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[Three] YTDB with rev 12465 but mangos with rev 12337 ?!?





I would like to create a local server with the master branch of mangos (github).

The max YTDB rev is 12465 but mangos is only in 12337, why?


8 answers to this question

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YTDB decided to go with cMangos rather than Mangos as their core of choice

- In fact some of the lead devs wanted Mangos to close, but luckily we were able to raise the funds to keep us going

- Our Mangos repo will be brought upto date soon so that you can use this DB


I don't want to get in to the details too much here as I don't want to have to tidy up hundreds of flame posts again.

in a nutshell, several of the senior devs disapproved of theLuda's approach to 'little and often' updates to the core.

- They cloned all the mangos repos and rebranded them as cMangos - they even went as far as removing any mention to Mangos

- They challenged the fact that theLuda effectively owns the copyright for Mangos/Getmangos (he's really just the custodian, but does own it)

- They claim that they own all the code since they have contributed heavily to it in the last few years.

Things got messy with daily attacks on Mangos personnel both here in the forums and on the git repos. (Which is why the Mangos/Issue section is still closed.

- This resulted in Mangos having to take action to get things stopped and for a period all the cMangos repos were disabled. After things calmed down the Mangos team requested that the ban be lifted (for the sake of all mangos users) and I entered into negotiations with the cMangos team to attempt to get things resolved.

The current state of play is that the cMangos team are awaiting the results of an internal poll to decide whether they are going to replace the removed copyright / references to mangos. Hopefully they will see some sense, fingers crossed.

In the meantime the situation is this:-

MangosZero (Classic) is currently under full development

MangosOne (TBC) is getting partial development time

MangosTwo (WotLK) is having any relevant commits from other sources added when we can

MangosThree (Cata) is not getting any development time, again any relevant commits from other sources will be added when we can

MangosFour (Mop) is not getting much development time, work will progress when time permits.

We currently only have 1 full time dev and about 4 part time devs who are working on the cores

- Should anyone else wish to help out, we will gladly welcome you.

We currently only have 2 moderators, UnkleNuke and myself - I have also taken over responsibility for forum and website admin to help free up the Devs time to work on the core.

I am also currently working on three different projects which are interlinked:-

1) Working on filling in missing areas of the wiki with information from the databases / files

2) Working to a redesign of Ad.exe, vmap extractor/assembler etc.

- Unifying to tools to work consistantly and across all versions/cores. ie. my currently extractor ad2.exe will extract DBC's from all versions

3) Working on changing the cores to use a DBC database rather than the DBC files

I had to take a difficult decision to decide to move away from c++ for the tools as I am not a c++ programmer and I have spent too long struggling trying to get the simplest of things to work.

Since I work full time and look after Mangos in my spare time (which isn't much) - I have to make the most effective use of my time

By helping to document as much as possible, i'm hoping this will allow more people to step forward and help out.


I will not comment other because you will as always delete my post in result, just will comment one:

The current state of play is that the cMangos team are awaiting the results of an internal poll to decide whether they are going to replace the removed copyright / references to mangos. Hopefully they will see some sense, fingers crossed.

We already implement in CMaNGOS repo what we think need do by poll results. CMaNGOS team members will continue many years long development of our fork of the project under CMaNGOS name now.


Antz.... :/

Informing the OP about the situation is one thing, but spreading false information is just plain wrong.

I'll correct without going into details, since some statements made are just wrong.

- In fact some of the lead devs wanted Mangos to close


they even went as far as removing any mention to Mangos

False (https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-wotlk/blob/master/AUTHORS)

edit:this was infact true for a moment, i misinterpreted. Resoloved later on though.

- theLuda effectively owns the copyright for Mangos/Getmangos (he's really just the custodian, but does own it)

A proof of this was requested multiple times, but was never made public.

- They claim that they own all the code since they have contributed heavily to it in the last few years.

Check authors file, then check each projects devs. Then, you tell me who did all the work over the years (and still is).

-Things got messy with daily attacks on Mangos personnel both here in the forums and on the git repos


I'm just gonna stop quoting you, you know though that the 'negotiation' part is also not very accuratly depicted.

Don't delete this post please, enough censorship has been done on getmangos.eu already.

Just stop trash-talking the project of wich you feed so most obviously.

1) In fact some of the lead devs wanted Mangos to close

I still have the emails to back this up

2) 'they even went as far as removing any mention to Mangos

As Vladimir indicated, this was changed recently, and I've acknowledged that it's changed

3) '-Things got messy with daily attacks on Mangos personnel both here in the forums and on the git repos'

Again I have screenshots and Emails as evidence of what happened - things got heated on both sides, but some of the comments were uncalled for

I do hope things can improve, but atm there is still so much animosity and bad feeling for anything constructive to be discussed - as well as plenty of people who want things to escalate to stupid levels again.

I for one want to get back to coding and being constructive rather than clearing down troll posts on the forum and repos. I would hope the cmangos team (and their supporters) feel the same way.

Anyway, can we wrap this up and get back on topic and back to work !


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