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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. Hey, I've had this a few times now, after a few times of pulling and pushing one of my branches it suddenly stops working. All I can think that of that can cause this is that there's something going wrong when merging, isn't it possible to have an interactive merge like "git add -p" ? ~Xeross
  2. I basically just modified the original MangChat and updated it once in a while. I'll compare my repository with the main mangos repo to see if I can fix the character problem. Update: I've updated my repository character creation should work again. Update2: Oh shi-, I removed and recreated the repository without thinking about the complication for the people that pull from it. Well at least it's clean. Sorry for any inconveniences.
  3. Why use a SetCanTitanGrip function if it does exactly the same as the member variable.
  4. Isn't there a targetMode (I'm not entirely sure if it does what I think it does) that excludes the Top Aggro guy ?
  5. Best wishes to you too and everyone else on the forums. And you did a great job on the new forum theme. Regards, Xeross
  6. Are you actually pulling my version of mangchat or the old one, because I modified a few things. Oh yes and people might also want my auto announcer.
  7. or if you're still in a rebase git rebase --continue
  8. Wrong damage is usually a bug in the damage calculation
  9. No, you make a patch after you edited the the core files for easy distribution or for submitting a patch to mangos. or you apply a patch you got from mangos with it. To edit the core you need to edit the .cpp and .h files relevant to your problem/edit, just a matter of figuring out where the logic for that perticular action is.
  10. Merging the main mangos over mangchat is how it should be done, should work though. Ill update my branch.
  11. This might be caused by merging a branch that's not up-to-date with a newer one. and for the merge errors use a 3-way merge tool to fix it, I use beyond compare 3.
  12. Well ofcourse you can but dbc editing is forbidden to discuss here.
  13. I think even retail doesn't block ground elevation differences but Im not entirely sure.
  14. SEC_PLAYER basically is a variable that can't be changed that contains a value, SEC_PLAYER would be 0 I think.
  15. I did not take over the project, I'm merely fixing a few bugs and updating it every once in a while for the inexperienced GIT users.
  16. There's an increase of people that just randomly ask in threads how to fix something even if there's a fix in the specified thread.
  17. I fixed the config options in the branch and updated it to latest mangos
  18. So do you get any crashdumps or something, try running the x64 debug in VC++ itself.
  19. Race creation isn't balancing, faction or class limiting is.
  20. or your test server's anniversary.
  21. I have a test server with average of 3 testers, seems to crash every 24 hours, will report once I get my crashdumps.
  22. Would be near to impossible because every player, npc, and mob has some kind of items already loaded into the memory it wouldn't be impossible but would cause unnecessary complications, just reboot.
  23. One could use this for multi spec and then simply save the spec ID with the skill.
  24. Well walls are gameobjects afaik.
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