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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. I just wanna know, with a regular 1033mhz ddr3 ram, how many "requests"/"pushes" can you do each second, i guess its called IO? And how many gigabyte per second can they transfer, I were thinking how much extra work it would require to add a regular "if (IsDead())" into the player update function, because as i understood it it's supposed to be ran each 50 ms for each player ingame? I mean if you have a big population (which i dont have ) Then the update function must rush the ram? Also, are the players updates ran in separate threads or are they running in a order? I think it should be possible to run it async, since its just updates for the specific player? (And oh sorry I'm stupid, I'm just trying to throw out ideas on how to improve mangos, and some curiosity from my side ofc ^^, - LilleCarl
  2. Hello guys! I'm thinking about moving the configs into the database, just having "critical" data in the mangosd.conf etc... like mysql info etc... It would make it much easier to do changes to the config! I just wanna check if there are some people intrested before i start looking into it, I'm not sure if I'm able to do it, but it would be really awesome imo! So tell me if there are some interest in this! - LilleCarl
  3. Thank you for reporting! If you could test this on master it would probably help the developers a bit
  4. I understand that, adding multiple capatchas would probably need some coding to the registration function. And i guess you don't have FTP access to the mangos web server?
  5. The forum bot creators are smarter then you think! I think the bot automatically open all links you send to their email. A solution might be to add a "anti bot plugin" which i don't think exists on FluxBB. Or/And add several different capatchas to the registration page, you could make several smart solutions to this.
  6. I'm 100% sure, because when i changed realmzone it worked! Completely retarded I hate vanilla But yes, it should be added as a note somewhere, so other people wont experience the same issue.
  7. SOLVED: It has to do with realmzone etc... i changed it to us but had a ENGB client. So i set it back to development, it's prolly a check in the vanilla client.
  8. Great, there are serveral introduction threads around here, begin with reading them =)
  9. Adam00: It depends on what company you are using as ISP, as you might know a server has static ip, you can get it to your home aswell, but usually for a fee. So ip bans are not good, it could result in getting others banned, the chance aint big but it could happen
  10. Now it just happened again, its just gone, it just dissapeared while running, i restarted realmd and mangosd, even restarted the server box, but nothing.... What ports do realmd and mangosd communicate on? Im talking to the hosting company about it at the moment EDIT: Yes its started properly, its wierd because it just happens It might be on server crash, but im not sure, and the realmflags are 64 (online flag) Just some misc info: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-emulator-servers/wow-emu-guides-tutorials/289122-guide-workaround-blank-realm-list-mangos.html http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-emulator-servers/wow-emu-questions-requests/331508-no-realmlist.html Im looking everywhere, but cannot understand what the problem can be
  11. Actually i "stole" this from you stfx, so all creds to you =)
  12. Thing is, that i didnt go from lenny to squeeze, i were running squueze before aswell, and i recompiled the core and realmserver again, even deleted the "build dir" and "recmaked" but anyways, i did a reset and went back to the previous setup and it worked ^^, Thanks anyways for the replies, tho it would be fun if we could come to a conclusion about what is was that caused it =)
  13. Im not sure about master tbh, if you have time check trinitycores, they probably have it correctly set
  14. Its hosted on http://glesys.com (vps) anyways, i created a new server and made everything (exept dist upgrade) and it all worked fine again EDIT: And since i still could ssh into it and authenticate the user, it was no port problem 4 sure
  15. Hey guys, feels kinda awkward to ask this question... But the realm entry have dissapeared. It is very strange, tho i think it could have been after a apt-get dist-upgrade. But im not sure I have tested alot of ports, from 8085 to 8129 (not all in the range but a few) i have tested to insert both my domain name and the server ip address into the realmlist table. This is how the table looks id name address port icon realmflags timezone allowedsecuritylevel population realmbuilds 1 KalimdorGaming 8129 1 64 2 0 0,002 5875 6005 RealmID = 1 DataDir = "../etc" LogsDir = "" LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;server;server;realmd" WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;server;server;mangos" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;server;server;char" LoginDatabaseConnections = 1 WorldDatabaseConnections = 1 CharacterDatabaseConnections = 1 MaxPingTime = 30 WorldServerPort = 8129 BindIP = "" When i used a online portscanner is said that the port 8085 8129 etc... were unaccessible, even if i do not have any firewall/iptables installed. And some players can still log onto the server with some kind of cache or something which ports them directly to the worldserver. If you need any more information, just tell me i will provide it EDIT: Just wanna add this: MySQL client library: 5.1.49 MySQL server ver: 5.1.49-3 Added realm "KalimdorGaming" WORLD: World initialized SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 2 seconds Max allowed socket connections 1024 Starting up anti-freeze thread (15 seconds max stuck time)... Thanks in advance - LilleCarl
  16. Bump, i pretty much would kill for this tiny little system!
  17. Im trying to create a "Pet Creator NPC", so i got this code piece here: (Stolen from Spelleffects.cpp with a few edits so it compiles) bool GossipSelect_beast_master(Player *pPlayer, Creature *pCreature, uint32 sender, uint32 action) { if (pPlayer->getClass() == CLASS_HUNTER) { ChatHandler(pPlayer->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Right after if (pPlayer->getClass() == CLASS_HUNTER)"); Creature *creatureTarget = ChatHandler(pPlayer->GetSession()).getSelectedCreature(); Pet* pPet = new Pet(HUNTER_PET); if(!pPet->CreateBaseAtCreature(creatureTarget)) { delete pPet; return false; } pPet->SetOwnerGuid(pPlayer->GetObjectGuid()); pPet->SetCreatorGuid(pPlayer->GetObjectGuid()); pPet->setFaction(pPlayer->getFaction()); pPet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_CREATED_BY_SPELL, 13481); if (pPlayer->IsPvP()) pPet->SetPvP(true); if (!pPet->InitStatsForLevel(creatureTarget->getLevel())) { sLog.outError("Pet::InitStatsForLevel() failed for creature (Entry: %u)!",creatureTarget->GetEntry()); delete pPet; return false; } pPet->GetCharmInfo()->SetPetNumber(sObjectMgr.GeneratePetNumber(), true); // this enables pet details window (Shift+P) pPet->AIM_Initialize(); pPet->InitPetCreateSpells(); pPet->SetHealth(pPet->GetMaxHealth()); // "kill" original creature creatureTarget->ForcedDespawn(); // prepare visual effect for levelup pPet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL,creatureTarget->getLevel()-1); // add to world pPet->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)pPet); // visual effect for levelup pPet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL,creatureTarget->getLevel()); // caster have pet now pPlayer->SetPet(pPet); pPet->SavePetToDB(PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT); pPlayer->PetSpellInitialize(); } return true; } And when i try to compile it, i get this linker errors: 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Map::Add<class Creature>(class Creature *)" (??$Add@VCreature@@@Map@@QAEXPAVCreature@@@Z) referenced in function "bool __cdecl GossipSelect_beast_master(class Player *,class Creature *,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?GossipSelect_beast_master@@YA_NPAVPlayer@@PAVCreature@@II@Z) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CharmInfo::SetPetNumber(unsigned int,bool)" (?SetPetNumber@CharmInfo@@QAEXI_N@Z) referenced in function "bool __cdecl GossipSelect_beast_master(class Player *,class Creature *,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?GossipSelect_beast_master@@YA_NPAVPlayer@@PAVCreature@@II@Z) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl Log::outError(char const *,...)" (?outError@Log@@QAAXPBDZZ) referenced in function "bool __cdecl GossipSelect_beast_master(class Player *,class Creature *,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?GossipSelect_beast_master@@YA_NPAVPlayer@@PAVCreature@@II@Z) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: unsigned int __thiscall IdGenerator<unsigned int>::Generate(void)" (?Generate@?$IdGenerator@I@@QAEIXZ) referenced in function "public: unsigned int __thiscall ObjectMgr::GeneratePetNumber(void)" (?GeneratePetNumber@ObjectMgr@@QAEIXZ) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static bool MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_destroyed" (?si_destroyed@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0_NA) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class ObjectMgr * MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_instance" (?si_instance@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0PAVObjectMgr@@A) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr(void)" (??0ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: static class ObjectMgr * __cdecl MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>::Create(void)" (?Create@?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@SAPAVObjectMgr@@XZ) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::~ObjectMgr(void)" (??1ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void * __thiscall ObjectMgr::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_GObjectMgr@@QAEPAXI@Z) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static bool MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::si_destroyed" (?si_destroyed@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0_NA) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class Log * MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::si_instance" (?si_instance@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0PAVLog@@A) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: __thiscall Log::Log(void)" (??0Log@@AAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: static class Log * __cdecl MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>::Create(void)" (?Create@?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@SAPAVLog@@XZ) 1>..\\..\\..\\..\\bin\\win32_release/mangosscript.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 11 unresolved externals And the sad part about this is that, however much i read on MSDN and forums, i do not understand anything! I would atleast want a hint in the correct direction, because i really wanna learn how you fix those linker errors, they have been a mess before. I mean the outlog calls can just be removed, but adding the pet to the world etc.. is pretty much needed. EDIT: Solved a few now by changing: struct CharmInfo into struct MANGOS_DLL_SPEC CharmInfo EDIT2: Solved even another by changing: class IdGenerator into class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC IdGenerator Those left: 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Map::Add<class Creature>(class Creature *)" (??$Add@VCreature@@@Map@@QAEXPAVCreature@@@Z) referenced in function "bool __cdecl GossipSelect_beast_master(class Player *,class Creature *,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?GossipSelect_beast_master@@YA_NPAVPlayer@@PAVCreature@@II@Z) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static bool MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_destroyed" (?si_destroyed@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0_NA) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class ObjectMgr * MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_instance" (?si_instance@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0PAVObjectMgr@@A) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr(void)" (??0ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: static class ObjectMgr * __cdecl MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>::Create(void)" (?Create@?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@SAPAVObjectMgr@@XZ) 1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::~ObjectMgr(void)" (??1ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void * __thiscall ObjectMgr::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_GObjectMgr@@QAEPAXI@Z) 1>..\\..\\..\\..\\bin\\win32_release/mangosscript.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals EDIT: I fixed it by creating a function in player.cpp containing the code instead and call it from the script, it works. But it surely is not the "correct way" in my opinion, so i would like to know how you fix the linker errors still =) Thanks in advance - Carl
  18. Yes, if you follow all steps (but edit to your paths) it will start up the server on boot and restart the server on shutdown's/crashes etc...
  19. This might help you. http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_MaNGOS_On_Linux_Debian_Squeeze#Starting_the_Server Will work on ubuntu aswell
  20. Feels like mangos is going downwards.....
  21. It was a long time since he left... TOM_RUS is managing this now
  22. Yes it is precompiled and requires this runtime, but what is it to fight about when you can recompile it yourself with the project files included? =)
  23. I passed out around 22:00 and woke up again around 03:00, ermh... Happy new year i suppose
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