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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. Confirmed. UDB 385 MaNGOS 8854 SD2 1495 ACID 3.0.1 P.S.: Remove the screenshot, they aren't allowed in this forum.
  2. @subhuman_bob: That's what I was thinking ^^
  3. Don't know if we're allowed to talk about that here.
  4. xeross155

    anti WPE

    We need someone that knows the dupe hack and can report it to us.
  5. xeross155

    anti WPE

    Why kick them if the WPE doesnt work anyways.
  6. I prefer msysgit and then just use command line, but this differs per user I guess.
  7. xeross155

    c++ tutorial?

    A part of the mangos devs seem to dislike any tutorials etc on C++ but swear by the book I linked to.
  8. I use linux, windows is overused as a server platform
  9. Thanks for the donation, though I ain't officially part of the MaNGOS team I'm still happy with it, once I have some spare money it will go to MaNGOS for sure.
  10. 4gb ram, 100mbit, linux or windows2003, 1tb hdd, quad core 2.66ghz cpu for 40€ with kimsufi
  11. xeross155

    c++ tutorial?

    Well there's a book everyone seems to point one too which is Thinking in C++ 2nd edition, but mangos doesn't have a manual for the source. they should create some doxygen docs or something to make it easier for us. http://www.mediafire.com/?zyjrvydoto0
  12. Use the search button, there's plenty of these threads, ram usage and player capacity all depends on your hardware
  13. you can just get a dedicated in europe even if you're from the US a quad core box costs 40 euros
  14. A while ago they've renamed a lot of the macro names to more generic names, because of this we need to update any modifications we've made to use these new macro names. I decided to compile a quick list (Basically copy-paste the git commit) and put it up here. * objmgr -> sObjectMgr * spellmgr -> sSpellMgr * WaypointMgr -> sWaypointMgr * poolhandler -> sPoolMgr * objaccessor -> sObjectAccessor * mapmgr -> sMapMgr * sInstanceSaveManager -> sInstanceSaveMgr * ticketmgr -> sTicketMgr * CreatureEAI_Mgr -> sEventAIMgr * auctionmgr -> sAuctionMgr * achievementmgr -> sAchievementMgr * gameeventmgr -> sGameEventMgr * accmgr -> sAccountMgr Hope it's of use. Regards, Xeross
  15. I'm updating my branch to the latest mangos revision now. Edit: Updated, http://github.com/xeross/mangos/tree/mangchat
  16. did you declare tmpUnitMap ?
  17. Ye but if you adjust your default coding to this if you ever typo and leave out an = sign you get a compile error.
  18. MaNGOS is about learning and I like their attitude, so good luck.
  19. These examples use 0 but this can be used for almost any value from strings to integers.
  20. I already do this in most of my code, read about it a while ago, and it's a great way to prevent incidental assignments. // Current code accidental assignment if(a = 0) {} // No error, variable gets assigned a value of 0 // With the changes if(0 = a) {} // Compile error because the operation is impossible
  21. Thanks for the work mate, Now I can continue finishing my branch and updating my server to the latest mangos revision.
  22. Plus it's of no use when you're using the loot roll
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