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(MaNGOS 3) Database assembly woes.



I'm following this guide on how to establish a MaNGOS Three server, and I'm up to the building of the database.

I download the Full UDB Database and get it into the mangos database without a problem, most of the time. Then I need to start upgrading it, apparently.

This is where the problems arise. The very first thing I use is 402_updatepack_mangos.sql. This results in the following error.

[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '16474' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] -- Dream Fog Aura (TargetSelection)
INSERT INTO creature_template_addon (entry, auras) VALUES (16474, '24780');
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

This seems to be the very first thing that should be done, but it innately has an error associated with it that disallows any other update to pass by without an error.

I'm not even sure why anything should be going wrong at this point. I'm following the guide word for word, and am amazed I've gotten this far. (Thanks again for the help earlier, and once again for this step in the right direction.) It's as if once I have this UDB Full mangos database in, no update passes without an error of some sort.

For example, just after typing this, as a last-ditch effort, I tried everything in the updates folder one last time, and lo and behold, my luck changed, and it all patched without a problem. I was flabbergasted! So I used realmd.exe and mangosd.exe, and sadly, got the following message.

2014-03-15 00:18:35 SQL: SELECT required_12752_01_mangos_reputation_spillover_template FROM db_version LIMIT 1
2014-03-15 00:18:35 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_12752_01_mangos_reputation_spillover_template' in 'field list'
2014-03-15 00:18:35 The table `db_version` in your [WORLD] database indicates that this database is out of date!
2014-03-15 00:18:35 
2014-03-15 00:18:35  [A] You have: --> `12441_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells.sql`
2014-03-15 00:18:35 
2014-03-15 00:18:35  [b] You need: --> `12752_01_mangos_reputation_spillover_template.sql`
2014-03-15 00:18:35 
2014-03-15 00:18:35 You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
2014-03-15 00:18:35 These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.
2014-03-15 00:18:35 Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating.

There is no such update, 12441_01, in the server\sql\updates folder. Only 12453_01_mangos_command.sql as the next step up for the mangos database table.

Yep. Here we are. Using that update, 12453, results in this:

[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'required_12389_01_mangos_creature_template' in 'db_version'
[Err] ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_12389_01_mangos_creature_template required_12453_01_mangos_command bit;
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

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10 answers to this question

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Hi, Sorry you are having some issues installing mangos. I'll try and tackle your issues as best I can

[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '16474' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] -- Dream Fog Aura (TargetSelection)
INSERT INTO creature_template_addon (entry, auras) VALUES (16474, '24780');
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

the simplest way to fix this error for now is to change the INSERT statement in the updatepack.

basically change INSERT INTO to REPLACE INTO
that will get all that data inserted.

For the second issue, you mentioned that you are having problems getting the UDB database to work with mangos. UDB stopped support the mangos team directly about a year and a half ago so their database is now guaranteed to work with mangos (which is why we have out own database).

My best suggestion for now is to look through the sql/updates folder to find a patch that matches the name but not the number of the required update.
- the column names containing the numbers will need to be change to the update you find.

Please post anything else you have issues with

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Ah thank you. I'll have to find a way to manually enter the SQL for each individual entry outside of Navicat. Or I should learn to use HeidiSQL.

Actually, if I may ask, where is the location of the current unified MaNGOS Three database, if there is one? I took a look in the Database forum and only saw numerous patches from noble selfless tireless folk. Maybe I'm just blind.

Thanks very much! Looks like I'm taking a more cautious look at the UDB database after all.

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The current database is here: https://github.com/mangosthree/database

I don't think UDB really works with mangos anymore. A while back I took a copy of YTDB and made it work with mangos. Then we added a little more to it and that is the database as the link I posted above. It isn't perfect (far from it, please submit bug reports in the issue tracker at github) but at the time YTDB was the most up to date database to work with. I know I only test things with this database as I believe the other mangos three devs do as well so it will be the most tested.

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The true question of the moment:

Thanks again for your patience, but this is what's killing me here. Even if I find a patch with the same name, but a different number, as the patch it's asking for, it still gives an error that it requires a previous patch. No matter what patch I apply, no matter when, it always requires a previous patch.

This is quite perplexing. How does everyone else do this so successfully?


[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '16474' for key 'PRIMARY'

[Err] -- Dream Fog Aura (TargetSelection)

INSERT INTO creature_template_addon (entry, auras) VALUES (16474, '24780');

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

the simplest way to fix this error for now is to change the INSERT statement in the updatepack.

basically change INSERT INTO to REPLACE INTO

that will get all that data inserted.

Thanks very much; so, theoretically, it would be a good idea to change all "INSERT" into "REPLACE" due to the fact that everything has a unique ID or GUID in the tables?

My best suggestion for now is to look through the sql/updates folder to find a patch that matches the name but not the number of the required update.

That's going to be quite interesting. This will occur after the global "INSERT" -> "REPLACE" changes, on my end, out of the desire to really make (or force...) this to work once and for all.

- the column names containing the numbers will need to be change to the update you find.

Out of curiosity, did you mean by this sentence that this is something that should be done by me on my end, or will be done by the Database community in the future as an ongoing effort? Just making sure there's not something more I need to do.

It's staggering how much information and procedural awareness only reveals itself after the fact. :P But hey, such is practical theory! ^_^ So thanks again for the aid. It's very much helpful.

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I also tried MangosThree and also had this error message about db_version. But the current db_version on my side was 12738, not the 124xx like in your case.

I suggest you download DB source again from github, install full_db folder and then sql/updates.

Good luck with that :)

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Yep, that's exactly what I did! :D I wouldn't deviate from that, really. My first attempt was with a MangosThree for Cataclysm, with the UDB database as mentioned in the main guide that's offered for MangosThree. Then I abandoned UDB and went strictly with WotLK content, MangosTwo, and the MangosTwo Database. I met with a similar fate there.

Right now, I am sitting on a database that apparently isn't filling out a DBErrors.log file at all, leaving it entirely blank, which leads me to believe that the database side of it is fine. However, in the server.log file, it's telling me that my vmaps and maps aren't found, despite the fact that they're right there, in the same folder and in the folder behind it, just in case. It's probably because I downloaded them from a Repack, just because I couldn't get WotLK fully patched due to weird "localization errors." That's my full story in two paragraphs.

So now I'm trying the enGB version, thanks to one of the fine staff here.

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Nice, I got all the patches to work. mangosd.exe starts up!

Oddly, before even that, though, realmd.exe doesn't start up. It loads itself into memory at 116 or 112 KB each time in Task Manager's Processes List, (Sometimes one, sometimes the other.) but it never fully starts up at all. The window doesn't even open. It just perpetually loads, and is actually really hard to get rid of in Task Manager's Processes tab. I've got three of them open as I type this.

EDIT: I restarted the computer. Seems to work fine now. For now. No idea what that was. Everything is starting up as I type this. This actually might work.

For whatever patience and diligence was given through out my vigorous complaining, I am grateful. ^.^

EDIT2: Stuck at the Authenticating screen. Neat.

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Haha I am a hot mess, aren't I. I messed with the Realmlist.wtf file, as usual, changing it to instead of and I was able to get in. My account had already been made, I logged in, made a character, witnessed the Human intro video, and bam.

In the middle of the new character cinematic, mangosd.exe gets quite a nasty pop-up, and the following is generated in Server.log:

2014-03-17 18:36:13 ERROR:MMAP:loadMapData: Error: Could not open mmap file './mmaps/000.mmap'

2014-03-17 18:36:14 ERROR:HandleSetActiveMoverOpcode: incorrect mover guid: mover is Player Raina (Guid: 1) and should be None (Guid: 0)

2014-03-17 18:36:14 ERROR:SESSION: opcode CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER (0x3314) have unprocessed tail data (read stop at 0 from 3)

2014-03-17 18:36:14 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode SMSG_OPEN_LFG_DUNGEON_FINDER (0x0412)

I can still walk around, but can't interact with anything, obviously. I'll probably go update the core, I guess.

It might be a map issue, according to that error log there. (Because it says so right there. I am observant. ... hahaha.) I'll try running ad.exe and its ilk again and see where that leads. I may have accidentally closed it after it said "completed!"

Yep, my mmaps folder was empty. I'll keep trying.

Oh, and apparently I am wonderful reading material. Harr.


EDIT: As of this morning, I AM GOOD. Somehow. Ran around in Kazzan and Gilneas. Got quite a few database quirks to fix, and I'll probably submit a few things to it to help it out, soon enough, hopefully.

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