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[HOW TO] installation of mangos under gentoo linux

Guest AuntieMangos

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Hello this is an updated "how to" for compiling/installing mangos under linux

For my install I use http://getmangos.eu/community/viewtopic.php?id=7839, but it is a bit outdated

== Get needed dependencies ==

You will need gcc cmake and make

I also installed my own ace library (dev-libs/ace-5.7.2)

So I have cmake with -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL

It seems that mangos use an old tbb library version (2.2), so I dont try to use the tbb curently available in gentoo

== check out sources ==

git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

== configure/compiling==

go to to mangos sources and do:



that's not enought, some extract tools need libmpq

cd dep/libmpq




No need to make install because tools staticly use this library.

For each directory contrib/extractor contrib/mmap contrib/vmap_assembler contrib/vmap_extractor_v3

do cmake . and make

Now you have compiled all needed stuffs

== SQL ==

Now time to fill your mysql database

mysql -pPASSWORD < sql/create_mysql.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < sql/mangos.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD characters < sql/characters.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD realmd < sql/realmd.sql

this created 3 databases and a default mangos SQL user.

Now tables structures are created, its time to populate it

First download UDB database at unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net


and do:

mkdir udb

cd udb

svn co https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb unifieddb

unzip UDB_0.12.2_mangos_11792_SD2_2279.zip

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < UDB_0.12.2_mangos_11792_SD2_2279.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < 403_corepatch_mangos_11793_to_11840.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < 403_updatepack_mangos.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < 404_corepatch_mangos_11841_to_11928.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < 404_updatepack_mangos.sql

=== WARNING ===

I saw that there are many projects like UDB and YTDB and I dont known the differences, pros and cons for each project.

I saw that ytdb is perhaps better but I dont be sure.

If someone could tell me:)

=== /WARNING ===

Now download ACID at sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net


mkdir acid

cd acid

svn co https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid sd2-acid

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < 3.0.9d_acid.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < ./sd2-acid/acid_archive/0.0.8/mangos/008_acid_905_mangos.sql

mysql -pPASSWORD mangos < ./sd2-acid/acid_archive/0.0.8/mangos/008_acid_905_scriptdev.sql

== data ==

Now it's time to extract data from your WoW game directory.

Basicly look at contrib/extractor_binary/ExtractResources.sh for seeing what to be done

So do:




===WARNING #2===

I see that extracting mmap is optional, I cannot find which benefit you can have with extracting it

If someone could tell me:)


Some tools segfault, but works the second time I launched it:)

== creating final directory ==

Create /opt/mangos

mkdir /opt/mangos

I have copied in realmd and mangos binary and all libs produced by the build






Copy also mangosd.conf.dist as mangosd.conf and realmd.conf.dist as realmd.conf

I am a moron so I havent edited it.

Copy in it also all directorys produced by the extractor (dbc, maps, vmaps)

== Starting servers ==

I start at hand the servers with



In the console of mangos do:

account create accountname pasword

account set addon 2


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