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Posts posted by kbz

  1. the Destructible model data can be easily read from DBC (models are stored in an actually unused DBC, namely DestructibleModelData.dbc)

    including display IDs (which may end up into a slight performance increase since reading from DBC > reading from DB)

    as for the authors, i mentioned they remain unknown and only taken base from a previous thread from this forum.

  2. Mangos Version:


    Custom Patches:

    Destructible Buildings

    SD2 Version:


    Database Name and Version :


    How it SHOULD work:

    when engaging combat ontop of a ship or any kind of gameobject (ships / Destructible buildings) mobs shouldnt fall under the "visible" texture

    for instance, using the .gps command at the frozen throne shows that FloorZ and GroundZ coords are 200 units below the actual Platform

    How it DOES work:

    when engaging combat on any kind of gameobject, the NPCs will fall through it to match FloorZ and / or GroundZ

    Possible missing feature is:

    include Gameobjects into height calculations since currently only static map elements (WMO) have this data

    Additonal Info:

    apparently this issue was caused by a commit from master ("prevent NPCs follow units not on their level") -> [10439] and [10438]

  3. (...)

    +    pImmage->SetMaxPower(POWER_MANA, creator->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA));
    +    pImmage->SetPower(POWER_MANA, creator->GetPower(POWER_MANA));
    +    pImmage->SetPvP(true);
    +    if (creator->IsPvP())
    +    {
    +      pImmage->SetPvP(true);
    +    }

    maybe you should initialize with SetPvP(creator->isPvP()) otherwise mirror image will always be PvP enabled :P

  4.    if (damagetype != DOT)
           if(pVictim != this)
           if(pVictim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && !pVictim->IsStandState() && !pVictim->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_STUNNED))

    is this a typo?

  5. im not so sure this can be tagged as "complicated action" but for instance in the Gunship Battle fight inside ICC, the "cannons" are vehicles, and there is something like "upon reaching 100 heat, the vehicle will be locked (unusable) for some seconds"

  6. heyz, is there a way to add functionality to the current "clean" MaNGOS by using this patch as source of "xxx Mind Control" (used my many NPCs)? im thinking something like Insane... it could be a major step :P

    PS: i havent read the whole thread so excuse me if this was already asked in here.

  7. This change is wrong. I have test it with the eye of acherus. Doesn't work with this change :D Without the change, it works

    Can't move with the eye with this change.

    Eye of acherus is technically a vehicle, so any kind of workaround on it is most likely to be incompatible anyways (due to lack of vehicle support)

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