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Bug Comments posted by Chucksta

  1. Cabfever linked this in Skype:

    The comment by Kaiitothewai:

    They all have clickable gossip, trying to teach you the specialization of your choice, this should be removed.
    When you've completed the quest of your choice, on completion you should earn the skill that the quest provides[/QUOTE]

    Cabfever also said that Feenix server does have unlearning. ([B][COLOR="#FF0000"]EDIT:[/COLOR][/B] Oops, I meant to have entered "does NOT have". Sorry, cabfever)

    We need more input by people who believe they remember how this worked.

    I'm leaning towards unlearning not being part of Vanilla.

  2. Anyone know if these skills (Master Swordsmith / Axesmith / Hammersmith could actually be unlearned in Vanilla/Classic ?

    I cannot locate the spells that unlearn Master Swordmith/ Axesmith/ Hammersmith.

    In fact the file that contains the script (npc_professions) appears to be for a later version of the game. The plans that it removes when you unlearn a skill were all introduced in TBC!

    Hmm, these scripts need a proper going over.

    The issue I am having is that I am unable to find decent information on these master professions, and I have no experience of crafting professions, except for doing some tailoring :(

  3. Looking at this now :)

    Wrong spell IDs were used in the script (cabfever located the correct ones).

    Master Swordsmith: 17039
    Master Axesmith: 17040
    Master Hammersmith: 17041

    There are actually 2 spells for each skill, one appears to do the animation/effect, the other applies the skills (learn):

    Master Swordsmith: 17039
    Master Swordsmith: 17042 - animation/effect

    Master Axesmith: 17040
    Master Axesmith: 17043 - animation/effect

    Master Hammersmith: 17041
    Master Hammersmith: 17044 - animation/effect

    Data located in the Spell.dbc file, lines 13619 to 17044

  4. [B][COLOR="#008000"]Fixes completed[/COLOR][/B] :-)

    [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR]


    All have now been merged :D

  5. [quote=Olion]Finally:

    Thanks for that, matey :)

    My judgement was made on misinformation :(

    [quote=Olion]But FullDB/creature_template.sql is already changed to the wrong form...[/quote]

    The only way that could have happened, is if someone merged that into the core DB.

    The core DB has not had that applied to it.


    Actually, I had better put together a script for anyone who has applied this to their DB and does not want to install it all afresh.


    Odd, I can only find 12 creatures that have RenerateStats set to 3 on Zero, but on One there are nearly 4k.

  6. Oops, time for the a thorough thrashing, me thinks.

    I'll be waiting with nothing but my undercrackers on. You be sure to bring the thrashing tool of choice, plus plenty of salt.... ;)


    I backed up a copy of the database beforehand; knowing that this could highlight issues/problems/fubars and WTF situs..

    I now have the list of creatures that were set to 0 for regen. I'll PR the fix of the fix which was a mini fubar :D


    Fix has been fixed:


  7. [B][SIZE=3]Vanilla[/SIZE][/B]

    [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B]


    [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B]


    [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B]

  8. [quote=Xenithar]Just a silly question, but have you tried value 2 out? Normally 0 is for nothing, so combined with a positive value, it could screw up. Have you tried setting the type to 2 and a positive value?[/quote]

    Interesting, no I have not. I'll have a play.

    Somehow One works and uses the same code, so maybe 0 cannot be dealt with by the vanilla client.... maybe there is another way to pass it to the client?

    I'll laugh if 2 can be used for mana, lol

  9. [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]Job done![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

    Delay field = speed :)
    DPS is automatically calculated, which for some reason did not work on Zero. At least not visually.

    Images are from One (TBC)



    I reckon that'll be the closest I can get them to those images.

    I'll PR them tomorrow on Zero and One.

    Wrath and above will require the suicide ones.

  10. Martin Fury item working at it should (incl. correct image), MaNGOS One (TBC)


    And my toon showing what he thinks of the whole thing ;)

    That's using the same data as I used for Zero (SQL script posted in this thread).

    Gonna just check one more thing.

    Oh, and I upgraded to 1.12.2, but still had the issue, so it looks like we'll have to suffer it.

    Probably best not to include Mana on Zero ??????


    Final check: I compared the code between Zero and One, and they are the same, therefore it has to be the client that is bugged.

    Unless there is another official patch that fixes the spamming, the only other thing we could do is to hack it, but that would lead to legal issues, so nuts to that.

  11. [quote=Xenithar]DPS is cake. 1000 is 1sec, 500 is 0.5sec, 1500 is 1.5sec. I forget the column, but the DPS is in milliseconds.


    Also, if something is displayed many times (normally this would be mana), you have an invalid stat type in one of the ten stat type fields. The stats are NOT sequential. Hang on and I will list the stats for you.


    Here's the list of base stats.

    [*]Mana = 0
    [*]Health = 1
    [*]Agility = 3
    [*]Strength = 4
    [*]Intellect = 5
    [*]Spirit = 6
    [*]Stamina = 7

    ALso, there is MUCH more help in src/game/ItemPrototype.h for things including enchantments and triggers.[/quote]

    Thanks for the info :)

    After testing, I believe the fault to be with the client, as I monitored the server as it passed the stat data to the client. Whenever a batch of stats was passed that included Mana (0), that cocked up the item's tooltip display. All other stats worked fine.

    data passed to the client via:
    function WorldSession::HandleItemQuerySingleOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data)
    line 420
    The values in the [B]item_template[/B] table are all correct. Nothing amiss.

    Gonna try patching up the client. Right now I've got the first of the classic version supported by MaNGOS Zero.

  12. Very odd, if you start the list of stats for the item with 0 (mana) it totally fracks it up. I started the list with 4 (strength) and that worked fine, but of course the stat order will be wrong (re original image).

    It looks like, at some point, the decision of the number of stats was based on the contents of a field: StatsCount, but this was removed. Whatever it is doing now to decide on what stats are there, is now being borked by stat_type1 equaling zero.

    Will continue with this tomorrow... chill time, me thinks :D


    Note to self, this thread is related: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/developer-area-private-no-public-access-/10250-enums-matching-stats.html[/url]

    ItemProtoTypes.h, Player.cpp

  13. mangosd.conf "Living World" option
    - I seem to recall Antz saying it used 2gb of memory, which sounds good to me. Assuming dedicated machine is used.
    I need to test this out on my way crappy Linux server, which has 4 gig of ram!!! plus some totally sub standard processor (not even quad core!) :)

    Having a choice, one being what Talendrys says, would be excellent, especially for those who haven't got the resources to allow for a "Living World".

    Quote by Antz in a recent conversation, when he was explaining what "Living World" meant:
    "on my server, uses 2gb of memory"
    " LoadAllGridsOnMaps = "1,0" "

    I'm amazed I remembered that. My memory must be improving, lol

  14. :D Ignore the text, that's just me being silly. It won't be in the committed version :D

    I cannot figure out how to set the Speed and DPS. Tried a number of things, but no joy :-(

    Also, there seems to be an issue with the stat bonuses (mana, strength, etc). It's resulting in being displayed many times in the details of the item in the game client. As a result, it's not allowing anything else to show, such as the Armor, Resistance, Durabilty, Use, etc.

    I am/was looking at the core code related to adding items (as a starting point), but my copy of VS is playing up. Gonna switch to the Linux machine and cmake.


    Ah ha, they are artifacts - yellow colouring, nice one, Xenithar - re the links :)
    hmm, that does not appear to exist in Vanilla, or any yellow colouring. I'll leave it as is, for now.

  15. Yey, I have found the spell to kill all up to 30 yards (265) :)


    Now to finish that and Martin Thunder



    Just need to figure out how to set the DPS and speed! And how does it get that yellow text for the title (see original image) ?

  16. [quote=silent]// Boss explodes everything and resets - this happens if not all eggs are destroyed
    if (m_pInstance->GetData(TYPE_RAZORGORE) == IN_PROGRESS)
    uiDamage = 0;
    m_bEggsExploded = true;
    m_pInstance->SetData(TYPE_RAZORGORE, FAIL);
    DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature, SPELL_EXPLODE_ORB, CAST_TRIGGERED);

    i guess this is what is causing the players to be wiped and die,

    false alarm.[/quote]

    No problem :) It's always good to see people taking the time to query and report things :D

    I checked over the scripts and all looks good, just as you yourself realised :)

  17. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]QUERY 1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

    [COLOR="#B22222"]ERROR:Spell entry 29705, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`[/COLOR]

    This may be related to: [B]creature_addon[/B] table record:
    '1886', '0', '0', '1', '16', '0', '0', '29705'
    Do you think I am on the right track ?

    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]QUERY 2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

    [COLOR="#B22222"]Summoned pet (Entry: 1039) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 11614) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 2070) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 5806) not have pet stats data in DB
    Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB[/COLOR]

    These I believe are NPC pets, and it is complaining that they need to have entries in the [B]pet_levelstats [/B]table. I'm not totally sure, though.

    If that is the case, then each will require 60 records in that table!

    Is that why the error has occurred, and if so, do they [B]need [/B]to be represented in that table ?

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