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Everything posted by The_Game_Master

  1. Rev: 9721 After revision 9721, you can no longer join 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 skirmish or rated battles.
  2. Confirmed, this spell dosen't work.
  3. I can confirm Cristinel's post. Exemple: go to Hoodoo Master Fu'jin and try to buy hi's first item, [inscription of Triumph]
  4. Problem appeared in [9721] When you report something, try not to use messages like "AAAAA, ALL CORE BUGGED, IN REV 3000 TO 9500" That's not very helpfull. Identify the problem first. Atleast as mutch as you can.
  5. I can confirm this, the bug affects items with extended cost. Go to Lieutenant Rachel Vaccar for example and try to buy something.
  6. Just tested, confirmed with [9715]
  7. The problem appeared in 9701, not 9702, just tested to make sure. I'm not an expert, but maybe this cause the problem? float basePointsPerLevel = spellProto->EffectRealPointsPerLevel[effect_index]; - int32 basePoints = int32(effBasePoints + level * basePointsPerLevel); + int32 basePoints = effBasePoints ? *effBasePoints - 1 : spellProto->EffectBasePoints[effect_index]; + basePoints += int32(level * basePointsPerLevel); int32 randomPoints = int32(spellProto->EffectDieSides[effect_index]); float comboDamage = spellProto->EffectPointsPerComboPoint[effect_index]; Looks like i was right, chaning that to, int32 basePoints = effBasePoints ? *effBasePoints /*- 1*/ : spellProto->EffectBasePoints[effect_index]; basePoints += int32(level * basePointsPerLevel); solved the problem. But this is not the proper way to fix it.
  8. Ok, thanks for explaining the durability problem. You're saying that rev 9701 broken the items learn spells?
  9. Forgot to mention that all items are now red -> 0 durability.
  10. While you're still at it, please add character_glyphs in it. It was forgotten when character_glyhps was implemented.
  11. Thank you very mutch for your work! One question tough, as i understand the maps/Vmaps will be loaded at start-up every time (optional feature) and take about 5 minutes. Wouldn't that be a very big disavantage if the process will crash every 5 minutes? Or in the future this can be avoided by creating independent threads?
  12. Yes, on offi loot-rules are working with chests.
  13. I can confirm this. It's becouse the 15 seconds ICD. Appereantly the proc system does not support cooldowns for proc casted spells.
  14. Use your server with log level 3 and start testing. When it will happen you'll find the cause.
  15. No, Tommy Anders, it's not mangos core related. It's caused by a script problem. Thank you fdb.
  16. It's crashing every 5 to 25 minutes now. A little progress from 2min. Lol
  17. Vladimir, any chance of the problem continuing here? if (i_destinationHolder.UpdateTraveller(traveller, time_diff, false)) { i_destinationHolder.ResetUpdate(50); if(i_nextCheckTime.Passed() && i_destinationHolder.HasArrived()) { _setTargetLocation(owner); return true; } } return true; FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp "So as i understand it more seldom now but happens at same line" looks like it. I'll repost when i'll have a full backtrace.
  18. Instance reset system needs rerwiten. In the present there are some features that are not working. Like Extend raid lock for example.
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