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Everything posted by VladimirMangos

  1. Note: target can be NULL by way how it setup in Aura. With drop this check and add on more spell in [11772]. Thank you p.s. affter adding code i start think maybe max health part will better fix in some scripting (i meaning DLL scripts side), but added then added.
  2. I also think that this confirmed in past that caster done bonuses part calculated at apply and not dependent from later caster gear/buffs/talents changes. Except paladin group auras like things but this special "area aura around caster" case
  3. UpdateFields.h is generated file, so please use existed enums instead adding new
  4. In fact better use: pet->ModifyPower(POWER_HAPPINESS, -50000); But nice catch of problem code. With this change in [11771]. Thank you
  5. I not understood last description. "Useable by character" is filter as you say. So sorting by it impossible. It _can_ used in sort time but sort must be sby some from collumns. I test with/without "Useable by character" by different collumns and not get crash. [added]Just after hit post button i get crash in auction sorting code. So i found possible source of problem. Not related for me to filters but related to way how we check some sorting cases. [added2]sort assert fail case must be fixed in [11769]
  6. Main problem in impossibility repeat problem. As i test i not get like wird way work with single or 2-3 mobs.
  7. hmm... in mangosd.conf exist option for generation pid file. I think this not related, but i can't debug this anyway in linux. So if this broken and someone fix then please point to fix for possible include to master sources.
  8. Is i am correctly understand problem in fix: https://gist.github.com/1102191 ?
  9. hmm, but if current health < max case? instant full health heal, is this expected?
  10. When you set owner field UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY then this affect client way work. For example if thsi freindly npc then only owner can interact with it after. Possible other affects. So need set this field carefully, only for non-wild summons as Schmoozerd. So rejected as not correct for generic case.
  11. Last recently updated version in [11750]. Thank you
  12. Look like you have mangosscript.dll build for older mangosd and then dll can't be loaded by core at startup. You have 2 choices: (1) if you want scripting support like sd2 then you must build new version dll for current core. or (2) if you don't want scripting library support then just delete outdated mangosscript.dll
  13. In [11746] value set base at comment default value. Thank you.
  14. [11743] expected fix only localization related crash, still exist crash in sorter not related to localization.
  15. your VS version not have MASM. You must use or professional version (and install service pack VS2008 SP1) or public with SP1. in last case you can't instal servive pack but can only redownload from Microsoft version with pre-inlcuded SP1
  16. hmm, maybe set some slow processed but not-problem-creating values set as default in repo and let more powerful host iwners set greater values.. [added]New config value added in [11745]
  17. It don't must be 100. This how high auction price from item default price. Where you see item prices at auction = default price for vendors. Fixed in [11742]. Thank you.
  18. i restore manually patch and let show it correctly by use [ code = diff ] Can you repost other patchs with proper guards Patch possible more hack that sollution. Spell have 3 auras as i remember. If this affect only this spell that have SPELL_AURA_MOD_PACIFY, then this must be affect SPELL_AURA_SPIRIT_OF_REDEMPTION but _NOT_ raw spell id.
  19. #6 0x00000000006b0827 in ~ObjectMgr Hmm, this meaning that in Guilds map stored in shutdown time early deleted guild, but not removed from map. [added]Wait!!! Already some time guilds stored in own signleton sGuildMgr So its don't must be affected at ObjectMgr call
  20. As i remember adding more gm levels discussed and described many times at forum, I suggest search.
  21. i modify code in applied version for set at any spelmod charge use, this not affect original way use lastAffected. I only not sure at 100% that impossible cases when while one normal spell castes another also use this spellmod charge. In this cases one from 2 used charges can be lost at cancel. Ofc, possible create array with slot per charge for store specific charge spell casts, but i don't want adding more structures if not real cases for this need.
  22. In [11740] with described and some other changes. Thank you It will be backported to One at some moment.
  23. rank4 is console commands. So can be used only from mangosd console.
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