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Posts posted by kbz

  1. ok, do this:

    roll a lock, throw some dots, and die.

    your DoTs kill the creature on its way back, you dont get no "Evade yellow text" and creature doesnt "regen health"

    i also got a retail vid (which is pretty famous actually... the hunter who soloed flame leviathan in ulduar.. his Pyrite DoT killed levi on his way back home)

    and actually you may be right and im mistaking the correct function... it may not be related to "enter evade mode" but reset on aggro table wipe? with no "selectable" targets

  2. *Mangos Version:


    *Custom Patches:

    none related

    *SD2 Version:

    ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10610+) Revision [2559] 2010-12-11 16:57:20 (Win64)

    *Database Name and Version :


    *How it SHOULD work:

    on offy, when a player dies, the creature enters some pseudo-evade mode in which they return to home position after which it's HP and powers are instantly set to full and all auras removed also at this point creature turns around and sets its orientation to spawn orientation

    this pseudo evade mode (running back home) is not considered a direct "enter evade mode" as NPC's auras are not removed (which means DoTs can make the creature die on it's way home)

    *How it DOES work:

    as soon as a player dies, the creature it was attacking (if there is no other selectable targets) enters evade mode, their health/powers get restored and all auras cleared and it doesnt turn around after hitting spawn position

  3. not sure if this should be put here as well, but since pathing is involved and all... on Live servers, creatures dont regen or clear auras till they reach home position once they hit that spot, all auras cleared and gain instantly full health... at least from my tests...

  4. (...)they are not attackable if target was unreachable and while target is unreachable

    Need help with stopping creature movement if evade timer enabled.(...)

    tested this behaviour on retail last night on my trial account (also saw a couple of vids)

    if the creature gets attacked when out of range and has ranged spells it will attack until it cannot attack anymore, if target gets out of range of its spells or gets out of mana/ammo, it enters evade mode inmmediately.

    also if main target (say.. tank) is unreachable it will evade (at least this is boss behaviour in instances)

  5. i believe multi-boss encounters like... "Blood Prince Council" "Iron Council" "Illidari Council" ? or I'm wrong?

    as for the "summoned boss" i believe the easy way to prevent that "reload" case is: not summon it but phase it in (if you know what im talking bout) have the "summoned mob" spawned by default, just phased out...

  6. (...)

    212    619    0    0        0    Ancien Nadox            0
    259    619    1    0        0    Ancien Nadox            0
    213    619    0    1000    1    Prince Taldaram            0
    260    619    1    1000    1    Prince Taldaram            0
    214    619    0    2000    2    Jedoga Cherchelombre    0
    261    619    1    2000    2    Jedoga Cherchelombre    0
    215    619    0    3000    3    Héraut Volazj            0
    262    619    1    3000    3    Amanitar                0
    263    619    1    4000    4    Héraut Volazj            0

    2e Field is map but don't know what is the first.

    Do you think there is missing boss in this dbc?

    first field goes in order (if you havent noticed b4) each boss has its own unique ID per difficulty, try grouping bosses by diff / map / order and you get a nice ordered boss UID

    u could add a column to creature_template on boss entries and match this ID and use it as "event message" to the LFG on kill

  7. continents can always be broke down into subzones (each map - zone) to reduce the "size of this data"

    What different 10K one data block form 10 of 1K data blocks? I not see any imporovment. All zones data unique and exist possible cross-zone used data.

    my idea was just to reduce the amount of code per zone to make it more "readable", indeed it wouldnt have that much of an impact considering it would be (in size) almost the same

  8. In fact if Ambal map's patch will completed will not many diffs in continent/instance maps.

    No any reasons not allow any map have instance data. Ofc, for continent main problem that state common for all players.

    And ofc expected size of this data.

    continents can always be broke down into subzones (each map - zone) to reduce the "size of this data"

    bout the second one, you can spawn an "Event controller" with eventAI script to make both NPCs spawn, always check for possible existance of this "controller"

    kill controller when stitches dies... most quest events and stuff is handled by triggers as well... its all about knowing where to do what (if EventAI cant handle this, then the event controller should have its own, independant script

  9. cyberium, about your implementation there's a couple of things (info i got from retail players)

    regarding patch 4.0.x (i believe this has been used before) to do some dungeons using the dungeon finder tool you must meet the dungeonfinder-instance-itemlevel requirements.

    the item-level of a player is calculated every time a player obtains a piece of gear or equips an item from his bag, note that this average will not lower when you unequip gear, it should be stored in DB and will always be the max-average of your gear, this is the system retail matches groups even for BGs (you dont usually do BGs with ppl with an "Extreme gear gap" compared to yours)

  10. even tho thats almost the same idea, in MaNGOS core there isnt something like "addtempspells" (even tho implementing that part isnt that hard), im just trying to do it the right way (however i could say code from trinity and my arent that different actually... maybe there isnt a better way to implement that?)

  11. Hello, fellow developers

    i started working on the implementation of aura 293 but im lacking data from live servers, could anyone help me with some data regarding this?

    spells that use this aura are:

    70877 - frenzied bloodthirst @ Blood-queen Lana'thel (Icecrown Citadel)

    66904 - Hammer of the Righteous @ Eadric the Pure (Trial of the Champion)

    if anyone could provide sniff data bout these spells would help me greatly

    im looking for a possible message from server->client which calls an action bar swap (i already mapped the abilities by reading an unused till now DBC)



  12. Ok but in your exemple, the LFG reward is send when Herald Volazj is killed only? Is this a normal functionality?

    In other word, what is the requirement to gain reward? Only kill final boss?

    I think all we need is in dungeonEncouters.

    For your exemple :

    212    619    0    0        0    Ancien Nadox            0
    259    619    1    0        0    Ancien Nadox            0
    213    619    0    1000    1    Prince Taldaram            0
    260    619    1    1000    1    Prince Taldaram            0
    214    619    0    2000    2    Jedoga Cherchelombre    0
    261    619    1    2000    2    Jedoga Cherchelombre    0
    215    619    0    3000    3    Héraut Volazj            0
    262    619    1    3000    3    Amanitar                0
    263    619    1    4000    4    Héraut Volazj            0


    note that last boss is not necesarily the one with the highest "4th column" even tho its almost always the case (except from Ulduar in which Algalon is after yogg)

  13. There's one restriction thing with the teleport: You can't use it in combat.

    Also are you going to implement the event queues? Some events that happen every year (or the pre-cataclysm one) have special entries. For example, a lvl 80 can see in Halloween

    - Specific Dungeons

    - Headless Horseman

    - Random Lich King Dungeon

    - Random Lich King Heroic Dungeon

    Or in the precataclysm events

    - Specific Dungeons

    - Kal'ju Gahz'rilla

    - Prince Sarsarun

    - Random Lich King Dungeon

    - Random Lich King Heroic Dungeon

    well, reding DBC is the easy way to find "what belongs to which category" in here

    from LFGDungeonGroup.dbc:

    5,"Wrath of the Lich King Heroic"
    4,"Wrath of the Lich King Normal"
    3,"Burning Crusade Heroic"
    2,"Burning Crusade Normal"
    1,"Classic Dungeons"
    9,"Wrath of the Lich King Raid (25)"
    8,"Wrath of the Lich King Raid (10)"
    7,"Burning Crusade Raid"
    6,"Classic Raid"
    11,"World Events"

    from LFGDungeons.dbc column 32 links them to one of the above groups, column 33 links a brief desc if event is linked to "World Events"

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