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Hi guys, i'm looking for a mangarena fix patch for a 6928 core. After three hours of google-searching i'm on the way to kill myself...

I'm sorry for short post due to a poor english (and sorry for that too x).)



Here's the closest to rev 6928 I could find...


It's for rev 6759

EDIT: Woops almost forgot, you also have to apply these..

Character's DB:

CREATE TABLE `saved_variables` (                                                                             
   `NextArenaPointDistributionTime` timestamp NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE `arena_team_member` ADD COLUMN `points_to_add` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

World DB:

DELETE FROM `instance_template` WHERE `map` IN ('489', '30', '529', '566', '559', '562', '572');
INSERT INTO `instance_template` (`map`, `parent`, `levelMin`, `levelMax`, `maxPlayers`, `reset_delay`) VALUES 
('489', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('30', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('529', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('566', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('559', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('562', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200'),
('572', '0', '10', '0', '50', '7200');

DELETE FROM `command` WHERE `name` = "flusharenapoints";
INSERT INTO `command` (`name`, `security`, `help`) VALUES
('flusharenapoints','3','Syntax: .flusharenapoints\\r\\n\\r\\nUse it to distribute arena points based on arena team ratings, and start a new week.');

DELETE FROM mangos_string WHERE entry BETWEEN 7007 AND 7023;
INSERT INTO mangos_string (entry, content_default) VALUES
   (7007,'Your group is too large for this battleground. Please regroup to join.'),
   (7008,'Your group is too large for this arena. Please regroup to join.'),
   (7009,'Your group has members not in your arena team. Please regroup to join.'),
   (7010,'Your group does not have enough players to join this match.'),
   (7011,'The Gold Team wins!'),
   (7012,'The Green Team wins!'),
   (7013, 'There aren\\'t enough players in this battleground. It will end soon unless some more players join to balance the fight.'),
   (7014, 'Your group has an offline member. Please remove him before joining.'),
   (7015, 'Your group has players from the opposing faction. You can\\'t join the battleground as a group.'),
   (7016, 'Your group has players from different battleground brakets. You can\\'t join as group.'),
   (7017, 'Someone in your party is already in this battleground queue. (S)he must leave it before joining as group.'),
   (7018, 'Someone in your party is Deserter. You can\\'t join as group.'),
   (7019, 'Someone in your party is already in three battleground queues. You cannot join as group.'),
   (7020, 'You cannot teleport to a battleground or arena map.'),
   (7021, 'You cannot summon players to a battleground or arena map.'),
   (7022, 'You must be in GM mode to teleport to a player in a battleground.'),
   (7023, 'You cannot teleport to a battleground from another battleground. Please leave the current battleground first.');

## Change the doors to be untargettable
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183970';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183971';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183972';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183973';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183977';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183978';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183979';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='183980';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='185917';
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `flags`='4' WHERE `entry`='185918';

Okay nice thank you for all, but another question again... (omg you gonna kill me) how do I apply this :


In my DB ? (And this is in mangos too?) I try copy/stick but not sure that good work.

Thx for all !


Since you're on an old revision I'm assuming you're using SVN.

After you have MaNGOS checked out in SVN, go: http://pastebin.ca/raw/1344614 save page as patch.patch or something ending with .patch. Then right click on your SVN MaNGOS folder -- go to SVN > Patch > Apply Patch and select patch.patch and then right click on the box and say "Patch all". Should patch all your files, then compile and you'll have arena in there.


No don't use SVN, i'm a neophyt it's why I post here :>, but i'm learning fast, have you a link to download SVN ? Find it on download site but too many version...

No don't use SVN, i'm a neophyt it's why I post here :>, but i'm learning fast, have you a link to download SVN ? Find it on download site but too many version...

69** is allready git, svn is only till 6767.

and for git tutorials there is a whole section in this forum ;)


Okay thx DasBlub ! But, if i don't need to use SVN, how do I get mangarena into my DB ? I've try save as sql file this : http://pastebin.ca/raw/1344614

And apply in mangos DB, but that doesn't work :-(

Error message : +++ src/game/ArenaTeam.cpp (working copy)

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@

if(objmgr.GetArenaTeamByName(ArenaTeamName)) // arena team with this name already exist

return false

Line no.:7

Error Code: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Index: src/game/ArenaTeam.cpp

==================================================' at line 1


that is NOT an sql file, that is a diff file ;)

and it's a svn diff file... see once into the git section, i think there is a description how to apply a svn diff to a git repo...

try something like git am or git apply as command


HI guys. We have problem,that someone team 2vs2 join to queve in arena. Both side are join but they stay in queve nonstop. System didn´t port them to arena. Someone HELP????

Mangos: rev. 6360 Using DB: UDB 0.11.0 (368) for MaNGOS 7252 with SD2 SQL for rev. 888

HI guys. We have problem,that someone team 2vs2 join to queve in arena. Both side are join but they stay in queve nonstop. System didn´t port them to arena. Someone HELP????

Mangos: rev. 6360 Using DB: UDB 0.11.0 (368) for MaNGOS 7252 with SD2 SQL for rev. 888

are you sure about your mangos rev? 6360 is arround 900 revisions behind... :S

it should even not work with sd2 888 and udb 368...

if you really have rev. 6360 update your server (or better said do a fresh install, it's easier, because mangos moved to git at rev. 6767)


you have to apply the patch from pastebin.ca to your FILES, not to the db.

so copy the text into a file called 'mangarena.patch' and then type this in the git console (right click on the folder and select 'git bash here'):

git apply mangarena.patch

after that execute the sql statements from the other post.

for that do it like you did to create and update your database.

so for example open the console, type in 'mysql -u root -p' and then in this mysql console type in 'USE mangos' and then copy in the sql which you have to apply to your world database.

(sry, i can french, but i can't translate this...)

EDIT: lol, after submitting you changed your content^^

Thx DasBlub i'm on the way to find... !
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