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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. Do not force Vladimir to anything, he decides whatever he wants to do. And sart, you should try pushing MR2 commits to master and keep the project alive
  2. Aint those things precached? I mean increasing the server startup time by a half second would 100% be worth it
  3. So its lazymode code? Do you think the mangos team would appreciate if i extract the data blob?
  4. I was thinking mangos people could check it out aswell, more people more fun, but i can remove it if you want to
  5. @UnkleNuke Thing is, for databases there can be only one "correct code"? And if all would work on one, then it would not close
  6. There are not many people who knows how this data blob's actually work, and they should be "extracted" in my opinion. I could do it i think. But i do not want my work to be a waste, and therefore it will be a low priority thing, because you can never be sure your patch gets into master. And since nobody really needs to change it we do not change it. But if you check out "oregoncore" they recently extracted a datablob in their characters table, so you might be able to get some useful info there EDIT: A question to the developers. Why was this made like this from the beginning? It's just stupid isnt it?
  7. Well, i found this looking around in trinitycores forum, and this guy discovered that opcodes which are not in need of being timed are in the same queue as those who needs timing etc. If you wanna dig deeper into it check this out: http://goo.gl/ruL8L
  8. So this applies to mangos one aswell? Ive never heard of it actually I think im gonna check this out on saturday =)
  9. Offtopic: I cannot understand why there shall be more then one database project following the same core. I mean you cannot really have different "database styles" as you can have "coding styles" etc...? Do people enjoy doing the same work twice?
  10. Oh, how sad to hear that.... Mangos needs you, well anyways thank you for the tips:)
  11. What buffs are you talking about?
  12. There are some queries hanging around for guid reordering, is that what you recommend?
  13. Could this startup reordering be made in a somewhat quick way? I saw somewhere it can take hours if you got a big database...
  14. Well, i am not smart enough for this, but many people say reordering guids would increase performance. Are there any way to check server-side what "low guids" that are free, and reorder on the run? Maby you can run some code that inspects the data vectors (i think its vectors?) and see if there are any lower guids available for use?
  15. For how long has this heartbeat resist existed on retail? Since what client patch?
  16. Hey, i just managed to put together a working (and slim) MySQL ftp backup script so ill share it here you need to have this on the computer where the backups is going to run from: apt-get install mysql-client ncftp EDIT: I'm using this crontab: 0 */6 * * * screen -AmdS mysql_backup /home/mangos/mysqlbackup You can edit "/6" to the interval you want as example "/2" would make backups each 2nd hour while i do each 6th hour for more information read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron NOTE: There will always be 1 local copy of the databases, (latest) all other are only accessible on the FTP server and the database inside the gzip archives is not stored with .sql file extention, they are just plain text, but contains all SQL information (mostly a point to windows users) NOTE2: The backups are stored in the ftp users "home" directory, so make a new user with only write access and select his home directory (for security reasons since the password is stored in plain text) Feel free to send me a PM if you need help with the setup of this system - LilleCarl<3
  17. Yeah, i think mmaps are ready to be implented into master.... I mean we will never get 100% correct mmaps anyways, so either we import them or we ditch them forever
  18. You could probably have removed the cache folder from wow and it might have worked....
  19. RDF Is not yet supported by mangos, but i think you have a function in the random dungeon finder to "exit"? Then just call the dismount function somewhere inside of it, and woala. Everything will be fine
  20. Look, the easiest way for you to do this would be to modify the DBC files and change the flags on the spells you want to be "global" But, since modifying DBC files is "illegal" we cannot assist you with doing it, but you can get a DBC editor and try for yourself If you succeed, that is nice. If you dont, then you have a hard time learning basic C++
  21. A big improvement would be if you would keep vote links etc.. in a mysql table, it is much easier to change etc... In my personal opinion there should be only one text config, and that should be a connection to mysql (and a table storing all config options) that would be the CMS of love
  22. Hmm, try adding a "debug log" somewhere inside the spell function stating something like "SPELL: %s has procflag %s", spellid, procflag (If you understand what i mean) Then you can see if the spell gets the procflag from the dbc correctly.
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