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Bug Comments posted by Chucksta

  1. Oo, I've not been to Tanaris for a while!

    To Tanaris we go, and don't spare the horses!!!!!


    [QUOTE]How & Where:
    To get this chest or quest, you will have to kill pirates East of Tanaris. These pirates are the ones you kill for Steamweedle Port quests, and their location is on the East side of Caverns of Time.

    Items required:
    To get the items for the quest, you will have to keep killing the pirates until a Pirate's Footlocker. It has a 3.9% drop rate, these Footlockers will give you map fragments, depending on your luck, you may get Lower Map Fragment OR Middle Map Fragment OR Upper Map Fragmentwhich will combine by right clicking one of them into Cuergo's Treasure Map.

    Right clicking this Quest Item will begin this quest: Cuergo's Gold

    For this Quest, you will need to venture all the way south of Tanaris, you will need to swim along the coast and mountains for abit, before reaching the EXACT PLACE where you can get your Cuergo's Hidden Treasure.[/QUOTE]

    [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=9252"]Lower map fragment[/URL]

    [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=9253"]Middle map fragment[/URL]

    [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=9251"]Upper map fragment[/URL]

    Reward for this quest ([B]item_template[/B]: 9275):



    [SIZE=3][B]Confirmed![/B][/SIZE] When you interact with the Inconspicuous Landmark, nothing happens.

    Inconspicuous Landmark
    [B]gameobject_template [/B]Entry 142189


    The Inconspicuous Landmark may have the wrong object type ([B]gameobject_template [/B][B][COLOR="#800080"]type[/COLOR][/B] field): [url]https://github.com/cmangos/issues/wiki/gameobject_template[/url]

    I'll look into this further later... neeeeeeeed caffeine hit!!!

    A quick look, and the Type is fine. All settings appear to be correct. It just needs to have a script assigned to it (coded up) to spawn the sailor boys ;)

  2. [SIZE=3]*****[B][COLOR="#FF0000"] Table of creatures and associated SQL scripts[/COLOR][/B]*****[/SIZE]

    [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: center"]
    [td][B][SIZE=3]Current Creature[/SIZE][/B][/td]
    [td][B][SIZE=3]Correct Creature[/SIZE][/B][/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]No creature[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]No creature[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Smolderthorn Berserker[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Spirestone Warlord[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Spirestone Warlord[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Smolderthorn Berserker[/td]
    [td]Rage Talon Flamescale[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Veteran[/td]
    [td]Rage Talon Flamescale[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Evoker[/td]
    [td]4.35 [/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Spirestone Warlord[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Smolderthorn Berserker[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Smolderthorn Berserker[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Evoker[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Veteran[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Evoker[/td]
    [td]Rage Talon Flamescale[/td]
    [td]Smolderthorn Berserker[/td]
    [td]Rage Talon Flamescale[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Raider[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Whelp[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Worg[/td]
    [td]Chromatic Dragonspawn[/td]
    [td]Bloodaxe Evoker[/td]


    [B]-- Delete unwanted creatures[/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature WHERE guid IN (45813, 45814);[/COLOR][/B]

    [B]-- Replace incorrect creatures with the correct ones[/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9268, modelid = 7803, curhealth = 8355 WHERE guid = 45816;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9216, modelid = 11582, curhealth = 13936 WHERE guid = 45815;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9216, modelid = 11582, curhealth = 13936, orientation = 1.346 WHERE guid = 45809;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9268, modelid = 7803, curhealth = 8355, position_x = -64.069, position_y = -480.389, position_z = 77.914, orientation = 6.275 WHERE guid = 45817;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9583, modelid = 9633, curhealth = 8569, position_x = -58.001, position_y = -480.241, position_z = 77.914, orientation = 3.18 WHERE guid = 45760;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9693, modelid = 9625, curhealth = 6893, curmana = 2289, position_x = -61.127, position_y = -474.629, position_z = 77.914, orientation = 4.35 WHERE guid = 45761;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9216, modelid = 11582, curhealth = 13936, position_x = -75.999, position_y = -515.288, position_z = 80.924, orientation = 3.125 WHERE guid = 45811;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9268, modelid = 7803, curhealth = 8355, position_x = -83.476, position_y =-515.33, position_z = 81.578, orientation = 6.192 WHERE guid = 45821;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9693, modelid = 9625, curhealth = 6893, curmana = 2289, position_x = -37.378, position_y =-501.373, position_z = 79.999, orientation = 2.252 WHERE guid = 45810;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9693, modelid = 9625, curhealth = 6893, curmana = 2289, position_x = -79.694, position_y =-510.697, position_z = 80.464, orientation = 4.7 WHERE guid = 45819;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9583, modelid = 9633, curhealth = 8569, position_x = -46.917, position_y = -516.565, position_z = 88.245, orientation = 3.804 WHERE guid = 45812;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9693, modelid = 9625, curhealth = 6893, curmana = 2289, position_x = -48.936, position_y = -515.33, position_z = 88.293, orientation = 4.786 WHERE guid = 45822;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9268, modelid = 7803, curhealth = 8355, position_x = -49.719, position_y = -519.474, position_z = 87.595, orientation = 1.028 WHERE guid = 45759;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9692, modelid = 9602, curhealth = 8227, position_x = -40.012, position_y = -519.474, position_z = 87.546, orientation = 2.685 WHERE guid = 45758;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9696, modelid = 741, curhealth = 2660, position_x = -41.648, position_y = -525.099, position_z = 87.115, orientation = 2.622 WHERE guid = 45818;[/COLOR][/B]

    [B]-- Overlord Wyrmthalak corrected position and orientation[/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET position_x = -24.533, position_y = -486.672, position_z = 90.633, orientation = 3.87 WHERE guid = 45757;[/COLOR][/B]

    [B]-- Patrolling Smolderthorn Berserker[/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET id = 9268, modelid = 7803, curhealth = 8355, position_x = -41.031, position_y = -514.179, position_z = 88.564, orientation = 4.205, MovementType = 2 WHERE guid = 45820;[/COLOR][/B]
    [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_movement WHERE id = 45820;
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 1, -41.031502, -514.179016, 88.564003, '5000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '4.205', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 2, -47.218548, -523.655396, 87.124512, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 3, -51.244236, -527.463501, 85.626396, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 4, -57.651527, -528.472656, 84.152359, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 5, -74.393326, -524.992676, 82.137222, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 6, -78.573311, -522.337830, 82.403702, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 7, -82.644424, -507.925446, 80.220604, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 8, -81.849724, -494.280884, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 9, -79.042076, -489.494568, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 10, -59.774261, -487.756592, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 11, -50.267139, -490.083221, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 12, -40.455597, -498.022491, 79.569664, '10000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5.725', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 13, -50.267139, -490.083221, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 14, -59.774261, -487.756592, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 15, -79.042076, -489.494568, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 16, -81.849724, -494.280884, 77.915787, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 17, -82.644424, -507.925446, 80.220604, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 18, -78.573311, -522.337830, 82.403702, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 19, -74.393326, -524.992676, 82.137222, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 20, -57.651527, -528.472656, 84.152359, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 21, -51.244236, -527.463501, 85.626396, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 22, -47.218548, -523.655396, 87.124512, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES (45820, 23, -41.031502, -514.179016, 88.564003, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');[/COLOR][/B]

    [B]The above SQL scripts tested and working:[/B]


  3. Confirmed, those mobs should not be there; the ones that should be there are a mix of Bloodaxe Orcs and Spirestone Ogres, as far as I can tell.

    I'll check some images and vids and replace the current mobs with the correct ones.

    A good example of what should be there (right at the end of the vid):

    I'll make a list/table of the current mobs and the mobs that should be there...

  4. Rochet: [QUOTE]need to change nullptr probably to NULL
    [14:23:35] Rochet2: nullptr is a c++11 definition from what I recall
    [14:23:40] Rochet2: (keyword)[/QUOTE]

    This fixed the issue, but the correction needs to be made in two files:

    LFGHandler.cpp - 1 occurrence of nullptr
    LFGMgr.cpp - many occurrences of nullptr

    change nullptr to NULL, as Rochet says.

    Someone else can test this further (running server), as I do not have Two set up on my machines, and I am too affected by the recent merry making to be able to face much more computer time :D

  5. I just got back from helping a friend move house. A few days of insanity, finishing with a good many drinks :)

    I'll test this again tomorrow with a nice fresh and non affected head :)

    The DB scripts (above) and Eluna and SD2 scripts are in place (ready for PR'ing) to make this work , but the last time I looked at this there were issues with the spawning and despawning opf the plants. I'm not certain, but Foereaper may have sorted it. My memory is too fried to remember.

  6. It does not look like these mobs are supposed to say anything.

    Looking at the other Witherbark creatures in the database, none of them say anything, and looking on line I could find no mention of what the axe throwers say.

    The Witherbark Axe Throwers have been set to say these remarks when aggro'd.

    Table [B]creature_ai_scripts[/B], ID 255402 defines this event (aggro) and chooses to have the creature say either

    "More bones to gnaw on!" or "Grrr... Fresh meat!"

    These are located in the [B]creature_ai_text[/B] table:

    Entry: -5 "More bones to gnaw on!"
    Entry: -6 "Grrr... Fresh meat!"

    and are Gnoll comments.

    I recommend removing the aggro event for this creature. It does nothing other than say those comments, and I cannot locate what they should say if anything at all.

  7. [quote=Goullio]Hey, i have been looking at the different quest levels as well in the lower level area's (example: Northshire abbey, Zone 9). It seems that more quests do not have the right level. For example i checked the "Brotherhood of Thieves" quest has in the SQLyog Req 2, Lvl 4. At Wowhead/Wowwiki - revivions before Oct 2009, it is lvl Req 1 and Lvl 4. So it means there are structural wrong entries. The however the Vanilla Db AoWoW does say req 2, lvl 4.

    Which source does Mangos rely on?[/quote]

    Good point, I'd better check. I've been going by vanillagaming.org

    There are a lot of quests with the wrong level entries, especially MinLevel.

    I'd better stop this until I find out what source was used to put the quests together :)

  8. [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=4]ALL RESOLVED NOW[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

    The spawn in the sky only actually happens on my system!!! Damn gremlins :mad:

    Foereaper tested the egg spawning and it worked exactly as it should :rolleyes: :p


    As you can see, Foereeper himself, a typical Norwegian, long pointy ears and blue skin, with the egg spawned on the ground :eek: :confused: ;)

    Joking aside, Foereader spent quite a bit of time testing it, just to be sure, so I thankee :D

    Everything can stay as it currently is. No need to change or add scripts, Eluna or SD2.

  9. .gob command

    This uses the following to spawn a game object:

    [B]File:[/B] Level2.cpp
    [B]Function:[/B] HandleGameObjectAddCommand( )
    line 1060 onwards

    // spawn go
    bool ChatHandler::HandleGameObjectAddCommand(char* args)

    I need to compare that with the SummonGameObject( ) function.


    [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]SOLVED[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] (ish)
    You need to acquire the player characters's coordinates and spawn the game object there. use pPlayer/player not pCreature/creature

  10. [quote=Xenithar]Well thanks! Now here comes something I did not think of. I do intend on using just SD2 in the long-run (when Zero is 100% perfect and we're on One or Two), but I use both so I can report any issues with either. Due to this, how will this quest be handled since it is handled in SD2 AND Eluna? Will SD2 or Eluna take lead? Will they both fire? What about the situation where say SD2 kicks off the quest but for some reason I turn it in and Eluna handles the turn-in?[/quote]

    When intending to use SD2, you'll need to move the contents of the [B]lua_scripts[/B] folder elsewhere. Then back again when testing the Eluna scripts.

    [B]lua_scripts[/B] folder location, e.g.
    My [B]lua_scripts[/B] folder is in the directory path:

    ELUNA script for the Cluck! quest

    I forgot that Eluna overrides SD2 completely!!!

    [B][COLOR="#800080"]I will have to script the entire quest in Eluna[/COLOR][/B], not just the OnQuestReward part, otherwise the emotes are not required (/chicken /cheer).

    Which gives me a little issue of no easy means to remove and set the QUEST GIVER status of the chicken, but Rochet has said how this needs to be done. Nothing simple, though.



    I'm not happy with that. Further testing at different locations, and the egg appears at different heights - surface level, partially buried, 2 or 3 cm's above the ground!
    I'll take a look at how the GM command .gob achieves the spawning of game objects, as that is perfect every time!

    [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]SOLVED[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] (ish)
    You need to acquire the player characters's coordinates and spawn the game object there. use pPlayer/player not pCreature/creature

  11. [B][SIZE=4][COLOR="#008000"]SD2 SCRIPT FIX[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

    [B]File[/B]: npcs_special.cpp
    [B]Locatation[/B]: server/src/modules/SD2/scripts/world

    There is actually a QuestRewarded event/function written already; it just needed changing, plus a change required in the database.

    bool QuestRewarded_npc_chicken_cluck(Player* /*pPlayer*/, Creature* pCreature, const Quest* pQuest)
    if (pQuest->GetQuestId() == QUEST_CLUCK)
    if (npc_chicken_cluckAI* pChickenAI = dynamic_cast(pCreature->AI()))

    return true;

    [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]NEW/FIXED FUNCTION[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] plus related code
    // EGG and TimeTillDespawn are new, QUEST_CLUCK already exists in the script (along with other definitions)
    QUEST_CLUCK = 3861, // this is already in the script
    EGG = 161513, // Egg (Farm Chicken Egg, Entry 161513)
    TimeTillDespawn = 60 // despawn after 60 seconds

    // This function is already in the code, but the contents of the function has been changed
    bool QuestRewarded_npc_chicken_cluck(Player* /*pPlayer*/, Creature* pCreature, const Quest* pQuest)
    if (pQuest->GetQuestId() == QUEST_CLUCK)
    float x = pPlayer->GetPositionX();
    float y = pPlayer->GetPositionY();
    float z = pPlayer->GetPositionZ();
    z -= 1.9; // ensures spawning of egg at ground surface level
    // spawn the egg
    GameObject* goEgg = pCreature->SummonGameObject(EGG, x, y, z, 0, TimeTillDespawn); // note despawn time does not work at present, so...
    return true;

    void AddSC_npcs_special()

    // Registering the event - this is already in the code/script
    pNewScript = new Script;
    pNewScript->Name = "npc_chicken_cluck";
    pNewScript->pQuestRewardedNPC = &QuestRewarded_npc_chicken_cluck;



    –- remove the spawning of the egg (13563) from the database
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET RewSpellCast=0 WHERE entry=3861;[/COLOR]


    The above has been tested and works on my current set up, but I now need to test this on a freshly cloned database, just to be sure it is working. Then I'll PR the SD2 script and the SQL script+DB core change.

  12. I have created an Eluna script for the OnQuestReward event, which spawns the egg at ground surface level. I will do the same in SD2 ( /wink @ Xenithar).


    local Chicken = {
    QuestId_Cluck = 3861,
    FarmChickenEgg = 161513,
    NPC_ID = 620,
    TimeTillDespawn = 60

    function Chicken.OnQuestReward(event, player, creature, quest)
    if (quest:GetId() == Chicken.QuestId_Cluck) then
    local x, y, z = player:GetLocation();
    z = z - 1.85; -- adjustment made in order to force the spawning at ground surface level
    creature:SummonGameObject(Chicken.FarmChickenEgg, x, y, z, 0, TimeTillDespawn);

    RegisterCreatureEvent(Chicken.NPC_ID, 34, Chicken.OnQuestReward)

    I have also PR'd an SQL fix for the size of the egg, as it is currently about 2/3 the height of a human!

  13. "Mograine's corpse slides to my mom and owns her"

    ROFL, that gave me a visual straight out of Supernatural!!! Mograine exiting the computer screen to go after your mother, LOL

    Damn, this looks like an interesting one, but I am way too busy at the moment to look at it :(

    Good luck :D

  14. Moved these to here for now. I will start building the list a zone at a time. These ones were listed as MinLevel 1 quests in the database.

    -- Thunderbrew Lager
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=117[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=13 WHERE entry=117;[/COLOR]

    -- The Stolen Journal
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=218[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=2 WHERE entry=218;[/COLOR]

    -- Senir's Observations
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=282[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=3 WHERE entry=282;[/COLOR]

    -- Distracting Jarven
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=308[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=6 WHERE entry=308;[/COLOR]

    -- Senir's Observations
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=420[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=4 WHERE entry=420;[/COLOR]

    -- Saving Yenniku
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=592[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=41 WHERE entry=592;[/COLOR]

    -- Filling The Soul Gem
    -- [url]http://www.wowwiki.com/Quest:Filling_the_Soul_Gem[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=41 WHERE entry=593;[/COLOR]

    -- Vile Familiars
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=1499[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=2 WHERE entry=1499;[/COLOR]

    -- Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei
    -- [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=7383[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET QuestLevel=9 WHERE entry=7383;[/COLOR]

    -- Arena Master
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7810[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=39 WHERE entry=7810;[/COLOR]

    -- Arena Master
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7838[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=34, QuestLevel = 45 WHERE entry=7838;[/COLOR]

    -- Carnival Boots
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7881[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=55 WHERE entry=7881;[/COLOR]

    -- Coarse Weightstone
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7889[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=58 WHERE entry=7889;[/COLOR]

    -- Small Furry Paws
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7899[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET MinLevel=58 WHERE entry=7899;[/COLOR]

    -- Spawn of Jubjub
    -- [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=7946[/url]
    [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET QuestLevel=1 WHERE entry=7946;[/COLOR]

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