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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. Kuri: That ain't possible yet, but it isn't very hard to add them through PHPMyAdmin. However I'm planning to implement some in-game commands for it.
  2. The best uptime with a lot of players I've seen here was 4500 players and like 6-12 hours uptime
  3. Tekkub said he fixed it, my repo should be clonable now.
  4. Tekkub said he fixed it, my repo should be clonable now.
  5. enums are only in debug mode, and afaik the normal client isn't in debug mode, maybe the PTR client is.
  6. Hmm, maybe this is allowed on the udb or scriptdev forums, so we could continue there. Oh yes and I successfully accomplished the host file stuff.
  7. Hey Folks I have recently reimplemented the Auto-Announcer I edited a while back, but the old code was kind of ugly and not properly written. So I took the code and reorganized and recoded a big part of it to create this new version. Features * You can set which announcement comes next on every announcement * If you don't specify a next announcement it'll take a random one * Announcement can be shown in the following places * Chat Window * Top-Middle of the screen * In the mangchat channel Getting this new version Ok in order to get this new version you have to pull it from github the clone url is git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git and the branch name is "broadcaster". Making it work with mangchat In order to make this work with mangchat you need to use my version of it, or you have to edit your current mangchat source code for this to work. My mangchat version is at the same repository as my broadcaster under the branch "mangchat". I hope you enjoy this release and if you have any questions or bugs you found let me know. Regards, Xeross News [03 December 2009] I fixed the config options in the branch and updated it to latest mangos News [02 April 2010] Updated branch to revision 9652 and added patch for download News [21 August 2010] Updated branch to 10387
  8. You shouldn't do git pull, Try git clone. And if you're adding it to an already existing repository do git remote add xeross git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git git pull xeross git checkout -b mangchat xeross/mangchat
  9. No need to reboot if you change the hosts file.
  10. How do you mean it fails what kind of error, etc. ?
  11. MaNGOS just had to build itself to the protocols blizzard defined, you can probably create a server a lot easier then how the MaNGOS one is done
  12. Wouldn't it be possible to set the mirror images name in the code ?
  13. I already fixed it in my branch. You need to move the call to IRCClient::AutoJoinChannel() to the bottom of WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin()
  14. I think getObjectInWorld was removed lemme check. http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/d4682bea115e87b9f8318cfa5a0cfe2438b17cee So you probably need one of the functions listed there. probably GetCreatureInWorld() or something.
  15. I would want to mirror the forums but that would mean I need a database of all accounts, threads and posts. However that would mean the entire forum is readable without registration.
  16. git diff #A diff that outputs all the changes made that are uncommited (Except untracked files) git diff HEAD^ #Compares the last commit with the one before that and outputs a diff git diff COMMIT COMMIT #Compares 2 commits and outputs a diff Just add "> FILE.EXT" to them for saving to a file.
  17. You might aswell write your own core easier to make a game that way.
  18. You could make a custom game but it would be very similiar to wow.
  19. Hmm, I should indeed initialize it. And about it not fixing anything, It fixed a crash in the threading code for MangChat
  20. Fixed my branches linux compilation
  21. Hey Folks, I've had problems with MangChat crashing and finally narrowed it down to a bug in the Threading code. Now I don't know if the threading code was wrong or something in my OnlinePlayers thread was wrong anyways, here's the fix. http://github.com/xeross/mangos/commit/1565daa316505d611834c76a3a5f8b03b416602a This fixed the crash for me but it might be a hack I don't know, MaNGOS devs please comment on this so I can work out a proper fix. Regards, Xeross
  22. http://github.com/xeross/mangos/commits/mangchat It's untested but should work, report back if you encounter any problems and I'll try and fix em.
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