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About trimken

  • Birthday 12/08/1990

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  1. Stun spells (Polymorph, Sap, Fear, succubus Seduction and other) All stun spells are working wrong. Polymorph, Sap and other abilites are working on npc only 5-10 seconds.
  2. Polymorph (visual issue) When the Mage cast polymorph on a moving target(player), Caster(Mage) visual sees that target(player) continues to move in the same direction, but really the target(player) stands on the site. The player who polymorphed saw that he was standing. Polymorph working good only on npc and standing players. Tested on latest rev20 and dev21. Sorry for my bad English.
  3. The Spider God (QUEST)(SD2) fix [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2936"]The Spider God[/URL] File: go_scripts.cpp Locatation: server/src/modules/SD2/scripts/world [COLOR="#B22222"]AFTER:[/COLOR] bool GOUse_go_andorhal_tower(Player* pPlayer, GameObject* pGo) { if (pPlayer->GetQuestStatus(QUEST_ALL_ALONG_THE_WATCHTOWERS_ALLIANCE) == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE || pPlayer->GetQuestStatus(QUEST_ALL_ALONG_THE_WATCHTOWERS_HORDE) == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { uint32 uiKillCredit = 0; switch (pGo->GetEntry()) { case GO_ANDORHAL_TOWER_1: uiKillCredit = NPC_ANDORHAL_TOWER_1; break; case GO_ANDORHAL_TOWER_2: uiKillCredit = NPC_ANDORHAL_TOWER_2; break; case GO_ANDORHAL_TOWER_3: uiKillCredit = NPC_ANDORHAL_TOWER_3; break; case GO_ANDORHAL_TOWER_4: uiKillCredit = NPC_ANDORHAL_TOWER_4; break; } if (uiKillCredit) { pPlayer->KilledMonsterCredit(uiKillCredit); } } return true; } [COLOR="#006400"]ADD:[/COLOR] enum { GOSSIP_TABLE_THEKA = 1653, QUEST_SPIDER_GOD = 2936 }; bool GossipHelloGO_table_theka(Player* pPlayer, GameObject* pGo) override { if (pPlayer->GetQuestStatus(QUEST_SPIDER_GOD) == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) pPlayer->AreaExploredOrEventHappens(QUEST_SPIDER_GOD); pPlayer->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(GOSSIP_TABLE_THEKA, pGo->GetObjectGuid()); return true; } [COLOR="#B22222"]AFTER:[/COLOR] pNewScript = new Script; pNewScript->Name = "go_andorhal_tower"; pNewScript->pGOUse = &GOUse_go_andorhal_tower; pNewScript->RegisterSelf(); [COLOR="#006400"]ADD[/COLOR] pNewScript = new Script; pNewScript->Name = "go_table_theka"; pNewScript->pGossipHelloGO = &GossipHelloGO_table_theka; pNewScript->RegisterSelf(); [COLOR="#006400"]DATABASE:[/COLOR] UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_table_theka' WHERE entry=142715;
  4. Priest Bug Report Spells & Talents [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=586"]Fade[/URL] don't work [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=453"]Mind Soothe[/URL] - don't work. Target aggro to me, when i cast him this spell. [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=15407"]Mind fly [/URL] when use mind fly -> [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=15257"]Shadow Weaving [/URL] don't stackable [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=15257"]Shadow Weaving[/URL] & [URL="http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=2944"]Devouring Plague[/URL] replace each other
  5. If a friend and I are grouped and we killed mob, and loot system set - [B]free loot[/B], i and my friend can look loot. When loot system set - [B]group loot[/B] randomly only one of us can right-click the corpse and look loot. For example: we killed a mob, and loot for me inactive (I don't see pouch icon), for my friend loot active (he see pouch icon) and he can look loot. When my friend right-click the corpse and look loot, corpse of killed mob activate for me i see pouch icon and can look loot. If my friend don't look loot, nobody from party can look loot. other loot system working good. latest DB, R20
  6. Warlock receives soulshard in group, when he has master loot flag.
  7. Group loot doesnt work correctly Latest Rel20 Group loot doesnt work correctly. For example. Party have 5 people, when they kill any mob, only one of 5 person can loot... and after then this one of 5 person looting mob, other people in party can loot them too. free loot work correctly. Sorry for my bad english.
  8. I tested today, resting system not working in capital cities (rel20) I added screenshot
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