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Looking for Mangos One full tutorial




I'm a new member of mangos comunity. I want to set up a mangos one server, but i can't seem to find a complete tutorial to do just this. I followed a mangoz zero tutorial that i found but i'm stuck at config files and for the life of me I can't get the database linked to MySQL through phpMyAdmin. I tried creating the database mangos manualy and inserting each of the tables but failed mizerably. The full_db.sql is to big to import and the individual tables give me errors like:


SQL query:

INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `spawnMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `spawndist`, `currentwaypoint`, `curhealth`, `curmana`, `DeathState`, `MovementType`) VALUES
(1,2843,0,1,4481,0,-14467.8,468.374,15.1064,0.139626,300,0,0,2400,0,0,0), (2,7853,0,1,7036,0,-14464.9,459.585,15.2488,3.735,300,0,0,1700,0,0,0), (3,2499,0,1,7429,0,-14355.9,433.399,7.55289,1.79769,300,0,0,1600,0,0,0), (4,2838,0,1,7181,0,-14430.2,410.963,15.3606,3.03687,300,0,0,3000,0,0,0), (5,2839,0,1,4478,0,-14340.6,414.604,6.71338,2.19912,300,0,0,3900,0,0,0), (6,2626,0,1,4491,0,-14451.3,471.164,4.28487,5.72468,300,0,0,2900,0,0,0), (7,2482,0,1,4490,0,-14379.1,412.672,6.8203,5.70723,300,0,0,2700,0,0,0), (8,8123,0,1,7337,0,-14421.9,528.898,5.24876,5.14872,300,0,0,2200,0,0,0), (9,9459,0,1,2552,0,-7647.31,-3051.95,131.25,1.71042,900,0,0,3100,0,0,0), (10,9520,0,1,8697,0,-7699.62,-1444.29,139.871,4.2586,900,0,0,21592,0,0,0), (11,1[...]

MySQL said: Documentation
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away



SQL query:

INSERT INTO `creature_addon` (`guid`, `mount`, `bytes1`, `b2_0_sheath`, `b2_1_flags`, `emote`, `moveflags`, `auras`) VALUES
(1,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (2,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (3,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (4,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (5,0,0,2,16,0,0,NULL), (6,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (7,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (8,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (9,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (10,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (46,0,0,1,16,0,0,'1244'), (47,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (57,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (58,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (64,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (65,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (66,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (67,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (68,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (69,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (70,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (71,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (72,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (73,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (74,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (75,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (76,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (77,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (88,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (97,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (101,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (117,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (123,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (124,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), (125,0,0,1,16,0,0,NULL), [...]

MySQL said: Documentation
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.

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4 answers to this question

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this is a tricky one... basically means the MySQL server timed out before the import was completed.

Some options to try are:

There may be options to increase the timeout value in MySQL, i'm not sure

Split the SQL file up into shorter chunks

try running realmd in the background, then try the import again

- RealmD pings mysql every few mins to keep it active

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I managed to get rid of the timeout, but now i get another error.

#1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes.

Maybe this could be solved, because the files are smaller than 8,192KiB. But what about the big files.

I already transformed the sql files to a database with another program (i'm not sure i'm allowed to say which here). But is it possible to import it , or link it to the mysql server through phpMyAdmin. I read somewhere that for bigger sqls, also it could be done from the command shell. But i didn't understand how.

Any more insights on how u guys managed to set it up would be appreciated.

P.S. If someone has a link to a full guide on how to set up the mangos one, it would also be a great help.

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wolfie46688, #2006 - MySQL server has gone away it's MySQL problem. To little cache. You can change yours configuration of MySQL( what i don't recommend you to do, because you don't know it ) or do the next thing:

- Open MySQL Command Line Client

- type:

use mangos;

( yours mangos database name )

- type:

\\. <Path to yours sql fie full_db.sql>

For example:

\\. C:\\Database\\full_db.sql

If you using Windows.

\\. /home/wolfie/dtbase/full_db.sql

If you using Unix/Linux etc.

This should work. Regards.

P.S. For updates/little sql files you can still use your phpMyAdmin / Navicat etc.

I can't seem to open Command Line Client. It opens for a second and than closes.

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#1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes. - this is also connected with MySQL configuration. Just the same error.

Uninstall your MySQL with all configurations. Then download MySQL 5.5 & install it. After that MySQL( fast register & you can download it ) Command Line Client sould work.

Don't yell "give me guide!". Your error not connected with mangos! It connected with MySQL configuration! And thats it. Do what i said. Reinstall MySQL, create new databases, open Commnd Line Client, enter root password & and all that is written above.

Ty for the advice. I finally found a guide anyway. In any case, my problem was that when i installed MySQL Server i didn’t set up MySQL to be installed to my Environment Variables PATH. And therefore i couldn't use the command line because it wouldn't recognize mysql commands. Maybe this will help someone who had the same problem.

P.S. And i wasn't shouting. I looked for a long time for a guide and i thought it would be nice for noobies like me to have a complete from 0 to operational go to guide.

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