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ERROR:Please check for the existence of map file './maps/0004331.map'




2015-09-05 13:11:19 21000 [world-daemon]
2015-09-05 13:11:19 <Ctrl-C> to stop.
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| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \      Vanilla Wow    
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2015-09-05 13:11:19 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.
2015-09-05 13:11:19 World Database total connections: 2
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 Character Database total connections: 2
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 Login Database total connections: 2
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL client library: 5.6.26
2015-09-05 13:11:19 MySQL server ver: 5.5.39 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 Realm running as realm ID 1
2015-09-05 13:11:19 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 Using World DB: Version: 21, Structure: 1, Content: 0
2015-09-05 13:11:19 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 Using DataDir ./
2015-09-05 13:11:19 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
2015-09-05 13:11:19 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2015-09-05 13:11:19 WORLD: MMap pathfinding enabled
2015-09-05 13:11:19 
2015-09-05 13:11:19 ERROR:Please check for the existence of map file './maps/0004331.map'
2015-09-05 13:11:19 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

//On Windows7//

Moving from Branch20 to Devel21, all seems fine, i'm able to bring up realmd.exe but when i bring up mangosd.exe i get the above error. When running Branch20, no errors and play as usual. Running MadMax's AIBot and non AIBot version produces the same error.

//On Debian Linux//

Same error, can't find 0004331.map.


On both, 0004331.map is present in the maps folder, but looking at vmaps, there is nothing to indicate 0004331 or 00_04_331 or anything of the like. Am I overlooking something, i've always been pretty savvy with mangos but this is boggling my mind.. :)

2 answers to this question

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Going from rel20 to develop21 will probably need the map data rebuilt, i will double check with antz, but you could try doing it without making mmaps to see if the server starts ok?

// Moving to General help and support

Going from rel20 to develop21 will probably need the map data rebuilt, i will double check with antz, but you could try doing it without making mmaps to see if the server starts ok?

// Moving to General help and support

I'm soooo sorry Max.. totally my fault.. in another config I was hard linking the data dir "C:/mangos21/data", changed it to ../data and worked like a charm... Thank you for replying.. It was just hot here and I wasn't thinking clearly... :)


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