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Everything posted by easylife

  1. Last time I checked I thought it was fixed ? Back then when I reported this issue, those enemies would appear above the ground from time to time. That was no longer the case so I assumed everything was working flawlessly. I'm not on my personnal computer right now, but I was using the latest database provided for the develop21 branch. After checking right now the creature_template.sql file provided in the develop21 branch, I can confirm the inhabit type is good (2).
  2. Frost Nova doesn't always freeze (I'm currently using the develop21 branch). Frost Nova seems to not freeze all enemies with a 100% success rate. Enemies are supposed to be frozen as long as they didn't resist it. They still take the damage, but some of them don't get frozen. I've made a video showing the issue [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNjuTXvOonc[/url]
  3. any NPC will glitch around that spot near thunderbluff. I tried removing those that were buggy by other npcs already, and they just seem to struggle finding a path there. It's even possible to get them underground near the hill described in first post. Again, it's the only place I saw so far that produces this glitch.
  4. I rebuilt everything, and noticed in the end that I already had those tools. Rebuilding didn't fix the issue of the flying creatures near thunderbluff I pointed out in my first message. I didn't quite got your previous message because I didn't have those problems with the pets, so I guess you weren't up to date :) As I said enabling or disabling mmaps doesn't change anything, so I guess it has nothing to do with them. There's few places in the world where enemies act like this. I'd suggest watching it by yourselves. I'm not at all used to do the movement coding in mangos, although I'm working on it, so I can't do much right now :/
  5. Yes, mmaps are extracted and enabled, but I already tried disabling them, and the same bug occurs.
  6. Creatures near thunderbluff walk in the air Hi. I'm currently using the develop21 branch. Outside of thunderbluff, in a precise spot (.go -1443.5 275.6 11.0 1) , there's an adult plainstrider that seems to have trouble finding where the ground is on that hill. Same thing with the nearest Flatland Cougar (though you might have to pull it a bit to the hill where the plainstrider is). Everything works perfectly around thunderbluff besides monsters on that hill and around it, it's very weird (sometimes some monsters around that spot even through the ground and can still attack you). Problem with the maps ? I've extracted all the maps/vmaps with the latest extractor provided in the develop21 branch, and this is the only spot in the game I've come so far with such glitch.
  7. Muck Frenzy getting on ground in Fray Island Muck Frenzy enemies aren't supposed to get through the ground in Fray Island, since they are fishes. Their Inhabit_type in creature_template is wrong, but even by putting the right one it still glitches. Here's the location : .go -1679.3 -4328.96 3.58591 1
  8. [MMaps] Weird behavior Hi. Before I updated my core, when I enabled MMaps the paths taken by creatures and players were really good. Now that I'm using the latest mangos one core with latest mmaps, if I enable them, the warrior charge and even some creatures have a very weird behavior : - Wolves for example, if you shoot a fireball at them they'll always do a step back once hit, then move towards you. That didn't happen with my previous core (possibly 0.18 I guess?) - Same issue with the warrior charge, you'll always kind of " step back " before really rushing your target.
  9. [Bug] Anger Management not working properly and Muck Frenzy walking on ground Hi. Anger Management is not working properly, as it gives 1 rage every 3 seconds even while not in combat. Also, Muck Frenzy enemies located in Fray Island aren't supposed to get on the ground. I'm using latest mmaps, vmaps and maps and in the DB (creature_template), its InhabitType is wrong and must be set to 2. Still, Muck Frenzy can still clip through the bottom from time to time. EDIT : Nevermind the muck frenzy, I had a wrong database and I'm deeply sorry. They work perfectly as intended. My statement for Anger Management is true though.
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