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Posts posted by Wojta

  1. Hi,

    I have noticed that LoS in Eye of Eternity (map 616) is blocked incorrectly, and, as far as I can tell its because invisible (at least in client) Nexus_Raid_Floating_Platform.wmo. I dont know why there is this wmo, because there is also destructible gameobject. Before gobject is destroyed, LoS is ok because players are only on platform (well, they dont need to shoot outside platform), but when its destroyed, there should be no LoS at all on this map.

    Theres something like that also in chamber outside VoA raid - there is also destructible object in entrance, but when it is destroyed, LoS is still blocked (and you cant see anything between you and target).

    Someone else noticed this? Does this mean that WMOs are also destructible?

  2. More like

    diff --git a/src/game/UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp b/src/game/UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp
    index d208b33..8c47c1a 100644
    --- a/src/game/UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp
    @@ -1926,11 +1926,16 @@ SpellAuraProcResult Unit::HandleDummyAuraProc(Unit *pVictim, uint32 damage, Aura
                        if (this == pVictim)
                            return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED;
    -                    // heal amount
    -                    basepoints[0] = triggerAmount*damage/100;
    +                    // dont count overhealing
    +                    uint32 diff = GetMaxHealth()-GetHealth();
    +                    if (!diff)
    +                        return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED;
    +                    if (damage > diff)
    +                        basepoints[0] = triggerAmount*diff/100;
    +                    else
    +                        basepoints[0] = triggerAmount*damage/100;
                        target = this;
                        triggered_spell_id = 31786;
                    // Seal of Vengeance (damage calc on apply aura)
                    case 31801:

    because when it is not overheal, mana is also given.

    EDIT: And why to even cast spell with CastCustomSpell in switch?

  3. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Add one GroupType and add comment to SMSG_GROUP_LIST for LFD

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    I am working on Dungeon Finder system for my server, but because I am not programmer, my code is just too dirty and i would not make it into master branch anyway, so I just post some things which I have noticed and can help someone who is working on it.

    1. Add 0x04 to GroupType enum, it is another lfd type, this one cause client to show vote to kick instead of uninvite and to show "Dungeon Guide" instead of "Party leader".

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GROUP_LIST, (1+1+1+1+8+4+GetMembersCount()*20));
    data << uint8(m_groupType);                         // group type (flags in 3.3)
    data << uint8(citr->group);                         // groupid
    data << uint8(GetFlags(*citr));                     // group flags
    [b][color="#ff0000"]data << uint8(isBGGroup() ? 1 : 0);                      <--- (2)[/color] [/b]
    if(m_groupType & GROUPTYPE_LFD)
       [b][color="#ff0000"]data << uint8(0);                                   <--- (3)
       data << uint32(0);[/color][/b]
    data << uint64(0x50000000FFFFFFFELL);               // related to voice chat?
    data << uint32(0);                                  // 3.3, this value increments every time SMSG_GROUP_LIST is sent
    data << uint32(GetMembersCount()-1);
    for(member_citerator citr2 = m_memberSlots.begin(); citr2 != m_memberSlots.end(); ++citr2)
       if(citr->guid == citr2->guid)
       Player* member = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(citr2->guid);
       uint8 onlineState = (member) ? MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE : MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE;
       onlineState = onlineState | ((isBGGroup()) ? MEMBER_STATUS_PVP : 0);
       data << citr2->name;
       data << citr2->guid;
       data << uint8(onlineState);                     // online-state
       data << uint8(citr2->group);                    // groupid
       data << uint8(GetFlags(*citr2));                // group flags
    [b][color="#ff0000"]    data << uint8(0);                               // 3.3, role? <--- (*)[/color][/b]

    2. As far as i can tell, this is correct, but it is also player role if in dungeon group. Other players have their role set at *(look to highlight in above code), but current one have it here. Most packet parsers expect bool in here, but I tried int and then saw something like "IsBgGroup: 8". Funny actually :)

    3. Most people know what are these fields, but it is in the same packet so I added them. uint8 is instance status (0 = not saved, 1 = saved, 2 = complete) and uint32 is entry of dungeon.


  4. Why do you think blizz left realmlist adress in text file so it can be really easily changed? Yes, address is different for every language version, but they also have to change binaries (or at least I think so). "Realmlist.wtf" is like "Please, change me" file...

  5. Well it would be nice if you write where exactly is it used, for example in my language its different when its only "Home" link and "Go to home" link, But I'll try my best :P

    In Czech ("Čeština"):

    1 - Hlavní strana (As in "Home" link - noun)

    1 - Domů (As in "Go to home" link - adjective)

    2 - Informace

    3 - Kontakt

    4 - Můj účet

    5 - Nápověda

    6 - Přihlášení (As link to login page)

    6 - Přihlašovací jméno/or you can leave login label here, this is commonly used word (As label to login column in login form)

    7 - Odhlásit

    8 - Registrace

    9 - Dobrý den

    10 - Nashledanou

    11 - Děkujeme

    12 - Přihlášení proběhlo úspěšně

    13 - Odhlášení proběhlo úspěšně

    14 - Vypadá to, že některé informace jsou vyplněné špatně (If this is what will user see if he write "noob" into "year of birth" field)

    15 - Vaše informace byly změněny

    16 - Váš účet byl zabanován

    17 - Objevila se chyba při zpracovávání vašeho požadavku

    18 - Vítejte = Welcome

    19 - Přezdívka = Nickname

    20 - Heslo = Password

    21 - Realm = Realm

    22 - Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám (happy birthday)

    PS: Really cant be sure if it will look funny in final context or not, czech is difficult language.

  6. Edit:

    apologies to Wojta, for my spam post.

    What? Your post is not spam, at least this one :D

    I have one problem right now. I am trying to make leviathan working, but I cant even make it look like it should - its leviathan(33113) -> flame leviathan seat(33114) *4, which has three seats: 1. deffense turret, 2. Overload control and 3. is for player which can be catapulted in there.

    But, when I spawn him as vehicle, some(!!) of seats are at wrong position. x and y fits(well..I think), but Z does not. Some of them are on the ground, sometimes whole seat, sometimes only deffense turret.

    I tried to spawn them after add to map, before add, send info other way, do not send it, but result is still the same :( Most annoying is the fact that it happens only with some of leviathan seats :/

  7. However there is another thing which I didn't actually understand, or I'm not sure if it's implemented correctly. I have done some reviews of Wojta's patch for vehicles, and I've seen that he has implemented vehicles as some kind of pets. This means that ingame a player which is inside a vehicle looks like this: "Demolisher Character's pet", and some of the vehicles' behavior is similar to the pets' behavior. I don't really think this is correct, maybe there should be another way in which the vehicles can be handled by the core.

    Blizz handle vehicles like any other controlled creature(I dont like calling everything "pet") if player is in it, so is best way to keep it like that in core. Need a proof? SMSG_PET_SPELLS, which is used to send vehicle spells should be enough.

    "Demolisher Character's pet" is only outcome of some bad-filled packet, which needs to be fixed, nothing more. I will do this as soon as I can...

    What behavior do you mean? Yes, vehicles behavior is not correct, but its not intended, it just need some more research & fixing.

  8. Yeah, I would like to know why theres Spline flags for creatures and MoveFlags for players(well, at least its intended). Are these SplineFlags sent to client(I think they are cuz theres few unk among them)? I see only movementInfo in BuildMovementUpdateBlock(), but MONSTER_MOVE opcodes have spline flags, so its mixed somehow..?

  9. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    All movement packets and flags has been corrected recently by TOM_RUS i think, but heart beat msg is still horribly outdated.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse?


    Who has been writing thisfix? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    This can be used in the future for maybe correct animation of knockback to other players (set movementInfo data, send heartbeatmsg, then wait until player land so animation is smooth and then another heartbeat without jump flags(Well BuildMovementUpdateBlock() would be enough to do that, need to know how its done on retail servers :P)) and so on...


    diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    index 0bab7ea..5bfcbb4 100644
    --- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    @@ -422,20 +422,9 @@ void Unit::SendMonsterMoveWithSpeed(float x, float y, float z, uint32 transitTim
    void Unit::BuildHeartBeatMsg(WorldPacket *data) const
    -    MovementFlags move_flags = GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER
    -        ? ((Player const*)this)->m_movementInfo.GetMovementFlags()
    -        : MOVEFLAG_NONE;
    -    data->Initialize(MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT, 32);
    +    data->Initialize(MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT);
        *data << GetPackGUID();
    -    *data << uint32(move_flags);                            // movement flags
    -    *data << uint16(0);                                     // 2.3.0
    -    *data << uint32(getMSTime());                           // time
    -    *data << float(GetPositionX());
    -    *data << float(GetPositionY());
    -    *data << float(GetPositionZ());
    -    *data << float(GetOrientation());
    -    *data << uint32(0);
    +    m_movementInfo.Write(*data);
    void Unit::resetAttackTimer(WeaponAttackType type)

  10. Yeah, I think its caused because res aura duration is 30s and ress spell is triggered also after 30s, so sometimes it does not make it, so theres an option to find source of this sync problem, make this SD2 hack or make sure that every trigger aura has at least one tick.

    BTW author is not me, its Spammer's idea :)

  11. Rev 9919, UDB 390, MTMaps and many more patches.

    First crash is this, same as others in unload Grid: http://pastebin.com/kAZFRHTG so i set "GridUnload=0"

    after that, server crashes almost every time instance in unloaded: http://pastebin.com/HhTfM7kp so i set "Instance.UnloadDelay = 0". also, this happen sometimes when player logouts or on ".npc delete" command.

    Looks like its caused by Unit deconstructor..? And why are there those gcc includes?

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