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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. First of all, 255 is something everyone on this forum probably hates 255 servers. But in battleground_template you can raise the max level to 255. If that doesnt work then "idk"
  2. It might be as easy as that you have a old version of cmake, else i aint sure.
  3. you have to put uint32 xprate; in the player class (in player.h) aswell
  4. Great ^^, Tell us here if you need any more help, ill assist you trough this =)
  5. uint32 xprate = 1; should be in the player.cpp file inside here: Player::Player (WorldSession *session): Unit(), m_mover(this), m_camera(this), m_reputationMgr(this) { And what we are doing atm, is writing our own xp rate system, do you want this to save to the database or just be modified by a command?
  6. Cool, too bad i do not play retail then
  7. How does the soap authentication work? Tho my personal choise regarding mail sending would be to implent the external mail patch ^^,
  8. http://www.geckotribe.com/php-telnet/ If you are thinking about coding a webpage that might be useful, otherwise the authentication is made with the ingame accounts, and in the config you choose what gmlevel is needed on the account to be able to log on etc....
  9. Ask Eternal WoW, they support 255. Mangos does not
  10. This is like asking someone "How do i cook food". All food is different, so are the spells. I cannot tell you anything else then, keep on trying
  11. You instead create a new integral value in the player class with a default value of 1 uint32 xprate = 1; Then inside the void Player::GiveXP(uint32 xp, Unit* victim) function you add this: xp = xp*xprate; (in the beginning would probably be fine) Then you create a chat command to set the players xprate value. That should be it, if you need more help, then reply here again! And remember, the goal is to learn!
  12. Is that a joke? The bandwidth per player is a few kilobits/sec MAXIMUM; usually they will probably use far less. A 150Mbit/sec connection is easily enough for tens of thousands of players. Also unload timers only affects CPU/memory usage. Has no effect on bandwidth. IF you could read you would see that i did type about the memory use aswell, about the traffic usage i can tell you that i were participating in a low pop server (5-50)24/7, and it used about 250 mb in both directions on more then a week. Arrogant!
  13. Dafuq? What are you guys talking about ?
  14. Working now! 100% bool ChatHandler::HandleWarpCommand(char* args) { // Based on a concept by Pwntzyou if (!*args) return false; Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer(); char* arg1 = strtok((char*)args, " "); char* arg2 = strtok(NULL, " "); if (! arg1) return false; if (! arg2) return false; char dir = arg1[0]; int value = (int)atoi(arg2); float x = _player->GetPositionX(); float y = _player->GetPositionY(); float z = _player->GetPositionZ(); float o = _player->GetOrientation(); uint32 mapid = _player->GetMapId(); PSendSysMessage("Value is: %i",value); switch (dir) { case 'x': { float xx = x + cosf(o)*value; float xy = y + sinf(o)*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, xx, xy, z, o); } break; case 'y': { float yx = x + cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value; float yy = y + sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, yx, yy, z, o); } break; case 'z': { _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z + value, o); } break; case 'o': { o = o - (value * M_PI / 180.0f); if (o < 0.0f) o += value * M_PI; else if (o > 2* M_PI) o -= value * M_PI; _player->TeleportTo(mapid,x,y,z,o); } break; } return true; }
  15. The subname of a npcs is stored in creature_template
  16. Well, im not sure about the ingame command, did you change in the database? Because that is where you change the name "for ever" i do not thing the gamemaster command changes the database info, which means when you restart the server it is reset again =)
  17. There are a folder inside the actual wow folder:)
  18. Restart the server, close your wow. Clean/remove che cache
  19. http://getmangos.eu/wiki/World_Structure read there
  20. That is because something is heavily messed up, you should uninstall mysql and remove all data files (on debian you can apt-get purge mysql-server) and then reinstall it and start from scratch, if you want live support i can assist you with that =)
  21. Thing is, stuff might be updated. You might need to update the database from the update folders in the mangos repo
  22. You can check the database for entrys and see if there are any content, as the first step. There should be no problem at all with it:)
  23. 1: Depends on packet compression and if nagle is enabled. Memory depends on where the players are located and what your "unload timers" are on, but calculate on a startup base of 150mb and each player 1-2 mb just to get a hint. 2: You can create custom items, but that is not recommended. Since you have to modify the game client to make it work. 3: Mmaps means movement maps, which means that the server calculates a path for creatures/charge etc... to follow, instead of going trough walls and air.
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