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Posts posted by Wojta

  1. warlock on my server found bug - when lock dies with summoned teleport, it does not disappear and after ress he can teleport to it even if he is out of range. For example, Lock places circle near his flag in WSG, dies, then captures enemy flag and use teleport. Instant WSG :)

  2. This should fix vanish:

    //check caster for combat
       if(m_caster->isInCombat() && IsNonCombatSpell(m_spellInfo) && !m_caster->isIgnoreUnitState(m_spellInfo) 
          && m_spellInfo->Id != 11327 && m_spellInfo->Id != 11329 && m_spellInfo->Id != 26888)  // Vanish hack

    Just note, talent Warbringer applies 3 auras. I think that 262 only enables charge in combat. Making charge usable in any stance should most likely be handled by aura 275 (ignore_shapeshift)...

    Yes, on server side. But client needs special aura slot and flags to allow it in different stances :(

    making charge remove movement impairing effect may be aura Override Class Script (so instead for aura 57499, you should be looking for SPELL_AURA_OVERRIDE_CLASS_SCRIPTS with misc value 6953 .... and maybe move it to separate patch :P )

    And triggering juggernaut spell (crit bonus) is IMO not related to aura 262 as well

    Ok, I will separate these.

  3. Ok, i will look at it... please tell me what do you see when you use vanish("Cant be used in combat", "out of range" etc)...


       //check caster for combat
        if(m_caster->isInCombat() && IsNonCombatSpell(m_spellInfo) && !m_caster->isIgnoreUnitState(m_spellInfo))

    Looks like vanish is considered like non combat spell...

    Maybe this part isnt needed at all, but I have to test...

    Simple hot-fix is ...

       //check caster for combat
        if(m_caster->isInCombat() && IsNonCombatSpell(m_spellInfo) && m_spellInfo->Id != 18461 && !m_caster->isIgnoreUnitState(m_spellInfo))

  4. I noticed since some time that mangos doesn't check terrain height in LoS calculation so you can cast spells out of los in some situations, like shooting to the WSG graveyard from the ground below. Maybe it just assumes flat terrain, but there are some places with "mountains" (like durotar) that should block LoS, but currently you can cast through them. Did i miss some config option or its just not implemented?

    Well, I tried this with trial on offi. You can cast threw terain, you dont even have to see your target, at least at Durotar...

  5. V5b!


    - Removed hack for Juggernaut/Warbringer!

    Now it should work fine, and without hack - I watched to that all the time, but now i finally read the comment! :) Please, test, I cant do it by myself, because on my computer mangos always crashes(too old?), usually I am testing on my friends computer, but he isnt here now :(

    PS: You can try this to remove "wrong" line endings

    dos2unix -b patchname.diff

  6. Hello, after some testing found two minor bugs

    MaNGOS Rev. 8801

    Patch Version: 5a

    - Talents "Juggernaut" & "Warbringer" works, but if you try any maps changing(portals, ".tele" command ecc) seems this two talents doesnt work anymore; infact you cant use Charge in combat and with "Warbringer" you cant use for example Charge or Intervene in berserker stance.

    With a relog, all works fine again.

    - As i remember "Sudden Death" and "Taste for Blood" can stack, or not?.

    Thx for your patch Wojta(and all contributors) ;)

    Thanks for testing :)

    1) Oh no....client flushes auras when it loads new map? why? Look like another hack needed.... :( any ideas?

    2) They cant stack, they overwrites. I think it is not wrong, because I didnt edit this :)

    the same errors=(

    p.s. yep, i'm using linux

    Wrong line endings. I´m coding in VS C++, anybody knows some software which removes this?

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