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[mangos two] windows installation



Hi all!

I'm trying to install the MaNGOS² under a fresh Windows Install but I get some errors while trying compiling.

I'm using this thread :

@ The EasyBuild step, this one says me that the SubModules are missing (Deps, Eluna, Realm, Tools) and asks me to try with the '--recursive', which I do... but the error is still viewable. Note that EasyBuild is copied into the 'Source/server/win' folder as asked in the thread.

I installed too the MariaDB instead of MySQL, and EasyBuild doesn't see it.

Must I really install the MySQL (I don't like it... berk)? And what's wrong with EasyBuild?

Need help, thanks

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6 answers to this question

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Hi MadMax!

Thanks for your reply. It helped. But now, I got a new error message, still with EasyBuild 1.7, about CMake. When clicking the 'Generate Project' button, after some lines, I got this error:

CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  cmake/FindOpenSSL.cmake:178 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  CMakeLists.txt:92 (find_package)

I had installed the newest x86 3.7.1 of CMake... so I uninstalled it, and tried with the 3.6.1 one, but still the error when starting compiling. It tells me that the SSL Libraries are missing. OK for that. But which ones?

In my opinion, I think that the guides are not really complete. So, for a noob like me, I swear that i'm swimming a lot, because I have to search everywhere on the GetMangos.eu website either the web too. Maybe the threads needs to be cleared and more explicit/efficient ^^

I'm not angry. Be reassured. But if it's hard as like this to install MaNGOS, I don't know how hard it is when I will learn for SQL Scripting! xD

If you can give some help, I would be pleased :)




EDIT: Damned... it was because of OpenSSL which was a newer version than yours... I uninstalled the one I had (1.1.0) and installed the 1.0.2 from the server/win folder and now EasyBuild works... grrrr

So I confirm that the threads are not really clear. Because in this topic (https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/installation-guides/guideswindows/installing-mangos-on-windows-using-easybuild-r20064/) it asks to install third-party softwares... but is asks us to do this before starting the cloning of the repos... if the cloning where before, in the topic, you just had to ask to install the exe files downloaded from the server/win folder, after. So it would be more practical ^^


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21 minutes ago, virgo77 said:

Hi MadMax!

Thanks for your reply. It helped. But now, I got a new error message, still with EasyBuild 1.7, about CMake. When clicking the 'Generate Project' button, after some lines, I got this error:

CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  cmake/FindOpenSSL.cmake:178 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  CMakeLists.txt:92 (find_package)

I had installed the newest x86 3.7.1 of CMake... so I uninstalled it, and tried with the 3.6.1 one, but still the error when starting compiling. It tells me that the SSL Libraries are missing. OK for that. But which ones?

In my opinion, I think that the guides are not really complete. So, for a noob like me, I swear that i'm swimming a lot, because I have to search everywhere on the GetMangos.eu website either the web too. Maybe the threads needs to be cleared and more explicit/efficient ^^

I'm not angry. Be reassured. But if it's hard as like this to install MaNGOS, I don't know how hard it is when I will learn for SQL Scripting! xD

If you can give some help, I would be pleased :)




EDIT: Damned... it was because of OpenSSL which was a newer version than yours... I uninstalled the one I had (1.1.0) and installed the 1.0.2 from the server/win folder and now EasyBuild works... grrrr

So I confirm that the threads are not really clear. Because in this topic (https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/installation-guides/guideswindows/installing-mangos-on-windows-using-easybuild-r20064/) it asks to install third-party softwares... but is asks us to do this before starting the cloning of the repos... So, for me, i had to download each softwares apart, then installed them one by one. But, if the cloning where made before, in the topic you just had to ask to install the exe files downloaded from the server/win folder, after. So it would be more practical ^^ (I don't know if I'm really a,d totally undestandable...)


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Hey MadMax!

Thanks for your help. The server is working like a charm!

Now I would like to translate the WORLD DB because all is in english, and I'm French. I can find the NPC names and change them, as the SubName too, but I can't find some text they tell me, ie. Zalduun at the Draenei Azuremyst start zone. He is the Priest Trainer who is walking around the Injured Draenei, at the really starting zone, where others trainers are (hope it will help you to find him).

And maybe I can help for a 3.3.5a fr-FR database. So I need to know how to do these changes without corrupting the current content. Note that it's a fresh install. So the DB is empty.

I just have 2 accounts and some characters. With one account, I created a player like GM and gave him some bonus... and hope that the 'mangos2' is not modified with this. However I recreate the DBInstall. I don't mind about this :)

BTW, Happy New Year, and see you later!



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