_spellInfo->FacingCasterFlags & SPELL_FACING_FLAG_INFRONT) && !m_caster->HasInArc(M_PI_F, target))
+                    return SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT;
                float range_mod = strict ? 0.0f : 5.0f;
                float base = ATTACK_DISTANCE;
                if (Player* modOwner = m_caster->GetSpellModOwner())

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