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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. Create a ticket on the GitHub support website, they'll help you out.
  2. Ye but why would it still see random changes in lines like the one in my first post.
  3. I chose the handle line endings myself option in the msysgit installation, so I'd expect it to ignore em. I'll check the config.
  4. Hey, I keep having the following outputs in my diffs - PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & Section & "]", vbTextCompare) + PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & section & "]", vbTextCompare)^M I haven't touched these lines but somehow they get the ^M at the end. I got told they are DOS line endings but my files (In this project) use them by default. Will these changes show up in my commits and how do I prevent em ? Regards, Xeross
  5. The command levels in the source code are merely fallbacks if there's no entry in your database.
  6. Why remove the code that outputs it to debug instead of lower the logging value ? Oh yes and the config variable is called LogLevel
  7. We just need to hope Oracle will continue to keep MySQL the best open-source database engine.
  8. Afaik, day/night cylce is completely client side using the clients pc time.
  9. The output of that command contains all the stuff executed by all the threads before the crash, just paste the entire thing on pastebin
  10. Well MultiMaNGOS has a long way to go, guess we'll have to wait or hop in and help em.
  11. Are you sure you're in the correct channel in-game ?
  12. Ah so instead of a 1 map per thread we just have 1 thread that assigns map tasks to the thread pools.
  13. Once again, can someone clarify what they mean with a map-thread pool, having a fixed number of threads means you can only have a few maps running, or do you mean giving the thread a task from the map instead of making the thread be the entire map system.
  14. Lower the Console logging level to error or even lower (in the config).
  15. Full backtrace is thread apply all bt full
  16. Aweomse you actually figured it out, now we should all join hands and get this baby into the master branch. Edit: I don't see how a thread pool is useful, you only need threads per map, why spawn a fixed number for it. I might be missing the point here (well it feels like I do) so enlighten me with your knowledge if possible.
  17. Ye it will show something like
  18. Give us a full backtrace, your server froze, this is just the freeze detector
  19. There's 1 problem, This patch is for a server which has autobroadcaster applied. m_timers[WUPDATE_AUTOBROADCAST].SetInterval(abtimer); I also suggest you follow the standard m_timers stuff for the mailqueue timer.
  20. The only problem is most of that wont be possible without client editing which is forbidden to be discussed here.
  21. Hmm, useful, but more useful would be actual fixes for the spells.
  22. Hmm external mail in a seperate thread would be nice. Might have a look at it.
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