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  • 39 years later...

I finally got the Videos and I will get them to Das in the next day...

I just need to encode them to make them much smaller to download.

I have high hopes we can get this taken care of!

  • 1 month later...

ok, i tried to backport it from trinity, here is the commit in my repository: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commit/3f472140812a8ef69a23c29ec10f6dc60f0d86af

you need to apply this patch to scriptdev2 in order to use this patch: http://paste2.org/p/160644

hope someone can test this, i just tried to backport and fix the compile, had no time to test it...

please report any crashes and problems related to this patch and report if it work ;)


compiling VC90 (flee-0.12 branch)

mangos-0.12 7405

9>..\\..\\src\\game\\Creature.cpp(1685) : error C2661: 'MaNGOS::CreatureLastSearcher<Check>::CreatureLastSearcher' : no overloaded function takes 3 arguments
9>        with
9>        [
9>            Check=MaNGOS::NearestAssistCreatureInCreatureRangeCheck
9>        ]


../../../src/game/Object.h: In member function 'void WorldObject::VisitNearbyObject(const float&, NOTIFIER&) const':
../../../src/game/Object.h:480: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct Map'

regards warrior

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