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Everything posted by twocows

  1. My threat meter's showing that it is affected by the creature's threat, but that the boss is still fixated on me despite that. Maybe it's fixated on the first person to engage it for some reason?
  2. Quest number is actually 10408.
  3. The fight's supposed to be scripted, but it's not. Recommend moving to scripts section, since the objective might be triggered by a roleplay event.
  4. As stated, killing the NPC while disguised doesn't count toward quest completion. Also, the tabard can be equipped while not in the correct area, and then tries to affect the player with the disguise spell and fails. If you then move into the correct area, it doesn't apply the disguise until you unequip and re-equip it. Once you take the tabard off, you need to move out of the area to un-disguise, instead of having it remove the disguise spell as soon as you take the tabard off.
  5. It's not supposed to. It's supposed to be found by Envoy Icarius (NPC 21409), which it is, eventually (this can take a while). A scripted event is then supposed to play where he exchanges some dialog with his bodyguard and tells him to go away, after which he runs over to the bundle, takes it, and becomes vulnerable. The script works just fine except I didn't actually see the dialog (everything else worked fine, though), which is probably a bug that should be reported in the script section.
  6. My report: Control consoles work fine. Ability 2, Sonic Boom, doesn't seem to work, or at least I couldn't figure out how it does. Ability 3, World Breaker, works fine. Ability 4, Destroy Deathforged Infernal, "works," though there's no spell animation. Ability 5, Turbo Boost, works fine. However, the quest itself seems kind of broken. Deathforged Infernals are considered interactable objects and the only way I've found to actually "destroy" them is with ability 4. However, this doesn't give credit, it just destroys 10 of them (no spell animation, either). I actually managed to get 4 credit out of 60 at one point somehow, but I don't know how I got that, and I'm not able to reproduce it (I think it must have been with World Breaker). So I'd say this is broken, but not in the way the report describes.
  7. Unable to reproduce, but it's worth noting that I couldn't find Zuluhed (including with .go creature id ) and had to add him manually. However, using the key did give the quest requirement, though it doesn't seem like Karynaku noticed (but that would be a script bug, not a DB bug).
  8. Additionally, it creates a corpse of the original Beryl Sorcerer under the friendly spawned captured one.
  9. It looks like opening the cage should trigger a script on the NPCs (25201) that causes them to run away and fulfill the objective.
  10. NPC is there (86.17, 28.62) on the second level of Naxxanar. However, reporter is correct that killing him doesn't grant credit (if it's supposed to). Note that the NPC is only supposed to be up while someone is on the quest.
  11. As of Rel19, this doesn't appear to be working at all on my end. The Fel Reaper corpse isn't there at all, and going to the area and shocking it does nothing.
  12. Misvoted. Meant to vote no. This appears to be fixed as of Rel19, or the person reporting had a bad configuration.
  13. Seems to be bugged worse as of Rel19. He won't even move for me, now.
  14. May not be bug Not 100% sure on this one, but I believe the Missing: Kyle sign (object 186264) in front of Ahab Wheathoof is supposed to be hoverable (so you can see the object description) but not interactable (so you can't right click it and talk to it) and the hovertext should say "Missing: Kyle" (which it does, in GM mode). In GM mode, it is both hoverable AND interactable and in player mode, it is neither. Obviously a minor thing and I'm not even sure as to whether it's even a bug or if it's functioning correctly (for players; the GM behavior is obviously wrong). Unsure what to file this under (there's no "object" category), so filing as quest.
  15. As of Rel19, unable to reproduce. Only tested with two characters, however; I don't think my computer could handle five instances of the game. Tested both in a dungeon (group loot) and outside a dungeon. Screenshot [URL="http://i.imgur.com/MZJqhyl.jpg"]here[/URL]. It is worth noting that the node didn't disappear, but that's a different bug. Edit: this may have been affected by my GM mode being on. I didn't think of that. Someone else may want to test. Edit 2: tested using GM mode off, still cannot reproduce.
  16. This seems to be fixed as of Rel19. I cannot reproduce using either quest 788 or the recommended quest, 738. Either fixed or not a bug. Relevant screenshot [URL="http://i.imgur.com/R5uQxzI.jpg"]here[/URL]. Note that I also tried without any extra bags attached to my character (so just the original backpack).
  17. As of Rel19: The merchant sell price for Amulet of the Moon is correct. It still cannot be auctioned even with full charges, though. Did not test others listed in the GitHub comments.
  18. Quest cannot be started due to bug Object 3076 is the "Dirt-stained map" located in the Brambleblade Ravine east of the Tauren starting area. Before patch 3.3.0, it was lootable and contained an item that started the quest (or something, it doesn't really matter except for context as to why the bug probably exists). Once patch 3.3.0 hit, the quest was changed a bit to start directly from the object: you interact with it and it opens a quest accept window that has the description of the quest and the ability to accept it. That is missing from the object on Mangos Two and it instead displays a generic "Greetings, " dialog, with the quest unobtainable without using the console. The specific quest is 24857 (the old quest had a different ID, this is the 3.3.0+ version). Not sure what DB version; I'm using Rel19 of Mangos Two. Putting 0.12.2 since I don't know. Edit: additionally, when adding the 3.3.0+ version of the quest manually, I'm unable to turn it in. The old version turns in fine.
  19. Quest itself bugged on retail, but item should still be placeable Quest 3514 is (or was) bugged on retail, according to Wowhead comments; it completes without needing to place the quest item. This (bugged) behavior (correctly) shows up on Mangos Two, so nothing needs to be done there. However, the associated quest item (10622), despite being completely pointless and unnecessary due to the bugged quest, should still be placeable in the area "The Talon Den," possibly requiring the objective NPC (8518) to be killed first (unsure). There are screenshots of it being placed, so that much should still work. However, when trying to place the item in the den after killing the NPC, it produces the message "Requires Talon Den." After trying this once killing the NPC, I teleported directly to the area "talonden" and tried there; still no luck. Obviously, this is a very, [I]very[/I] minor bug in this context, but it's still a bug. I'm mainly reporting it in case the underlying issue affects other, more important things. Unsure if this is a database or script bug, but it's an item behavior, so I'm erring on the side of database.
  20. Should spawn NPC temporarily on completion According to the comments on Wowhead, there is a small script that should play after quest 808, Minshina's Skull, which should spawn NPC 3289 (Spirit of Minshina) facing the player. He then bows at the player and despawns shortly after. This script doesn't seem to play. Based on the screenshots on Wowhead, he should spawn at about 56.00, 74.67. [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=3289[/url] Suggest low priority.
  21. Incorrect name for item 46767 Patch 3.2.2. renamed everything associated with the "Battle-Bot" pet to "Warbot." Item 46767's name is incorrect in the database; it currently reads "Battle-Bot Ignition Key" but it should be "Warbot Ignition Key." The companion itself appears to have the correct name. [url]http://wowpedia.org/Warbot_Ignition_Key[/url] Suggest low priority.
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