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Posts posted by Wojta

  1. So, let try it with 8, according to http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/9318/shot152.png

    Feral charge(-6 because of bounding radius, 15 because MiscValue/10):

    asin((8.0f*(13.942730f-6.0f))/(15.0f*15.0f))/2.0f = 0.144138 which is close if we multiply it by 1000

    asin((8.0f*(19.163143f-6.0f))/(15.0ff*15.0f))/2.0f = 0.245302 which is really far from 76.28

    asin((8.0f*(24.531327f-6.0f))/(14.95f*15.0f))/2.0f = 0.362614

    asin((8.0f*(26.161899f-6.0f))/(15.0f*15.0f))/2.0f = 0.403106 which is close

    Death Grip:

    asin((8.0f*(19.637053f))/(15.0f*15.0f))/2.0f = 0.389722 which is also close

    I dont count cases with z difference, theres something else about them...

  2. KAPATEJIb: At what uptime this leaks and crashes start to appear? Because I have none of this, but maybe it is because my server just crashes too soon. Also, I am not running on newest mmap commit, but tomorrow I will do an update :)

  3. you can change m_maxTiles size in dep/recastnavigation/Detour/Source/DetourNavMesh.cpp in dtNavMesh::init (line 237) as temp solution until you rebuild mmaps. But, as faramir said, it is enought to rebuild single tile from every map. Or, you can change generator's code temporary, so it will skip all tiles and generates only .mmap files

  4. well, I have seen "ERROR:Error: could not load XXXXXXX.mmtile into navmesh" in log so many times, so i followed the code, tried to show .debug mmap stats several times and no more than 64 tiles were loaded. So i changed the number to 2048, and it shows no more errors and creatures are not evading, and when I type .debug mmap stats, more than 64(more than one hundered actually) tiles is loaded.

  5. In ".go X Y Z map ori" format please :)

    barrens example -2098.443115 -2101.042480 91.666664 1 3.101525 , but bugged all mobs at location

    same with durotar -571.605957 -4756.619141 33.441486 1 5.803933

    and seems hillsbrad, eversong no more bugged now (with new mmap files)

    Server seems works very stable. I only get crash with InstanceMap::Add and with Azjol-nerub scripts :) hopefully fixed both and have 10 hrs uptime now (before restarting with placing fresh mmap files to the folder)

    Cant confirm. Mobs act normally at that location or near it, but I already made some changes and, sad to say this, I am actually not sure if any of them could affect this. Do you use --hiResHeightmaps true?

    And what about memory and CPU usage?

    EDIT: I tried only barrens, will try also others

  6. When pet cant find any path to owner( = PATHFIND_NOPATH), it should not freeze, but try to recalculate path when owner moves or after some time(I think 1s is enough). Now pet just freezes at place, even if I move to accessible location.

  7. .go -1317.98 8278.158 -3.857 530 and orientation 3.823

    I tried to summon pet and jump down, but when pet try to find path, it sometimes stuck - path with 128 points, but only 2 coordinates - so pet is walking between two points, unable to find path. This happens only with hirResHeightMap disabled, but anyway pet should not do this. So while theres a check for empty path, check for full path would be also handy.

    And, maybe you know this, but creatures should take path with some distance from wmo object, now theres a big spider chasing me half-way in the wall, maybe its difficult to make it so, because path is generated in navMeshQuery(or this can be done in findSmoothPath()?), i dont know.

    PS: I am just testing by myself now, but on Monday, i will also try it on server with ~400 plr :)

    one more PS: args for MoveMapsGen does not work for me. I wrote MoveMapGen --skipContinents false --skipBattlegrounds false and it said "bad arg", so I just changed defaults in generator.cpp, no big deal really. I have Debian Lenny.

  8. @Spp_: About DungeonEncounters.dbc, currently, I am searching in it by name, map and difficulty (which is not ideal, but mostly correct), because I have not seen IDs from this dbc anywhere else...I think that new column in creature_addon with these IDs would be best solution, what do you think?

    EDIT: Or maybe whole new table with DungeonEncounter ID, creature ID, map and difficulty would be handy....

  9. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Instance id is guid, and as it is, it also has high guid part - 0x1F42.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    This just add high guid value to enum and allows generation of instance low guid by ObjectMgr, instance system wont use this, I dont want to do anything with that part of mangos right now. Also, this changes nothing in client, i just find it interesting :)

    This value is from Skullcrusher(EU).


  10. Confirmed here, I have something about Feral charge - cat: http://pastebin.com/vs6R8Enh - when I was at minimal range(8y i think), distance in packet is 13y and something because of object size, so count with it.

    Just before cat lands, server sends another SMSG_MONSTER_MOVE to turn it to target (But i think that it is enough to send first one with SplineType: FacingTarget)

    Monster GUID: 0x0100000003591F3D

    Monster unk byte: 0

    Current Position: -9313.498 342.0572 68.65701

    Ticks Count: 0x04E3B6EB

    SplineType: FacingTarget

    Facing GUID: 0xF13000020D06E922

    Spline Flags: WALKMODE

    Spline Time: 0x00000000

    Splines Count: 1

    Dest position: -9313.498 342.0572 68.65701 (distance: 0

    Offtopic: Notice that player's highguid is 0x0100 (from Burning Blade EU), and on Skullcrusher(EU) it is 0x0200.

    PS: why did you named it speed?

  11. Wait a second, there is directly .wmo file in GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc for nexus platform and for example for Lich king platform, so these could be loaded directly. And I think some pseudo-object could also be created for gobjects with other then wmo models - from minX, maxX etc. fields. So main problem is to implement dynamic objects load into mapTree, isnt it?

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