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Posts posted by Wowka321

  1. After swith to 3.3.3 not work correct, cuz spell 58428 now not exist in DBC. BTW i found many major spells which now not existing in DBC, but realy need, like 62388 (for Demonic Circle), 56817( for Rune Strike), 61988(Divine Shield Exclude Aura), or many triggered spells (mostly whitch should change durations of some auras) like 58428 with durations 20000 for overkill. What we should do now? Hardcode (very hackly) durations, send fake auras, etc... or maybe time to implement SQL-storage for overwriting spell-DBC for not existing spells or existing, but with wrong values? This is the major question for now! Nobody know what to happen in the future with DBC :\\

  2. Just tried patch. Core sturtup fine, but realmd-demon can't start

    ./mangos-realmd: error while loading shared libraries: libtbb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    , but in /lib file exis =\\

    How related tbb to realmd?

    P.S. Ubuntu 8.10 amd64

  3. Looking very strange... If you properly configure and compile mangos-sources, than looking like some bug in libs . Try reinstall/update (libs, GCC, something else xD). But with this coredump we never can't find source of crash =\\

    No info about PC, system. Crash like this start even from network activity to libs \\ kernel bugs. =\\

  4. I have checked up it not once =\\ Values for setup is right.

    i use SetEquipmentSlots ( i know - it's not related core in clearly way)

    but definitions from core like


    and UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID in core == 56, rigth, but if you set UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID (size 3) it looking like you set values for UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID - 1.

    SetEquipmentSlots(false, 49303, 47146, 47267);

    in result i'll get faction 49303 (not exist) for scripted creature, but not MAIN_HAND. =\\

  5. This sql restore titles.

    UPDATE characters, data_backup

    SET characters.knownTitles = SUBSTRING(data_backup.data,

    length(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data_backup.data, ' ', 626))+2,

    length(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data_backup.data, ' ', 631+1))- length(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data_backup.data, ' ', 626)) - 1) WHERE characters.guid=data_backup.guid;

  6. Like in zulaman script part

    //increase or decrease chance of mojo?

    if (!urand(0, 49))

    DoCastSpellIfCan(caster, SPELL_PUSH_MOJO, CAST_TRIGGERED);

    urand always return value (Zero is value too), and DoCastSpellIfCan never to be happened here =\\ Tested many-many times.

    in operator if we should use operators of comparison or boolen value. groupLootRules - not bool, that why groupLootRules = 0 value too and pass check in if. 0 != NULL. 0 it's Zero - it value true.

    Maybe i'm wrong and someone can explain it more clearly?

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