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Everything posted by Olion

  1. This disables the HP regeneration to the boss. The 40% of the full health is set by the SD3 script "boss_murmur" at reset, i.e. at spawn and evade. On the staging battle. Many SD3 scripts are extremely primitive (Murmur is unlucky too), just like the simplest combat EventAI. It looks like the battle must be there, and it would be nice to have it. However, a full instance recovery requires a laborious work of the both sides, testers and dev(s), together. The game balance must be restored above all. For example, I wonder why the present Murmur lacks an enrage spell to be casted usually at ~10th (or whatever) minute of the battle. Briefly, I'm not ready yet to create separate cosmetic patches for instance encounters. I consider it possible only since the substantial part of the encounters will be fixed.
  2. Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24
  3. Must be this, though an extensive testing is required. Especially the case of a mob having spells of different schools. The combat movement system looks unsatisfactory in the whole.
  4. Could you give here few examples of such creatures? To check a possible fix.
  5. Just realized that the project name is misguiding. If I understand correctly, this is an editor for documentation (description) of the packets, not for the packets itself. Also, you have no need to port C# code to Linux. There is the .NET port "mono", containing both the compilator and the execution medium for JIT binaries. I've executed the JIT binaries generated under Win by the VS for "any CPU", on a Linux system under mono with no issue.
  6. https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/74 The core update "Allow player demorph to DB script. Fire arrival event for the last node of player taxi path on CMSG_MOVE_SPLINE_DONE" is needed also for this to work.
  7. Changed Status to Completed Changed Version to 21.14 (Master Branch) Changed Implemented Version to 21.14 (Master Branch)
  8. The numeric data longer than 1 byte are represented in the big-endian form. The cores provide the conversion (if needed) by the ">>" and "<<" operators. Data formats Type Getting it in the core Description uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32 Direct conversion of numbers and enum members to the corresponding type, like uint8(SPELL_FAILED_DONT_REPORT) Signed and unsigned versions are interchangeable if the representation is correct. Boolean true/false are represented usually as uint8(1), uint8(0) respectively. uint64 (GUID) Object::GetObjectGuid() A 8-bytes value, see class ObjectGuid. It is used for nothing but GUIDs, so uint64(0) in the code should be changed to ObjectGuid(). PackedGUID Object::GetPackGUID(), ObjectGuid::ReadAsPacked() A GUID in the packed form can be 2 to 9 bytes long. A brief description is presented below. C string string::c_str() A zero-terminated sequence of characters. Read/write operators for string type ("<< string" so on) provide this conversion, making call to c_str() optional. Raw data ByteBuffer::contents(), BigNumber::AsByteArray() An arbitrary sequence of bytes, following the uint8, uint16, or uint32 field which stores the length of the sequence. A packed GUID consists of a flag byte followed by the GUID data. This is based on the 1:1 mapping of a bit of the flag byte to the byte in 8-bytes GUID. The flag byte contains only those bits set which correspond to the non-zero bytes of the full GUID. The packed GUID length varies from 2 bytes (the best case for a player with low GUID under 256) and 9 bytes (with the flag byte 0xFF followed by the full GUID). The most saving in size provide player GUIDs since any other GUID contains non-zero data in the highest bytes, at least in the 12 highest bits (see ObjectGuid class for details).
  9. Changed Status to Completed Here. Missed this bit, so consumed rage was calculated correctly, but the triggered Sunder Armor was not allowed at low rage.
  10. We need: an exact description of the Mangos core you're using (which means the core and DB version and, for a repack, the repack origin) a stack trace for the crash Without the info, we just cannot do anything.
  11. Changed Status to Confirmed PlayerBot is a module with functionality so nice that it never must be included even into the core for which it was designed specifically. Which probably was a WotLK version. The issue is about a wrong packet format assumed by the module. While it can be traced and fixed with some efforts, it would not suffice. I have at random checked handling of 3 (outgoing) SMSG packets in PlayerbotAI::HandleBotOutgoingPacket. Of these 3, mishandled (i.e. have wrong format assumed) are all 3. Thus, the present version cannot function properly. My best advice is: turn off the PlayerBot in Zero and forget about it existence. This is what have done most of the developers including me. If there is around a dev brave enough to try supporting this module, I could give him/her few hints on packet format. At first, the client-server interface part of the PlayerBot must be checked against the corresponding part(s) of Zero core.
  12. Olion

    Adding Waypoints

    GJ! I would like to add few remarks. All this is checked on Zero. ".wp show on" (this is the actual command to show the path) takes as an argument the (db) GUID of the mob, or else the mob must be selected ingame. The visual WPs are temporary summons and will cease in 5 minutes, so they're never added to the "world.creature" table. Nothing to worry about, ".wp show off" is optional. Subcommands "wp show first", "wp show last", "wp show info" can be useful too. Try "wp show info" with selected visual WP. Looking within the game at the first path as an example, SELECT * FROM creature_movement WHERE id=97 ORDER BY POINT ASC; we find it containing 3-5 times more WPs than is actually required for such a simple path. The necessary points are the ones with some actions defined (in this case, the first and the last ones having a wait time). Between these two ii is enough to have 2-3 other points. Remember that extra WPs add not only the server load, but also network traffic, so avoid it as much as possible. Please feel free to remove this comment when/if the most substantial parts of it will be incorporated in the main text.
  13. Changed Status to In Progress Changed Priority to High I can test it again only two days later. In between, didn't you miss this core commit? Your issue suggests you've overlooked this change.
  14. Changed Status to In Progress Changed Assigned to Olion Changed Priority to Low
  15. Indeed. This is because blizz relied on the gameobject casting in this encounter. The 5 spells involved do not complicate it further, so the simplest fix is evident. Just have to invent the Zeppelin Power Core's (shining blue crystals) behaviour based on the quest text.
  16. Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to New / Assign Priority
  17. Could you provide a video to this quest? It involves also Zeppelin Power Core GO (186396), so the question is how many are there such GOs and what they do (spawn/despawn) besides adding the Energized! aura to the nearby players.
  18. Changed Status to Cannot Reproduce Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to New / Assign Priority
  19. One can barely do anything helpful without the stack trace. Also, nobody is able to fix a code without reading it. The fragment cited above does not belong to contemporary Mangos (Zero, One, Two), it is rather a part of the TrinityCore.
  20. Changed Status to Completed
  21. Olion

    Extracting Game Data

    If you have Git installed, then you have the program able to execute Linux shell scripts. Start Git console, change directory (commands "cd" and "pwd" to check) to your client directory (where wow.exe file resides) and enter "./ExtractResources.sh" without quotes. But yes, this detail must be mentioned in the guide.
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