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Bug Comments posted by antz

  1. By danielsreichenbach:

    For reference, there is [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Pyrewood_Village"]http://wowpedia.org/Pyrewood_Village[/URL] which describes the event a bit more, and [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Moonrage"]http://wowpedia.org/Moonrage[/URL] specifically dealing with the members of the cursed roaming Pyrewood

    danielsreichenbach referenced this issue from a commit
    - [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/database/commit/ced0fee0da1c288b142e30a2bb6640df03321e56"]Added a few hints for #122 to prepare a fix.… ced0fee[/URL]

    [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/server/issues/137"] Issue #137: NPCs of Pyrewood have no wolf state [/URL]

  2. By MadMax:


    Looking into this myself.

    The following have shields but lack swords:

    Stormwind Royal Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 1756 / GUID: 10527

    Stormwind Royal Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 1756 / GUID: 10528

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 12088

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79690

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79670

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79675

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 90438

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79814

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79807

    Stormwind City Patroller (Patrolling) - Entry:1976 / GUID: 79792
    This one patrols with a lantern in hand, I would think they should have the sword in ther belt.
    Also we need to explore removing the lantern during daytime since they currently still patrol with it lit during daylight,

    Stormwind City Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 68 / GUID: 79666

    Stormwind City Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 68 / GUID: 79689

    Stormwind City Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 68 / GUID: 79857

    Stormwind City Guard (Patrolling) - Entry: 68 / GUID: 79859

    Northshire Guard - Entry: 1642 / GUID: 79927

  3. By The-Great-Sephiroth:

    No problem, links are below. I resized the images from 1600x1200 to 800x600 for faster viewing. I have the originals if you want them in full size, however.


    Oh and as for undead size, a human-controlled Undead player comes up to the height of a female Tauren's breasts. Yes, let the motorboat puns commence...

  4. By Hikarii:

    I've some suggestions for the new system. I've read blizzards article about refer a friend and I've found that there are more conditions which are missing in the current system.

    •CONFIG_UINT32_RAF_MAXGRANTLEVEL should also affect CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_RAF_XP. Above the given level there will be no longer bonus xp.

    •CONFIG_UINT32_RAF_MAXGRANTLEVEL should also affect the summonig spell. players with level equal or lower than the value can be summoned. Above not.

    •If the level difference between the players ar bigger than 3 (former it was 4, which includes tbc), then only the lower one gain bonus xp the other gain normal xp.

    •You can only grant a level to a character which is below your own level.

    •The bonus xp of the refer a friend system should be shown in the combat log (like the rested bonus).

    These informations are from blizzards system for Mist of Pandaria. Whether this matchs the situation back in The Burning Crusade... I don't know.

  5. By Jotac0:

    so a bit detail: you mine copper ore, expected behavior : get copper ore and Rough Stone and continue playing
    what happens: the server crashes, and when it is backup you got nothing and ore vein gone, and does not come back

    how to reproduce: get a char, get mining skill, mine copper (or anything?)
    tried in Dun Morogh and in Elwynn Forest.

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