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Launcher Project?

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Hope it's ok to post this here,

Im intrested in doing more with C++, and thought a project that would be good to do would be to create a game "Launcher" that can run on M$ aswell as Linux/mac (Linux via wine possibly, or natively) im not sure about mac, not a mac user.

Whats required to make a app that can pull in a website url into the app as per set in a file before compile, with possible other features.

This came about from people using official games on linux boxes, that want a reliable launcher.

Anyone intrested in helping?

(Code would be opensource)


As I have mostly used SourceForge, I set up a project there:

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If people want to help with this, please let me know, going to need some help.


If you want to make it work on Mac OS X, then you'll need to make it in Objective-C (Cocoa) and you'll need to find someone with a Mac to compile it. If you are interested in learning, it's not hard, especially since you get a nice GUI editor.

contact me using any messeenger, i have a working launcher in c++ for vc++ 6. its simple to get this working under linux (linux apps normally run under mac, too!).

ICQ: 317237863

MSN: [email protected]

GoogleMessanger (JABBER): [email protected]


YAHOO: olbi_is_the_best

1. :rolleyes:

2. :eek:


Have Phun!

Not if its VC++ it wont as you most likely used .net

Why not code it in java to avoid any cross platform conflicts?
Im intrested in doing more with C++

he does this to learn c++ ;)

and btw i hate java (not to be discussed here, neither related to this topic nor to this forum ;))

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