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Everything posted by VladimirMangos

  1. Nice catch of problem. Fix make sense with 2 change: 1) need call for any finish(false), so in Spell::finish call 2) i think same way restore must be applied to >1 charges spellmod case when charge must restored. I currently test version with this changes for mangos master.
  2. #define SIZE_OF_GRIDS 533.33333f So you limit distance to < 1 grid I understand reason but maybe need add new command with additional (first arg, because name mask must be last) or just add arg to existed as more simple case... In any case have hardcoded value in query not nice...
  3. I am also think about this. Maybe it old or not compatible with mysql server itself by other reasons.
  4. Thank you for fix, but table `spell_script_target` filled by DB projects. So better suggest fix to used by you DB project if it miss this data. By this reason mark as rejected here.
  5. wp add command broken when map local guids has been added. if it used for instanceble map then it will wrong work. For fix this need rewrite all way how wp commands work (or show activity at all mpa instances, or in some way do it locally for map but lock for preventing edition same npc from other map copy).
  6. what you meaning? auction moved at loading to wrong auction house?
  7. #5 0x0000000000869e88 in ~Guild (this=0x2) at ../../../src/game/Guild.cpp:102 Or backtrace itself corrupted, or this inform that crash nit related to items itself, but Guild object pointer values at call already corrupted. You not have more deep lines of backtrace for see where ~Guild called in this specific case?
  8. Very strange. Releated code lines: stmt = CharacterDatabase.CreateStatement(insId, "INSERT INTO account_data VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); stmt.PExecute(acc, uint32(type), uint64(time_), data.c_str()); So, uint32, uint32, uint64, char const* So look like pointing to "char const*" But in 2011-07-15 18:15:55 ERROR:SQL ERROR: Using unsupported buffer type: -1657095852 (parameter: 5) 2011-07-15 18:15:55 ERROR:SQL: cannot execute 'INSERT INTO characters It point to "class," that uint8
  9. Chat commands part after rewrite added in [11731]
  10. if you only recently created characters DB and then not have any important data init. I suggest just apply to your charcters DB sql/characters.sql file from mangos sources repo. This will recreate characters DB structure as it expected for used mangos revision.
  11. Main part functionality (all except chat commands) added in [11723]. Big thanks to all patch authors and supporters! I as i test it work in added form as expected but please report any new problems showup after switch from patch to commited version if any. Chat commands req. more time for me because i want convert its to coding style used in other new commands. If someone want old chat commands part of patch, you can use https://gist.github.com/1072499 as compatible version with added in commit main code.
  12. most is DB related, so must be reported (in fact not need because known) to DB project
  13. Crash possible has been by another reason that i write above. I find some unsafe work with iterators. Maybe my changes in result and reproduce crash. Fixed now in my local version. I plan do some more testes and then commit main ahbot code part without chat commands. Chat commands will added later.
  14. hmm, maybe you provide normal diff file? It hard see and apply chnages when full file provided.
  15. auction time DB field types must be fixed in [11716]. For second problem another source can be missing assign all recently added in core fields for auction strcuture in ahbot code. I fix this already by replace low level code existed core auctiona add function in my repo version. If last problem source real then this must be show also and with antiroot/new_ahbot_finetune applied to recent core code. [added] I find place where with big chance problem created. in 3.x auction can be in payment pending mode. So auction exist bit don't must be used by AHBot. For like auction moneyDeliveryTime != 0. In past auction still have guid object and AHBot can do own changes (wrongly ofc), but after recent core changes item guid set to 0 at switch auction mode to payment delivery pending mode. But old patch code copy item guid to own structure and still have way refer to removed in auction item guid and do own evil changes. For skip like auction i change in my patch version code to AuctionEntry* auction = auctionHouse->GetAuction(itr->second.AuctionId); if (auction && !auction->moneyDeliveryTime) // auction still active and removed item guid caching into ahbot structure. [added2] In https://gist.github.com/1068763 new version of ahbot patch for [11716] with fixes described above. Same force pushed to https://github.com/VladimirMangos/mangos You also can see author/thanks update in commit notes. If I miss someone from contributers please point and i include nick to list. I not look persistent in past for ahbot development so I can miss some important contributions, original/continue authors
  16. Then better use old patch state for while from antiroot/new_ahbot_finetune I will look ofc at problem but don't want go back for test original my patch state. Hmm, "ERROR: Out of range value for column 'moneyTime' at row 1 SQL: INSERT INTO auction " error is result wrong DB field type: _all_ time_t fields must be unsigned. Will write fix to core as will move some ready core side changes not directly lined with ahbot to master. It must affect clean core also. Catch case when for sold auction stored for show to owner pending paiment not reset itemguid. As i think this impossible with clean code... but maybe this result of first error in some way....
  17. I currently apply incremental code cleanups in https://github.com/VladimirMangos/mangos without expected functionality changes. This possible will need some days. I want get best possible state that let add code and forgot at long time ... ofc if will not suggested imporvements/etc. For clarify: code mostly good written just mangos have own codestyle and recent core changes let big simplifications and more high level function calls reuses instead low level access to auction code. Until this work finish maybe better use patch from https://gist.github.com/1064026 It must compatible with current master code. But maybe not with One/Zero. When i finish i remerge changes to single commit before adding to master, then i will backport master changes to One/Zero.
  18. https://gist.github.com/1064026 (also https://github.com/VladimirMangos/mangos ) ahbot patch for master [11712] based at "antiroot/new_ahbot_finetune Fixes + Additional Filters" with removed some redundent changes already expected work fine in core and reuse some core functions. Also fake player guid support removed. Not expected real differences from original AHBot work (only empty ahbot name in auctions). Commit have some notes what need do before adding to master repo:
  19. most like spells broken from time where this functionality has been removed from retail
  20. it also in One. If you can see Master have note like "it can be good maybe restore spell_affect" note in SpellMod add function. Before we think that with classfamilyMask fields it will not used and ~1 year it really not has been used but now we have some examples when dbc field values wrong and possible will be more like cases. I just not found time restore table that need also check later code changes for compatibility with old remove-time state. So at this moment like exceptions added directly to code.
  21. So you can confirm that at retail mob can't go behind if run from front and no free place in from target?
  22. Is this forum right for discuss topic from last posts? I close thread. For posters: i not think that has been right from your side hijack thread for unrelated discussion about clearly unwelcome topic at this forum.
  23. in [11704] crash case must be fixed and in [11705] implemented bidder part of support not linked with player auctions.
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