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[Zero] Datenbankfehler beim Start


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Ich beschreibe zunächst mal alle Schritte, die ich gemacht habe, und weiter unten dann die Fehler die ich bekomme.

Ich habe ein Windows 7 64bit Betriebssystem laufen.

Zunächst habe ich MangosZero_Rel19_2518_x32_July2014.zip runtergeladen und entpackt.

Dann habe ich mir Git installiert.

Mit Git habe ich dann die ExtractResources.sh im Verzeichnis ClientMapExtractors ausgeführt, in den ich vorher das Data Verzeichnis aus meinem 1.12.1 WoW Client kopiert habe.

Dadurch wurden folgende Ordner erzeugt: Buildings, dbc, maps, mmaps und vmaps

Davon habe ich folgende ins Server Verzeichnis verschoben: dbc, maps, mmaps und vmaps

Dann erstellte ich im Server Verzeichnis noch den Ordner logs.

Folgende Dateien im Server Verzeichnis habe ich dann noch umbenannt:

ahbot.conf.dist.in --> ahbot.conf
mangosd.conf.dist.in --> mangosd.conf
realmd.conf.dist.in --> realmd.conf

In den letzten beiden Dateien änderte ich noch den LogsDir Eintrag auf ".\logs" ab, damit die Logs auch in mein logs Verzeichnis geschrieben werden.

Nun habe ich MySQL installiert.

Als erstes gab ich folgendes ein um es zu erlauben auch unsichere Updates auszuführen: SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES=0;

Dann führte ich folgende SQL Scripte aus dem Verzeichnis Database in der Reihenfolge aus:

mangos_full_db.sql auf mangos
characters.sql auf characters
realmd.sql auf realmd
mangos_scriptname_full.sql auf mangos
scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql auf scriptdev2
scriptdev2_script_full.sql auf scriptdev2
20140607_Realm_Resync.sql auf realmd (updates\Rel19\Realm)

Die realmlist.wtf im Client habe ich auf folgendes angepasst: set realmlist

Nun habe ich die realmd.exe im Server Verzeichnis gestartet.

Dann starte ich die mangosd.exe und erhalte beim Starten folgende Fehler:

ERROR:creature_item_template table is empty!
ERROR:creature_equip_template table is empty!
ERROR:Creature (Entry: 6), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`
+ viele Weitere Fehler dieser Art
ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 43101 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 12
+ viele Weitere Fehler dieser Art
ERROR:Table `npc_vendor` has `maxcount`=0 for item 4496 of vendor 491 but `incrtime`<>0, ignoring

Wenn ich nun den Client starte und mich mit dem Benutzer player anmelde, einen Character erstelle und mit diesem dann die Welt betrete dann erscheint auf der Konsole nur noch:

Spell 836 Effect0 : 46 Targets: Player SPielername (Guid: 1), -, -
WORLD: Spell Effect DUMMY

Und dann bricht der Server weg. Bekomme dann von Windows ein Fenster mit folgendem Inhalt: mangosd.exe funktioniert nicht mehr Ein Problem hat die richtige Ausführung des Programms verhindert. Schließen Sie das Programm.

Dann kann ich nur noch zwischen Programm schließen und Programm debuggen wählen.

Ich vermute mal, dass mir einfach die passenden Scripte zum befüllen der Tabellen creature_item_template und creature_equip_template fehlen, aber die konnte ich nirgends finden.

Vielleicht weiß jemand von euch Rat?

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First of all I describe all the steps that I have done, and at the end you can find the error I get.

I run a Windows 7 64bit operating system.

First I downloaded and unpacked MangosZero_Rel19_2518_x32_July2014.zip.

Then I installed Git.

With Git, I then run the ExtractResources.sh in the ClientMapExtractors directory, in which I previously copied the Data folder from my WoW 1.12.1 client.

As result of this the following folders were created: Buildings dbc, maps, mmaps and vmaps

Of this I have moved the following to the server directory: dbc, maps, mmaps and vmaps

Then I created the folder logs in the server directory.

I renamed the following files in the server directory:

ahbot.conf.dist.in --> ahbot.conf
mangosd.conf.dist.in --> mangosd.conf
realmd.conf.dist.in --> realmd.conf

In the last two files I have changed the LogsDir entry to ".\logs", so that the logs will be written in my logs directory.

Then I installed MySQL.

First, I want to allow MySQL to also perform unsafe Updates with: SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;

Then I executed the following SQL scripts from the Database directory in the following order:

mangos_full_db.sql at mangos
characters.sql at characters
realmd.sql at realmd
mangos_scriptname_full.sql at mangos
scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql at scriptdev2
scriptdev2_script_full.sql at scriptdev2
20140607_Realm_Resync.sql at realmd (updates\Rel19\Realm)

The realmlist.wtf in the client I have changed to: set realmlist

Now I have started the realmd.exe in the server directory.

Then I start the mangosd.exe and get the following errors on startup:

ERROR:creature_item_template table is empty!
ERROR:creature_equip_template table is empty!
ERROR:Creature (Entry: 6), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`
+ many more errors of this type
ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 43101 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 12
+ many more errors of this type
ERROR:Table `npc_vendor` has `maxcount`=0 for item 4496 of vendor 491 but `incrtime`<>0, ignoring

Now when I start the client and logged in with the user "player", and create a character and then login to the world with it then only appear following at the console:

Spell 836 Effect0 : 46 Targets: Player SPielername (Guid: 1), -, -
WORLD: Spell Effect DUMMY

And then the server breaks down. Then I get a window from Windows with the following content: mangosd.exe stopped working. A problem prevented the proper execution of the program. Close the program.

Then I can only select between close program and debug program.

I guess that I need scripts for filling the tables creature_item_template and creature_equip_template, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

Maybe someone of you could help me?

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Have you tried creating another account and seeing if that works at all?

You can do that in the mangod console by using the account command. Just wondering if the default player account is broken or not. I think most people delete the default accounts and create their own.

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I guess that I need scripts for filling the tables creature_item_template and creature_equip_template, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

Both of these tables are expected to be empty at the moment. They are empty on our test server at covenant-wow.com (I just checked)

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At first thanks for the answers. Good to know that the missing tables aren't required. I created a new account with the account command in the console of mangosd.exe and logged in with the new account. In the database it looks only a bit different from the player account. In the Columns sessionkey and email is null instead of an empty string and in v and s is also null instead of a 0. But with the new account i have the same problem. :-(

I don't have any AddOn in my WoW Client.

And I tried to start the mangosd.exe as Admin, but that doesn't help.

Could it help when i post the error log from the Crashes folder?

Revision: * * 2518 *

Date 20:8:2014. Time 22:11


*** Hardware ***

Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz

Number Of Processors: 8

Physical Memory: 4194303 KB (Available: 3567136 KB)

Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

*** Operation System ***

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Version 6.1, Build 7601)


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 007463A7 01:003453A7 D:\MangosZero\Server\mangosd.exe










DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

007463A7 00000000 ?isAffectedOnSpell@Aura@@QBE_NPBUSpellEntry@@@Z+1F1D7

00517CAB 00000000 ?RemoveFromWorld@Creature@@UAEXXZ+1B

00512579 00000000 ??1Creature@@UAE@XZ+49

00540577 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+77

00540BA2 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+6A2

0059353C 00000000 ?LoadPet@Player@@QAEXXZ+7C

008525A3 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+1263

008529DB 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+169B

0084F440 00000000 ??0?$GridReference@VCorpse@@@@QAE@XZ+541B0

004AFBFA 00000000 ?UpdateHolder@SpellAuraHolder@@QAEXI@Z+BA

0048714F 00000000 ??4BarGoLink@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+4A6F

5CDF745F 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+7F

6D5AC01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

6D5AC001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

769633AA 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

773E9EF2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

773E9EC5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

007463A7 00000000 ?isAffectedOnSpell@Aura@@QBE_NPBUSpellEntry@@@Z+1F1D7

00517CAB 00000000 ?RemoveFromWorld@Creature@@UAEXXZ+1B

00512579 00000000 ??1Creature@@UAE@XZ+49

00540577 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+77

00540BA2 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+6A2

0059353C 00000000 ?LoadPet@Player@@QAEXXZ+7C

008525A3 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+1263

008529DB 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+169B

0084F440 00000000 ??0?$GridReference@VCorpse@@@@QAE@XZ+541B0

004AFBFA 00000000 ?UpdateHolder@SpellAuraHolder@@QAEXI@Z+BA

0048714F 00000000 ??4BarGoLink@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+4A6F

5CDF745F 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+7F

6D5AC01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

6D5AC001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

769633AA 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

773E9EF2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

773E9EC5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


Global Variables

<user defined> '??0?$GridRefManager@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridRefManager@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QAE@XZ'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@VCamera@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@VCorpse@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@VCreature@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@VGameObject@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$GridReference@VPlayer@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

<user defined> '??0?$RefManager@V?$GridRefManager@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

... and so on

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No I don't have a pet. I tried it with a warrior. But if i create a new character they never had a pet (even a hunter or warlock because they get them not until level 10).

I also deleted WTF and WDB folder in the client.

Now I testet the same on my Laptop and get the same result.

Revision: * * 2518 *

Date 21:8:2014. Time 8:16


*** Hardware ***

Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T9900 @ 3.06GHz

Number Of Processors: 2

Physical Memory: 4123328 KB (Available: 878504 KB)

Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

*** Operation System ***

Windows 7 (Version 6.1, Build 7600)


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 007463A7 01:003453A7 D:\MangosZero\Server\mangosd.exe










DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

007463A7 00000000 ?isAffectedOnSpell@Aura@@QBE_NPBUSpellEntry@@@Z+1F1D7

00517CAB 00000000 ?RemoveFromWorld@Creature@@UAEXXZ+1B

00512579 00000000 ??1Creature@@UAE@XZ+49

00540577 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+77

00540BA2 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+6A2

0059353C 00000000 ?LoadPet@Player@@QAEXXZ+7C

008525A3 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+1263

008529DB 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+169B

0084F440 00000000 ??0?$GridReference@VCorpse@@@@QAE@XZ+541B0

004AFBFA 00000000 ?UpdateHolder@SpellAuraHolder@@QAEXI@Z+BA

0048714F 00000000 ??4BarGoLink@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+4A6F

5572745F 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+7F

66F8C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

66F8C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

751E3677 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

77299D72 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

77299D45 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

007463A7 00000000 ?isAffectedOnSpell@Aura@@QBE_NPBUSpellEntry@@@Z+1F1D7

00517CAB 00000000 ?RemoveFromWorld@Creature@@UAEXXZ+1B

00512579 00000000 ??1Creature@@UAE@XZ+49

00540577 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+77

00540BA2 00000000 ??1Pet@@UAE@XZ+6A2

0059353C 00000000 ?LoadPet@Player@@QAEXXZ+7C

008525A3 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+1263

008529DB 00000000 ?HandlePlayerLogin@WorldSession@@QAEXPAVLoginQueryHolder@@@Z+169B

0084F440 00000000 ??0?$GridReference@VCorpse@@@@QAE@XZ+541B0

004AFBFA 00000000 ?UpdateHolder@SpellAuraHolder@@QAEXI@Z+BA

0048714F 00000000 ??4BarGoLink@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+4A6F

5572745F 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+7F

66F8C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

66F8C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

751E3677 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

77299D72 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

77299D45 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


Global Variables

<user defined> '??0?$GridRefManager@V?$NGrid@$0BA@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VPlayer@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@U?$TypeList@VCamera@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@U?$TypeList@VGameObject@@U?$TypeList@VCreature@@U?$TypeList@VDynamicObject@@U?$TypeList@VCorpse@@VTypeNull@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QAE@ABV0@@Z'

Some other logs...


2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 6), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 247), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 299), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 356), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`


. shortened by Ambro


2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 17794), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 17795), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:35 Creature (Entry: 18199), Class(1), level(1) has no data in `creature_template_classlevelstats`

2014-08-21 08:40:46 Table `npc_vendor` has `maxcount`=0 for item 4496 of vendor 491 but `incrtime`<>0, ignoring


2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 43101 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 12

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 58702 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 154004 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 166404 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 178703 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 12

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 193701 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 1 for event-type 10 (can not be used OOC)

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 193801 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 1 for event-type 10 (can not be used OOC)

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 195201 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 1 for event-type 10 (can not be used OOC)

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 212101 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 1 for event-type 10 (can not be used OOC)


. shortened by Ambro


2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1432105 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1432305 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1432605 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1552702 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1562102 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 1571802 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 9

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Creature 12143 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 1214301.

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Creature 15215 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 1521501.

2014-08-21 08:40:49 Event 494903 Action 2 uses nonexistent SpellID 0.

2014-08-21 08:40:49 EventAI not has script for creature entry (4509), but AIName = 'EventAI'.

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