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Make moonstalker matriarch (id 2071) to despawn her moonstalker runt if she killed before him!
make the druid despawn on quest abandon and respawn at his spawn point . [Horn of Awakening Quest]
despawn grimclaw (id 3695) after completing quest lost master.
make tyrion spybot scale more big when transform and mod faction attackable for marzon (id 1755) for quest seal of wrim
make roting slim (id3928) drop the chest for the Iron Rod only when player have the quest for it at this moment they always drop it I think drop chance is around 7%.
add text to quest ‘’watcher callahan’’
fix zul farrak event the executioner key do not start event with all the cages..
elder torntusk (npc id 14757) stay in sleep mod on aggro.
quest with lightforge ingot just need to turn the quest not 5.
make shadow of eranikus wake up after killing all 4 dragons.
All classes talents that improve buffs mod the spells but if you check on your buff after you cast on you it not scalling with the talents it stay lvl 60 normal buff.
Thief talent that improve Sap didn’t work and it broke the spell you can sap with no talent and you loose stealth but with the talent you just loose stealth and Sap dosnt work anymore.
polymorph didnt generate movement on other players.
add text in shaman quest Call of Water (first one from the trainer when we reach the taurrent in barrens.)
Fire Nova Totem need a little fix just to trigger visual animation before disappear (A little shake anim. =) )
Flames of the Black Flight spell work well (tested it on my character) but when you do the tier 0.5 quest line and you mind control the dragon Emberstrife (npc id : 10321) it said ‘’your pet is in combat’’ and you cant cast the spell on the unforged seal..
Quest text Seas Kelp on complet is set to NULL.
Made character corps reach the ground if die in the air.
Aurora Skycaller text didnt work for the Enchanted Thorium and Crystal Restore.
the goblin event in Dire maul for the Key didnt work text option is there but no action when selected.
Improved Fire and Frost Ward dosnt reflect any fire or frost spells
Thunderfury texture bug
Atiesh raven visual effect doesnt have been added to the core (spell not supported)
Atiesh texture bug at the base of the staff.
Here is a little bug list ^^
sorry for my bad english
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